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Starting a new Avatar: Things I recognized ...

Discussion in 'Release 67 QA Feedback' started by Paladin Michael, Jun 22, 2019.

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  1. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    Hello @Sannio, just my experience and how it feels to me:

    Equipping weapon.
    May be there could be a text, telling: you may take a weapon of your choice from your (i)nventory.
    Just drag it on your Character Sheet.

    2. First ENEMY near the commons bridge:
    Not knowing what to do, just waiting, auto attack is starting. May be an information, telling:
    'Auto attack starts immediately, after an enemy attacks you.
    By clicking 'z' you can open the Combat Hotbar and start attacking by yourself.'

    3. CHARLOTTE now has a dagger and fights against Undead. How likely is this?
    A young girl, full of fear, grabbing a dagger, fighting monsters? ;)

    Don't get me wrong: I am for information and telling basic abilities.
    But: again alot of text and keywords from the Automaton:
    root, skill, hotbar, key, train, job, rumors, name
    Please, just show the necessary keywords at this time :)
    No needs for asking about job, rumors, name

    Choosing the root skill:
    Now a player can buy alot of new skills, not even knowing, how they are working.

    Things which could sound confusing:
    A. Automaton tells: You must learn(!) the Root Skill.
    B. Task on screen says: Train the Rook Skill
    C. Mouse over tells: SBG-1907 gave you 100 gold coins to purchase the Root skill
    --> Where should I purchase? I am on a battle field ;)

    What the heck am I supposed to do now?
    How to learn? Where to purchase? So I can train it with this Automaton.

    Suggestions for improving:
    Don't bring in the training at this point. Time enough at the Outskirts.
    Just let player drag a skill to the Combat Hotbar. Enough for the moment to go on :)
    Player knows how to use skills and drag them to the (Combat) Hotbar.

    'Open your Skills (K) and drag the Skill to the Combat Hotbar - it appears while dragging the Skill'.

    --> Consider: At least one fight happened at that point!
    So, no reason to send player back the road to find another enemy and to click a skill.

    5. EDVARD:
    5.1 After talking to him and confirming we are ready to cross the bridge, the Dialogue box vanishes too fast, faster as someone could read the -important- information to not let him get too far away ...
    5.2 I was always close to him - but after 85% he run very fast back to his starting point.
    Well, he came back after a while!
    --> Why is the "go back to start" active? Can't we toggle it off for the intro???

    [EDITED: Just recognized from R67 QA Instructions!]
    So crossing the bridge is no longer a task together with Edvard?

    6. OUTSKIRTS, first Soldier
    Dialogue box starts with:
    I mustn't forget to meet Captain Kinsey in Solace Bridge Outskirts. You have been given a description of Captain Kinsey.
    Soldier: Greetings outlander .... .... ....
    You received an item (Leather Helm) from Soldier.

    --> Dialogue just starting and we are remembered not to forget what we will be told in a few seconds?
    Why not showing this behind the Dialogue?:

    Soldier: Greetings .... .... ....
    You received an item (Leather Helm) from Soldier. I mustn't forget to meet Captain Kinsey in Solace Bridge Outskirts. You have been given a description of Captain Kinsey.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2019
    Rinaldi likes this.
  2. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    Finding it is what I'm concerned about. But if you hid all of the others, as the master trainers do, this would be a lot more likely to not hang up new players.

    The answer was "we want people to know skills are important," but honestly, I think that is obvious.

    I still think training charging of skills here, or in the Outskirt, is crucial though. People can go weeks without finding that out.
  3. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    Tried new Patch today:
    Now a player just can choose two (ranged) skills. Okay. Solved one part.
    But it is still asked to use a skill while attacking an enemy.

    Lets look from above down to Solace Bridge:
    Player stands infront of the gate, wants to leave the burning location (as wisely told him!).
    Automaton tells:
    1. choose a skill and drag it to your combat hotbar.
    2. use a skill (even though with high probability he did until he reached the gate)
    which means:
    3. the player has to run back to find an enemy ...

    May be the Automaton should appear from beginning to tell him how to use a skill BEFORE any enemy appears just around the corner?
    "Welcome, Avatar!
    Arm yourself: open your (i)nventory and drag a weapon to your Character Sheet. --> [Automatically open Character Sheet, sparkling icon/shortcut]
    Drag a skill from your s(k)ill tree to the Combat Hotbar to use those while fighting. --> [Automatically open Skill Tree, sparking shortcut]
    Get ready to fight with 'z' or double click your enemy ...

    And the solution with Edvard is good, even it was a nice thing to cross the bridge together ;)
    Violette Dyonisys likes this.
  4. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    As you've probably realized, there's a lot of small changes going into the Battle of Solace Bridge. Even the latest feedback is already outdated, but you won't see the changes until he next update.

    Some quick points ... some of which may be outdated moments after I submit this post. :)
    • Learning "Root" has been changed to removed all skills except for 2, and you need to learn one of the two to complete the task. This first skill is free, but the other is available afterward for 100 gold as normal.
    • Unnecessary or distracting keywords were removed. (Bye bye, "rumors!")
    • You won't have to use a skill for the trainer to open the gate. In fact, after you slot the skill in your hotbar the gate will automagically open.
    • I've decided that while Charlotte is very scared and deathly afraid of fire, she's prepared to use even a simple knife to defend herself against the undead.
  5. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    Sounds like it's getting better with every moment, great job!
    Jaesun and Sannio like this.
  6. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    I’m actually enjoying these changes now. It’s now much more quick, efficient and just the basic information to get you going. Which is what most people want these days.

    I like more story and lore related stuff, but sadly that’s not everyone.
  7. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    @Sannio the automoton makes sense as a teacher in the Outskirts as well (optional). I still think it's really important to talk about charged glyphs at some point, and that might be the spot.

    I'm sure you're way ahead of me though.
  8. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    Yes, please have the option to ask him about advanced options, so you can unlock them here. He could even say that its more advanced and not for everyone. But starting a new character and being forced into autoattack only mode is awful after you've unlocked it on another character. (For one, the mode doesn't save per character, so you'll be back to autoattack on your main too. More importantly, its far worse for players who actually want to control their actions. Having to wait through the intro, the outskirts, etc, until you finally get to a town to unlock it not a great experience for players.)

    ditto. If there was an option to get more, I think it would be appreciated. Just don't require it.
    Jaesun likes this.
  9. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    The automaton has a couple of keywords that don't automatically appear on the keyword list. Namely, you can say "advanced training" and "free attack" to him and he'll explain he can't teach you those things. (This is there for players who know about these things, but hidden to not confuse new players for which they are currently irrelevant.)
  10. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    Holy crikies that's terrible!

    A better solution is to unlock it from the start and just reveal it's existence (of the hotkey) with a hint / dialog, probably in r the outskirts.
  11. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    That would be the issue. We don't want to wait through three scenes before doing those things. Just don't show the keywords or mention them in normal conversation, so actual new players don't get confused. But blocking them completely sucks.
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  12. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    Or just open from the start. If you don't know the hotkey you won't be using it until someone tells you about it.

    The one exception being if they hit it on accident, but with the new visibility of onscreen hints they will probably see the message.
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