Greetings Fellow Avatars!
Release 116 goes live July 27th at 10:30 AM CDT.
Welcome! The Catnip Games development team marks this monthly release of Shroud of the Avatar with new content and improvements. For Release 116 (R116), we offer intruders that are not supposed to be in the water and animals that are.
For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Player Guide and Known Issues for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes.
News Announcements
- Something is Amok in Port Harmony Cistern!
- New Creatures Spotted in Swampy Areas!
- Release 116 Patch Notes
- Latest News and Q&A July Livestream
- Release 116 Subscriber Login Rewards
- August Login Rewards
- Crown Store Updates
- Bug Brigade & Testing Directives
- Streaming Program
- Upcoming Release Dates
Community Updates
- Community Events & Resources
- Project to Support: Avatar Relics
- Project to Support: Shard RPG
- Project to Support: Embers Adrift
- Project to Support: Avatar Express
- Resources: Players Helping Players
Something is Amok in Port Harmony Cistern!
Port Harmony’s underground cistern is at the heart of the Port Harmony water system. There are numerous pipes that run underground and all of them intersect within the cistern. It filters debris from their water, distributes clean water to certain locations, manages waste, and can even convert salt to fresh water. Its functions are a combination of small miracles! Lately, though, the water pressure has not been at the expected strength.
As the city’s Watersmith, Annora Jenkins maintains the canals and water management systems. If you’ve already completed all the tasks in Port Harmony that Jenkins needs help with, she will send you into the cistern to do repairs and find the cause of the low pressure. It might be sabotage! Who would do such a terrible thing?
New Creatures Spotted in Swampy Areas!
The warm spring has awakened some unusual creatures in East Sanctus Forest, East Veiled Swamp, Midras Ruins, and Tanglemire. The smallest of them seem harmless enough, but the larger ones are quite territorial!
From all reports, most frogs are green, but a few sightings of Red Poison Dart Frogs and Brown or Pale Frog Goliaths have been confirmed. It is even rumored that there are Blue Poison Dart Frogs, but that has not been verified as of this writing. Perhaps some hapless wanderer intrepid adventurer will stumble across track them down them in the coming months.
The tamers of New Britannia have managed to break Poison Dart Frogs to their will, but Frog Goliaths seem to be just too stubborn. Fortunately the chefs of New Britannia have stepped up and made alternate plans for them: general merchants in Tanglemire and Solania and a wandering merchant in Mistrendur now sell a recipe for fried frog legs.
At this rate, they’ll invade more wet areas soon! Perhaps someone should start a Cult of Anura just in case… not the chefs, though.
Release 116 Patch Notes
Below are a list of the updates that are live as of Release 116 in the game of Shroud of the Avatar! R116 is a content month. Polish, additional improvements, and bug fixes are inbound for R117 next month. We hope you enjoy the changes that are live today as of Release 116!
Crafting, Decoration, Gear, & Inventory Item Changes:
- Graveyard caretakers that are also merchants (which now includes the Port Harmony caretaker) now sell Explorer’s Shovels. These are currently equipable as (weak) bludgeons and will be expanded upon in the future.
- Added decorative plants from agriculture and water lilies from loot to the “Plants” crafting category which is used in recipes for hedge maze pieces, garlands, and wreaths. SOTA-71495
- Made the deco scaling range on all numbers and runic letters larger to be consistent with the block letters that were expanded previously. Thanks, Owsley!
- Added the ability to use pattern removers on all the light armor bandit, riding, and taming artifacts. SOTA-70047, SOTA-70255
- Heavy Two-handed Axe Blades can now be used to craft axes. SOTA-70073
- Adjusted the “Fish Fillet” crafting category to include all (and only) the common fish: added barramundi and removed pacu. SOTA-70904
World and Quest Changes:
- Pumpkinhead arose to terrorize Drachvald on July 16th and won’t go to his rest until mid-November.
- All master trainers now can inform the Avatar about the location of the other master trainers and they also have proper unique responses when told their own names. SOTA-71506
- Plains and Snowy Tundra Random Encounters: To help distribute underrepresented wyvern colors, Plains Encounters with wyverns will now have red, green (replacing purple), yellow (replacing orange), and black (replacing white) versions. Snowy Tundra Encounters with wyverns will now have blue (replacing red), purple, orange, and white versions. Thanks, Ceal Astra! SOTA-71527
- Hidden Vale: Added a compass marker for Mysterious Swamp and updated the one for South Ravenswood. SOTA-71531, SOTA-71532
- Aerie: Lord Macsen now asks for the Avatar’s name using the same logic as other NPCs. SOTA-71546
- Ardoris: Regenerated conversation files for Shaaria Barista. SOTA-71510
- Ardoris: Corrected the color of some seaside ladders to red.
- Ardoris: Fixed various typos in several NPC conversations. SOTA-71510, SOTA-71509, SOTA-71508, SOTA-71511, SOTA-71512, SOTA-71513
- Blackblade Foothills: Set this scene to “Respawn at Spawn Point” when re-entering it. SOTA-71544
- Broken Echoes Silver Mine: Adjusted the invisible collision that blocks players from going outside the playspace. SOTA-71545
- Castle Atos: The town crier now gives his name as Caspian. SOTA-71516
- Celestis: Reduced the collision for the shield on the coat of arms wall decoration. SOTA-71547
- Central Brittany: Fixed a bed in the castle that was inaccessible. SOTA-71523
- Crooked Shank: The river water is now deep enough to swim and fish within.
- Crooked Shank: Fixed a typo in Stan’s responses.
- Crooked Shank: Fixed collision on a handful of trees.
- Crypt of the Avatar: Replaced a missing wall near the start of the scene. SOTA-71522
- Etceter: The Avatar will now remember vegetable merchant Rowan Norfolk’s personal name. SOTA-71502
- Ferig’s Battle Camp: Fixed several incorrectly-sized ore nodes. SOTA-71504
- K’rul: Moved two Oracle Watchers away from the lava. Rebaked the path grid. SOTA-71549
- Highvale: The default exit should now display as “South Entrance” when entering from Novia. SOTA-71468
- Highvale Outskirts: Marissa now correctly gives the player all the items back as part of her gathering quest reward and gives a reasonable excuse for doing so. SOTA-71540
- Highvale Outskirts: Inserted a task for Burnes’s quest to defeat the Obsidian Elf Commander that appears when you collect commander’s head, which directs you to deliver it to Burnes. SOTA-71529
- Highvale Outskirts: Fixed an issue where players would sometimes not memorize Montgomery the hermit’s name. SOTA-71530
- Kiln: Added props to the reagents merchant area. SOTA-71533
- Kingsport: Adjusted sea mist locations slightly. SOTA-71518
- Kingsport: Fixed typos and grammar in responses for guild registrar, old female shopper, and Jeremy the tailor supplies merchant. SOTA-71514, SOTA-71515, SOTA-71520
- Owl’s Head: Added teleporter signs to several locations. SOTA-71524
- Owl’s Head: A cabinet with awkward interaction has been improved. SOTA-71517
- Port Harmony: Selleck has taken off hunting treasure for a bit. We’re sure he’ll have some fascinating things to tell us when he returns.
- Port Harmony: Corrected the reponse that Jenkins the watersmith gives for her own name. Fixed a logic issue in the responses for the news hawkers when trying to praise them.
- Port Harmony: Jeremiah the produce merchant now also sells lemons.
- Port Harmony: Fixed a typo in Peregrine’s conversation. SOTA-71528
- Port Harmony Cistern: Fixed spawn-in targets. Improved cavern terrain. Fixed collision on exit ladder. Adjusted water-soaked torches. Fixed typos in a letter. Added tooltip to water purication consoles. Adjusted quest logic in Jenkins’ responses.
- Shores of Malice: Added lights next to Charon and Yama. Players can now destroy their Malice Far Gate key and reacquire one from Yama. Improved the logic that archives the “Learn How to Enter Malice” task. SOTA-71437
- Solace Bridge Outskirts: Updated a few responses for Ackerley the Alchemist. SOTA-71503
- Soltown: Corrected typos in two guards’ responses. Updated Emily’s “red cloth” response. SOTA-71505
- Sunless Barrens: Removed grass from an inappropriate location. Added a waypoint path for some NPCs.
- Tenebris Harbor: Removed plants from and slightly reshaped a cliffside. SOTA-71548
- Ulfheim: The grand hall door will now display magical barrier effects the first and every time it closes. SOTA-65669
- Vikland: Oski the bard trainer has moved from the Ruins of Utheim and now lives within the village of Vikland. SOTA-71506
- Westend: Corrected the “read/write” settings for several walls and signs to ensure their collision is always enabled. SOTA-70896
- Created map for the Crags. SOTA-58040
- Created map for North Quel Way.
- Created map for Quel Shardfall.
- Created map for Sawtooth Thicket.
- Created map for South Quel Woods.
- Adjusted alignment for Brittany Alleys map.
- Added map card for the Jack of Diamonds.
- The next region for mapping is Verdantis.

Player-Owned Town Changes:
- Avallon: Upgraded to Town.
- Chiron Beta Prime: Upgraded to Village.
- Dark Caverns: Added new Village southwest of Estgard in Novia. (in an imminent patch)
- M’hul Island: Upgraded to City.
Website Changes:
- We have removed the Twitter widgets from our webpage due to Twitter’s recent changes causing the website embed functionality to cease working as expected. Tweets cross-posted in Discord are partially working at this time. We are considering dropping Twitter as a communication channel and will post more information info on this in the official forums when updates are available.
Latest News and Q&A July Livestream
The post-release Community Livestream is Friday, July 28th at 4PM CT on Twitch! Join Stephen “Ravalox” Reinen and other members of the development team for a 1-hour community livestream!
To enter the prize drawings, type “leap frog” into any in-game chat channel OR make a purchase on the website Add-On Store.
Please submit questions using in-game universal chat by typing “askadev” before your question. We’ll do our best to answer these questions live on the stream. Watch on Twitch, Friday at 4PM CT!
Members of the Shroud of the Avatar development team stream on — be sure to get the channel on follow for notifications so you can join us right as we go live! Also, if you’ve missed our latest streams, check out our archive of content at our YouTube Channel. Like! Follow! Subscribe! Prizes!!!
Don’t forget to also join the Shroud of the Avatar team and community over on
Facebook at and on Discord at
Release 116 Subscriber Login Rewards
In the hottest days of summer, don’t be afraid of the dark. The Rewards Program login items for Release 116 are a Dark Gothic Cabinet, Console, and Serving Table.
Subscribers to the Rewards Program must log in during Release 116 to receive these special login items.
The Shroud of the Avatar Rewards Program lets you earn the best rate on purchasing Crowns, AND receive monthly reward items! For the low price of $9 USD per month you will receive the following:
900 Crowns of the Obsidians every month
- Monthly Login Reward Items (about 3 per month)
- Exclusive Title every 3 months
- 3 Months: Keeper of the Faith
- 6 Months: Keeper of the Word
- 9 Months: Keeper of the Vow
- 12 Months: Keeper of the Flame
- 15 Months: Keeper of the Oath
- 18 Months: Keeper of the Pledge
- 21 Months: Keeper of the Bond
- 24 Months: Keeper of the Promise
- 27 Months: Keeper of the Covenant
- 30 Months: Keeper of Countless Devotions
- 33 Months: Keeper of Thirty-Three Corpions
- 36 Months: Keeper of Thirty-Six Serpents
- 39 Months: Keeper of Thirty-Nine Tulips
- 42 Months: Keeper of Forty-Two Roses
- 45 Months: Keeper of Forty-Five Lilies
- 48 Months: Keeper of Forty-Eight Daisies
- 51 Months: Keeper of Fifty-One Staves
- 54 Months: Keeper of Fifty-Four Daggers
- 57 Months: Keeper of Fifty-Seven Arrows
- 60 Months: Keeper of Sixty Swords
- 63 Months: Keeper of Sixty-Three Coins
- 66 Months: Keeper of Sixty-Six Gems
- 69 Months: Keeper of Sixty-Nine Jewels
- 72 Months: Keeper of Seventy-Two Goblets
- 75 Months: Keeper of Seventy-Five Rings
- 78 Months: Keeper of Seventy-Eight Amulets
- Pick any Dye 12-Pack every 6 months
- Pick any three of these 7 Obsidian Potions every month:
- Potion of Capacity: Increases carrying capacity
- Potion of Conservation: Reduces reagent use chance
- Potion of Expedience: Swift gathering on all gathering skills
- Potion of Precision: Increases Meticulous Collection to all gathering skills
- Potion of Preservation: Reduces armor and weapon damage
- Potion of Reclamation: Increases Salvage and Repair to all production skills
- Potion of Stamina: Decreases focus use from sprinting
- While subscribed to the rewards program, players also receive these special bonuses:
- Obsidian Potions are significantly more powerful!
- 24 Additional Deck Slots!
August Login Reward
Give your valuables some contrast and some perspective: each account that logs in during the month of August will receive a one-time gift of a Dark Gothic Pedestal!
Crown Store Updates
New in the crown store for August 1st:
…and for August 11th:
The Lord British store items will be available until Friday August 4th:
List of Lord British items:
- 2014 Lord British Replenishing Birthday Cake
- 2016 Lord British Replenishing Birthday Cake
- 2017 Lord British Replenishing Birthday Cake
- 2018 Lord British Replenishing Birthday Cake
- 2019 Lord British Replenishing Birthday Cake
- 2020 Lord British Replenishing Birthday Cake
- 2021 Lord British Replenishing Birthday Cake
- 2022 Lord British Replenishing Birthday Cake
- 2023 Lord British Replenishing Birthday Cake
- Lord British Basement Entrance Eternal Pattern
- Lord British Cloak
- Lord British Fur Collared Cloak
- Lord British Moondial
- Lord British Pavers
- Lord British Round Table
- Lord British Salute Emote
- Lord British Shield
- Lord British Shield Pattern Pack
The Summer Seasonal store items will be available until Monday September 25th:
List of Summer Seasonal items:
- Firedancer Outfit
- Fire Dance Emote
- Fire Dance Cross Emote
- Flame Scimitar
- Flame Shield
- Flame Stained Glass Table Lamp 3-Pack
- Flaming Bagpipes
- Hula Emote
- Island Spear
- Island Flower Crown
- Island Dress
Bug Brigade & Testing Directives!
The Bug Brigade was established to improve how the community and the development team work together to improve the game. Since the Brigade’s inception, the program has gone through a number of changes and was eventually placed on hold. The stability of the game is as important to the development team as it is to the players, therefore the program was revamped and was relaunched.
The Brigade has been up and running and the volunteers (Alley Oop, Echondas, Flair Minamoto, and Justyn) are in a good rhythm for verifying and submitting bugs to the developers. If you have reported a bug that has not yet been addressed, please be patient while the backlog is being worked. The Brigade is working diligently to clean up the backlog of bug reports posted by players on the forums.
Every month, a considerable amount of development time will be spent working many of the verified bugs which have been submitted to the team by the Bug Brigade. This focused effort on bug fixes would not be possible without the recent efforts of the Bug Brigade. Please take the time to thank these bug hunting aficionados when you encounter them in your travels!
In turn, the development team would like to express a big thank you to the Bug Hunters! These community members are doing a fantastic job bringing so many bug reports to the team, and they’re doing it in a way which makes the process smooth and efficient. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Much improvement has been noticed by the development team and we’re so very excited to see the program’s continued success!
The development team would also like to thank all of those who take time to participate in QA Testing Directives. Thanks to your hard work and dedication, many issues and bugs can be identified and fixed prior to content going to the Live Server! Keep up the great work! For those that wish to participate in future bug hunting endeavors, please check the forums regularly for upcoming QA Testing Directives.
Don’t forget, the Bug Brigade is open to all players in good standing and bug rewards are SWEET! They will be awarded on a monthly progression basis with only minimal requirements to qualify. The available rewards to receive in progression via qualifying participation are as follows:
- Antennae Head Gear and Forum Title 1: “Bug Hunter”
- Single Ant Cloak
- Lady Bug Backpack
- Bug Painting A and In-Game Title 2: “Associate of Aphids”
- Ant Farm
- Insect Leg Table
- Many Ants Cloak and In-Game Title 3: “Bachelor of Beetles”
- Bug Painting B
- Bug Sprayer and /bugspray Emote
- Bug Painting C and In-Game Title 4: “Master of Moths”
- Butterfly Chair
- Corpion Chair (Pictured Below)
- Yellow Fireflies VFX and In-Game Title 5: “Doctor of Dragonflies”
- Hacked Oracle Flyer
- Giant Butterfly Pet (Blue)
- Butterfly Mask
- Dragonfly pet
- Fairy Wings
- Monarch Butterfly Pet
- Dragonfly Wings
- Hacked Oracle Crawler
- Blue Butterfly VFX
- Orange Fireflies VFX
- Orange Butterfly VFX
- Autumn Fairy Wings
- Green Fireflies VFX
- Landing Flies 3-pack
- Blue Fireflies
- Mounted Ladybug Specimen
- Mounted Rhinoceros Beetle Specimen
- Mounted Firebug Specimen
- Mounted Diving Bug Specimen
- Mounted Asian Ladybug Specimen
- Swallowtail Butterfly Pet
- Mounted Potato Beetle
- Silver Bug Sprayer
- Mounted Dung Beetle Specimen
- Mounted Hissing Cockroach Specimen
- Mounted Maybug Specimen
- Mounted Stag Beetle Specimen
- Mounted Flower Beetle Specimen
If you’ve come to think of Shroud of the Avatar as your home, sign up and help make New Britannia a better place to live! To learn more about joining the Bug Brigade, please read the announcement thread by Ravalox in the main Bug/Feedback forums.
Streaming Program
Streamers of Shroud of the Avatar can participate in a program to showcase the game and be rewarded for their efforts. Any Streamer who wishes to be included in the Streaming Program can contact Laney via in-game mail with their Character Name and Twitch Channel information. If you have already signed up for the program in the past, fear not: you’re on the list and you don’t need to reapply.
Streaming Rewards Program participants must adhere to our Terms of Service (TOS) and Community Rules while Streaming Shroud of the Avatar.
Streaming Rewards Program participants must stream at least 10 hours of Shroud of the Avatar ACTIVE game play to remain in the program with reward accrual.
Streamers will receive a one-time digital reward of in-game items after meeting the program’s requirements: Streamer’s Cloak, Streamer’s Camera, and the LIVESTREAMING title.
- To qualify for Streamer Rewards, each streamer must continue to meet the minimum requirements for 60 days after application.
- To accrue additional rewards, Streamers must stream SotA a minimum of 10 hours per month, tallied on the 1st day of each month, to remain in the program.
Monthly Streaming Bundles:
On the 1st of each month, qualifying streamers will be eligible to receive 50 Streaming Bundles. Bundles will be sent out to Streamers via in-game mail.
A few things you need to know:
- Streaming Bundles are intended to be given away to stream viewers, not consumed by the streamer.
- Streamers are not allowed to put paywalls in place for the Streaming Bundles. (For example, giving away Streaming Bundles once the stream reaches a certain number of bits, subscriptions, or donations).
Other Items of Note:
- Streamers in the program will be included in the SotAbot StreamPop function, appearing in the player-streaming channel in Discord.
- An optional fan graphics kit is available to the participating streamers as well as all players of Shroud of the Avatar, which includes graphics, overlays and other material.
- Streamers must be actively playing the game during their streams. Being away from the keyboard (AFK) for short periods is acceptable. If Twitch indicates the streamer is playing SotA but they are streaming other content or a timeout/login screen, they risk being removed from the program.
Upcoming Release Dates
Be sure to check out the Upcoming Events page for spotlighted events plus links to various areas to post or find events on our forums. The upcoming 2023 Release Schedule is as follows:
- This Release 116 – July 27 (Content)
- Release 117 – August 31 (Polish)
- Release 118 – September 28 (Polish)
- Release 119 – October 26 (Content)
- Release 120 – November 16 (Polish)
- Release 121 – December 14 (Polish)
Community Events & Resources
Greetings event holders and event attendees! So many fun and exciting events are available in the upcoming weeks. Be sure to get out there and participate, make some new friends, perhaps make some great emote, recipe, or gear trades, or get some adventuring and role-playing into your mix! Here are spotlighted events or updated community resources that we’ve noticed popping up lately on the official forums.
Recurring Events:
- Monthly Release Fishing Contests: This will be a rotating, multi-location contest sponsored and organised by Rajazel, The Town Museum and its Governor Diablotine.
- Trash to Treasure Dropped Items Turn-In: Introducing Trash to Treasure 2.0! Some unscrupulous fella has been flooding all of New Britannia with junk: Headdresses, Wings, Backpacks, assorted miscellany of every sort. It’s time to clean this trash up and so a bounty has been placed on all gear crafted by Coswald Dirthmire that is turned in each contest period!
- 500 Crown Leisurely Fishing: Sonja Solar and friends are running a continuous fishing contest in Brittany Fort “Now and Forever for All Eternity” which has wonderful prizes and objectives. You can now win 500 Crowns for record fishies caught in Brittany Fort by anybody at any time in history for display in Sonja Solar’s fishy aquarium museum. Be sure to watch the video indicated in the “Brittany Fort” link provided in the first post to see the full explanation of the contest rules.
Community Calendars:
- Avatars-Virtue Radio Calendar: Just when are all those talented DJ’s and streamers broadcasting? Don’t just guess, check out there very helpful calendar! Never again will you wonder when’s the best time to tune in!
- NBNN Calendar: This calendar provides a great schedule for NBNN and WRFB programing as well as many other community events. If you’re a fan of the Laz & Jack show or even if you’re hoping to catch them in action for the first time, this is the calendar for you!
Community Event Resources: Here are some fantastic resources for tracking down community events or posting your own events. Become involved! Create! Explore! Make friends! But most of all, have fun!
- One-Time Community Events Forum: Sometimes events happen only a single time, so you’ll not want to miss out on these events as they occur. Check out the forums routinely to spot these!
- Recurring Community Events Forum: Some events occur on weekly or monthly schedules which are a great way to routinely meet up with friends and to make new ones. Be sure to check this forum frequently for new events or time changes to existing ones.
- Player Event Trophies and Special Item Requests: Would you like to request a special trophy or renamed item for a player event you’ve created? Head on over to this thread to see what’s available and to obtain more information about request procedures.
- Player Radio Station Forum: If you want to check out the latest and greatest from our in-game radio stations, go to the radio stations forum! If you’re a DJ, be sure to advertise your time slot and venue in this forum.
- Player Livestreams & Videos Forum: If you’re searching for a Shroud Streamer to watch, head on over to the streamer forum! If you are a live streamer for Shroud of the Avatar, be sure to advertise your Shroud stream by posting in this forum.
- Town Directory Forum: Want to find a town to live in or get your town listed in the directory, head over to the forums and check it out!
- Guild Directory Forum: Looking for a guild or want to get yours posted in the guild directory? Head on over to the forums and check it out!
- Fire Lotus Tavern: This wondrous role-playing and story writing forum is the spot to be if you love fan fiction and role-play.
- Community Resources: Looking for links to community and official resources for Shroud of the Avatar? Well look no further. On this page you’ll find links to a plethora of helpful resources created by the dev team or the community.
So many options to stay tuned-in with fellow community members. Please take advantage of all these wonderful options. Happy adventures, Avatars!
Project to Support: Avatar Relics
Community member Shawn Butts has opened a Shroud of the Avatar merchandise store with Catnip Games’ approval. Visit for pins, mugs, shirts, posters, and more here.
Project to Support: Shard RPG
Shard Studios invites you to enter the fantastic world Dárdünah, the vast shard of a shattered realm, as presented in the colorful pages of the SHARD RPG! Many years in the making, this system allows players to choose from a wide variety of animal people who are the main cast of the many adventures this otherworldly setting offers. Skyships glide through shimmering clouds past majestic crystal peaks. Giant insects prowl alien jungles or lurk in the sparkling emerald seas. Warriors with blades of diamond and amber duel across crimson sands. And mystics chant in shadowy chambers as their spirits wander abroad.
- Intro Sheet: For a quick glimpse into the world of Dárdünah, be sure to download the intro pdf! It’s packed with great information and features beautiful artwork, not unlike the artwork found throughout the many pages of this gaming system’s gorgeously designed manuals.
- Core System Manuals: It’s easier than ever to delve into Dárdünah, World of the False Dawn, with the Basic Compendium and the Magic and Martial Arts books! They contain everything you need to begin your adventures, and include instructions for the ritual magic and martial arts combat systems. These manuals also include 90 new Animal Templates upon which to base your character!
- Other Shard RPG Products: So many more manuals and gaming materials are available! Everything an avid tabletop role-player and game master needs to delve into the world of Dárdünah!
So if you’re ready to experience a gaming world like no other, check out what Shard Studios has created for tabletop role-players on the Shard RPG official website! You’ll most certainly be immersed and amazed by the offerings of the Shard RPG!
Project to Support: Embers Adrift!
Help support one of our team members’ other projects, Embers Adrift! They officially launched September 30. Check out their official trailer here.
Project to Support: Avatar Express
[Forum post by Vladamir Begemot]
I’m pleased to report that The Avatar Express is clacking away furiously. News is being delivered and we have established systems to deliver it directly to your brain. You can use one of those systems by following us on Twitter at @avatar_express. Even more reliable due to its fully automated nature is joining us on the Discord server. News items are posted there via RSS. Or you can subscribe to RSS directly on the site.
If you run an event, quests, etc, please consider helping out by self reporting. The Shroud community is big, and many things are happening that are never seen by others. With 10k monthly users, we would need a full time staff to track down everything that is happening.
You can fill out the contributor form, message @that_shawn_guy here or post in the Discord server that you would like to help. There is no commitment once signed up, you can post as much or little as you like.
Writing up your own events has several benefits beyond the immediate exposure. It serves as a record for others to see the history of New Britannia as we create it, in an attractive format. Publishing in the Express also has a higher chance than the forums of being seen by search engines and random readers, thus bringing more eyeballs and new players to the game.
It will even make posting in the forums easier! You can upload images to your news item, and then link to those images in your forum post. No more need for 3rd party image hosts!
So if you have something going on in your guild or town, or want to be a Reporter, Cartographer or Historian, please join us!
Resources: Players Helping Players
The official SotA New Player Welcome Forum and the Player Created Resources Forum have the best player created resources for Shroud of the Avatar, whether it’s a Player Written Guide, a Video Walk-through, or a Wiki-type Website.
Visit the official Community Resources page for a complete listing of all things community.