Quest for Glory - So you want to be a Healer.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Xeng, Aug 4, 2018.

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  1. Xeng

    Xeng Avatar

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    This healing guide won't be for people preferring a relaxed playstyle, as I am using a rolling deck. Therefore I have to combine glyphs and keep track of my buffs all the time, but you could still use it as a baseline and adapt it to your style. In my opinion a rolling deck is needed as it will decrease your mana cost of the spells and you can really spam a spell without waiting for a cooldown. My build is based on Light Armor Specialization and Life Specialization in order to get as much hps as possible.
    In addition as I am normally playing in a small group of 3, I try to do as much dps as possible while still keeping everyone healed up, therefore a bow will be used in most fights.
    I am still a fairly new player ( about 3 month ), so therefore I do not claim to know everything and if some of my information is incorrect please let me know. Still this deck is capable of healing everything in game, if the tank knows what to do.

    Why bow over wands:
    During most fights the group and your tank won't get constant damage and therefore there is some idle time which you can use to do some damage and as we all know dps > heal ( meaning if the mob dies faster there is less to heal ). In order to maximise your healing power, not doing any damage and using wands ( as you can enchant life attunment on them in addition to the socket life attunment ) gives you way higher heals, but in my opinion this healing power is only needed for the Clockwork Dragon or the Unicorns.
    Another benefit from using a bow is that you can play the "Harp of Invigoration" and use your key to get back into combat without leaving combat and therefore not loosing your glyphs. More about that later.
    Using wands will although lower your "Basic Magic Reagent Use Chance" and you can save quite a fair bit on reagents. If you are playing a lot and healing most of the time an "Obsidian Potion of Conservation" which would cost you about 3,500 - 3,800 gold per week is highly recomended.
    Key Skills:
    Healing Ray: This will be your bread and butter healing spell, it has a very fast cast speed, low mana cost and it does not need any reagents, so using it over a healing blast when possible will save you gold as well. I am using it mostly to heal up dps who got some aoe damage, or on the tank if he lost only a bit of his hp and isn't in any danger of getting hit within the next second. Although I am using it in emergency situations directly before a Healing Blast, due to his very short cast time, it will buffer the tank up a bit before using the longer casting spell. Directly after a Healing Blast will although increase your hps ( heal per second ) and will give you a bit more time to stack up your Healing Blast. Although just spamming it when you don't get a Healing Blast glyph can keep the tank alive. Important: Healing Blast can only be casted on others, therefore if you need to heal yourself you have to spam Healing Ray.

    Healing Blast: Your big healing spell, crits of 1,300+ are not unheard. This spell can bring your tank back to full life in no time, but it has high mana cost and cast speed. If you are familiar with a fight you can time it to hit directly after a special attack, like a fireball from an Aether Dragon ( which could be avoided ), or on your damage dealers whilfe fighting a troll, as on some attacks the damage can not be avoided by a melee as the tank should always be the host. Using it on the Phoenix shortly before it dies the first time can be very benificial as well. If possible use this spell always with as many stacks as possible as that will dramatically reduce it mana cost.

    Beneficent Blessing: This passive will increase all healing done on someone else by +0.5% per level, so get it as high as you can afford.

    Life Power: This passive will increase all healing done ( and damage from Banish Undead ) by +0.625% per level, so get it as high as you can afford.

    Life Reach: This passive will increase the range of your spells by +0.625% per level, which makes positioning a bit easier and makes your Banish Undead quite powerfull in Upper Tears.

    Life Magic Specialization: You are a healer so this is a must have. It will drastically decrease the cast speed of most of your healing spells even though healing without it is possible, I found it really hard to heal the Clockwork Dragon without it. Leveling it to 80 will give you an addition Glyph for every healing spell you have which is very powerfull.

    Resurrection: Hopefully you will never have to use it :), but leveling it will incrase your life attunment and the cast speed with Life Magic Specialization gives you the oppertunity to quickly resurrect someone between two heals.
    Ligth Armor:
    Flurry: This skill is essential for my build, as I am using the Light Armor Specialization you will get a + Draw Speed Modifier. Having it on level 80, with level 80 Light Armor Specialization and wearing a full set of light armor gives you the possiblity to charge it up to 6 stacks which will change your + Draw Speed Modifier from +0.4 to +0.6. I haven't found any detailed information about Draw Speed Modifier, but it looks like you have a basic draw speed of your glyphs of 1.0 and with a fully charged flurry ( +0.6 ) it goes down to 0.4. This means your glyphs will appear way faster on your hotbar and they will disapear faster as well. So overall you have a higher turnover of your glyphs. In addition as I am using a bow the +52,2% Attack Speed does increase my dps.

    Sprint: There is no need to have sprint over level 1 as leveling it will only incrase the duration, as we are having the Light Armor Specialization which already does increas the duration the buff lasts way longer than his cooldown. This skill is needed to kite if you've got aggro or to quickly reposition yourself, when your tank or any other party member runs out of range. Although traveling with it is nice.

    Swiftness: This passive will give you 0.135% attack and move speed per level. The increase of your dps will be barely noticable per level, but it still pays out to level it up higher at some point.

    Acrobatics: I found the effects of this passive not too beneficial, even though it does increase the move speed for sprint. You need to have it on level 80 anyways for Light Armor Specialization.

    Escape: Leveling this will increase the radius of your detaunt ability, in addition with Light Armor Specialization this will have a nice radius. When you are starting to level your dps abilities there will be a point when you can get the aggro as you are out dps'ing the tank. So I am using this in my healing deck, as nothing is more annoying than getting the aggro from a boss and wipe at 10%.

    Light Armor Specialization: Only reason I took this is to get the Draw Speed Modifier for Flurry, so level 80 on this skill is needed.
    Ranged Combat: Overall the best dps increase for your experience cost. Raise it as high as you can afford.

    Aimed Shot: The only skill I am using out of the range tree, getting it to level 80 will allow you to put this spell 5 times in your deck. There are nice enchants ( + Aimed Shot damage ) or materials ( Elven Bow String of Precision ) who will increase the damage of this ability.

    Ammo Scavenger: Need it to level 40 in order to get to Eagle Eye, will decrease your hunting cost a bit. In my eyes not really worth leveling it, but if you have enough Pooled Experience be my guest.

    Range: This is a nice skill which can help you keeping up your dps in certain fights. Having a Dragon flying away you can still shoot at it without moving ( Stillness buff ).

    Eagle Eye: I love this passive so much, as it does increase the damage of all your critical hits with your bow by +0.75% per level. My equipment is focused on critical hit chance.

    Draw Strength: This passive will give you 0.025 Weapon Damage per skill point, when you come to a point where you have high Ranged Combat, you can use this to increase your dps a bit further.
    Heightened Awareness: The more Focus the better. This passive is a bit costly I wouldn't give it a high priority to get to 100, but it is always helpfull to have more Focus.

    Train Intelligence: Intelligence is used to increase our critical strike chance with spells and increase our Focus. Leveling this needs a lot of experience, but raising it to 60 early on can make a difference. You will get 0.5 Intelligence per Level.

    Inner Calm: As important as Focus is, decreasing the cost of all your spells will help you to heal longer. This passive will decrease your mana cost by 0.125% per level.

    Spellbinder Stance: This is our "Oh, ****!" button. It will decrease your cast time of all your spells, increases your Focus Regen, but most importantly it will add another +0.3 Draw Speed Modifier. Having this in addition to a fully charged Flurry you will have a +0.9 Draw Speed Modifier. With Release 55 the Draw speed was set at a minimum of 0.333 seconds and the minimum time for an automatic discard is 3 seconds. Still if you are using it your cards will immediately start to disapear wheny they come up. So you can cast a spell, stack your cards as fast as your fingers allow and cast the next spell as soon as the first one was casted. Your hps will be over the top.

    Aetheric Feedback: This spell will grant you +0.025 Combat Focus Per Second per level when you use it directly after a critical hit with a spell. Waiting for a critical heal and than instantly using this spell seems to be a bit luckluster. If I know that it will be a mana intensive fight, I am casting a Meteor Shower or Ring of Fire and than cast Aetheric Feedback a few times until i get Combat Focus Per Second buff ( check by mouse over the buff ), even if the mob is immune to Meteor Shower / Ring of Fire it can still crit for 0 damage ( see yellow 0 appear ).
    Enlightment: Gives you a buff for Intelligence, I am only using this one when I am in full healing mode for Unicorns or Clockwork Dragon.

    Air's Embrace: Gives you a buff for Dexterity, I am using this one whenever I am having a bow equipped as Dexterity does slightly increase my critical strike chance with a bow.

    Fireflies: A 5 times charged Level 100 Fireflies does -90% Melee and Ranged Critical Hit Damage Reduction, which will vastly increase your dps and that of at least your tank. With a fairly long duration I try to have this up on every boss during the whole duration of the fight, if possible charged 5 times.

    Armor Weak Points: Increases your critical chance with all weapons by +0.06% per level, as we are having a high critical hit damage multiplier through Fireflies and Eagle Eye every bit in increasing our crit strike chance will be a good investment.

    Backstab: Increases your damage when attacking from behind by +0.125% per level, if possible always try to be behind the target as you have a higher critical strike chance this way.

    Poison Weapon: At level 100 your poisons will last 45 seconds ( which is exactly half the time of a Haste Potion ! ), I would recommend using a direct damage potion instead of a damage over time one. With a fully stacked Flurry and spamming Aimed Shot you are hitting the target multiple times per second and therefore your dps can double ( way more if your ranged skills are low ) by using a Poison Potion, Corpion.

    Train Dexterity: Always good to have a higher crit chance.

    Healthy / Train Strength: You want to get a decent health pool, if you want to farm the Clockwork Dragon I recommend to have about 1,000 hit points fully buffed.

    Shield of Crystal: Usefull to have for the Clockwork Dragon, so the tank does not have to run near you and buff you mid fight.

    Dash: Using this on your Utility Bar helps you to travel quickly through the land without changing your Instrument to a Fleet Flute ( still very usefull on the overworld ).

    Summon Water Elemental: While it has no where near your healing capabilities, it does help a bit. And especially if you are getting some damage the Water Elemental heals you up while you can focus on your group.
    Leveling priority:
    As we are a healer our first priority should be to get our two main healing spells, so getting all our spells to 40 and unlock Healing Blast. After this we should get Beneficent Blessing and Life Reach to 40 and than focus on Life Power to 80 in order to unlock Life Magic Specialization. Now we can start to get Healing Ray, Healing Blast and Life Magic Specialization to 80. Doing this gives us the ability to stack a spell 6 times.

    Now we should do the same thing with the Light Armor Tree, by unlocking Flurry and Light Armor Specialization and afterwards bring those to 80 for our Draw Speed.

    After we have our basics done start leveling the Focus Tree so you have a bit of mana to heal. When you feel comfortable with your healing power in your group it is time to level a bit of the Ranged Tree and mix in Air's Embrace and Fireflies.

    Try not to neglect your Tactics and Subterfuge Tree, while leveling your Life Passives.

    I found it good to level one skill after another to 60, than all to 80 and finally to 100 or higher. My first Skill over 100 was Ranged Combat, followed by Healing Ray and I am leveling Healing Blast at the moment ( 113 right now ).

    Your Life Attunment is based on your 10 highest skills moduls 10 + the amount you have under Life Magic Specialization + what you have on your equipment. Meaning pick 10 skills out of the Life Tree you want to GM or even go higher and you can ignore the others as they won't affect your Life Attunment. For me those are: Healing Touch, Healing Ray, Healing Burst, Healing Grace, Healing Blast, Purify, Banish Undead, Beneficent Blessing, Life Power and Life Reach. All those skills could be usefull in different situations. ( Thanks @Dagnus for pointing that out ).
    This is my basic healing deck:
    6 x Healing Blast
    6 x Healing Ray
    5 x Aimed Shot
    2 x Escape
    On my first button I have Healing Blast and on my second one Healing Ray, those two button are used to get the stacked spells on them. Than I have two buttons where Healing Blast and Healing Ray are comming up in order to be stacked to the first two. Very rarely the same healing spell appears on the last two one and not on one of the first and I have to combine them there, as they seem to sometimes block new glyhes to appear. All my Aimed Shots and Escape are on the same button, so I can just spam thems without looking while combining glyphes, watching the fight and healing the group
    At the start of every fight I am charging Flurry to 6 stacks and wait until we run towards the enemy, when started I am releasing the spell and charge Fireflies until we reach the enemy and release it. It will automatically target the boss and therefore I have not to get him in target and start shooting before the tank got some aggro. Try to run always behind your tank so you do not body pull the boss and later you have to listen to your tank shouting at you.

    Now I stack my heals up and look for a good position to stand ( hopefully behind the target ), heal when needed and wait until the tank gives the go to dps.

    During the fight I have to make sure that Flurry is always up with 6 stacks and Fireflies with 5 on the target, the range of Fireflies is fairly short and therefore I have to move closer and than retreat. If possible get near your tank and use your Harp of Invigoration, so your tank gets the nice 4 mana and life combat regeneration buff, immediately after using the harp get back in combat, as you are attacking the target you will not go out of combat for playing the harp and your stacked heals will still be active. ( In Upper Tears I am having Banish Undead instead of Aimed Shot and using 2 wands, so using the harp there will get me out of combat and this way I can reset all glyphes and when going back in combat more Banish Undeads are comming up again. )

    I spam unstacked Aimed Shot and Escape while stacking my healing spells and heal when ever it is needed.

    Finally it is time to really do some dps, using a Haste Potion and than Poison Weapon, Corpion will get your dps very high and as mentioned before one haste potion lasts for 2 Poison. But always try to remember you are the healer and not the damage dealer so still try to keep your tank and your group at maximum health.

    Make sure to never run out of Flurry or your heal cards won't be there when needed, use the Harp of Invorigation every 30s and Fireflies about every 1:45 minutes.

    When something out of the ordinary happens or you know that massive amounts of damage are comming in, use Spellbinder Stance and try to stack your glyphes as good and fast as possible.

    Try to stand at one spot as long as possible, as moving will remove your stillness buff, which gives you up to +5% Spell Critical Chance Bonus and -25% Magic Glyph Focus Cost.

    Here you see my dps and my hps during an 3 man Aether Dragon fight ( Aether Dragon has about 39,000 Hit points but it regenerates a lot so I was not dealing 50% of the damage ):
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    And here from the rest of an Aether Dragon, where I got resurected and therefore could go full dps without worrying to get aggro:
    The critical hit chance is misleading in those pictures as poison can not crit but will still be counted as a hit.
    For my armor I do prefer to have a set of Carapacian Fortified Cloth with Supple Leather Straps and Bronze Binding, this will give me a nice mix of Spell Critical Chance, %Focus, Weapon Critical Chance and Weapon Damage. Even though a full set of Supple Leather would be better for my dps.


    Here you can see I am going with a hybrid weapon as well, but it is no problem to go with a full dps one:

    Ring / Amulet: I like crafted rings socketed with +5 Life Attunment over the artifacts, as you can enchant them 3 times ( creating rings / amulets is cheap so go for the 3rd one ) and getting + Health / Intelligence / Strength are all very usefull. I am even having a ring with + Banish Undead Damage due to the Upper Tears meta.

    Belt: Sage's Sash, just make sure to not wear it during the Clockwork Dragon.

    Cloak: Shroud of the Avatar

    Instrument: Harp of Invigoration
    My usual food buffs are Dragon Stew and Wolf Surprise, I do stack double Strength buff food for Clockwork.

    My Blessings are Blessing of Love / Truth and Blessing of Honor.

    Make sure to get the Blessing of Invigoration 10% Healing Modifier ( ). This does increase healing done and the amount you receive, so getting the buff with your tank will double the effect if you heal him.

    If you play a lot an Obsidian Potion of Conservation is a money saver and an Obsidiaon Potion of Guidance saves you some time to level up your skills
    Solo DPS:
    That is how my solo bar looks like. Meteor shower can be charged for bigger mobs like Reapers, sadly it is not usefull for trolls or Dragons as there I deal 0 dmg.

    Most melee mobs can be kited by using sprint and disabling shot. Apart form that I am using mainly the same tactic, charging Flurry to 6 stacks than stack Rappid fire and Aimed Shot, using Aimed Shot, using Rappid Fire and restack my glyphes while Rappid Fire is active. My dps was quite higher when I had Range Specialization as I could use 1 more Aimed Shot and 1 more Rappid Fire Glyphe and due to that remove 2 of my healing ones, resulting in way more damage glyphes comming up. Although the dodge debuff from Disabling Shot was really nice.

    Still poison and Ignite Weapon is always a way to incrase your dps, as I am mostyl in a group with other ppl who are having it, I can not use it, as there can only be one Ignite Weapon dot on the target.

    I prefer to stack critical crit chance as the crit multiplier comes from Fireflies and Eagle Eye. Here is an expample of a usable bow for this build:

    Sliphsod Sooter's Sash is a really nice belt as well.

    For armor I would go with a set of supple leather armor:

    As mentioned in my main post taking Ranged Combat to 120 is a big damage increase and having the draw speed from Flurry makes the damge glpyhes appear really fast.

    You can solo the bigger Trolls, Reapers and Dragons, but those fights are depending more on the fight mechanic than on your dps ( as long as you have more than their natural regeneration ).

    I hope this guide could help you and if you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to reply to this thread, add me ingame ( Xeng ) or write me a PM.

    In case you like this guide and want to support us, or even want to get more guides about tanking, killing specific bosses / dungeons you can visit our shop in Silverdale Market.


    Happy healing

    Last edited: Aug 28, 2018
  2. Max Bennis

    Max Bennis Avatar

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    Seoul, South Korea
    Thanks for an awesome guide, @Xeng !
    Just one question : How do you effectively kill mobs while you only have one attack skill?
    Xeng likes this.
  3. Xeng

    Xeng Avatar

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    Thank you Max Bennis, I do have more skills in my range tree, if i run solo I am using 5x Rapid Fire and 5x Aimed shot, with Fireflies, Flurry and some healing.
    I have not added that to the guide as I only wanted to show the healing aspect.
    Synergy Blaize likes this.
  4. hotilongstrike

    hotilongstrike Avatar

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    Thanks for this Xeng. I appreciate the detail, and will try and mod it to my style.
    Xeng likes this.
  5. ErikRulez

    ErikRulez Avatar

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    Nice guide and I also appreciate the Sierra Online game reference :)
    licemeat, idaniod and Xeng like this.
  6. Synergy Blaize

    Synergy Blaize Avatar

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    @Xeng Thank you for taking the time to make this guide!
    If you feel inclined, share your solo tips too please.
    As a Life Archer, I feel like I am firing toothpicks in a brick wall sometimes...
  7. Max Bennis

    Max Bennis Avatar

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    +1 I need this too
    Mishras likes this.
  8. Xeng

    Xeng Avatar

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    That is how my solo bar looks like. Meteor shower can be charged for bigger mobs like Reapers, sadly it is not usefull for trolls or Dragons as there I deal 0 dmg.

    Most melee mobs can be kited by using sprint and disabling shot. Apart form that I am using mainly the same tactic, charging Flurry to 6 stacks than stack Rappid fire and Aimed Shot, using Aimed Shot, using Rappid Fire and restack my glyphes while Rappid Fire is active. My dps was quite higher when I had Range Specialization as I could use 1 more Aimed Shot and 1 more Rappid Fire Glyphe and due to that remove 2 of my healing ones, resulting in way more damage glyphes comming up. Although the dodge debuff from Disabling Shot was really nice.

    Still poison and Ignite Weapon is always a way to incrase your dps, as I am mostyl in a group with other ppl who are having it, I can not use it, as there can only be one Ignite Weapon dot on the target.

    I prefer to stack critical crit chance as the crit multiplier comes from Fireflies and Eagle Eye. Here is an expample of a usable bow for this build:

    Sliphsod Sooter's Sash is a really nice belt as well.

    For armor I would go with a set of supple leather armor:

    As mentioned in my main post taking Ranged Combat to 120 is a big damage increase and having the draw speed from Flurry makes the damge glpyhes appear really fast.

    You can solo the bigger Trolls, Reapers and Dragons, but those fights are depending more on the fight mechanic than on your dps ( as long as you have more than their natural regeneration ).

    Hope that helps a bit.

    Happy hunting

    Last edited: Aug 4, 2018
    Synergy Blaize and Max Bennis like this.
  9. Max Bennis

    Max Bennis Avatar

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    Awesome! That was quick response from you @Xeng , and kind no doubt.

    Do you only use Meteor shower for killing large number of mobs? Like grinding in Crag foothill? Or is there another solution for that?
  10. Xeng

    Xeng Avatar

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    When you get your skills high enough and have proper equipment mobs in Crag Foothill will die very fast, enganging with a 5 stacked Meteor Shower does add quite a bit of dps. But overall I found hunting with a bow suits best to kill mobs one by a time, use your range and your speed to avoid fighting multiple ones.
    Synergy Blaize likes this.
  11. Alioth

    Alioth Avatar

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    +1 for referencing my favorite game of all time. Now I will go back and read your guide.
  12. MFWalter

    MFWalter Avatar

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    Does +healing modifier mean your healing spells heal for more OR you receive more healing?
    Xeng likes this.
  13. Synergy Blaize

    Synergy Blaize Avatar

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    Australia- The Land Down Under
    Thank you adding more detail to this awesome guide!
    Can I ask what your skill levels are at to be able to run with this set-up?
  14. Xeng

    Xeng Avatar

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    As soon as you have 80 points in Aimed Shot and Rappid fire, you are able to get 5 glyhpes of those spells in your deck. I can't recall when I did Crag Foothills for the first time, but that's some time ago.
    But you can change your hotbar as you want, when i am fighting smaller mobs I do not have locked Fireflies ( I think 2-3 Fireflies so I can cast it unstacked on every mob ) and I have Dodge in my deck.
    In addition there are some tactical stuff in how to engage mobs, my favourite ones are archers. If you use Disabling shot on them and than run close they try to run away, so now it is time to use a stacked up Aimed Shot followed by a stacked up Rappid Fire in their back, while they slowly try to escape.
    That is an interesting question and to be honest I do not know the answer. I was under the impression that it does increase my healing, but now that I looked in game, at least my tooltip healing value stays the same, maybe someone with more game knowleadge could verify this.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2018
    Jaesun and Synergy Blaize like this.
  15. MFWalter

    MFWalter Avatar

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    See I was under the opposite impression because skewer and rend from polearms and blades give a healing modifier reduction. So I figured that meant the mob I was hitting had like some kind of wound that made it receive less healing. But this post suggests that healing modifier makes me a better healer.
  16. Xeng

    Xeng Avatar

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    Very good point, you might be right and I have to sent my tank to get this buff from now on, thanks for the clarification!
  17. MFWalter

    MFWalter Avatar

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    I mean, if it does make you receive more healing instead of doing more healing it will still be good to increase your personal survive-ability, but if so then yeah, we need to get our tanks to go get it.
  18. licemeat

    licemeat Avatar

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    The creators of QFG, Corey and Lori Ann Cole, released a new game after all this time less than a month ago. It's called "Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption." I don't like to derail threads, but I see some QFG love in here and thought I should mention it.
    Xeng, Alioth, Jaesun and 1 other person like this.
  19. Tila Tenderfoot

    Tila Tenderfoot Avatar

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    Great guide Xeng! Don’t forget Elysian illumination and soothing rain for heal over time effects. :)
    Nikko likes this.
  20. Tywen

    Tywen Avatar

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    Xeng, excellent guide, covering all the basis from tactics and equipment to leveling priorities, and situational use. one of the better guides i have ever read. Well done sir.
    Xeng likes this.
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