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UPDATED: Player Deco Contest! GO!!!!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Chris, Apr 15, 2019.

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  1. Flientje Vantmeeden

    Flientje Vantmeeden Localization Team

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    I can only speak for myself, didn't use a magic mover for my sweet little candyshop because we have so much time to do our decorations, it's really not necessary, but i'm ok with devilcult or any of my temporary neighbours, i have already seen very interesting concepts, it is amazing and exciting to participate in this competition!
    It is so much fun to decorate, it is like going back to childhood for playing dollhouse again :D
    And in general i like the idea of having a contest like this, wonderful idea! *thumpsup*
  2. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    Yea @devilcult is right. If you get your home decorated before magic mover is disabled, you're at a disadvantage, because its early and people will be able to see what you did.

    As far as I know, the only reason Chris is disabling this anyway is because he wants to show off progress in streams and encourage others to participate doesn't want Mount Midir empty with everything going up at the last minute before the deadline.
  3. Proteus Tempest

    Proteus Tempest Avatar

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    This must be house and not decorating a lot?
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  4. Sonja

    Sonja Avatar

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    If you're a new player and don't have the gold to enter, I'm giving away 100,000 gold in a fishing competition. The fishing skill goes up quickly. I raised mine from zero to 60 in less than a couple of hours. You can also earn a village lot deed by completing the storyline, or I would be happy to place one for you and let you decorate it.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2019
  5. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    i chose not to do a house. There are many ways to deco without it. And since all are doing so i went outside the house. I have seen many nice lots that had no houses so i went that direction.
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  6. Fiero Steele

    Fiero Steele Avatar

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    Was also bouncing back and forth on a house or no house. Decided to go for a home with the smallest footprint so that I could also do lots of deco around the home, decided on the Eleven globe but the guard towers would also work but have little room inside to deco.

    Have already completed the deco and all are welcome to come see for ideas.

  7. Sea Bear

    Sea Bear Avatar

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    I understand no magic mover use is allowed during the contest, but how about after the contest?

    Are we allowed to move our entry back to say our where we have another village lot in another Player Owned Town as long as we pay the fee? Is that possible?
    Lily Byrd and Bom like this.
  8. Lained

    Lained Avatar

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    Yeovil, England
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  9. Fiero Steele

    Fiero Steele Avatar

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    I would hope so! spent some time on mine and would love to place it in a POT :)
    Bom likes this.
  10. Dailyn Rivers

    Dailyn Rivers Avatar

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    I was excited to enter this competition, so I mailed CoTo's last weekend, and have since been trying to claim a lot to no avail. No Crier that I can see - most PoTs that I've visited have those at the landing spot, or very close to it (is there a working map anywhere?!). Any lot I can find is either claimed or 'reserved'. I'm running out of time and excitement now. Any help appreciated. I'm unsure as to what I'm doing wrong here.

    As a player who hasn't been here from the beginning, this process feels lacking in information and isn't intuitive.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
    Lily Byrd and Bom like this.
  11. Spoon

    Spoon Avatar

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    When you enter then look around for a Signpost - click it and chose fast travel location Central. Where next to the Central entrance you will find the banker and the crier.
    Jaesun, Bom and Dailyn Rivers like this.
  12. Dailyn Rivers

    Dailyn Rivers Avatar

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    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
    majoria70 and Bom like this.
  13. Lace

    Lace Avatar

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    @Chris on livestream today was saying 60 seconds or so per home. Now while I personally feels that any home based lot cannot conceivably get the proper amount of attention (especially any with stairs), only outside deco lots have a chance, any home with signs or notes describing thought or feels via the interior areas, any home with perfectly placed items in stead of off kilter by mistake are judged similarly are at a huge disadvantage. Those that have spent hours and hours making interactive items or display via caches or notes are similar discarded because you home will only be shown based on a 3rd party presenter with a limited perspective.

    Yes that is all enflaming, however @Chris said if you place a single page flyer in front of you home he will keep it up during presentation, I just don't see how he can see each part of a house in the time allotted. Also I don't understand how this live voting works. Do you have to give your data to a 3rd party such as twitch? Do you have to be subscribed? What if you live in another part of the world, what if you need to pee during person xxxx presentation? How does this voting actually work?

    Please give us some more details.

    I am not trying to beat you guys up over this event. I just feel it should have been open to discussion from those of us that have actually hosted deco events in the past and understand the caveats and how to overcome them. The mystique of your voting is surely in question, not that it will be favored, but that it will be unrepresentative because not everyone plays when you stream.

    Me I got yet another meet and greet with my rock idol that day and cannot represent myself. Sota < Pat Benatar to me .. (wink)
  14. Lace

    Lace Avatar

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    During wipes years ago I hosted fastest decorator in the west contest. I put all the items up in a house, the contestants were each assigned a room, they had to grab what they wanted and make best room. A deco contest for this magnitude could have been done with a bag of set components with home or without but then creativity could have shown, not wallets etc .. They use what they want and all use same things. Participants granted co owner status, box with cowner only items to be used. Port keeps deed and house.

    Food for thought for the future and other deco contests folks want to host.
    Redhammer, Hillt, Spoon and 4 others like this.
  15. Scooby Doo

    Scooby Doo Avatar

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    @Chris @DarkStarr

    Do you have to be watching at the time the house is being shown and voted on?
    For me it's a 3am start and 7am finish.
    Does this mean I don't get to vote on any of the houses in the contest unless I pull an all nighter?:confused::(

    How much deco will be missed while the note is covering half the viewing screen with all the other twitch plugins/extensions ect?

    Not picking on you Chris, love what your doing and your streams.
    I noticed today when you were showing my lot as an example of what we should expect, you didn't open the door to the bottom room, does this mean we need to leave doors open while you fly by? and you didn't look down towards the floor after you came up the stairs.

    Please give us some more details, preferably before the event and not in the opening credits of the stream.
    Redhammer and Synergy Blaize like this.
  16. Helvig Ingvildsdottir

    Helvig Ingvildsdottir Avatar

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    This is one of the best ideas I have read. Sadly, as fair and wonderful as this would be, it is probably not in Port's best interest. I could imagine that one of the main objectives with this contest was to boost Coto shop sales.

    Personally, I'm not competing. Not because I lack the ressources (if I counted how much money I spent on SotA pixel crack these past 2 years I'd probably hate myself), but because I don't believe in the fairness of this contest, winning chances are extremely low, and the prize doesn't interest me enough to try despite my concerns.
  17. jiirc

    jiirc Avatar

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    A lot of the details have been given out.

    1) You need to be watching the stream to vote.

    2) voting is done in Twitch.

    3) Chris is writing a voting app that you will use.

    4) Though not stated, I suspect you will need to be following him but not subscribed. But maybe not. I know that to get into the prize pool you need to follow him in Twitch, but I’m not sure if you need an account to ask questions or vote in the odd poll he puts up. Following does require a Twitch acccount.

    5) while he hasn’t given a time for the stream, the one he has in mind he’s said he’s tried to accommodate players in all time zones. Unfortunately it won’t be prime time viewing for everyone.

    6) Voting is done in real-time, while you are watching the house being displayed. It starts when he lands and ends when he leaves. you cast your vote while he is visiting. If you have to leave, you have about 2 minutes to do your thing, if you want to cast your vote for every house.

    7) Chris will clear the previous vote. He will d3clare voting open and people vote while he at the house. He closes the vote and a score is generated. Rinse and repeat for each house visit.

    The one minute rule for the first round has been in place since day one, since the first time he’s spoken about the contest. It was mentioned in the post as well. That’s the way it’s been.

    I disagree with the comment that those people who entered should make the rules. The rules are made by the contest owner, not by the participants. If you didn’t like the rules as they were stated at the beginning, don’t participate.
    Sonja likes this.
  18. Chris

    Chris Tech Lord Moderator Ambassador SOTA Developer

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    Greetings! I just wanted to let people know that the live stream time was changed from noon -4PM CT to 11AM -3PM CT so we can do the dance party promptly at 3PM!
    Jaesun and Synergy Blaize like this.
  19. Synergy Blaize

    Synergy Blaize Avatar

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    Australia- The Land Down Under
    Thank You Chris....
    This will somewhat help Aussie Viewers/Voters somewhat =2am> 6am.......... ZZzzz.....

    Any little bit helps for us forgotten Souls in Australia!
    Seriously... THANK YOU!
  20. amaasing

    amaasing Avatar

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    I didn't use magic mover and have spent many hours decorating. However, if the purpose was for Chris to be showing these homes as they progressed then that is next to impossible. Almost all the homes around me are locked. My first impression was that Chris would take care of that by sending a message to the owners to tell them to unlock them, but of course, that didn't happen. So with everything else that has gone on with this 'contest' (people getting an early start before the official announcement, people paying their entry fee and still not having a lot; people using magic movers; people keeping their homes locked; 1 minute for someone who seems to have trouble actually showing off homes and properly well when given more than 1 minute; lots that were placed in the most ridiculous positions - many facing right up to a mountain; judges who are those who attend Chris' stream and have probably never judged a deco contest in their lives) and the list goes on and on......my feeling is that most of us who truly worked hard to do the best job possible and have some amazingly great designed homes will not even have a chance to win.

    It also appears as if Chris is making up the rules as he goes but only tells the few people who watch the stream - so the rest of the contestants have no clue what rules have changed or been added.

    This was a great idea with very sloppy, poor execution. Sad..... And frustrating that we paid quite a bit for the entry fee and worked long hours to get our homes (even if they were on crappy located lots) decorated and it was all for nothing. Oh, well, lesson learned I suppose.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2019
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