The Release 63 Livestream is set for Friday March 8! All Avatars from around the world are welcome to join us in the livestream activities. We will be doing deep dives, answering questions, handing out prizes, and tracking towards stretch goals.
To celebrate Spring and the arrival of the Envy Angel our theme for Release 63 is Dark Spring! UPDATE: To celebrate Darkstarr’s (aka Starr Long) birthday the theme for the stretch goals is Darkstarr!
NOTE: We will do the Dark Spring stretch goals next month.
Monthly livestreams are on Twitch and include answers to your gameplay questions, deep dives, prize giveaways, and more! Here is the schedule:
- 3 PM: Introductions
- 3:30 PM: Player Dungeon Encounters
- 4:00 PM: Saltwater Fishing Contest
- 5 PM: Ending Announcements
We are going to have another Fishing contest! This time it will be our second Saltwater contest in The Fishing Expedition!
To participate in the contest go to The Fishing Expedition (Boats in the coastal cities of Aerie, Ardoris, Kingsport, Mud and Port Graff will take you to this tropical scene completely dedicated to fishing) and start fishing at 4 PM. The best trophy fish (longest) caught by 4:45 PM will win a prize! NOTE: We will be verifying location and time!
UPDATED: Fishing Contest Winners:
- Runners Up (2): Ornate Fishing Pavers
- Belladonna Rose: Sailfish 2.8
- Catherine Rose: Sailfish 2.8
- 3rd Prize: Ornate Post & Rope Water Fence Set (digital)
- Anpu: Small Marlin 3.1
- 2nd Prize: Viking Village Water Home (digital)
- Tialessa Marlin 3.2
- 1st Prize: Player Owned Town Village Water Lot Property Deed (digital)
- Gruhne Marlin 3.4
As a special bonus, we are offering funding rewards to any player that makes a minimum purchase of $5 during Release 63. In honor of Spring and the arrival of our newest seasonal boss, The Envy Angel, our theme is Dark Spring! UPDATE: To celebrate Darkstarr’s (aka Starr Long) birthday the theme for the stretch goals is Darkstarr!
NOTE: We will do the Dark Spring stretch goals next month.
All webstore purchases during the Release will count towards the stretch goals, not just the two hours of the livestream! Also participation in the Rewards Program counts towards our stretch goal totals!
- ACHIEVED! $15K: Darkstarr Wand
- ACHIEVED! $30K: Darkstarr Throne (Reverse Colors)
- $45K: Darkstarr 1h Sword
- $60K: Darkstarr Clock Tower (Reverse Colors)
- $75K: Darkstarr Coronated Leather Helm and Darkstarr Longbow
- $90K: Darkstarr Dungeon Room with Clock
- $105K: Darkstarr Trident and Darkstarr 2h Axe
- $125K: Darkstarr Black Leather Armor
*Please keep in mind that stretch goal rewards take time to develop and will most likely not be available until Release 66 at the earliest. We will keep you updated!
We will be giving prizes away on an hourly basis with many being given away multiple times. Enter for a chance to win a prize by either logging into the game and typing “Happy birthday Darkstarr” into chat OR by purchasing any item from our store during the livestream!
- Avatars Radio Merchandise
- Darkstarr Fur Collared Cloak (digital)
- Lord British vs Darkstarr Battle Banner (digital)
- Darkstarr Shield (digital)
- Darkstarr Shield Pattern Pack (digital)
- Darkstarr Basement Entrance Eternal Pattern
- Rough Pirate Outfit
The Valentines Day 2019 Gift Boxes and Valentines Day 2019 Cards are expiring at 11:59 PM CT on March 8, 2019!
We will be answering questions throughout the livestream, so submit them in the comments section below or on Discord chat during the event.
Watch @ShroudofAvatar updates throughout the day of the livestream. See you on Twitch!
Question: Can you provide details on how the Green Asterisks for the Rewards work?
Is it on when there are New Rewards, or when there are Any Rewards in the interface?
The Release 63 Instructions seem to indicate that it should only be active with New Rewards, but it appears to be active when Any rewards are present.
I hope we get the Darkstarr Longow so that I can find out what the heck a Longow is.
Q1) When will you guys be un-cloning the remaining Ep 1 Adventure Maps?
Q2) What new enemy mobs will be added to Ep2 and will any of them be non-humanoid?
Q3) Would it be possible to color code recipes on merchants and vendors and in loot so one can easily tell which recipes they already have, as this would be a great QOL improvement?
1. Will there be a Daemon encounter room we can place in our dungeons? One with different types of daemons depending on what level the totem is?
2. Speaking of Daemons, will my summoned one have more health than a water elemental of the same level in the future?
3. Could there be distinguishing features between summoned undead, summoned daemons and the ones encountered in dungeons? That way arrows and focus isn’t wasted on the wrong target.
4. Will there be Chaos gems and Chaos enchantments in the future?
5. Will there be any new summons and tamed pets in Episode 2? Any hints?
6. Could pugilism have its own weapons, like knuckles and claws added?
7. Will there be a DarkStarr, Lord British, or Atos encounter room in the future?
This is awesomesauce!
Think we may hit all the stretch goals with The Darkstarr theme.
Greetings – I expect I speak for many of the Avatars currently playing Shroud of the Avatar EPS1 – as you likely know the topic of EPS2 has been discussed and tossed around by a large number of concerned players…By now I expect most of us would like to know just what the plan will be… Please take a few minutes and provide some needed details…
Thank you…
Can you please elaborate on episode 2 “soft wipe”?
Unity’s runtime code will be rewritten in HPC# and be open sourced
I’d imagine that would eventually allow to modify the scene management code, which Atos said is the bottleneck for SotA.
Do you see that making any difference for SotA?
8. Could the summoning glyphs descriptions be updated to inform the player about how the specialization affects them?
9. What kinds of aesthetical changes are in store for the Daemon model?
10. Will we be able to name the creatures we spawn with the totems in our dungeons?
11. Any hints as to what kind of specialization only skills will be coming in the future?