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R40 Post Mortem Missed Questions

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DarkStarr, Apr 13, 2017.

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  1. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    Took me 6 hours to plant a crop that will make me only 6k...
    while risking 70k+ planting it all...

    I could use a drink! :p
  2. Alexander

    Alexander Avatar

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    The last sentence appears to be incomplete. Do you have the complete response to this? "We realize that Jaana was..........."
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  3. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Um Okay? @Chris
    Taming - Movement is garbage. Glad thats getting looked at
    Damage - Mediocer at best, and what it comes down to is needing 2 skills GM'd to even be useful in the slightest.. ( I can put that exp into .. just about any skill and get more DPS or Sustain then a pet offers)
    EXAMPLE! - I have 65? in searing rays. I can do more DPS with searing rays then the 121 tame creature, 100 summoning , 100 combat passive, and 95 of each of hte other passives,
    i can out damage my fero red with only using searing ray. And i can do more with that 300+ focuse + the regen lost, then the pet even comes CLOSE to, with that amount of skills put into ANY OTHER TREE.

    Armor - Pets die insanely easy. They cant meat for you, and even high end with 450 health ? Seem to last about 8 seconds against mobs near the same level as them. I found this was even WORSE at lower levels, not better. Not only that, but the aggro on them seems messed... my pet hitting something generates aggro towards me? What? hows that make sense?
    Obedience - Seems pretty much useless
    Focuse cost - Is really.. really high. And it probably wouldnt be as bad, if it didnt cut your actual focuse REGEN as well as your max.
    Durability of Summoning necklace - They dont break. They need to decay waaay more then they do to make pets actually need replacing for people who arn't self taming, but just buying pets.
    Summoning Whistle - Should be enchantable/masterworkable for options to increase pet health %.. Dmg.. etc etc.. at risk of failign and destroying the necklace + the pet inside
    Taming = Skill should only go up on success's. Otherwise people will continue dumping fails on a mob with pooled exp.
    Combat Passive - Should only go up when a pet kills something.

    No individual love - I can use my pet all day everyday, and yet someone with the same summoning/combat passive can buy a brand new one and its the same strength. Theres no individual stats involved with pets, which make them basically like throw away tools. This is a major letdown, especially when you compare (like you did) to UO taming where you actually had to work with an individual pet to get the strength out of it.

    Lastly - Your tooltips in Taming are pretty unclear. The description of how summoning and how combat passive works is confusing. It misleads a lot of people.

    Any Elaboration on GUILD WARS or actually elaborating on your plans for how your going to incorporate it?
    Any word on how / if your going to deal with the MASSIVE player strength gap making PVP terrible?

    Any thoughts on the idea of making all avatars able to go to 100 in every skill, but making players choose 4 trees they can take to 200? Maybe force some actual specialization late game? This seems like an obvious solution, while still not destroying the huge customizable options still involved by letting everything else go up to 100?
    If this is a no..
    Can you elaborate on how you plan on having any real group content, while also making avatars strong enough SOLO to do everything?

    Can you explain or elaborate on the long term plan of an economy ( as LB was talking about in the post mortem) .. about how you intend to keep the loop, if time* is the only factor preventing a player from gathering, refining and crafting their own items of max strength? Your describing an economy relient on the idea im going to sell raw materials to a crafter, then hes going to sell said item and make money. Yet theres no boundries in place preventing anyone/everyone from being GM crafters. Why would i ever buy something if i can make it myself? For me to need to do this, the bow*for example* would need to take more time / money harvesting wood and crafting, then me killing monsters and buying it wholesale. So because of there being NO safe zones to mine or farm, and everyone just intended to get a good balance of materials WHILE they farm, i have the replacement wood +some to replace my bow by the time it breaks . And i have the no limits to craft myself a new one. Where/how do you see a need / market for crafting long term? (why would i buy a bow and not just make my own ? ) - Eventually everyone will be GM everything, is what you said. How do you see this working in the long term picture?

    I read that treasure hunting was out of the question for EP 1. - Why has this been allowed to be expected / used in non stop examples of *its coming! * for months on the forums, where devs have read, quoted and responded? This was a major feature i was looking forward too. How many other major features are no longer in the scope of EP 1 that are discussed by player base like they were confirmed already? Is guildwars even happening in EP 1?
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2017
  4. 3devious

    3devious Avatar

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    Thanks for responding to my query. I was mainly asking about a channel that any user could subscribe to and maybe post to. I picture it being used for sieges but folks use things for many different activities. I might use a butter knife for meals where a desperate person might use it for a flat head screw driver. You never know what folks are going to do. The idea is to be able to send a missive to as many people as possible whether or not you are friends with them. It would be nice if there were something that people could opt in to. I don't know if it is something that anyone other than me would pay for or not but charging people to send missives would cut down on the casual spam. Whatever you did for the forums (do they still charge people who haven't bought the game a fee to be able to post?) I know people were pretty butt hurt about it but that is great! I don't know where the line would be. In the case of Thex, I gladly would have paid to spam the players about it once. There aren't many cases where I would have spent a lot to tell the whole community something but we're all getting older and the reality is that I will be missing some of you a lot sooner than expected.

    Please just work on making ways for our community to keep in touch after you get our game built.
    Time Lord likes this.
  5. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I mostly agree, except for these:
    Time Lord and MrBlight like this.
  6. Dragonhart

    Dragonhart Avatar

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    well... Patterns represent you taking that piece of armor / that old weapon, and getting a good enough sample of said item to forge/tailor/woodwork a passable copy of it...
    Time Lord likes this.
  7. Dragonhart

    Dragonhart Avatar

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    Jaana was: the embodiment of Justice...
    Time Lord and Browncoat Jayson like this.
  8. Ao Soliwilos

    Ao Soliwilos Avatar

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    You can alter bone with leather armor patterns. A bit weird in my opinion, but that's what it is currently. @DarkStarr
    Browncoat Jayson and Time Lord like this.
  9. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    Makes sense, kind of. Protects as heavy armor, with light armor skills.
    Time Lord likes this.
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