A message of support...and gratitude.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Strider99, Aug 13, 2020.

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  1. oplek

    oplek Avatar

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    Maybe I'm being nitpicky, but I don't have a job here. I'm a customer. I'm not being paid. The game may feel like a job at times, but that's an MMO for you. When I provide feedback, it's because I am volunteering information that will hopefully lead to the game improving.
  2. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    well however you want to look at it. ;) To provide feedback or not.
    Time Lord and devilcult like this.
  3. Astirian

    Astirian Avatar

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    There's no denying the game's improved over time, that's pretty evident to the peeps that pop in regularly. I think it's fair to say that there's always been a lot of hard work done. To me, regarding the (what I would see as the most *pertinent* for the game thriving) things you mentioned:

    • Performance: Yep, agree that's a massive priority. Can see the initial difficulties with Unity 3D's capabilities and LB's vision.
    • Quest Bugs: Amazing work done fixing the functional aspect, the bugs. But is presentation of the WORLD given attention? (The thing that drew you to Fantasy DnD? The thing that makes Game of Thrones a thing. The thing that's now made the Witcher on Netflix a thing. The thing that makes you buy a Fighting Fantasy book? The thing that made you love an Ultima game? Etc...)
    • Maps: I get the feeling here that LB said "No maps! Unless they're bought from NPCs!" - A great concept for a top-down game. For a 3D open world game though, maybe not so practical and I can see how the dev team's got some epic tech debt there now.
    • Journals: Again, I think I remember LB's thoughts on discoverable content kind of like in RL. In Ultima VII, you have to keep track of what you know yourself as a player (clues in Save Game names haha!). But the scope of a modern game makes following a main quest with no journal a pretty tall order I think. So now we have an unfinished compromise. Just do the journal dudes, ppl adore Baldur's Gate and Elder Scrolls.
    • UI: To me this comes back to immersion and presentation. As a game designer, do you want to create an immersive world? Or are we just interested in making a Rift or a Guild Wars 2 here? Where min-maxing, PvP and number crunching are King?
    And that kind of sums up my frustration over the last ~8 years.

    Are you making a soulful spiritual successor to the Ultima series with great multiplayer aspects? An evolution 0f one of the greatest RPG series in the history of the CRPG, with influences to be felt everywhere from Baldur's Gate, to the Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Divinity, the Witcher series and beyond...

    Or are we going to talk about XP, combat balance and crafting recipes all day? (not bashing these things, just thinking about the priority here)

    And that's just it though isn't it? There's quite obviously an audience for that mechanical stuff (me included!) - But you have to think, what's more valuable at this point? The 200,000 (I made that number up) Ultima series fans? Or some F2P tourists on Steam that'll be more than happy to slap you in the face with a wet fish and forget about it after a sneezefart?

    I know what would make business sense to me.

    But maybe that point becomes moot the day a game goes F2P in the first place so... .... .....
  4. Cordelayne

    Cordelayne Bug Hunter

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    I couldn't agree with you more. Sadly, I have long since given up hope that this game would have anything near a compelling story, filled with exciting quests and lore.

    The game is, what it is now, a combat, crafting XP grind that will never, ever be balanced. I'm happy for those that like this, but our current population writ large, is reflective of its inability to appeal to a broader audience. Or even retain the audience that it had.
    Astirian, Gorthyn, Barugon and 3 others like this.
  5. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    Within the limits of any budget,
    classic and what UO-2020 should be :cool:
    ~Time Lord~:)
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2020
    Patchup and Cordelayne like this.
  6. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    I have been playing 7+ years now and will always support the direction and believe in @Chris and the team's long term vision on where this will all go in time. Everything in Time, it may not be fast enough development for some but in 7 years we have come a long long ways and I always look forward to ever patch even the ones that nerf hehe. This is the first game in my life that has managed to keep me here what seems like forever. I have not capped or ran out of things to do and never will because of the constant new stuff always coming. Keep up the great work!
  7. Lord Tachys al`Fahn

    Lord Tachys al`Fahn Avatar

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    Naw.... Spectral Mines is just fine, since its very name implies it is a ghost of what it once was ;)
    Kain Darkmoor and Scanphor like this.
  8. Patchup

    Patchup Avatar

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    The franchise is close to many peoples hearts. Because of this there is passion fueling the emotional fires on both ends of this ongoing dialog. Considering the median age for the player base, I think most of us are experienced enough to see past the words and see the meaning behind them.
    We love the game, the world, the memories, and our part in it. I do not think either side wants anything other than the game to succeed. The vision for the game may differ, but the desire is the same.

    I do not condone the rudeness of some posts, but I don't dismiss the message behind the rudeness either.
    I do not condone the belittling of other players frustration with the game, but I understand the desire to defend something I love and I am invested in.
    At least I try to do these things. I fail more times than I care to admit.

    Those of us true Avatars are cut from the same cloth. It's just our Virtue Cloaks that look different.
    Peace and love, to all!
    Astirian, Rinaldi and Paladin Michael like this.
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