Author Archives: Berek


About Berek

Senior Community Manager for Shroud of the Avatar.

World Water Day – Make a Difference Sale Today

Today is World Water Day and through our partnership with, we are helping promote this day by discounting all our Make a Difference items by 20% until end of the day.

As a reminder, Portalarium will donate 50% of its share of the purchase price of these items to on a bi-annual basis. We have been participating in this charity for two years now, and since 2015 have raised for over $27,000 with your support.

To learn more about World Water Day and how you can help, please visit the website.

Here is a complete list of all the Make a Difference items you will find on sale:

Community Spotlight: Knightmare Falls – Player Owned Town

This week’s Player Owned Town spotlight has community manager Berek exploring Knightmare Falls. Located just south of Serpent’s Spine Foothills, it is a welcome rest for those who wish to hunt kobolds and other regional creatures.

Berek: Making my way to the town, I heard a sharp whistle, followed by “Mal, we got company!” A tall man in blue greeted me before I had taken more than a few steps. “Welcome to the Falls! Name’s Vindorein.”

Vindorein, it turned out, was the steward of the main square. The town itself was broken into three parts. “You got the main square here, Knightmare Estates up the hill over there run by Daemoh,” He pointed to the West.

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Community of the Avatar – Boss Fight Livestream!

Community of the Avatar

It’s back on! While we didn’t have the Berek Bloodbath, errr, the PvP Mashup during the last Community Livestream, and had to cancel at the last minute the Boss Fight event on last week’s telethon, we are rounding up the Portalarium troops for this Friday!

We have a group of cautiously brave developers ready to team up with the community to fight some of the nastiest of boss creatures in the game. After we charge through various scenes, we will end back at Blood Bay in a Community vs Developer mashup to see who is left standing!

During the battles we will be in Discord and Twitch chat looking for your combat related questions! If you haven’t been on Discord before, join us during the livestream to ask your questions and win some in-game prizes.

The fun begins live on Twitch this Friday at 4pm CT!

NPC submissions requested for Harvest


For Developer+ Pledge holders who have the pledge reward to create NPCs please see this post from Scott “Lum” Jennings.

[From a Dev+ Forum Post by Scott “Lum” Jennings]

Thank you for your continuing support of Shroud of the Avatar! This month, in addition to Estgard, we’re seeking entries for inhabitants of the village of Harvest!

Harvest is the port of entry to the kingdom of Norgard, on the mainland side of the channel. It is primarily a farming community, but sees a good bit of traffic between the Knights of Norgard bastion of Resolute and Norgard proper.

If you do NOT want your backer NPC to be in Harvest, you may want to wait. I will update this thread if we are running low on submissions – generally we are OK on duplicate submissions for characters who don’t get adopted (such as guards) but if you absolutely have a character who should be in a given city (such as Brittany) you should wait until we advertise for that city.

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Lord British Original Shroud Cloth Map Prototype #1 Bundle

From last week’s Update of the Avatar #218:

During the original Kickstarter for Shroud of the Avatar, artist Stephen Daniele drew the very first version of the map of Novia used in the demo. Richard “Lord British” Garriott then took that original drawing and using a piece of cloth and an iron-on kit he created a prototype of what the cloth map might look like.

This is that actual first Cloth Map Prototype Number 1 handmade by Lord British himself and now available for sale in our Make a Difference Store! As with the other Blood Charity items 10% of the proceeds will be donated to a not-for-profit Blood Bank that you can help select.

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Spring 2017 Telethon Livestreamed on Twitch

The Spring Telethon of the Avatar starts at 12pm CT (Noon) today! We will be streaming for 12 hours with deep dives into game systems and answering your questions. There will be lots of flash sales, items will be expiring, and tons of cool prizes will be given out!

** $87,500 **

Current Telethon Funds Raised
(Dev Team shots/songs/dance every $2500 increment)

Watch on Twitch from 12pm-Midnight CT:

Watch live video from shroudoftheavatar on
To win great prizes and participate in asking questions in chat, join the community on Discord chat!

As a special bonus, we are offering Telethon Funding Stretch Goal Rewards to any backer that pledges a minimum of $5 from the start of the telethon, until Midnight (Spending Store Credit to make $5 minimum purchase does not apply). The Spring Telethon of the Avatar 2017 Funding Stretch Goal Rewards are:

    • Achieved!  $10,000: /flowerleap emote (leap into the air and throw flowers)
    • Achieved!  $25,000: Butterfly Mask
    • Achieved!  $35,000: Stained Glass Hand Lantern
    • Achieved!  $50,000: Floral Pattern Stained Glass Oil Table Lamp (3 Pack)
    • Achieved!  $65,000: White Flowered Topiary Creature Statues (3 Pack of Dragon, Bear, Satyr)
    • Achieved!  $80,000: Leaf Shield and Leaf Spear
    • $100,000: Large Spring Themed Fountain with Floating Candles
    • $130,000: Thorn Bow and Thorn Sword

Release 38 Lot Deed Raffle Winners

The latest Lot Deed Raffle was drawn with 50 lot deeds awarded to the following lucky winners. There were two raffles, one for each lot type:

  • Place Anywhere Deeds: 10 Total
    • Row: 5
    • Village: 3
    • Town: 1
    • City: 1
  • Player Owned Town Deeds: 40 Total
    • Row: 20
    • Village: 12
    • Town: 6
    • City: 2

Raffle tickets grant the holder a chance to win deeds of any size (Row, Village, Town, or City). Raffles will be held monthly (total deed numbers will vary each month). Place-Anywhere Deed raffle tickets are more expensive but will have fewer deeds in each raffle than POT raffle tickets, which are more affordable and will have many more deeds in each raffle. This means your chances to win a POT deed are much greater.

This is another raffle where we limited winners to one deed per raffle type. Visit the forums to read more about this recent change.

Below is a complete list of the winners for this release’s raffle. Winners can claim their deed(s) simply by logging into the game and claiming rewards at any bank.  A reminder that you may have received multiple deeds to claim if you received tickets for a guild or other group.

If you wish to review all of your account rewards outside of the game, you can do so by going to the Account menu on the main website and then selecting the ‘Special Rewards’ tab in the page menu.

Listed below are the winners:

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Spring 2017 Crafter’s Competition – Gear Design Contest

Fire up those kilns and ready your hammers! The Spring 2017 Crafter’s Competition has begun! This first event will be a Gear Design Contest with other events, possibly quarterly, kicking off throughout the year.

In the last contest segment we had you capture a fight with a boss monster in the game. To survive such an intensive fight, a great deal of armor and powerful weaponry must be wielded! In this follow-up contest, we want you to design the most powerful weapons and armor you can muster.

As we receive submissions, they will be announced on Twitter and Facebook with eventually a gallery of all submissions on Facebook. If we get enough of them, we may make this a regular quarterly crafting event!

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Introducing Town Blessings

Greetings Avatars,

In Release 39 the first iteration of Town Blessings will be going live. Owners of Player Towns will have the ability to place 11 different Devotionals to the 8 Virtues and 3 Principles in their towns.

Each Devotional offers a different blessing and the power of the blessing is based on how many people live in the town. To receive a blessing you merely need to stand near a Devotional that has been placed in a POT (or NPC town). Players can only have one blessing active at any time so visiting a Devotional while another blessing is active will overwrite the current blessing. These Devotionals also attract the attention of the Cabalists and there is a chance that your town will come under siege if you have them placed (this will come online in R40).

Here is a list of the base level Devotionals that are included with each POT and the associated blessings (each one listed is a placeable decoration, see pictures):

  • Truth: Intelligence Buff
  • Love: Dexterity Buff
  • Courage: Strength Buff
  • Humility: Magic Resistance Buff and Fishing Bait Recovery Buff
  • Honesty: Focus Buff and Alchemy Buff
  • Justice: Fizzle Reduction and Cooking Buff
  • Honor: Focus Regeneration Buff and Agriculture Buff
  • Spirituality: Adventuring Level Buff and Fishing Level Buff
  • Compassion: Dodge Buff and Tailoring Buff
  • Sacrifice: Health Regeneration Buff and Carpentry Buff
  • Valor: Health Buff and Blacksmith Buff

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Community of the Avatar – Crawling To K’rul

Community of the Avatar

Join us this Friday at 4pm CT for another Community of the Avatar livestream!

Keith “Sannio” Quinn (World Builder/Level Designer on the team) will be back on the livestream, but this time with his partner-in-crime, Dan “PlagueOfLocust” Brennan! They will both be taking us on a tour of K’rul, an upcoming Blood Bay linked PvE dungeon set to go live in Release 39, as well as a secret connecting tunnel called K’rawl.

Ask your K’rul specific questions (up to 3 in one post) in the Comments section below for both Keith and Dan! During the livestream, also join us on Discord chat to win prizes and ask any other questions you have.

The fun begins live on Twitch this Friday!