The new zombies

Discussion in 'Avatars & NPCs' started by Proteus Tempest, Jun 13, 2015.

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  1. Proteus Tempest

    Proteus Tempest Avatar

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    Congrats to Geoff Mellon, Kevin Wells and Bren Wilson on the great job on the zombies. Congrats to all on the staff for the new monster creation.

    I can't wait to see a zombie made from my toons corpse.
    Ellrynn, Atogrim, Themo Lock and 2 others like this.
  2. Devoid

    Devoid Avatar

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    Yes, however, I didn't interpret that one's own corpse rises as a zombie, instead "...anyone who dies from the zombie plague creates another zombie..." which infers anything except one's own corpse becoming a zombie!

    I want that one's toon becomes a zombie that is hostile to other players and friendly to zombies/undead, liches etc... until cured. This would make for a much more dynamic game play (to hell with all the whiners!). This would require that Portalarium creates a mechanic for single player mode that makes it possible to become cured.
    In selected multiplayer mode, then one will be at the mercy of the community at providing a cure, and that may not go, or go as fast, as one wishes (to hell with all the whiners!).

    Some players may wish to remain a zombie and terrorize other players (for a while at least) and I feel that that is quite okay, more power to them! Like I said, this would contribute for a more dynamic game (to hell with all the whiners!).
  3. Razimus

    Razimus Avatar

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    Reminds me of the only enjoyable fun time I had in this cliche game called WoW. I only played that game for 1.5 months, but there was actually a very fun zombie virus that took place for about 1 week within that time. It was story related, involving the story of the Lich King, the zombie virus was actually story driven, the virus took place before the expansion, and was meant to last for about 1 month, it was the funnest time I had in that game. This is how it went, all rats in the cities were infected with a virus, if you came in contact with any rat you'd be infected and had about 5 minutes until you became a zombie, once you became a zombie you could infect anyone, so what happened was there were bands of zombies that would rise up and infect players on purpose but it only lasted so long, once you were dead you went back to your normal state. But it was hilarious to infect someone and the players complained so bad that they considered it PvP or greifing even though it was part of the game and part of the story line and a themed quest designed to usher in the expansion pack Wrath of the Lich King, despite all of that, WoW executives pulled the quest after 1 week, it was the best and only enjoyable 1 week I had in that game. Every other second was so-so which is why I quit. I was a gnome that just hoarded gold, it was very boring, but that zombie quest which had no rhyme or reason other than to infect people for fun, it was very fun. Too bad WoW players couldn't comprehend what a 'story line' was, and what 'fun' was.
    The Cult Leader likes this.
  4. Robby

    Robby Avatar

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    I love the new zombie idea sooo much!!! SO AWESOME!
    But yea, still a lot of details not confirmed in that post about the zombies. It said, "anyone who dies from the zombie plague creates another zombie" And thats about it. Didnt really say if the zombie created is going to look like your character, or wearing your armour which could potenentially end up as a away for other players to kill the zombie of you and loot your stuff if you happen to (or if you even can when we get the finished game) elect to play full loot pvp mode. I mean its a pretty cool idea and all just if more generic zombies that dont look like you spawn above a players corpse that was slayed by a zombie, adds a special edge to the undead monsters that makes them more fun/challenging. Ideally I think it would be more cool if the undead critters in the game were EXTREMELY rare and extremely challenging to slay... When was the last time an RPG game actually had you scared when you saw a skeleton or a zombie walking around or rising from the grave? Dunno why, but the trend in RPG's these days is to have some of the easiest critters in the game include skeletons or zombies and there scattered all over the place, huge hordes of them and you just whirlwind threw em all like their nothing or just summon a magical tornado and blow em all away. blah!
    There was a time a few months ago when there were many people pushing for a lot of gruesome content such as cannibalism, body part dismemberment and such, this of course was met with lots of backlash. I was most definitely one to say yes to all this gruesome content but it isnt just my game and all... =(
    I just am wondering if the community as a whole is cool with this "anyone who dies from the zombie plague creates another zombie".
    Ideally, I would so love to be able to end up controlling my character and walk around as my zombie self if I happen to get turned into a zombie and use it to eat other players and such... Though there would have to be limitations to make it have some sort of point to it and all, be kinda lame if people just started running out and standing beside a zombie horde on purpose just to get slayed so they can mess around wandering as a zombie.
    mikeaw1101 and Lord-Galiwyn like this.
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