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R35 Post Mortem: Missed Questions Answered (mostly)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DarkStarr, Nov 11, 2016.

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  1. DarkStarr

    DarkStarr Executive Producer SOTA Developer

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    Here are the questions that we did not have time to get to. I tried my best to answer these but some we just don't have details yet to provide. I will try my best to follow up but please understand I probably won't have time to do any follow ups to these.

    Niteowl57: What is the future of the Ring Mold currently still available at all NPC Crafting Merchants?
    That is a bug. It will be removed

    Baron Drocis: Can we please add a concentration bonus to robes? It seems like this would be a great way to differentiate between cloth armor and robes.
    Interesting suggestion. We will definitely consider it. In fact we are considering just making all clothing masterworkable and/or enchantable.

    Yzelph: Any ETA on leather dyes?
    No ETA at this time

    Acred: Could dye-able items please get a light colour to the title in our Inventory?
    We will consider some ways to better highlight / note dyed items

    Acred: Recently the common Cloak went from being dye-able to not. Could this please be made dye-able again?
    That's a bug. Hoping to have fixed in R36

    Coral: Build Number 501, under Known Issues, the first issue listed is “Fountains and Wells placed in POTs will only provide water to the POT owner”…Does this mean, at some point, we’ll get settings to allow others to use it?
    Bug that is fixed in R36

    Rufus D’ Asperdi: When might we see Farming Supply Vendors added for Governors of POTs?
    Q1 hopefully

    WehTeheFf: Are there plans for some kind of a more “gated” item progression? E.g. easy mobs drop low-lvl crafting stuff, hard mobs drop high-lvl crafting stuff?

    Elfenwahn: Will we see expanded bag sorting and “take all items” options? Twofoldsilence: When will we get a take all option when looting defeated foes and opened containers while using the Ultima 7 inventory system versus the list one?

    Vagabond Sam: Is the overall intention that a complete Episode 1 crafting and gathering system include more opportunities for player input to affect the outcome or is the RNG of large numbers the only way planned to curate supply?

    SmokerKGB: Does rain outside affect water plants?
    Not yet but soon

    SmokerKGB: Will we ever be able to harvest “Seeds” from plants or have a chance harvesting in the wild?

    SmokerKGB: Can we have a max 20 for gathering “Water” or open Barrels to gather 20 Rain water over time?

    Sir Grant: When will belts be a thing?
    No ETA

    Sir Grant: Most RPG games (not all, but most) have a minimum of two ring slots. Any thoughts on if this is a possibility?
    It's possible

    Lollie: Can we get a hotkey to equip/unequip coconuts? Dragonhart Wyrmkin-Today at 12:53 PM any chance we can get a simpler way to equip/unequip the bloody coconuts...
    It touches equipped gear so not trivial so unlikely to happen soon

    Sir Holisy: Can we recall/bind all the homes we have? When we recall, we can choose place in UI...
    You can bind to one at a time.

    Kastagir: Will it be possible to implement tech so that we don’t have to wait a full release to upgrade the capacity of a player owned town?
    Yes eventually.

    Kastagir: When will, or will we see a redoubling of available decorations?
    When we've done optimizations that improve performance enough to allow it.

    Koldar: Will you consider raising the exterior lighting limits? The town-lot lighting limits are incredibly painful at the moment.
    When we've done optimizations that improve performance enough to allow it. Lights and AI are the most expensive items.

    Lord Barugon: Can you please remove the decoration mode and instead require a modifier key (shift or control) to be held down to initiate dragging a placed decoration?
    We can consider it

    Lord Barugon: I want to be able to place certain decoration in my house and/or basement; such as hedges, fence pieces, streetlamps, etcetera, and on top of each other; but I’m not allowed to. Are there logical reasons for these limitation?

    Katakaio: Can we get an increase in basement item limits, since it’s a separate scene?
    When we've done optimizations that improve performance enough to allow it.

    Mischievous Dragon: Will you make it possible to meet Charlotte Gray in a random Merchant encounter next to Ardoris?
    We can consider it

    Redfish: Lord British once responded to a question asking whether we leave Novia every time we log out, and he said no; that once we go through the Isle of Storms we’re in Novia until the end. If this is true, why does the game show us teleporting into a scene every time we log in, and teleporting into a scene every time we change scenes?
    That is the temp invulnerability effect provided by the Oracle

    Nemesis: When can we expect to see a higher level of content for those of use approaching lvl 100 and above?ORC MisterBlight-Today at 12:08 PM The current expected time frame for 6 skull areas or harder zones?Skyo: The game needs more challenging content and zones added to the game preferably 5 + skull areas. Dungeon crawls group activities. These were talked about, will the be in game before the end of this year?
    Skyo: rare spawns, uber rare quest items complex almost impossible Quests, more challenging secret quests can we expect to see any of these in the near future?
    Hopefully starting in Q1

    Fantalio-Today at 11:41 AM Will we see any type of organized PvP coming soon? Such as battlegrounds/arena/king of the hill/DAoC relics.
    Hopefully starting in Q1

    Skyo: still haven’t seen the PVP push talked about from a release or two ago when can we expect to see this?
    We are working on uncloning PVP scenes (Midras Ruins), creating new PVP areas that include housing (Blood Bay), and in R37 or R38 we will begin work on supporting PVP systems.

    TrojanV-Today at 11:43 AM Can I get clarification on Macroing,Is Macroing allowed? It's very clear Botting isn't, but just want the clarification. Thanks
    Any Macro that is merely a convenience is allowed but if we consider that Macro part of an exploit it is a bannable offense. In general if you are using a Macro to accelerate your XP or resource gain beyond normal gameplay speed then we will ban you.

    Latnem Chaos-Today at 12:09 PM Is there any plan for a faction system for PvP or PvP specific skills or items
    Sort of

    Ancev-Today at 12:13 PM Any thoughts on a boolean AND’ type of search feature in the inventory management filter?
    Not currently

    Ancev-Today at 12:25 PM Would you be willing to consider a community treasure/donation chest and when folks put stuff in there it redistributes a bundle of items from the chest throughout the zone into randomly spawning treasure chests? (in POTS)(edited)

    Peabo-Today at 12:20 PM Question: Is it possible to make the overland map force multiplayer so the world looks more populated?
    No we won't force folks but we are going to experiment with bonuses for playing in multiplayer

    Baron Drocis Fondorlatos-Today at 12:21 PM Question: Can we please get some more diverse poison recipes? Will they all use the poison weapon skill or might we have other ways to apply/use poison?

    Abercrombie_MacLeod-Today at 12:25 PM any updates on POT templates updates
    No updates currently. Focused on other map work right now

    Craye Lontra-Today at 12:25 PM~Taking Your Questions! Will we ever be able to master craft decorations? Maybe our crafted beds and tables could be gilded or inlaid with precious metals or gems.

    Merrik Dragon-Today at 12:27 PM are the planned passes on fishing on schedule? and i am still unclear on whether Herding will be introduced to the game.. i still want my Shepherd's Crook......
    We will be doing more polish and expansion on fishing. Herding not in scope for Ep 1 initial release.

    Baron Drocis Fondorlatos-Today at 12:27 PM Question: Can we please write books that have an anonymous or ghost author? Players may wish to contribute literature to the world but it might not make sense from a roleplaying perspective for their character to write such a thing.
    We can consider it

    Latnem Chaos-Today at 12:27 PM is there anything you can let us know about what is planned such as a Steam Punk Sprinkler system or the Servants and pets ability to enter
    Cool idea on the sprinkler

    Bodhbh Dearg -Today at 12:28 PM can we please get books that can be used as a ledger/diary, so we can keep adding to them?
    We can consider it

    Celthon-Today at 12:28 PM Can some thought be put into possibly having some TITLES that are unique to PvP -- earned via PvP activities somehow?

    Baron Drocis Fondorlatos-Today at 12:31 PM Question: Currently, players can /whisper to other players to see if they're online or offline. Can we please do something to make this less intrusive? I don't want people to know when I'm online or offline for PVP reasons.

    Umuri-Today at 12:32 PM -> Are there any plans to ever allow friends without showing your location? This has direct pvp implications, and i'd like to be friendly with more people.

    keldon lighthand-Today at 12:35 PM When will we get roofs to match the snow biome(edited)
    No ETA

    Bodhbh Dearg [SecrOfPublicWorks]-Today at 12:35 PM When will the bagpipes actually sound like bagpipes?

    moko/Lilian Federkiel-Today at 12:39 PM Can we get snowy versions of the trees from the add on store for christmas? :3
    Cool suggestion but too late for this year

    Browncoat Jayson-Today at 12:41 PM Question: When do we get our own second (and third) not-so-secret characters?
    No ETA

    Umuri-Today at 12:41 PM - > Are there any hopes for fixing the stuttering bug that's been around for multiple releases while nameplates are turned on?

    Umuri-Today at 12:43 PM -> Any plans on caching player designed houses so loading into towns is sped up when having to do it multiple times a day? Some houses don't change deco for weeks.
    Won't help because all those items are still dynamic.

    keldon lighthand-Today at 12:43 PM Can we get the loading bar moved during loading screens so we can see the complete art work
    We can consider it

    Latnem Chaos-Today at 12:44 PM Any plan for a non haunted rundown version of the Gothic mansion?
    Yes in R36

    Baron Drocis Fondorlatos-Today at 12:44 PM Question: Can you please explain how the new resistances will work in R36?
    Chris is writing separate post

    Lockey-Today at 12:48 PM -Taking Your Questions Is there a day when the mages we fight will use other Magic Trees Besides Fire?

    ORC MisterBlight-Today at 12:49 PM -Taking Your Questions Is there more work coming towards crit chance compared to dmg %'s on armor/weps? As described in forums, one is clearly superior currently.

    Ancev-Today at 12:50 PM Any chance we'll see random wandering NPC's like wandering healers in UO.. like wandering beggars or other NPC's that can be interacted with for + / - virtue that spawn in adventure zones, towns, etc?

    Nemesis2-Today at 12:51 PM CAN us healers get BETTER party bars or HIDE the buffs so it not such a pain to heal in groups please please please or MOVEABLE /resizeable

    Baron Drocis Fondorlatos-Today at 12:51 PM Question: Will you please consider making root and web use up focus for every escape attempt made by the player (i.e spamming the space bar)? Currently it only removes focus when you succeed.
    Doh! That is a bug. We will fix.

    Umuri-Today at 12:52 PM - Will there ever be a way to adjust prices on a commissioned / public vendor without forfeiting the fee? This matters for newer players.
    Eventually yes

    Baron Drocis Fondorlatos-Today at 12:53 PM Question: Will NPC merchant pricing eventually pay out based on supply and demand? Currently they supply and demand only impact the selling price.

    Scanphor-Today at 12:53 PM-> What plans do you have to fix healer targeting ? Any hope for a persistent defensive target display ? LedZepp-Today at 12:57 PM -How bout using the group list for selecting a target for heals etc Is that in the works?
    We definitely need to make healer targeting better. Something like your suggestions are definitely ways to address the issues.

    Latnem Chaos-Today at 12:55 PM Any word on Snap guides for lots to make row placement easy for instance or placing fences easier
    Still in our plans to provide this too. No ETA on when though

    ORC MisterBlight-Today at 1:00 PM -Taking Your Questions Any plans to do a reset for skills on release or anything or is that just a dirty rumor?
    We are planning on a way for you to reset your quest flags to zero but not for skills

    Monkeysmack-Today at 1:01 PM When is the 'Getting thrown off the crafting station bug' going to be fixed?
    Should be fixed in R36

    Baron Drocis Fondorlatos-Today at 1:02 PM Question: When will we have more information on blessings?
    When we get closer to implementing them which we hope is soon but there might be delays based on other higher priority work like optimizations

    Bushmaster-Today at 1:02 PM What is going to be done about the few people that are abusing the system and gaining huge amounts of XP and becoming god like? How will this imbalance affect the others that play the game normally?
    We are monitoring these issues and fixing them as soon as we can. For example that is what recently happened with Brightbone Pass/Superstition Canyon

    Mart Huntington-Today at 1:04 PM ~Taking Your Questions! at which time group play will be improved? cant even harvest in friend mode, cause the nodes / trees get broken if other player harvest than leader
    This question got cut off but sounds like there is a bug?

    Lockey-Today at 1:07 PM If you add craftable Seige weapons will those work? Complete with ammo to craft?
    When we add these they will probably work like "turrets" in other games.

    Nemesis2-Today at 1:07 PM can we please please please NOT get pulled into back to back encounters before we even load back into the world map
    We think we have fixed this bug

    Latnem Chaos-Today at 1:07 PM Tell us more about some of the Town Siege Ideas and if there will be a PvP version available maybe a area that can be taken over
    Town siege info will be in weekly update today. No plans for PVP version in Ep 1

    Дсаэlцѕ FіѓэЂаѓр-Today at 1:08 PM Can roving encounter MOBs be subjected to the same overland terrain speed limits as players?
    We can consider it

    Umuri-Today at 1:12 PM -> If your'e going to stop us soloing bosses, are you going to give us some actual decent EXP zones so we don't have to solo control points to keep up?
    We are constantly tuning EXP

    Browncoat Jayson-Today at 1:12 PM Can we PLEASE have Watchers move back to the old AI that they had, around R9? They ran away from you constantly. They should only get close and scan if you are still for a while.
    They are meant to be aggressively scanning lots of things but right now they only scan players so that makes them super concentrated around players. We will be tuning them to be interested in a lot of other things which will pull them off being on players all the time.

    Lockey-Today at 1:17 PM Will you be adding/opening up cave areas that can be entered/zoned into?
    As mentioned in the hangout we know we need to have a better ratio between underground and above ground areas. Right now we have WAY more above ground areas.

    Balec Fares deCani-Today at 1:18 PM Does decay accumulate over time? Why do I lose 3000 XP from dying, within 2 minutes of dying previously? Does usage of skills impact decay, such that if you are using a skill it doesn't decay upon death?
    Chris has posted the formula for decay in multiple posts. You can't have lost that much. For you to have lost 3000 xps after 2 minutes you would need to have had 864 mln XP which no one in the game currently has that much.

    Arryndel-Today at 1:20 PM Q: What plans are in place for balancing that will make Crafter Economy more viable?
    The main issue with the economy is simply population. We need more players but we are in a Catch 22 because we don't want to bring new players in right now while the game is still in a rough development stage and we haven't yet finished the crafting system nor all the content for the crafting system.

    Katrina Bekers-Today at 1:25 PM QUESTION - localization: any news?
    We are still shopping around for a new service provider.

    ORC MisterBlight-Today at 1:25 PM - Any timeframe on adding more dyeable options? Or clothing that can go over armor?
    No ETA

    Madmon-Today at 1:25 PM Will there be uniques decos/items we can obtain in the sieges?

    Nim-Today at 1:26 PM Will POT deco and customisation get some love?

    Umuri-Today at 1:27 PM - > Can we please get the obsidian destroyer bears added to a scene? They look amazing and need to be in.
    They should be in the game as a rare spawn. Investigating now.

    Dragonhart Wyrmkin-Today at 1:33 PM anything to address the deficit that row house owners have when gardening?
    Yes. Glass Roof Row Houses with a greenhouse bonus on top floor in R36 (a craftable and purchaseable version)

    Themo Lock-Today at 1:33 PM do the planets have names yet?

    Katrina Bekers-Today at 1:38 PM - QUESTION (most likely for Starr's unanswered questions thread): what about physical rewards building and shipment?
    We are working on finalizing a fulfillment partner for this effort and it will coincide with commercial launch next year.

    ORC MisterBlight (Blight Mister)-Today at 1:47 PM -Taking Your Questions Can you add a way to differentiate lot deeds of the same type in the lot menu, like naming them or numbering them? Right now the only way is with tax date ending.
    Yes there is a task in the backlog for this

    Sheamus McGuinness-Today at 1:49 PM Will Blood Bay have player housing?

    Lockey Abernathy-Today at 1:50 PM Would it be possible for more kinds of tameable pets with different attributes? Like Charge etc?

    Bushmaster-Today at 1:53 PM Question: Is there a plan to have livestock and or animals to be in POTs that are not tied to lots? Not asking for anything killable just more life other then birds.
    Yes part of Animal Husbandry but waiting on Optimizations

    Dragonhart Wyrmkin-Today at 1:54 PM can we make it so that we can let a plant "go to seed" ... leave it in the ground after optimal time and it produces 10-12 seeds... if watered for that.
    We can consider it

    Sheamus McGuinness-Today at 1:56 PM When will we be able to craft Wooden Shields?
    No ETA but we are definitely planning on greatly expanding gear recipes in the near future

    Bowen Bloodgood-Today at 1:58 PM Question: How many different types of alcohol are currently planned?
    3 major types: Beer(s), Wine(s), Whiskey(s)

    <Mishikal> What about soy beans for vegetable oil as well? :)
    Good suggestion

    Governor Tempest On my island POT one of the very small islands off of the main island can be placed two village or two row lots. I forget exactly which. Will there ever be a ferry to and from that island or will we be able to place ferry (teleports) in the future?
    We can get a ferry added. The ability to place ferries is a good suggestion but no ETA on when we would get to that.

    Skyo: Roving encounters are great but they need to scale with the player or group level so that they are challenging and not an annoyance. Can we get this in immediately?
    We understand the desire for this but this is a VERY complex task that has very deep implications in all game systems so likely out of scope for Ep 1.

    Ansev: I’d like to be able to drag an item, such as a cloth chest piece directly onto the “Enchantment” recipe, and the mandrake and gold ingots are automatically populated into the crafting window. If there aren’t enough resources you get an error indicating as such..?
    Good suggestion

    Ansev: Very happy to see new boats and wagons being added to the POT maps! I was wondering .. if there could please be some…additional consideration to allowing POT owners to move these overland/NPC wagons within a defined radius of their default placement? On forested grasslands template for example, perhaps the boat could be moved/turned like a standard object by the POT owner within range of the docks area?
    We can consider it but there are griefing implications

    Stryker Sparhawk: We have a progress bar at the bottom of the POT UI of limits that shows how much Lot Square Feet Used. Is it possible to add a graphic bar of how much of actually placed marker are claimed by active lots?
    Good suggestion

    Stryker Sparhawk: Will we see permission model for stewards and residents akin to giving POT deco a private option?
    Good suggestion
  2. Dirk Hammerstrike

    Dirk Hammerstrike Avatar

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    Thank you!
  3. KuBaTRiZeS

    KuBaTRiZeS Avatar

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    Thanks for your answers!
    @twofoldsilence, This can be achieved currently by pressing the action button while having the container selected.

    I thought that was the blue glow... not the sudden apparition of our character which looks pretty much like this, watched backwards.
  4. Kabalyero Kidd

    Kabalyero Kidd Avatar

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    Beran's Reach, Beregost and Whyte Roc
    I love this Missed Questions - Answered threads... Thank you @DarkStarr
    Aldo and Acred like this.
  5. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    Thanks for doing this Starr. I really enjoy reading through all the Q&A. Time well spent and appreciated!
    Vrunk Hrrk, Oba Evesor, Ancev and 2 others like this.
  6. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    @DarkStarr One of the questions during the Postmortem by Belladonna Rose:
    You answered that fishing poles were a tool, so should not be craftable. Good to know (even if we don't all agree). However, the other items that I know were recently removed are the various Half and Quarter armor types. Perhaps that is what she meant.
    Merrik and Acred like this.
  7. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    Yes? That's it? LOL So I should take it the names are finalized and Richard just isn't ready to release them?
  8. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    If we don't know them by February, I'll bug Lord British endlessly at the Ultima Dragons Bash. At least, between rollercoaster rides. ;)
    Bowen Bloodgood likes this.
  9. GreyMouser Skye

    GreyMouser Skye Avatar

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    Wherever the Moongates take me.
    Would still love to have the answers in the post mortem answered this nicely as well. Not everyone can watch a 2 hour video when looking for specific answers.
  10. Umuri

    Umuri Avatar

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    I think it would help, because one of the biggest delays right now for some people, is the bandwidth to send all those items.
    If they were cached you could send a checksum for each lot, and only resend the lot if the player client requests it.
    Instead of sending half a meg or more each scene load.
    I realize they are dyanmic and the processing time client side won't change much vs when the data is already received, but it would greatly reduce server load and make people on bad connections like lord british in this postmortem be able to load faster.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2016
    Katrina Bekers and Alley Oop like this.
  11. Dirk Hammerstrike

    Dirk Hammerstrike Avatar

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    A timestamp since last modified for the lot would be easier I think. Granted you'd lose some things like plant growth progress. But that seems like a very small price to pay.
  12. Lord Andernut

    Lord Andernut Avatar

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    Rather than "forcing" people to multi-player, could we have a quicker toggle between modes (aka SPO/MPO toggle without logging out and re-entering your password to change modes).

    And even better allow per scene-type choices? ie. you could select: Overland Map/Towns: MPO and Adventure Scenes: SPO.

    Monitoring and fixing imbalances is something that everyone expects. But what about people who have been exploiting things such as standing in an area that monsters don't attack you but you can kill those monsters at no risk? Or exploiting other mechanics to obtain 10 times the experience per hour of other players? People approaching level 100 or having 80-100 GMs who will be apparently forever ahead of those who play/have played legitimately? The top end of xp gains when abusing the system is waaay ahead of the median/average player and unobtainable with legitimate play.

    This is a constant source of discussion for some players - exploit for gold or items, and they may get removed and your character reset. Exploit for experience and levels, you get to keep it. People are abusing the system and are waaaaay ahead of the rest of the game. Even playing "legitimately" now if their exploits are fixed they are going to be hitting more, hitting harder, having a full range of high level skills and a higher leveled skill-base. It seems shocking to me that that there is no adjustment for these players (or for the players who may sell experience to other players for cash by hooking into these exploits).
  13. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    Those sound like legitimate exploits, which usually results in a ban. Just make sure they are reported, and let Port deal with them.
  14. Lord Andernut

    Lord Andernut Avatar

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    It is not the perception that these actions result in a ban or action of any kind, unless the actions are automated.
  15. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    Tell him I sent you! lol ;)
    Browncoat Jayson likes this.
  16. Mishikal

    Mishikal Avatar

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    @DarkStarr Thanks for answering the questions! One I asked near the beginning apparently was missed. ;) In the work on Estgard, there was a booth added full of vegetables in boxes, etc. But no related seed vendor. This seems a bit odd for an agrarian community and seems rather unrealistic for general game theme. ;) Will one be added?

  17. Oba Evesor

    Oba Evesor Avatar

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    My suggestion towards this would be to ensure ALL gear gets the proper material bonuses. Like crafting of cloaks. We should get the cotton bonus from the thread, but we currently dont.
  18. Mart Huntington

    Mart Huntington Avatar

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    Yes its also a bug and i postet it twice in R33 and R34 bug Forum, but there was no answer of recognition.

    And i like to add that the performance of group play is bad. A.e. sometimes Monsters stop Attacking, Party members are standing at other point that they see by themselfes. Thats also why you can be hitted
    but you dont see the mob is hurting you. It seems that Datatransfer is sometimes asyncron in group play.
  19. Katrina Bekers

    Katrina Bekers Localization Team

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    Thanks. Sigh.
    Ronan likes this.
  20. Jarikith

    Jarikith Avatar

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    The one that gets a laugh out of me is this one:
    It's like if he was asked, 'DarkStarr is the sky blue or green?' 'Yes' ;)
    Ronan, cartodude and Bowen Bloodgood like this.
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