2021+ Player Priorities Poll

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sorgin Txakal, Jan 23, 2021.


In your opinion, what should the devs be focused on in 2021+?

Poll closed Feb 6, 2021.
  1. Balance/Debug/Polish/Completion passes on existing systems

  2. Centralized dev communication

  3. Community NPC voiceover submissions/contests

  4. Crafting System QOL Improvements

  5. Deeper competition across tamed and summoned pets, magic trees & builds

  6. Deeper weather/stellar mechanics

  7. Earnable, Buyable, and temporary competition-based titles

  8. Expanded POT functions (crier with Inky, scripted events, seige/spawn options)

  9. Farming QOL Improvements

  10. Global Vendor Search Need solution

  11. Improve pet commanding/buffing system

  12. Improve UI

  13. Increase Catnip funding options

  14. Integration of wiki/players guide into game itself

  15. Inventory Management QOL Improvements

  16. Lootable/craftable enchantment scolls

  17. Make cooking more competitive with other production skills

  18. Make NPC towns more desirable for players to live in

  19. Make public vendors more useful

  20. Make PVP more attractive to players & expand PVP scenes/mechanics

  21. Mentoring past GM

  22. More & More Detailed API Data

  23. More Achievements & Improve Achievement System

  24. More Avatar appearance customization

  25. More Combat Deck Slots

  26. More Combat Transparency

  27. More craftable/purchaseable items that exist in the world

  28. More daily quests (incl. crafting/gathering/fishing/etc.)

  29. More detailed character sheet

  30. More Dynamic Scenes / convert old scenes

  31. More engaging crafting

  32. More group based gameplay/scenes/bosses

  33. More INKY/Player-Quest Customization/Support

  34. More long-term/multi-scene quests

  35. More meaningful virtue impacts

  36. More QA before releases

  37. More skill/spec transparency

  38. More thrown weapons/bombs

  39. More/Better Crafted Gear

  40. New mobs & New Player Dungeon Mobs

  41. Overland Map improvements

  42. Performance Improvements

  43. Player Inventory UI Improvements

  44. Player Vendor QOL Improvements

  45. Quest system overhaul

  46. Remove Attenuation

  47. Send lots to property manage when lot expires if space is available

  48. Tie utility bar with combat deck

  49. Treasure Maps / Message in bottle

  50. Voice chat support

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Sorgin Txakal

    Sorgin Txakal Avatar

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    Hi Everyone,

    So, as discussed, I went through this post and pulled out all 134 valid and usable submissions. I then manually reviewed them one by one and found the commonalities between them and distilled them down into this list of 50 topics.

    • Please use this poll as a means of informing the devs what you think their top priorities should be for their reference.

    • Everyone gets 7 votes
      • Worst case scenario you pick your submitted 5 and 2 others
      • Best case scenario, you consider other people's perspectives

    • Your votes can be changed
      • Why should one thing be prioritized over another? Here is your chance to make a well reasoned, rational argument for your items.
      • Please be respectful to others.

    • 2 Weeks to vote and make your case to sway people's minds

    • Is this official/binding for the devs?
      • Not at all - but it makes sure your voice is heard in a quantifiable manner and not buried in some forgotten post

    2021 Player Priorities Poll Top 25 Items

    1. Balance/Debug/Polish/Completion passes on existing systems
      1. The Shroud Vision Statement published by Chris, and continuously mentioned since, states a commitment to revisiting/polishing/balancing systems as the top priority of 2021
    2. Global Vendor Search Need solution
    3. Treasure Maps / Message in bottle
      1. 2021.02.26 - Elgarion confirmed in Friday stream he is working on message in bottle system
    4. Crafting System QOL Improvements
      1. 2021.02.26 - New foods introduced reducing crafting time
    5. Improve UI
      1. New Dev hired Q2 2021, Devil Cult, whose sole responsibility is UI improvement.
    6. Quest system overhaul
    7. More daily quests (incl. crafting/gathering/fishing/etc.)
    8. Performance Improvements
      1. New toggle button added to toggle party member effects icon increasing performance in parties.
    9. More/Better Crafted Gear
      1. 2021.02.26 - New salvage system improvements announced to take place over next few releases - system needed for easier implementation of new crafted artifact-component gear
      2. Release 89: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/?p=128668
      3. Release 90: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/?p=128907#notes
    10. New mobs & New Player Dungeon Mobs
      1. 2021.02.26 - Continued hints of new mob being worked on in Friday stream
    11. More engaging crafting
    12. Send lots to property manager when lot expires if space is available
    13. More Dynamic Scenes / convert old scenes
    14. Centralized dev communication
    15. Deeper competition across tamed and summoned pets, magic trees & builds
      1. 2021.02.26 - New foods introduced increasing all summoned pet powers
      2. 2021.02.26 - Devs discussed new artifact buffs to increase all summoned pets across the board
    16. Farming QOL Improvements
      1. Button added to display plants that have not been watered
    17. Inventory Management QOL Improvements
      1. Button added to sort inventory by recently acquired loot
      2. Plan added to add separate tab for locked items
    18. Make NPC towns more desirable for players to live in
      1. 2021.02.26 - NPC towns added to Catnip fishing competition rotations generating foot traffic near water
      2. Artifact loot added to daily quests in NPC towns
    19. Player Inventory UI Improvements
    20. Player Vendor QOL Improvements
    21. Make PVP more attractive to players & expand PVP scenes/mechanics
      1. 2021.02.26 - Treasure Hunting monthly quest added for PVP scenes
      2. 2021.02.26 - Lava fishing added to Blood Bay - first PVP adventure scene with housing and lava fishing
      3. Obsidian Panopticon level capped for PVP mentoring
    22. More long-term/multi-scene quests
      1. 2021.02.26 - Monthly treasure hunts by Catnip is being created
    23. More meaningful virtue impacts
    24. Tie utility bar with combat deck
    25. More Avatar appearance customization
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
  2. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Thanks for doing this. This is rather interesting.
  3. AzazelReborn

    AzazelReborn Avatar

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    Is there away to see what has been picked already. To see the going trends?
    that_shawn_guy likes this.
  4. Sorgin Txakal

    Sorgin Txakal Avatar

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    FrostII, that_shawn_guy and Wilfred like this.
  5. Katu

    Katu Avatar

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    Missing loot improvements // Looting balance

  6. Wilfred

    Wilfred Avatar

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    Thanks for putting up this poll! :)

    Here is what I voted for, with a few adjustments to more closely match my preferences:

    Balance/Debug/Polish/Completion passes on existing systems
    Crafting System QOL Improvements
    Global Vendor Search Need solution
    Improve UI
    Overland Map improvements
    Player Vendor QOL Improvements
    Send lots to property manager when lot expires if space is available
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
    Sorgin Txakal and Dollar Bill like this.
  7. Aetrion

    Aetrion Avatar

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    Problem with this kind of poll is that it has an extreme survivorship bias. We're getting the opinions of people who are still playing the game, not people who would be squarely in the target audience but have given up, so we're simply not gathering data on what the most egregious problems are, only what mildly bothers people who find it tolerable as is.
    Elwyn, arcdevil, Hylax and 6 others like this.
  8. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    While not 100% accurate, at least Sorgin is trying to do something that could benefit the community and the game. And I’m ok with that. Instead of doing nothing at all.
  9. Sorgin Txakal

    Sorgin Txakal Avatar

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    There was a lot of "better" loot requests, but that isn't really clear on what the devs should focus on in that respect. So this is possibly broken down into a few differnet areas:

    • Balance/Debug/Polish/Completion passes on existing systems
      • This covers going back over scenes and enemies to make them more rewarding to kill/visit
      • This is something Catnip & Chris has already stated they are going to do
    • More/Better Crafted Gear
      • This includes more dropped artifacts that can be used as components like elven hilts, mossy handles, etc
      • This is also something Catnip has stated they are working on
    • More Dynamic Scenes / convert old scenes
      • More high teir scenes, more variety of enemies, thus loot, and rewarding time spent in other places
    • Treasure Maps / Message in bottle
      • Loot and looting-based quests

    Also why people have the ability to change their vote :)
    Anpu and Wilfred like this.
  10. Sorgin Txakal

    Sorgin Txakal Avatar

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    I encourage everyone to post a link to this in their discord channels to encourage feedback and/or spread the word to people who have left the game to come back and express why they left with their vote and possibly an explanation why a specific thing in the above was important to them and they felt it was neglected or how they feel it can be improved.
    Duursyrras and Wilfred like this.
  11. Aetrion

    Aetrion Avatar

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    Pretty much everyone here has written extensively about what they want improved about the game at one time or another. It's absurd to say anyone is doing nothing at all just because they haven't bothered writing anything in the last few days when it's often years before any given piece of feedback receives attention, if at all.
  12. Sorgin Txakal

    Sorgin Txakal Avatar

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    It's not a contest, I'm not trying to override, validate, or invalidate any prior posts made by players or Catnip.

    In full transparency, this is something that came about between talks I had with Anpu and others in Discord. There seems to be a lot of people that want many things, and my original post was designed to both capture the shear volume of player requests in a easily compliable format - if nothing else then just to demonstrate all the varied needs of the small subset of players who are vocal - and then this was a follow up to quantify some of the data, when players are faced with many but limited options, where their actual priorities lie.

    As some have pointed out, this is by no means scientific in approach - it is only taking the ideas of the player base that currently wish to participate in the prior and/or this post, and as a person who likes dealing with data, I often find valuable insights can be extrapolated from poorly compiled or even incomplete data sets - so long as it is tangible. Ironically, this taking place after Chris already discussed his company's priorities for the year, not to mention other people's toes I may be stepping on, so I'm probably annoying him as much as I am annoying some of the players with this.

    I have nothing profound to sign out on.
    CrandalltheFoole, Wilfred and Anpu like this.
  13. macnlos

    macnlos Avatar

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    "Surviorship Bias"... I'll tell you this, don't consider those that have left. We are gone, don't try and make the game to solve what we want. You have a small current player base. Make the game right for them to stop the bleeding. I know, but what about growing the game? At this point growing the game is a fallacy. Make the game solid for those that are still playing it, once that has been done then slowly introduce new things to the game. Chris and Portnip cannot afford to lose more of its player base. Whether that is a foregone conclusion is another discussion but for now let's assume it can continue.
    arcdevil, Cordelayne and FrostII like this.
  14. Aurelius Silverson

    Aurelius Silverson Avatar

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    True to some degree, but for me as someone who has given up on playing but still wants the game to succeed I am putting my votes towards what might persuade me to come back.
    Cordelayne, FrostII, Wilfred and 2 others like this.
  15. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    I think there's a lot of choices in that poll and we'll see a spread based on some thing that could realistically be grouped together. Also some are very small, highly specific things (like "more deck slots") which can't really be weighted against larger things like "Performance Improvements." There's also general UI improvements, and then a bunch of specific ones like inventory, vendor, etc.

    I think it will still be a good feedback for the devs about what players consider priority, absolutely.

    My own picks:

    Balance/Debug/Polish/Completion passes on existing systems.
    This kind of sums up a lot of the specific stuff itemized beneath it, and I'm not really fussy about which systems get addressed just that they are. Chris's 2021 vision echoes this sentiment which is encouraging. I think a lot of the specific items fall into this category, like, expanding POT functions could be part of doing a completion pass on player town functionality. So it encompasses most things that aren't true "new content."

    Crafting System QOL Improvements
    What this means to me, is:
    -Making crafting interface better
    -Completely overhauling crafting recipe book
    -Balancing inputs/outputs (so, harder materials => better effects)
    -Overhauling longstanding disparities in resource gathering (beetles vs. suet vs. secondary metals)
    -Addressing the horror of RNG slotmachining and adding consistency
    -Making producer levels more meaningful at high end
    -Recipe rebalance across the board
    -General housekeeping of messy/unneeded stuff that nobody bothers with

    Global Vendor Search Need Solution
    Super-important to me, the awfulness of buying/selling/shopping is one of my biggest reasons for staying away at the moment.

    Improve UI
    I chose this one rather than specifics elements in the list. In general, the UI isn't -horrible- , it is functional, but there's a lot of elements that could use work, like inventory sorting/filtering, quest journal, recipe book, maps, minimap functionality, etc.

    More QA before releases
    Definitely need internal testing or longer release cycles for thorough player testing to prevent some rather embarrassing fiascos.

    New Quest System
    The current quest system leaves a lot to be desired - both in concept and execution. The journal is a big part of that, as are all the nonfunctional waypoints or missing waypoints, poor rewards/itemization and lack of clarity on what to do a lot of the time, random invisible hits to virtue with no explanation, etc. Most quests are now functional and can be completed if the player follows a precise set of instructions, but deviations from expectations still can break things in sometimes spectacular ways. At the very least, the ability to abandon/reset an active quest would assuage a lot of issues.

    Games 10 years older look better and load faster and run smoother.
    I know a lot of this is down to the limitations of unity - but its a real concern, in that even high end machines struggle with hitching and stuttering and poor load times that have only gotten worse over the years. Its not an easy fix, and it isn't sexy, but I think Sota will struggle to ever maintain a large playerbase with the performance as a limiting factor.
  16. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    The ammount of choices and only being able to choose 7 made this incredibly difficult for me to read having to go forward and backwards and not retaining the info very well. But i feel many items i am not able to select are equal in importance to the ones i was limited to selecting.
    Sorgin Txakal likes this.
  17. Bioxide

    Bioxide Avatar

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    I didn’t see the one I really wanted, cooler and more exciting loot drop items.
    DalTXColtsFan likes this.
  18. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    That dude that says “episode 2” in every thread has a point that Lore should be added to the list.

    Also i wanted to vote for making old scenes unique and dynamic but didnt
    majoria70 likes this.
  19. Sorgin Txakal

    Sorgin Txakal Avatar

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    Ya, I saw that, but as Chris stated in the past live streams, Episode 2 content is still being worked on and this year's focus on performance improvements isn't really affecting Episode 2 plans.

    Seems like it would have been a waste of a vote to put something on there that Catnip has already stated they are working on, especially when it would compete with: More Dynamic Scenes / convert old scenes, More/Better Crafted Gear, New Mobs, More Achievements & Improve Achievement System, More daily quests (incl. crafting/gathering/fishing/etc.), More long-term/multi-scene quests

    All of which, and probably more, represent Episode 2 content - though these options and other give Catnip info on what the players want to see first.
    FrostII and Wilfred like this.
  20. Sorgin Txakal

    Sorgin Txakal Avatar

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    There was a lot of "better" loot requests, but that isn't really clear on what the devs should focus on in that respect. So this is possibly broken down into a few differnet areas:

    • Balance/Debug/Polish/Completion passes on existing systems
      • This covers going back over scenes and enemies to make them more rewarding to kill/visit
      • This is something Catnip & Chris has already stated they are going to do
    • More/Better Crafted Gear
      • This includes more dropped artifacts that can be used as components like elven hilts, mossy handles, etc
      • This is also something Catnip has stated they are working on
    • More Dynamic Scenes / convert old scenes
      • More high teir scenes, more variety of enemies, thus loot, and rewarding time spent in other places
    • Treasure Maps / Message in bottle
      • Loot and looting-based quests
    Wilfred likes this.
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