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This release broke fun

Discussion in 'Release 36 Feedback Forum' started by Phoenix2, Nov 17, 2016.

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  1. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Haah yea theres a gap at that level. your about where i am. lol.

    Flag open pvp.. makes running any zone more interesting :p
    WehTeheFf and DancingShade like this.
  2. WehTeheFf

    WehTeheFf Avatar

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    There's just so many issues that would make me rage in PvP, naw, thx ^^
  3. Baratan

    Baratan Avatar

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    The problem I have with most MMOs is the triviality of most combat encounters. Anything that moves away from that norm is in the right direction imo.
    Numa and Spinok like this.
  4. Yakamo LLTS

    Yakamo LLTS Avatar

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    Valor Bastagio here. Well, things have changed quite a bit. I am a pure tank and spank blade user. Heavy into dps and damage avoidance. Since I joined a guild and have had guidance, the ultimate thing I needed to accept was that a mage will always and Has always out play Mellee players in PVE and PVP. Mages, up until now, were able to solo anything. They were the bread and butter of the game, but now they are not able to solo most of the high end content and all the while this has been a gradual process, I believe it started in R33. Now I'm not complaining, this is just how it is. The thing that also still stands true is that mage's are still number one in PVP and PVE. This at-least, doesn't destroy the hard work of many of the Elites. My buddy is a mage, he has shared his woes with me, but after talking for a bit we came to encourage these changes, to finally ask for help from friends and guildies in order to take down a beast. Or to farm an item. In the last 2 days I have grouped more than I have in the past month. Hopefully the little changes to Hit Points on foot men, which is a huge annoyance to many Range classes, may be addressed. But other than that, please keep on going hard on PVE content. I am becoming a bit excited.
    Numa and Rampage202 like this.
  5. Net

    Net Avatar

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    I do not think they really fixed the problem though.

    I still have
    a) Fights way too easy (I cango afk during them)
    b) Quite easy fights But if I go afk I will die soon.
    c) Decent fight, that can be quite fun at times.
    d) Really tedious and unrewarding fight.
    e) Impossible fight.

    The thing is this patch did not increase the "c" category. It is about the same, what really icreased is number of mobs that are in d) category. Long tedious fights ,that are manageble, but not fun and extremly unrewarding. Most elementals and undead will fit this category, the fights with them take long time, often require specialized decks (but we can have only so many decks) and if I use reagent spells I will lose tons of money in the fight for small xp.
  6. Black Tortoise

    Black Tortoise Avatar

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    Storm's Reach
    i cant wait :)

    i too get comfy with the way things are at a certain point, they change, and i initially reel. then i think about it for a second, my thoughts lead to something like the above quote, and i get excited 'cuz thats why i backed this game in the first place.

    to those thinking it just got hard/harder to play thier build, would you consider switching to different builds that are successful, until the development of the skill trees are more stable and reaching finalization? since this is early access, (i know, i know, i swear i am not trying to sound rhetorical, just making a baseline), there will likely be a lot of pendulum-like swinging of skill tree balancing. the game also easily facilitates switching skills around, so one can morph from caster to melee and back if one wishes. i played a pure caster in like R28 and by R31 I had morphed into a pretty cool melee hybrid because casting alone was so weak. its not a build i would have chosen from the beginning, nor did it suit my playstyle, but it was powerful and let me explore whatever i wanted in the game. since the completion of the skill trees is a ways off, you have plenty of time to switch back to your preferred build, once the balancing act is near completion.

    Hrm, ive never once had any kind of "special" gear. I am impressed with my regular supple augmented leather getup, and cant decide if I like my bonze or copper halberd better. ive never used a buff potion before. i also cook my own food, but i enjoy doing that sort of thing, though i often forget to eat it and get the buffs lol. in any event, i dont think these items are necessary at all to explore the game. glad theyre there tho, ill catch up with them someday ;)


    +1 :)
    uhop likes this.
  7. Couldin

    Couldin Avatar

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    I'm sure some people are using exploits, but there's a lot of us who are very high level and got there from putting a lot of time in. Just because someone is adventurer level 100 doesn't mean they exploited. That word is getting thrown around too much when in reality some people just play a lot.
    MrBlight likes this.
  8. Duke Death-Knell

    Duke Death-Knell Avatar

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    Philadelphia PA area
    If portalarium insists on making all these major changes they really need to do a character wipe.
  9. Infineon

    Infineon Avatar

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    I keep asking the same to the GM, and they dont say nothing about the xp exploit in control points and the abuse of the non target free kill with ring of fire using the stairs bug, a few even twitch it.
    This guys get 1kk minutes...
  10. Sir Leonard

    Sir Leonard Localization Team

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    Well, devs already alerted that they are aware of some experience exploits and whoever gets caught doing it is subject to a ban. They have tools to analyse EXP progress in real-time and catch those people, so they better care in what they are doing. There has been already one ban wave. A second will come following, for sure, sooner or later.
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  11. Burzmali

    Burzmali Avatar

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    And who wants to bet that those with a grand or two invested in the game were given a very stern waring and possibly even a finger wagging instead of a ban?
  12. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Meh im willing to bet that the pledge level didnt really play into it too much.
    There is enough regular players, new people entering and such that they are clearly growing still ( new members on their team ). I highly doubt if your exploiting intentionally that being a high level pledger will help you.

    Or they can just reset your character, remove everything except the pledge rewards, essentially restarting them. Which isnt fair, but still fine by me lol
  13. Andartianna

    Andartianna Avatar

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    Elysian Illumination is seriously unusable in most instances even though it's concept is great. The light freaks out or blinds other players and often causes people to lag massively. I understand the need to look cool but having a hot/dot spell that makes the player casting it unable to see: not cool. I find soothing rain often does the same blinding thing especially in caves. I should not be loosing visibility for a spell that is suppose to be healing me and others. Casting times are no big deal I think that is more visual then actual. The glyffs were not showing cool downs as cast time before. I have no problem with the enemies being stronger they were a bit weak to start with. This is more something that people just need to get used to then a game breaking metric.
  14. mike11

    mike11 Avatar

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    I find the grind to be not fun. But maybe if the grind wasn't there to begin with?
    Except meticulous crafting, that is fun. I like that.
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