1. Ryoken

    Oh no! Not happy b-day. SC had a live stream cut off due to people singing that song to one of the CIG staff. Hope that doesn’t happen here.

      1. Rotrap

        Or at least the Copyright holder claims so, there is a good case to be made that it should be out of Copyright by now though given that it was printed in 1912.

        1. Ryoken

          Oh, I’m not supporting that the song is copyrighted, I just know what happened to Star Citizen during the Hangar reveal live stream, it was actually cut off by YouTube because they sang the song for one of their employees.

  2. xeoneexxeoneex

    I’m confused, are they saying the drawing is for anyone and everyone that is currently a founder?

    1. MitchMitch

      Drawing is for ANYONE registered on SotA site, pledge or no-pledge. (This is for legal reasons “no purchase necessary”)

      1. Lord RoyouLord Royou

        Anyone…… hmmm anyone that is inside the US anybody outside will not win, Chris and Dallas both said that in the last 5 minuets of the stream, more than a little pissed to say the least, if they had said that earlier I’d have not bothered and gone to bed.

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