Hello Everyone,
Thank you for being a loyal backer of Shroud of the Avatar. Early access for all backers at First Responder / Adventurer level and above begins with Release 1 tomorrow, Thursday December 12 at 10:30 AM Central Time. Release 1 access will end on Saturday December 14 at 10:00 PM Central Time. Starting today you can begin installing and patching (see instructions below) but login will not be enabled until Thursday morning.
We are happy to say that we are going to deliver just about every single Release 1 item (except for head shapes in character creation). Here are those deliverables again (along with a few extra notes about each):
RELEASE 1: December 12 – December 14, 2013
- Install / Patching system: Step one for you guys to play the game is for you to download the game and then patch the game. Since this is the first hands on impression of the product, it is critical.
- Login / Registration: Players should be able to log in using their existing accounts and if they have not yet registered, they should be intuitively led to the steps to register. NOTE: To thoroughly test login we will be kicking everyone off periodically and making them log back in to stress the servers. We will do our best to broadcast in game prior to when we do this.
- Character Creation: Players should be able to create and customize their character. Creation / Customization options for Release 1 will include: name, gender, head shape, skin tone, hair style, hair color, and eye color. NOTE: Character wipes will happen periodically prior to launch so name choice during these early releases is not final.
- Single Player Online: All public releases prior to commercial launch will be online only. For Release 1 and 2, it will be constrained to single player online only.
- First Town: Our first town, Owl’s Head will be open for exploration. This is important for testing purposes so we can better tune our performance metrics on real user machines. For Release 1, exiting the town will just funnel you back into the same town (anyone see Groundhog Day?)
- Conversation: Important that players converse with the townsfolk so we can start expanding the dialog system. As you talk to NPCs, we will be tracking your conversations and using them to add more content based on your input.
- Bag Inventory: This is a hot topic in the forums so we want to get it in your hands for feedback on preferences. Immersion vs. ease of use, let the battle begin!
- Equipment: Players will be provided with several chests full of “ph@t lootz” (armor, clothes, weapons, etc.) for trying on for size.
- House Claiming: Players will be able to select a house from the entire list of player houses (even Lord of the Manor!) for free so that we can test out the various size houses on the lots and allow players to test drive the various houses so they can have a better idea of which they ultimately want to own. NOTE: Character wipes will happen periodically prior to launch so lot choice during these early releases is not final.
- House Decorating: Chests full of furniture and decorative items will be provided so you can stress test the decoration system and try out various styles of interiors. Help us figure out all the ways you can break things! (Look forward to screenshot contests on this!)
- Metrics: All the while you are playing, we will be stress testing our metrics system. This system is critical to maintaining a balanced economy, tracking exploits, and gathering data to improve the experience.
So now that it is clear what you can expect we should also be as clear about what you should not expect:
- Mac & Linux: We are definitely going to support these Operating Systems but we were unable to get them working satisfactorily for Release 1. For Release 1 we will only support Windows. Our goal is to try again for OSX and Linux support for Release 2.
- Performance: Our goal with Release 1 was to build a machine challenging scene with Owl’s Head. We have only done rudimentary optimizations and we do not yet have a full suite of fallbacks (LODs, etc.). This means for R1 the game will be quite slow on lower end machines and due to memory usage might be unstable in certain conditions (like densely decorated areas). With each release we will be doing further optimizations and adding to our fallbacks to improve performance.
- Game Loop: Even though we have clearly stated that there will not be a complete game loop (adventure, loot, spend, craft, quest, etc.) until Release 4 there is still some expectation of those activities. For R1 there is just character creation / customization, NPC conversation, and home decoration.
- Advanced Player Housing: There are some advanced features for player housing including basements, home exterior decorations, and ceiling decorations that are not yet integrated. Expect to see these appear in future releases with the goal that by Release 4 they should all be present.
Below my signature you will find instructions and known issues. Thank you again for your continued support. This is truly the most amazing community we have ever worked with and we are proud to be on this journey with you.
Starr Long
Executive Producer
PS We have included some surprises around Owl’s Head so be sure to explore thoroughly.
Most up to date information: http://tinyurl.com/katly8r
1. Download and run SotAInstaller.exe here: http://goo.gl/KVYzpF
2. We recommend having at least 4GB of free disk space on the drive you install to, though the game will only download about 650MB of data.
3. Either allow the installer to auto-run on complete, or run either the desktop shortcut named “Shroud of the Avatar” or the “Launcher.exe” located in your installed Portalarium directory.
4. Once the launcher is finished, the game will start.
5. (optional) Leaving the launcher running will help us and others by providing some of your bandwidth to assist others in downloading the client.
1. Enter your www.shroudoftheavatar.com registered login information – If you have not yet linked your kickstarter pledge to your account, you will not be able to gain access. If you purchased your pledge on ShroudoftheAvatar.com, you DO NOT need to link a Kickstarter account.
2. Choose your play mode – Currently, the only valid option is Single Player Online.
3. Click Enter Game to enter Avatar creation, and begin playing.
- ‘w-a-s-d’ keys control Avatar movement
- Double tap ‘w’ key to engage in auto-run
- Mouse movement + holding right click controls the camera view
- The top right menu contains icons that can be left-clicked to perform the following actions-
- Crossed swords & shield: Access Avatar character information
- Bag: Open up inventory
- Gears: Options menu
- Question Mark: Bring up help page
- Sealed Letter: File a bug report
- Avatar character management-
- ‘c’ key or left-clicking the crossed swords & shield icon in the top right menu will bring up your Avatar’s character information
- ‘b’ key or left-clicking the bag icon in the top right menu will toggle open/close your inventory bags
- ‘escape’ key exits all open interfaces
- Double-left click objects to interact with them (the cursor will highlight when hovering over valid interaction objects). Some examples of interactions:
- Doors can be opened through interaction
- Chests can be opened and looted through interaction
- Light sources can be toggled on/off through interaction
- Decorative items and equipment can be moved via holding left click+dragging items to their new desired location and releasing the left mouse button.
- To wear equipment, open the Avatar information screen (‘c’ key) and drag equipment onto the display avatar or corresponding highlighted equipment slot and release the left mouse button.
- To decorate, make sure the avatar is within a housing lot (denoted by a runic sign post) then left click+drag objects from the Avatar’s inventory into the world then release the left mouse button when the object is green to place it in the world. A red object will not be placeable. The ‘q’ and ‘e’ keys will rotate the object.
- To remove decorations, left click+drag an item from within the world back into the Avatar’s inventory.
- To converse with NPCs, simply stand near the NPC you wish to converse with, and hit the ‘enter’ key to bring up your chat log. Type what you wish to say to the npc within the chat box, and hit ‘enter’ again to converse.
- The chat log can be scrolled through by left click+dragging the slider on the right side of the chat window
- To report a bug, either left-click the sealed letter icon in the top-right menu or open up your chat log (‘enter’ key) and type in ‘/bug’ followed by your bug report and the ‘enter’ key. This will copy your bug report and game information to the clipboard and bring up the SotA bug forum where you can paste the clipboard into a post for us to receive. Before posting in the forums please follow these guidelines: http://tinyurl.com/q5r3jnd
- The ‘f11’ key will take a screenshot of the game and save it to your installed SotA directory
- To find out the current position of the Avatar in game open up the chat log (‘enter’ key) and type in ‘/loc’ followed by the ‘enter’ key. This also copies out the location to your clipboard so that it can be pasted elsewhere as needed.
- You can click the green triangular gems in the corner of the chat window and the top right button panel to lock or unlock the auto-hiding of those UI elements. To move or re-size the chat window, left-click + drag the window borders as desired (left border to move the window and right border to resize).
- The ‘f4’ key or left-clicking the options menu “Quit” tab will exit the game.
Most up to date information: http://tinyurl.com/o9c7olj
- LODs (level of detail) objects are still being implemented so players may occasionally experience objects visually ‘popping’ out of existence or between visual states
- Camera will occasionally clip through walls when near them
- When using a multiple monitor setup there may be issues with the default window placement in windowed mode
- Quitting the game will remove the player Avatar before fully quitting, this will be fixed in future releases.
- Logging into the game takes a little while to load in characters and geometry, there will be some visual popping and general framerate issues for a short duration after logging in.
- Combat is turned off – will be enabled in Release 4
- Crafting is turned off – will be enabled in Release 2
- Female Avatars can equip cloaks but they have no visuals
- Changing the house on a lot will clear out and delete currently placed decorations, there is a warning that will ask before clearing.
- The map will reset upon entering/leaving Owl’s Head (either through quitting or returning to login)
- Not all items are interactable at this time (most notably the majority of items in NPC housing is currently locked in place)
- Some doors are only opened by using a switch (sometimes hidden)- currently there isn’t yet a visual accompanying a locked door, but there is a locked door sound that will play when attempting to open
- Some staircases and ramps will allow the player to walk off the sides, placing the player instantly on the ground
- If the Avatar is idle for an extended period of time (roughly 30 minutes or so) the game will auto-logout. In the future this may be accompanied by an idle warning msg.
- Dialogue is still in an early state and conversations are still being fleshed out – responses are still somewhat limited. We are logging player interactions and Release 2 will see considerable improvement.
- Line of sight for non-player characters is not implemented for Release 1 so you will be occasionally greeted by a character through a wall.
User Interface:
- Bags and inventory are still in development and more options for sorting and visual representations will be added in a later release
- Changing hairstyle and hair color while creating an Avatar sometimes does nothing to the portrait but ultimately still affects player’s Avatar
- When playing full screen using multiple monitors, the user can move the mouse cursor outside of the game window- this functionality is only intended to work in windowed mode or borderless windowed mode (which has yet to be implemented).
- FPS counter is not always accurate
- There may be framerate issues and slowdown in game, optimizations are still in progress
- If the patcher process is terminated while updating (e.g. computer/patcher crashes) user may need to uninstall and reinstall to finish the patching.
great want to see if every thing is working.
Ruuufiooooo! Ruuufiooooo!
(Sorry, I had an impulsive need to quote!)
As with our entire process we strive to be transparent, hence no NDA. Therefore you are free to share screens and videos as far and wide as you wish. Our only request is that you annotate them as Release 1 Pre-Alpha and try to keep them positive.
Awesome! Thanks!
I will be streaming as well then but I don’t have a big audience but those that come in and don’t know about it will be informed.
Thank You FireLotus
Well let me be more clear, can we say we are testing? can we discuss on blogs whats going on in alpha, and can we make videos to share?
*jumps in full feet*
erm…. no red hair for women?!
To be clear, “first responder” is any Kickstarter backer above a certain level (Pioneer?)
I am a collector
First responder was a limited kickstarter backer level I think equivalent to adventurer, but at a lower cost. Above that one is second responder, pioneer, then adventurer.
Dang…no OS X? Thats a kick in the junk… =(
Not for this stage of Pre-Alpha. Mac OS will still be supported in the live game and in future builds.
Seems like Mac users would be used to this sort of thing.. i dont like windows based machines.. would rather use something else.. mac may be a better machine.. but we live in a Windows world
Yep, I’m also hopeful I’ll be able to join for the second pre-alpha phase in January. I’m disappointed to have to miss out on this though.
Try Bootcamp?
Gonna try wine… wish me luck.
People still buy macs? why? =P
it looks like my acoount-kickstarter link can’t run ;(
Did you pledge on Kickstarter, and if so, have you linked your Kickstarter account to your SotA account? See the FAQs for a guide on how to link.
hey guys, I’ve linked my kickstarter account but still can’t log in after 4 days
just checked your account info, and you are flagged correctly as a player… so, I’m not sure what the problem was. What error did you get when trying to log in? Is it possible that you missed Release 1 access, which ended on Saturday, December 14 at 10:00 PM Central Time?
I’m at home sick today! Why open it tomorrow?!
But the music is very nice

Think we have almost killed the patch server, massive 53KB/s download
I’m getting >2 MB/s right now, so I don’t think so
Live twitch Streams? For my guild folks?
Ugly little “arrow” in the updating the game view “->”, why not use a real one: →
Can’t wait to see the game tomorrow, arrow or not
So I linked my kickstarter account to SOTA, then purchased a second account on the SOTA website (for my wife). both of these accounts are both under my single login. At this point, should we both be able to log in using my credentials at this stage? Will there be an ability for me to gift this account to my wife later on? I was directed to do it this way during the kickstarter, but I am now kicking myself for not creating a separate account for my wife and purchasing it that way… How should I proceed?
so, for this release, pledges aren’t handled seperately. This is an early release and there will be character wipes. We will have support for multiple pledges in the future, at the moment think of it being a login for your highest pledge.
Thank you for understanding
I tried downloading it and Norton said that it was a virus, but I tried again 5 minutes later and suddenly it was fine.
Man, Norton sure is silly sometimes.
Great, game download worked perfect!
Anyone who tried NOT to log in into the game although they said logging in does NOT work? hehehe xD
greetz from Austria!
I received the e-mail despite not being a backer. I assume not, but I’m a bit confused as to whether I’ll be able to log in Thursday.
It is possible to have signed up to receive our emails even if you are a non-backer. To answer your question, only backers at Adventurer level or higher receive early access to the Alpah/Beta.
Got it. Thanks very much for the quick response.
Adventurer for now is right but if you ar a kickstarter baker you can play as FIRST RESPONDER, SECOND RESPONDER, and PIONEER in the alpha Today too right ?
Correct. First & Second and Pioneer pledges are all Adventurer packages.
Is the “Pioneer” level ($33) able to access this release? If not is it possible to pay the $7 difference ONLY and not have to pay the total $40 for Adventurer?
Yes, it is. Also, if you want to up your pledge, go to your account page, and select “Upgrade” next to your displayed pledge.
Hope this helps!
“Shroud of the Avatar is all about community collaboration and we’d love your feedback, so please click here to post any replies you may have about the content in this update.”
I did… but you deleted my earlier post… the freedom of speech… and the freedom to ignore any opinion that isn’t your own… and the misuse of power to silence critics.
Thank you so much,
You’re earlier comment was removed because it was belligerent, not because you expressed a difference of opinion.
You mean it was Incendiary?
Regarding YouTube monetization…can we or can’t we, and will any of the music in the game get our videos “matched for third-party content” so we will have to turn it off?
Good Point, I hope you get answer!
Hey, nice to see the first release is coming. Can somebody explain to me why access limited to 2 days? Does that mean we won’t be able to start the build after that?
The entire schedule was posted and what they are doing.
I’m very much anti-spoilers, and playing this release 1 alpha/beta/unfinished feels like spoilers to me. So not going to download; will wait patiently until the game is completed fully.
And so it begins…
installed flawlessly and seeding now…
cant wait for 1030am cst on 12.12.13
Dialogues – will there be keywords – or will we need to write complete/semi complete sentences? While the dialogue aspect gives a greater variety, as a v e r y s l o w t y p e r I would rather not have to type every word – like to think of myself as a mumbler mmm quest mmmmmmm help mmmmm purple lifesavers mmmm
I didn’t fund through kickstarter but had instead purchased through the store on this website… is my account active for this early access?
If you are an Adventurer or higher, then yes!
BTW – you all asked us to keep the launcher open because it would help -mine now says I am seeding – how does keeping the launcher open on my desktop help someone else ? (am I helping streess test the launcer?) What is seeding?
What am I uploading? all the specs and private files from my computer?
You are sharing a part of the patcher with other SotA players. This is to have a better overall download speed, given so many people download it at the same time. If this is putting a noticeable impact on your bandwidth, just close the patcher.
Thanks for understanding
Someone has never heard of torrents…
I am so excited! First started playing Ultima IV when I was 10 on my old Apple 2e. Quick question, will there be a 64-bit release to take advantage of higher RAM systems?
Yes, this is planned.
Loaded, patched and wondering how I break the news to the hubs that I won’t be making any money in my business tomorrow because I have an extremely pressing engagement. Oh and I’m probably going to have to pay for his $50 taxi ride from the airport. It appears I have a flat tire. *evil snicker* The music is GREAT! Got me all pumped up and ready to go!
The patcher is awfully slow for me – between 20 and 120 kb/s, and I have a fast net connection. What is the typical download speed?
Is there any information on the Mac Client? Would love to start testing that out for you.
Waiting patiently over here in australia.. 2.5hrs till I knockoff and download…
Anyone got an idea of when it’ll be live over here?
Firelotus is strait boss status!
Drooling, Its already thursday in Australia – Can i log in now please
Download now! The patch is taking forever. Can’t wait.
Game Development: You’re doing it right.
Just let there be Moonglow….
I am so overjoyed at this point I am at a loss for words. The time has just flown by from the Kickstarter phase to Release one and I’m looking forward to viewing the progress thus far in game. It’s really amazing to be apart of and watch before mine own eyes the start of something great! Here’s to seeing you all in world come tomorrow’s exciting login!
Still patching! It’s been well over an hour now!
Must play now!
Do second responders get in?
my download is steaming along at 11kbps
no news when the server open ?
It might be a nice idea to include some visibility on the patcher with regards number of P2P connections that are live (both outgoing and incoming). My 74Mbit internet is getting a lousy 106KB/s at the moment, which is far short of expectation. Hopefully it will have finished downloading by the “live” time later today. Perhaps a download site could host a high speed “first chunk” of the download, so the patcher has less to work on?
Looks like Seeding doest work with more than one person. (Currently it seems limited around 80-90kb/s)
Seeding the rest of the day with up to 1Mbit, Damm to much work at the end of the year… so no intesive playing/testing.
Suggestion: Don’t autostart the game with the launcher -> Add the play button directly to the launcher and start die client on the login Screen. (Or add an Checkbox for Autostart.)
Feeling excited like a little child waiting for christmas eve .
Thanks Portalarium.
That song is a great variation on Stones with a very optimistic ring to it. I love it.
This is going to be fun. It’s what being involved is all about — See new things, try things, report things, and be part of the team. I can’t wait to strike up a good conversation with the Fishmonger about Fishing!! What are his secrets? Where’s the best log to sit on near a stream? So many questions.
Hope to see you around, Lord Winfield, and have some fishing together in the realm of the Avatar…
Mage of the Infinity
Does anybody know when release 2 will come out? My current download speed for the patch is 39KB/s so i’m not even going to bother trying to play this time around and will just gauge the game through peoples comments.
Scheduled for late January.
I set up an alarm to 10:30 but, my clock is running to slow.
Thanks for this 1st release
I have not been able to sleep since I saw this post at 5 this morning. :))))))
Some of my happiest young computer memories on the Commodore was playing through Ultima 4 and 5. UO got me into the MMO genre and I have been in it ever since to some degree but more disappointed recently than pleased. Even if I do not play SOTA that much (we shall see), you have my pledge and support!
Can’t log in but I’m an Explorer level backer… much sadness here.
Says, ‘server is only allowing internal development at this time’
Nice music, though, not near as somber as the old UO music.
10:30 but server is not responding, im sure we all are trying to be the first to enter…. hey dont push, go to the end of line…. i was in the row since 8:16 i have ticket 44…. DONT PUSH!!!!!!
After trying about 10 times when it rejected my ID/password, it suddenly accepted it to tell me the server is not responding…
It would be nice if you could post a up/down status of server to tell where the issue is (server vs client vs connection).
Thanks for the feedback. This feature will be implemented in a future build of the launcher.
I’m in! Yay!
I paid my $45 and downloaded the game but i cannot play it. Says invalid user….
Please submit a ticket to support@portalarium.com so we can get your account information and investigate this for you.
I am getting the invalid ueser/password thingy too. Hoping it is just a first day glitch.
Any login issues should be reported to support@portalarium.com so we can investigate. Before reporting, PLEASE be sure your login does not contain special characters. That is a known cause for the error. You should also be logging in using your website login, not your forum login. And keep in mind that both fields are case sensitive.
Can’t seem to login, character creation works and then it almost opens but, it sends me back to the first “play” screen
Yea, can’t connect to patch server.
Been trying all morning.
Apparently that is a required step since forcing launch doesn’t work either.
OMG! I need to get HOME & PLAY!
Why do I have to work NOW?!?!?!?
Wow, loved it so far – CTD on leaving town, so no groundhog day – but no biggy.
Now to go and try finding some decorations – i love the chatting, reminds me of good old adventure games
Thanks for allowing us in to this alpha.
i’m in, huzzah!
However where’s all my promised phat lootz and furniture o_O
Bag empty – bug?
This is an early-access pre-alpha release of a game to be released in late 2014. There will be character wipes before final release, also.
There are chests scattered throughout the town. Much phat lootz.
So, any idea what’s up with being kicked back to the “Play” screen after character creation and attempted play?
Oh it’s just like Christmas, except early and without all the pesky family.
Downloading now. Can’t wait to play and see what you’ve worked on.
Congrats SotA team!
The chat system with the npcs, shows a great way of gameplay, huge immersion. Great level of customization for the house, i cant wait to see everything completed.
Thank you and keep the great work!
I agree. Nice work so far! Looks fun.
For anyone having username/pw login problems, make sure you’ve linked your Kickstarter account on this webpage!
Done it and it still gives the same error.
Can you try again, please? Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 minutes to register you as a player.
Sorry for the inconvenience, this is being worked on.
So far all I get is the game crashing after taking a few steps…Not quite sure what is going on…Can’t say that I am very impressed
Just put in payment for Ancestor level but the pledge is not showing on my account. When I try to login it says my “Username or Password did not match our records”. Any idea how long it takes for my pledge to propagate through the system?
Looking forward to the game!
That’s odd… did your payment fail by any chance? Please contact support@portalarium.com with the details about your payment. If you used PayPal or Amazon, please provide us with your transaction ID.
Can’t participate much due to surgery but loved the brief bit I was able to jump into for about 20-30 min earlier, especially the conversational chat aspect. The smaller details definitely give the townsfolk and the town more character. Nice job.
So I guess I didnt link my Kickstarter account to the site account. (Thought I did at one point) Anyways i cant log into the game, per the instructions. Just curious when my info would be thrown into the system so I can play. It is linked now… i think…
Nix that, got in.
This is fantastic. Can’t wait for the full game!! Love the music. I was able to turn all the settings to full (fantastic) I think it’s called. Works great on my machine. Like seeing the broken moon at night.
I noticed I can’t wade through the river in most places. Is this intentional? I was able to walk through the water to a small island near the edge of the map. One thing I did notice was when wearing full plate – the colour was bright white. Not sure where the problem is there. But great RC1. Can’t wait for next one.
hail the king baby!
It’s just pillow talk baby.
Good… bad… I’m the guy with the gun.
It works !!
A happy backer here. Seeing how soon we are getting these pre-alpha glimpses this is great. I was impressed with this in general. After several hours of running around and testing the furniture I can’t wait for the next release. Hopefully dev team is getting some useful data!
I don’t know if it’s due more to the game or my machine but the game is slow and laggy almost to the point of being unplayable even at the ‘Simple’ graphic level. I do have an older machine but I can play similar looking games without unreasonable amounts of lag. I may have to wait until I can upgrade to play the game.
From the Release Notes:
Performance: Our goal with Release 1 was to build a machine challenging scene with Owl’s Head. We have only done rudimentary optimizations and we do not yet have a full suite of fallbacks (LODs, etc.). This means for R1 the game will be quite slow on lower end machines and due to memory usage might be unstable in certain conditions (like densely decorated areas). With each release we will be doing further optimizations and adding to our fallbacks to improve performance.
-This is meant to tax people’s machines with a worse case scenario of what will be found in the final game
-Only very basic optimizations have been done. (No Level of Detail (LOD))
-Basically it will not support some computers right now that will be supported in later alpha releases.
-It may crash some machines
Ah. I skimmed through the notes and missed that. Thanks.
I logged in this morning and took a quick look around. I gave the guard some guff, but apparently he has heard of the place called “None of your business”. I think they are more reacting to happy paths right now.
As this is an alpha, my only real gripes are to do with the character at this time. The hair looks like plastic and where the legging and top come together it looks like my character has been cut in two and stitched back together. Hopefully these will be fixed later on. I also find it difficult to see what you have equipped in the slots on the paper doll.
I will have to play around with it more when I have more time.
So my understanding of the conversation system during these releases is that you are taking readings of what players are trying to ask, phrasing and wordage typed into the chat menu to help build the conversation system?
The downloadspeed su..s
My current machine’s graphics card isn’t good enough (D3D9 error when I try to run the launcher). Will be waiting for later tests (looking forward to Linux alpha/beta), hopefully I can upgrade my graphics card in the meantime.
Explored most of the town. Very cool. My game didn’t like me grabbing things from chest near the first guard we meet. Game reloaded itself twice while trying to fish through the look of bags and chests.
Success! This is a good start on what is shaping up to be a good game. I look forward to playing future releases.
Had fun wandering the city and exploring the various housing types. Cannot say I was a fan of the inventory system as it takes to long to dig around in it to find what I wanted. I will say that I hope to get better at talking with the NPC’s as for the most part they did not understand what I was saying. Not sure if their responses were not implemented yet or I was just asking the wrong questions.
Ran the game at max graphics and it looked great, cannot wait to try the next releases that allow us to do more.
I tested on Thursday with my home PC but I can’t get the download link to load right now so I can get some more testing in on my laptop. First it wouldn’t connect at all and now it’s finally downloading but at zero kb/second. I assume this a good sign that the rest of you are busy stress testing and have already overwhelmed the servers.
Erm…just realized this was happening. Is access only until December 14th?
I have a 5 year old system and it doesnt seem to be able to handle the game. Massive lags – can’;t really do anything.
Am running Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit- have 54 GB available. 3 GB RAM with AMD II P320 Dual Core Processor 2.10 GHZ Graphics is AMD M880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250
Any thoughts on how I can make game more manageable so I can play – or barring that I suppose I will wait for a later release that might support my hardware.
Disabling the access early was not cool guys.
I like the game so far, I wish I could put my sword anywhere on the ground and I wish I could put bags chairs whatever on the ground. I really enjoyed that freedom we had on Ultima Online.
I agree, it feels nice to be able to play a game that has the feel of freedom which was offered in Ultima Online. Every object has a sense of meaning even if it is just a worthless meaning.
So, still can’t get it to connect to patch server and finish the install. Is this something we are going to be dealing with when it actually releases? I figured the first day or so it was just slammed (the server) now…not sure something else isn’t wrong.
“Error during update: couldn’t connect to patch server”
Setup the rooftop of the Knight’s House with table, chairs, lights, and crafting stations. I tried conversing with Bentham on how to help find fuel for the tesla. The guards were no help on how to reach the caves. However, they do seem shakin’ up by their experience there, so we will have to tread lightly even though the anthrocite fuel is a common resource in the area of the caves near Kingsport. The hardest part will be getting there, since the current map blocks us from leaving the current town we are in
Look forward to helping with the tesla in the future by crushing some bandit’s heads with the war hammer I found. Maybe we can swim to Kingsport? haha.
Argh! I was away from home for a few weeks and I didn’t link my kickstarter account to this one. Any possibility of activating me as a player now that I’ve linked everything?
Can’t access the game: error “The server is only allowing internal development at this time. Please visit our website for information about future release dates.”
Any help?
This was great as a first pass… hope to see a scabbard to get the sword off the screen. Dialogue was somewhat tedious, but amusing. Like what you’ve done so far.
I tried running the installer, but my system is 64 bit, and the installer is 32 bit. Is there any workaround?
I cannot download the game. I paid my $ …and you took it. So, its time to fix it.
Same problem as RobLinx… I have received the email with the instructions, installed, patched, ecc… But I can get no access. I am a “Pioneer” from KickStarter.
Shed some light on me, please.
The release 1 testing window is now closed. The next testing window will be in January and you should be able to install and play the game then. Stay tuned here for more information.
too bad we can just play and test for fun before january although paied pledge…
where do i go to download patch?
They have not posted it for download yet. Check the website / forums again sometime early next week.
when is release 2?
R2 is scheduled to occur from Jan 23 – 25. For more info, you can read the Early Access Schedule here:
Trying to log in at 11:15pm in Australia. Can enter username and password, hit Enter Game and its stuck on “Connecting”. Any idea how long it takes to log online?
The R2 testing window doesn’t begin until 10 am CST on January 23rd.
When is the next log-in available? I just pledged and was hoping for a sneek peek
RELEASE 3: February 20 – 22, 2014 – I found it
can some one tell me how to download the game? I don’t find where to down load it?