Greetings Fellow Avatars!
This week’s update brings crafters and decorators of Shroud of the Avatar wondrous news! Now, players can decorate the surfaces of all 4 categories of crafting stations. For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Players Guide and Known Issues list for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes. Now, let’s see what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:
News Announcements
- Crafting Station Decoration Surfaces!
- Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!
- Castle Wall Decoration Surfaces!
- New Vault Round!
- Latest Store Additions: Ornate Round Setees, Golden Oracle Guardian Statue & More!
- September Login Reward: Dyeable Fishing Rod!
- R81 Reward Program Login Items: Lord British & Farming Items!
- The Bug Brigade Rides Again!
- Recent Shroud of the Avatar Livestreams
- Streaming Reward Program
- Lord of the Isle Episode 2 Bundles
- Upcoming Events Calendar
Community Updates
- Meretz: Win a Topiary Keep Dragon Statue (No Trade)
- Community Event: Catnip Games Weekly Fishing Tourney
- Community Event: Latest Video from Skeggy Media
- Community Event: Beran’s Reach Market Day and Auction House
- Community Event: TheAvatar.Express Needs You
- Project to Support: Shadow of Valhalla
- Project to Support: Jar Wars
- Project to Support: Dragonfight
- Project to Support: Crowfall
- Project to Support: Avatar Express
- Resources: Players Helping Players
Crafting Station Decoration Surfaces!
Avatars and decorators of New Britannia! Get some decorations ready to place upon your crafting stations, because those decoration surfaces will be functional when Release 82 hits! All 40 or so crafting stations were verified as working, as you can see in the picture above. Each station has a Lord of the Isle crown placed upon a decoration surface. These categories of crafting stations are affected by this change:
- Crafting stations on in-game gold merchants
- Expert crafting stations on the Crown Store
- Founder crafting stations
- Benefactor crafting stations
The stations affected from each category are as follows:
- Alchemy
- Blacksmithing
- Butchering
- Carpentry
- Cooking
- Milling
- Smelting
- Tailoring
- Tanning
- Textiles
So get to your crafting stations, Avatars! They’ll be awaiting your decoration efforts in Release 82!
Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!
Another weekly Community Livestream is this Friday, September 18th at 4PM CT on Twitch! Join Chris “Atos” Spears and other development team members for a community 1 hour livestream!
To enter the prize drawings, type “a September to remember” into any in-game chat channel OR make a purchase on the website add-on store. Please submit questions into Twitch Chat by inserting !question at the beginning of your text. Watch on Twitch, Friday at 4 PM CT!
Castle Wall Decoration Surfaces!
Of note, as we progress into further enhancement of existing decoration items, Castle Wall sets will soon receive significant updates on the QA server. The decoration surfaces on Castle Walls have been enabled! For any players wishing to help test the castle wall sets on QA, please see the testing directives thread on the main forums for further information. And for those wishing to assist with this and other Bug Brigade efforts, here’s more information to help you get involved. Happy decorating and testing Avatars!
New Vault Round!
The current round of Vault items are available until Thursday, September 24th at 1PM CT. At that time, the next round of 9 items will be available for one week, and then the next, etc.
- Black Clockwork Raven Decoration Pet
- Adobe 2-Store Village Home
- Shogun Five-Story City Home
- Ornate Obsidian Sarcophagus
- Black Ice Sword
- Admiral’s Hat
- Ladies’ Riding Outfit
- Dragonfly Wings
- Virtue Dirndl Outfit
Latest Store Additions: Ornate Round Setees, Golden Oracle Guardian Statue & More!
A new furniture style has been introduced and added to the Crown Store — round setees! Each setee allows for 4 occupants and is a must have for anyone with a reading room in their house! The setees feature two dye layers and a decoration surface behind the occupant’s head. The pictured lamp does not come with the setees, but is there to demonstrate the decoration surface provided. Also, a giant Golden Oracle Guardian Statue has been added to the store and two new plants are available to enhance your gardens!
- Ornate Red Floral Round Setee
- Ornate White & Gold Round Setee
- Golden Oracle Guardian Statue
- Potted Giant Banana Tree
- Potted Elderberry Plant
Also, we’re scouring the realm for items that have long been missing from the store. Many items are being loaded into the Vault and will rotate in periodically which are announced each week as they go live, but here’s a small number of additional items becoming permanently available on the Crown Store:
- Glowing Jewel Cube 3-Packs (Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow)
- Display Camera
September Login Reward: Dyeable Fishing Rod!
Anglers rejoice! September’s login reward is an indestructible dyeable fishing rod! Featuring both primary and secondary dye layers, anglers will really be able to show off their style whilst casting a line into the waters of New Britannia! Simply log in during the month of September, and this dyeable fishing rod will become available in the Rewards Window.
Release 81 Reward Program Login Reward Items: Lord British & Farming Items!
Avatars! Rewards Program login reward items for Release 81 are Lord British and farming themed! Reward Program members must login during Release 81 to receive these login items:
- Lord British Plate Leggings
- Large Haystack
- Small Haystack
- Strawbox
- Box Hay Bale 5-Pack
- Hay Pile
- Hay Drying Rack
- Hay Cart
The Shroud of the Avatar Rewards Program lets you earn the best rate on purchasing Crowns, AND receive monthly reward items! For the low price of $9 USD per month you will receive the following:
900 Crowns of the Obsidians every month
- Monthly Login Reward Items (~ 3 per month)
- Exclusive Title every 3 months
- 3 Months: Keeper of the Faith
- 6 Months: Keeper of the Word
- 9 Months: Keeper of the Vow
- 12 Months: Keeper of the Flame
- 15 Months: Keeper of the Oath
- 18 Months: Keeper of the Pledge
- Pick any Dye 12-Pack every 6 months
- Pick any three of the 7 Obsidian Potions every month, including:
- Potion of Capacity: Increases carrying capacity
- Potion of Conservation: Reduces reagent use chance
- Potion of Expedience: Swift gathering on all gathering skills
- Potion of Precision: Increases Meticulous Collection to all gathering skills
- Potion of Preservation: Reduces armor and weapon damage
- Potion of Reclamation: Increases Salvage and Repair to all production skills
The Bug Brigade Rides Again!
The Bug Brigade was established to assist the community and the development team to work together to improve the game. Since then the program has gone through a number of changes and was eventually placed on hold. The stability of the game is as important to the development team as it is to the player-base, and for that reason the program has been revamped and is being relaunched.
The program is now open to all players in good standing and bug rewards are back! They will awarded be on a progression basis monthly with only a minimal requirement to be filled to qualify.
We are bringing the bug forums current and will make every effort to have triage and intake for each validated bug. To assist in doing this we have asked Alley Oop, Justyn, and Tazar to take on a moderator role within the bug and feedback forums. Please congratulate them the next time you see them in the game or on the forums!
The Bug Brigade will be open to all. If you feel the game is your home, sign up and assist us in making it a better place to live! To sign up, read the post “Bug Brigade Rides Again!” in the main Bug/Feedback forums for both the Live or Player Test areas in the official forums. If you have trouble finding them, please ask a Hospitaller, or one of the Moderators via PM in the forums or in Discord.
Recent Shroud of the Avatar Livestreams
Atos and other members of the Shroud of the Avatar development team go live very frequently on our TWO Twitch Channels: and — be sure to get these channels on follow and get the latest information right as we go live! Also, if you’ve missed our latest streams, check out our archive of content at our YouTube Channel (complete with “Mojito the dog” cam). Like! Follow! Subscribe! Prizes!!!
Don’t forget to also join the Shroud of the Avatar team and community over at our other social media venues:
- Facebook:
- Catnip Games Twitter:
- Shroud of the Avatar Twitter:
- Shroud of the Avatar Discord:
Are You a Livestreamer?
Soon, the Streaming Reward Program will be returning. As the details are getting reworked, we’ll reveal more information. Traditional streaming rewards included an exclusive in-game Streamer Camera for being a veteran of our Streaming Program! Expect the camera reward to return! More goodies will come to your way as the program fully develops. Thank you for streaming Shroud of the Avatar!
Lord of the Isle Episode 2 Bundles
As one of the biggest and earliest supporters of Episode 2 you will be granted the largest lot deed in the land (Castle), the title Lord (or Lady) of the Isle, a tour of Lord British’s property, and dinner with the game leaders including Lord British himself! Only 24 of these unique bundles will be sold!
- Lord of the Isle Place Anywhere Castle Lot Deed: Tax Free Forever (when placed in a POT) and Tax Free for 1 Year (when placed outside of a POT). Placeable on water as well as land!
- Title: Lord of the Isle or Lady of the Isle
- Unique Lord of the Isle Home (pictured above)
- NEW – Town Size Upgrade (if a town is not owned by the LOTI supporter, they may gift this size upgrade to another town owner. Maximum possible town sizes will be taken into account, but the Megalopolis size just became available!)
- Choice of 1 House currently available in the store
- Castle Basement currently available in the store of your choice
- Castle Wall Set currently available in the store of your choice (with enough for Castle Lot)
- Unique Lord of the Isle Dungeon Room (To be revealed later)
- 140,000 Crowns
- 1000 Bank Slots
- Pick 12 Prosperity Tools
- Lord of the Isle Crown (In-Game Wearable Item)
- Unique In-Game Emote (To be revealed later)
- Early Access to Episode 2
- Episode 1 Box and map signed by the team
- 1 hour one-on-one with Chris for design discussion (via video-conference)
- One real silver ring crafted personally by Lord British: Numbered 1 – 8
- In-game version of the Lord British ring: Numbered 1 – 8 (including a place-able decoration version)
- Tour of Lord British’s property
- Fine dinner and drinks with Lord British, Darkstarr, and Atos at a location TBD in Austin or NYC.
NOTE: Digital items that are currently available will begin delivery as soon as Release 62 (Jan 31, 2019). Other items will be delivered at a future date TBD.
NOTE: Travel costs NOT covered by Catnip Games for Tour & Dinner.
Upcoming Events Calendar
Be sure to check out the Upcoming Events page for spotlighted events plus links to various areas to post or find events on our forums:
2020 Release Schedule:
- Release 82 – Sep 24
- Release 83 – Oct 29
- Release 84 – Nov 19
- Release 85 – Dec 17
Meretz: Win a Topiary Keep Dragon Statue (No Trade)
Whether you move a little or a lot, as a Meretz user you rack up valuable Meretz Points (MPs). The more MPs you have, the more stuff you can buy!
Think: in-game SotA goodies, Sweepstakes entries and tons more. With Meretz, we launch several sweepstakes every month. This month, we’re giving away a Topiary Keep Dragon Statue (No Trade) to two lucky winners! AND, use your MPs every day for in-game items like potions and emotes.
What’re you waiting for? Download Meretz TODAY!
Community Event: Catnip Games Weekly Fishing Tourney
Greetings Anglers! The weekly Catnip Games Fishing Tourney is live! These contests run for 1 week intervals, Friday Noon to Friday Noon CT. We’ll announce the winners every Friday during the livestream.
Town Registration: Each week, the contest takes place in 3 Player Owned Towns, 1 Random PvP location and 1 Random Lava or NPC Town Location. Please register your Player Owned Town of choice in a reply to this thread, 1 entry per player, and these entries will be added into the town registry. The contest will cycle through the towns in the sequence they entered the town registry, then loop back again to the beginning. The town registry will be reset/wiped for new entries periodically to ensure only active/interested towns are within the registry.
Fishing Prizes & Objectives: All prizes will be no-trade. Players may donate additional prizes in the name of their guilds or towns to sweeten the pot. This event timeframe is Friday the 18th at Noon CT to Friday the 25th at Noon CT, and these are the prizes and goals for the indicated week:
- Largest FRESHWATER Fish (Town):
- Rules: Must be caught from one of these towns
- Prizes: Player Owned Town Row Lot Deed, Large Gold Fishing Trophy
- Devil’s Lair (@Trinity)
- Rinzai (@Griffler)
- Knightmare Falls, Mistrendur East Island (@shadowvice)
- Recommended: Please put a mailbox for your anglers to use by the water. For salt or fetid water contests, town owners can receive a loaner statue to convert the water type of their town to that of the contest, if required.
- Largest Fish (PvP):
- Rules: Must be caught in Dysborg Ruins
- Prizes: 2 Chained Obsidian Shard 3-Packs, Large Silver Fishing Trophy
- Largest Lava Fish:
- Rules: Must be caught in Verdantis Mines
- Prizes: Fishing Rod of Prosperity, Large Bronze Fishing Trophy
- Participation Prizes:
- Rules: Everyone who caught at least 1 trophy fish in this week’s locations
- Prizes: Small Silver Fishing Trophy
Cross-Over Events: Prizes provided by the Community Manager will be available for participants and winners of the Fishing event, but governors, guild leaders and players are welcome to sweeten the pot by providing additional prizes based on objective criteria entirely of their own design. In fact, please consider planning events to overlap the duration and chosen weekly locations of the PvP and Fishing developer events. Please post these events in the in-game events forums and the Community Manager will promote accordingly. Please submit links to event threads which take place in the spotlighted towns, PvP zone or PvE zone.
- Current Crossovers:
- Knightmare Falls: Tellana has announced a wonderful spin-off contest with additional prizes! Be sure to participate!
How to Participate: To participate, players need merely catch trophy fish in the 5 locations indicated above. The locations will change every week at Noon CT on Friday, so be sure to pay attention to the announcements for new locations each week! Please do not send your fish to Elgarion via the in-game mail system. Through data logging, he’ll be able to determine the winners. SO please hold on to your fish, and feel free to use them in any fashion after the catch.
Head on over to the Fishing Event Forum Thread for more information. Happy adventures, Avatars!
Community Event: Latest Video from Skeggy Media
New Britannians! Skeggy Media strikes again! Skeggy has a wondrous library of helpful videos for new and veteran players of Shroud of the Avatar, and he’s added another fantastic video to aid the community! Be sure to visit Skeggy’s YouTube Page and peruse his entire library — the shear number of tutorial videos is nothing short of amazing! Also, please pop on over to Skeggy’s Twitch Channel and give this famous Hospitaller a follow! And if you’d like to give Skeggy a big thank you, please post a kind reply to the main announcement thread on this topic in the official forums.
Community Event: Beran’s Reach Market Day & Auction House
Ladies and gentlemen! The Citizens of Beran’s Reach welcome you to our September market day! This event is about bringing together people from all corners of the community, with our market being the perfect place to do so. Located within the main gate of the city, the beautifully decorated castle-plot sized market has facilities for just about everything you’d like to do while getting to know your fellow avatars, including features such as:
- Full set of crafting tables for custom commissions on-site.
- Set of freely-available commission-free vendors, for use without charge by residents.
- Many customizable market tables for avatars to sell their wares from, customizable via tenant access. Fancy using the stalls for another purpose? Promoting a book? Looking to recruit for your guild? Be creative!
- Open-air speaker session for exchanging thoughts and ideas.
- Stage with audience seating, perfect for auctions or performances.
- Bar area, perfect for food and drink or getting to know other residents and visitors.
- Governor help desk, open to handle POT requests immediately or to discuss bespoke pot placement needs and/or other issues.
This event is empowering the community and bringing everyone together to have fun. This is a huge opportunity to bring what you love to do and finding others either that want your skills or enjoy similar things, so make the most of it!
- When: Sunday, September 20th, 2PM CT
- Where: Beran’s Reach
Also, be sure to check out the auction house event also on the 20th but at 11AM CT! For more information about the auction house event, see the main thread on this topic on the official forums. And if you’d like more information about Beran’s Reach Market Day, see the main thread on that topic on the official forums as well.
Community Event: TheAvatar.Express Needs You!
If you’re looking for a great way to get involved in the Shroud of the Avatar community, then look no further! The fine folks at TheAvatar.Express are looking for some new reporters. Avatars wishing to help with the following are highly desired:
- Developer Stream Summaries
- Twitter Reposting
- In-Game Event Coverage
- Events Calendar Management
- New Features/Changes Tutorials
- Interviews
- Editorials
- Any other game stuff you want to cover!
Also, the Avatar Express is going to be visiting POTs and writing one or two articles highlighting Shroud of the Avatar’s great community! If you are interested in having your town featured, please reply to this thread with your town’s name. You will be contacted to answer a few questions about the town and will be notified when the article is to be published!
To sign up as a reporter, visit If you have any questions, feel free to start a private conversation with that_shawn_guy on the forums or shawnbutts #4362 on Discord. For more information, please also visit the main forum thread on this topic on the official forums.
Project to Support: Shadow of Valhalla
Shadow of Valhalla is a visceral physics-based VR combat game with dynamic RPG elements, set within an ancient realm of Viking lore and mystic powers! Early Access beta includes “endless horde mode” featuring a variety of enemies with progressive difficulty. Also, players can discover many magic spells to unlock! So much more is coming!
Finn Staber with Chicken Waffle, will join the Shroud of the Avatar team on Twitch during their Friday the 28th livestream to showoff this new Early Access game! Also, here is a teaser video on YouTube:
The development team is working hard to create additional environments and new quests! Shadow of Valhalla is available on Steam as Early Access. Additional features coming to the game:
- More Enemies!
- More Environments!
- More Magic Spells!
- RPG Quests!
- Weapon Forging and Crafting!
- Much, much more!
If you would like to learn more about Shadow of Valhalla, be sure to stop by the main webpage for the game as more news becomes available!
Project to Support: Jar Wars
While you are delving into Virtual Reality (VR), be sure to check out this exciting and hilarious new game, Jar Wars! Our very own Darkstarr has been busy on some side projects, one of which is Jar Wars, a slapstick multiplayer game made just for VR enthusiasts. Battle your friends with wacky weapons and intriguing gadgets for total domination of the Moon! Available for free on Steam!
Project to Support: Dragon Fight
Darkstarr has also been hard at work with the team for Dragon Fight VR which recently went live on Steam! Dragon Fight VR is an internal experiment to capture the “essence” of a dragon fight, the classic penultimate experience of every fantasy story. We wanted to create a short visceral, realistic experience stripped of user interface, lobbies, scores, levels, and other visual intrusions that might distract. There were some key elements of fighting a dragon that we wanted to capture and we felt VR was uniquely qualified to convey:
- Face to face with a large scale hostile creature trying to kill you
- Using a sword and a shield
- Fire!
- Nowhere to run!
This started out as an internal experiment to learn some things about VR’s capabilities, be reductionist in our designs, etc. We felt that the experiment was successful enough to release as a free experience to share. Enjoy! Available for free on Steam!
Project to Support: Crowfall
Be part of shaping the next great MMO by becoming a Crowfall Backer! Crowfall is the first and only online Throne War game. You can win. Join intense PvP battles that demand strategy, survival and a fierce competitive spirit. Reap the spoils of war as an Eternal Champion!
Claim virtual territory on behalf of your guild or faction. Capture mines, mills, and quarries to secure resources, build castles, and besiege your neighbors. Scavenge artifacts and relics from the Dying Worlds and install them in your temples to grant blessings to your vassals. Capture lost spirits to do your bidding — or bind them into your weapons to infuse them with sorcerous power!
Project to Support: Avatar Express
[Forum post by Vladamir Begemot]
I’m pleased to report that The Avatar Express is clacking away furiously. News is being delivered and we have established systems to deliver it directly to your brain. You can use one of those systems by following us on Twitter at @avatar_express. Even more reliable due to its fully automated nature is joining us on the Discord server. News items are posted there via RSS. Or you can subscribe to RSS directly on the site.
If you run an event, quests, etc, please consider helping out by self reporting. The Shroud community is big, and many things are happening that are never seen by others. With 10k monthly users, we would need a full time staff to track down everything that is happening.
You can fill out the contributor form, message @that_shawn_guy here or post in the Discord server that you would like to help. There is no committment once signed up, you can post as much or little as you like.
Writing up your own events has several benefits beyond the immidiate exposure. It serves as a record for others to see the history of New Britannia as we create it, in an attractive format. Publishing in the Express also has a higher chance than the forums of being seen by search engines and random readers, thus bringing more eyeballs and new players to the game.
It will even make posting in the forums easier! You can upload images to your news item, and then link to those images in your forum post. No more need for 3rd party image hosts!
So if you have something going on in your guild or town, or want to be a Reporter, Cartographer or Historian, please join us!
Resources: Players Helping Players
The official SotA New Player Welcome Forum and the Player Created Resources Forum have the best player created resources for Shroud of the Avatar, whether it’s a Player Written Guide, a Video Walk-through, or a Wiki-type Website.
Visit the official Community Resources page for a complete listing of all things community.