Greetings Fellow Avatars! Welcome to the Village Home Edition of Update of the Avatar! We’ve been working on several village-level homes, including the homes that are part of the Benefactor and Founder Citizen Pledge rewards. Please keep in mind that these homes are still “works-in-progress” and are being modified and tweaked as we receive feedback. So please, log in to our forums and let us know your opinions!
Shingle-Roof Village Home
Let’s start our Parade of Homes with one of our most affordable village homes, which will be available to all players, backers and non-backers alike. It is a single room, single story dwelling, that we currently refer to as the Shingle-Roof Village Home:

Here is an interior shot of the Shingle-Roof village home, without any decorations:

Benefactor Citizen Village Home
Next up, we have our unique, upscale, Benefactor Village home, only available to Benefactors and Founders (included as a reward in the Citizen level pledge). It is also a single story dwelling, with the floorplan partially divided into multiple alcoves:

Interior view of the Benefactor Village home:

Founder Citizen Village Home
Here is our unique, upscale, Founder Village home, only available to Founders (included as a reward in the Citizen level pledge). A single story dwelling, with a partially divided floorplan, and multiple roof structures:

Interior view of the Founder Village home:

Viking Village Home – September 1/2 Price SALE!
With this next house, we experimented with something that allowed for a larger variety of color, yet still appropriate for the time period and overall art style. This Viking Village home is a two-story dwelling, with a single large room downstairs and a wrap-around loft on the second floor:

And here are a couple of interior shots of the Viking home, with a few decorations added:

This is a shot of the Benefactor, Founder, and Viking village homes, shown in-game, on side-by-side lots:

Here are the floor plans for all four village homes, to give you a sense of the different sizes and layouts:

Get Your Viking Village Home Now and SAVE 50%!
During the month of September we’re offering a 50% discount on the Viking Village Home! You save $50 off the regular $100 price! Check it out in the Add-On Store!
[NOTE: “Founders” are backers that pledged any amount by May 20, 2013, and “Benefactors” are backers that pledged after May 20, 2013.]
Special Thank You to Hearth of Britannia!
We’d like to share our deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks to Rustic Dragon and all the other folks that contributed their time, materials, and funds, to help raise additional pledges during the 24-hour Telethon of the Avatar! There was much merriment throughout the entire Telethon as Developers and fans alike joined together in the festivities. And in the end, an additional $12,999 was raised for Shroud of the Avatar development! If you missed it, you can watch the telethon via the following links: Part I – Part II – Part III – Part IV – Part V – Part VI.
Please Register on SotA and Link Your Kickstarter Account!
Stay on top of all the latest game development news by registering on our website, And if you have not already done so, please be sure to Link your Kickstarter Account, so we can ensure that you receive all of your backer rewards as soon as they are ready to roll out!
[This edition of Update of the Avatar written by Dallas Snell, COO/Co-Founder, Portalarium]
Hello, I am curious if houses with patios will be implemented for vendor placement? Was one of my favorite features of UO.
Got so close to adding on the viking home, then I noticed it needs a citizen-level pledge or higher. Dangit
Village Level Plot is now on sale for $150 in the store. You may grab that and the Norse home for $200 total.
I really prefer the front door and window shutters on the Benefactor house along with the layout of the Founder house. By the way, why does the roof covering the main section of the Founder house seem to sag in the middle? Will we able to mix and match design features or are we stuck with the two houses “as is” ?
TimeDilation, it says Village Level Plot, no mention of a pledge level requirement. The only mention of Citizen level was that they still get their original plot style home in addition to this one. They can plant the Norse home or the pledge home on their Citizen plot. Without a pledged plot, you will need to purchase a plot to place it on at the Village, Town, or City level. You may still purchase it during this sale and use it.
“(NOTE: You will need a Village, Town, or City Level Property to place the Viking Village home in-game. Citizen Level pledges and higher will still receive the home included in their rewards if they purchase the Viking home as an add-on)”
Even better, Village Level Plots are on sale in the store.
While these house are nice looking they are a bit underwhelming. I was expecting a bit more for a Citizen level pledge. I was definitely looking for a 2 story house.