Repairing with Craftingstations

Discussion in 'Crafting & Gathering' started by Julian Baskerville, Aug 3, 2016.

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  1. Julian Baskerville

    Julian Baskerville Avatar

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    Hey all,

    can you please assist me with answering a question?

    Repairing items like weapons or armor requires the BlackSmithRepairKit. Check.

    When I used it without a Station, it raises the durability from lets say 12/100 to 42/100. What is good while adventuring, yet...some builds before, you could repair your items at a station and raise the maximum level back to its original value.

    40/50 could get up to 40/100 again.

    Now, I tried that in todays build...I got the hammer equipped and I got the kit and the weapon in the doesnt raise the max durability anymore. The weapon that shows (max 100) gets repaired, but not the number behind the slash.

    What do I do wrong??? What am I missing?
  2. Vyrin

    Vyrin Avatar

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    It's in the Release instructions: Maximum Durability can only be repaired using COTO's. This could start a wave of opinion on them in this thread...

    "Maximum durability drops very slowly, representing long-term systemic wear and stress to an item. Metal can only be beaten back into shape so many times before it starts to degrade. Maximum durability can only be recovered through the use of one of the rare and powerful Crowns of the Obsidians. Founder items and other backer rewards and Add-On store purchases do not lose maximum durability."
  3. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    Unless it's a pledge or add-on item, then it's durability runs down to zero and it's "kaput" if you don't apply a COTO to it :(
    ~Time Lord~o_O
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
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  4. Julian Baskerville

    Julian Baskerville Avatar

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    Whoever made that decision...

    Why the hell do you force me to do that click on node thing? What did I do to you? For your ingame economy that youself didnt spend a second thinking about with only gold as the 1 unity?

    If you want me to play your game, please understand that I got no problem doing it once for a time to get to the equipment I want (see my working in a coalmin thread). You are actually punishing me to like your game and play it, since the more I play the more my equipment needs repairs or...wait...replacing.

    This is simple will not force me to spend my online time with my 40 years hitting nodes. I did that in a former build and liked it...cause you had a goal, x amount = 1 sword and you need just one that you could repair. a game developer and think of a harvesting mechanic that is fun and not out of the 90th...then, we have a deal and I will enjoy harvesting. Like this? No way.


    As you know...I play mostly alone and I love being self suficient. I do understand that my way of playing is not welcome here and punished. People in guilds that work in teams dont have that problem, since devided work is fast work.
    So...maybe change that mechanic from solo to online play?!?

    Anyway...this is a real downer for me since I know I will have to harvest my behind of on a weekly base. Or spend my real $ on nice looking gear that can be repaired with...costly coins.

    I know I know...Drama queen...but heck, am I right or am I right guys?
  5. Last Trinsic Defender

    Last Trinsic Defender Avatar

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    You are right.
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  6. Roycestein Kaelstrom

    Roycestein Kaelstrom Avatar

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    The durability degrading rate has been reduced significantly.

    I've made about 5k G from hunting casually so far since I put my newest armor on. I only lose 1 point to the chest and boots.

    By the time you're at the point where your gear is beyond compare, you should be able to afford or craft at least 2-3 more already.
  7. Snazz

    Snazz Avatar

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    My 2HS has dropped 10 points in max dur in 2 days. Half of my game time is mining and crafting.

    'current durability' is around 25 pts under. Kinda BS. Max should take a hit only from repairing the blade
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  8. Julian Baskerville

    Julian Baskerville Avatar

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    Halleluhjaaa...thats an Idea i could live with. Nice one !
    Time Lord likes this.
  9. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    If you don't want to buy COTO's you really don't have to. Play for a while before you jump to these conclusions, cause my durability is standing up pretty good. Like Roycestein said, you can easily craft a new weapon, really no need to use COTO's if you don't want to.

    You may want to use the fully charged attack too, if you are currently using auto-attack it's obviously going to drain your durability much faster.
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  10. Mitch [MGT]

    Mitch [MGT] Avatar

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    There are also skills you can develop that decrease wear and tear on armour and weapons.
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  11. Scoffer

    Scoffer Avatar

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    Along the same sort of lines there any point to the repair blacksmithing skill?
    You only raise it when repairing items at the crafting station but I maybe missing the point with the skill entirely.
    I've not noticed any difference between repairing in the field (dropping a repair kit on the item) or repairing at a workstation and if it doesn't repair the secondary durability....
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  12. Aetrion

    Aetrion Avatar

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    Basically they decided they were going to make item repairs into a pay to win system. This game's monetization strategy makes me sad. It basically says "We do not want people with an average gaming budget feel like they are valued here". I have tons of friends who loved Ultima Online who won't touch SotA because of the insane pricing on stuff and COTO.
  13. Snazz

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    One just needs to craft multiple sets, which you do anyways when going for critical success. Just be mindful to not wear your awesome gearset for farming. Save it for tough content.

    Swapping is super fast when you setup a deck with alternate equipment. 2 seconds out of combat via Y
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  14. mithra

    mithra Avatar

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    On the one hand I can see the importance of item degradation. There needs to be a sink for resources and equipment, otherwise you get hoarding behaviors like in early UO, which is great for established players but create a prohibitive economy for new players.

    As far as monetization haha, yes well the point of creating the game at all, cynically speaking, is to turn a profit for the company and at minimum create a paycheck for developers who need to feed their families. That's on the low end, not on the ownership end. But I think many players would like to believe designers and developers are simply fanatics about their craft, purists who are motivated by nothing more, and need nothing more, than love of gaming, but sadly that isn't so :D From a business point of view, I always think, Sell Everything. But from a gaming point of view, with some idea of a level playing field and sportsmanship, I always hate to think people are paying to win. But from what I have read, companies are saying Hey it's OK to pay to win because players are going to do it anyway, and why should the company leave money on the table? The reason of course is because they're competing in the player space when they directly sell you gold and stuff, player industry is depressed, and it prevents emergent value in the economy.

    I always thought of the game company who maintains a virtual world to be a metaphor for real world government, which when functioning properly, does nothing more than ensure a level playing field and a laissez faire economy. When the government gets in the business of selling you status and privilege, or competing with it's citizens underhandedly, favoring one citizen over another, or tapping parasitically every man's personal industry, it loses legitimacy. The government should not be a profit making entity in it's own right. So the question in my mind is what will be Portalarium's relationship to the player? To safe guard the level playing field and our personal industry? Or to tap them? It's an interesting question for me because in truth it's a corporate model simulating a corporatist government. ;)
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  15. mithra

    mithra Avatar

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    With respect to the topic, is there a strategy for repairing and when to repair? My thought was to use a kit when the weapon is 50 points less than maximum durability, so as not to over-repair but also not to let the durability get too low. I don't know whether durability affects combat effectiveness ( so long as not broken ) or if letting equipment dip too low actually accelerates maximum durability degradation. Does anyone know?
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  16. Aetrion

    Aetrion Avatar

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    I don't think making item repairs based on buying premium currency fixes anything though, they could simply use a system like what Fallen Earth does and make it so you can restore max durability on an item by consuming an item of the same type, but not necessarily the same quality. That would create a constant demand for the non-masterwork versions of items and allow newer crafters to sell their goods without creating an economy where premium currency is required to maintain your gear.

    As far as the devs making money goes, I guess when it comes to monetization I'm oldschool, I'd rather pay a subscription and not have the game cluttered up with the special interests of premium buyers than have the whole economy compromised to shoehorn in premium purchases. COTO aren't an economic activity in the game so they don't even feed into the idea that you need to craft to maintain gear, on the contrary, they monetize not having to craft to maintain gear, which means the devs now have an incentive to make maintaining gear through crafting impractical and frustrating. To me such a conflict of interest between devs and players isn't really a good thing.
  17. mithra

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    When revenue is limited to subscription fees, every player puts up the SAME and is assured equal access to content. Games that encourage players to go wallet-to-wallet is something I immediately decline participation in, just as a point of WISDOM. LOL. But more so than that - you KNOW a company who only collects a subscription fee is not going to favor one player over another, and their ultimate focus will be on balancing the game, keeping it fun and FAIR. I won't go so far as to say buying items that repair maximum durability is a balance killer though. But there is definitely a spectrum of things acceptable to non-acceptable that they need to figure out. In UO I never had a problem with them selling character transfers between servers, or name-change deeds, seeing as those features weren't available in-game via normal play.
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  18. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    ~Effort is Effort, Real or Unreal~
    Play more, work less, then buy things with in game gold. Play less and work more, then buy things with real world money.
    It's really quite simple... o_O
    ~Time Lord~:rolleyes:
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  19. Aetrion

    Aetrion Avatar

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    That would assume that someone's life is a singular scale between playing SotA and working. If you want to play SotA a bit more casually because you also have other things you like doing in life you're neither going to be inclined to spend extra cash nor put in the hours of grind you need to not be stuck with lame gear. Personally I think the big money and resource sink in the game should be the houses. not the armor, because people who play less don't need a house, but they do need armor. Upkeep tends to have economies of scale where if you're not playing all that much a bigger chunk of your time ends up going into upkeep simply because the most efficient ways to turn a profit are monotonous and only pay off if you have enough time that they don't eat up your whole play session.
  20. mithra

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    The bad thing is, I could see having a house and paying for it, but my immediate perception is I won't be able to afford or maintain it. In real life there would be commercials everywhere about how easy it is to get a home loan :D
    Time Lord likes this.
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