Port Graff, visited again with my other Avatar

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by ConjurerDragon, May 1, 2024.

  1. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    First let me state again that I love to see NPC´s with daily routines and having played Thief: The dark project before I´m a fan of the guards and NPC´s like e.g. the alchemist actually not only having a bed but going to bed to rest. That is part of my immersion in the gameworld.

    Since a while coal nodes have been sparsely added in several zones.
    One that would make sense would be here in Port Graff - the deco for the coal is already there, it just needs the coal node (as a NPC-town with a long respawn not the short ones like the apples on the barrels)
    05/01/2024 17:32
    Area: Novia_R5_City_PortGraff
    Area Display Name: Port Graff
    Loc: (-72.1, 31.5, -154.3)

    The track of the minecart ends here abruptly in front of the gate. That makes no sense - it´s prone to an accident to shove the cart from the tracks.
    Either the tracks need to go on, under the gate and beyond (if you want to show that there is a connection to something outside the city) OR this place needs another stopbumper like the others in Port Graff.
    Area: Port Graff (Novia_R5_City_PortGraff) Loc: (-86.33, 31.103, -159.272) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjVfQ2l0eV9Qb3J0R3JhZmZ8fCgtODYuMzMsIDMxLjEwMywgLTE1OS4yNzIpfCgwLCAwLjgzLCAwLCAtMC41NTgpfDU1NS4xMTYxfDIxLjQ3MDA1fDA=

    Here are two saddlebagstands and some hay - it seems that unlike the electric tram in Grusk the people in Port Grafff use draw animals to draw their minecarts.... Yet there aren´t any.
    Perhaps add a donkey to the scene and rename one of that "Traveller" kids running around to "Mule-Driver" or such?
    Area: Port Graff (Novia_R5_City_PortGraff) Loc: (-56.931, 32.538, -167.01) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjVfQ2l0eV9Qb3J0R3JhZmZ8fCgtNTYuOTMxLCAzMi41MzgsIC0xNjcuMDEpfCgwLCAwLjIyNywgMCwgLTAuOTc0KXwzMjEuMjkyNXwyMS44ODEwNXww

    There is a sign at the bridge that this is the "Upper blue gem creek"
    Area: Port Graff (Novia_R5_City_PortGraff) Loc: (-53.104, 31.173, -129.693) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjVfQ2l0eV9Qb3J0R3JhZmZ8fCgtNTMuMTA0LCAzMS4xNzMsIC0xMjkuNjkzKXwoMCwgLTAuODAzLCAwLCAwLjU5NSl8LTQ2NS41NjgyfDI0LjkyNzE3fDA=
    However the crystals are neither minable nor blue - they are green and only look from a distance blue due to I guess some lighting.

    The bank building misses the "bank" icon on the map
    Area: Port Graff (Novia_R5_City_PortGraff) Loc: (92.078, 26.399, -6.015) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjVfQ2l0eV9Qb3J0R3JhZmZ8fCg5Mi4wNzgsIDI2LjM5OSwgLTYuMDE1KXwoMCwgMC44NzgsIDAsIC0wLjQ3OCl8MTc0LjAyMDV8MTguNzI4MjZ8MA==
    Beaumaris likes this.
  2. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks for the suggestions! Added as issue #72070. I probably won't make any big changes, but I'll take a look and see what i can do for improvements.