[NOTE: The Telethon Funding Stretch Goal Rewards have been extended through Midnight CST January 12]
It has been a truly amazing and humbling Holiday Season! With Alpha Testing on the horizon, our amazing community has pushed us past the $8 million milestone! To celebrate, we are hosting an all-day, Wondrous Winter Telethon on Monday January 11 from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM Central Time (16:00 UTC to 04:00 UTC).
$28,000: Current Telethon Funds Raised
(Dev Team shots every $2500 $2000 increment)
As a special bonus, we are offering Telethon Funding Stretch Goal Rewards to any backer that pledges a minimum of $5 from the start of the telethon, until Midnight tonight, January 11 January 12 (Spending Store Credit to make $5 minimum purchase does not apply). The Telethon Funding Stretch Goal Rewards are:
- Achieved! $10,000 – /snow emote
- Achieved! $25,000 – Snowflake Cloak (increases length of /snow emote)
- $50,000 – Ice Nightmare Mount (frozen coconuts with icy mist plus white horse head with icy, misting eyes)
Warning: Telethon video is Rated PG-13 for Alcoholic Content
(might get upgraded to Rated-R depending on rate of pledges)
Here is the schedule of events:
10:00 am CST: Welcome! Meet the Devs/Office Tour
11:00 am CST: R25 Post Mortem
You can pre-post your R25 Post Mortem questions right here in the comments section!**12:30 am CST: ONBE and Royal Warrant awards
1:00 pm CST: Lunch with the Team! Tabletop Gaming Session & IRC Q&A/AMA session with the Devs!
2:30 pm CST: Deep Dive: Combat, Spells, Skills
4:00 pm CST: Deep Dive: Gear Crafting & Economy; Kickoff the Community Sponsored Portalarium Holiday Part (4pm thru 8pm CST)
5:00 pm CST: Deep Dive: Agriculture & Food
6:00 pm CST: Scenes and Story
7:30 pm CST: Deep Dive: Player Housing and Player Owned Towns
9:00 pm CST: Deep Dive: PVP & Guild Warfare
10:00 pm CST: Goodbyes and Thank Yous with everyone still standing!
And, because it would not be a proper Telethon of the Avatar without merriment and spirits, there will of course be shots. Past Telethons have taught us, however, that too much of a good thing can make the following workday…. well, unpleasant. So participating Dev Team members will once again be taking 1 Shot/Sip for every
$2500 $2000 of new money raised during the telethon!
The Wondrous Winter Telethon of the Avatar will include deep dives, lots of prize giveaways* (like coins, t-shirts, store credits, even pledges!), and even some surprises, so you don’t want to miss a moment of it!
* There will be some really awesome prizes awarded during the telethon, but you have to be present (and active) in the IRC chatroom to qualify for each drawing.
**Please keep in mind that questions and feedback related to each segment will be given priority and really verbose questions may be skipped, as they can be a challenge to shorten and summarize live on the air. In brief… please keep your questions… brief.
Question: Will poisons eventually have more crafting options?
Question: Are we close to getting robes in game?
Question: Can Duke level pledges please pick Dark or White walls? I like the dark walls, and so the white walls that come with my pledge don’t match and are basically a waste for me.
Question: Will we have an opportunity to craft or purchase the Obsidian magical torches found in Desolis and Hilt?
Question: What do you think about allowing PVP POTs the option of becoming a control point that can be fought over? Maybe giving tools to PVP POT owners to make parts of the city open to attack and other parts not.
Ditto on the walls color option, K, thx
Question: What more can you tell us about POT shrines? What will they do? When might we see this in game? Q2?
Question: Will we ever have magical items that do more than just increase stats? For example, a cloak that turns you invisible, or a ring that can make you blink in combat?
Question: How much closer are we to seeing Kilts in the game?
Question: is the balcony a bug, in the Wood & Plaster 2-Story with Balcony Town Home (digital), and will it get fixed?
Followup: if yes and yes, please put it back on the addon store for purchase, for a while.
Yes ThurisazSheol! Thank-you for reminding me of this one. I currently use the village version of that house because the balcony on the town is so narrow as to be unusable. I didn’t buy it when it was available for that reason. I would gladly purchase it, if it were fixed. Its the best styled house in the game.
Question: How soon might we see more POT templates?
Background: I thought that someone had been hired just to work on the templates, but I don’t know if that person stuck around or not. We haven’t heard anything in a loooong time about templates. I know that work was done on one more biome – but a biome is not a template.
Question: Can you tell us what templates are left to do?
Background: It would help us manage our expectations if we knew whether or not there is *any* chance of getting a mountain/forest-coastal template.
With Water Falls
Am very interested in this question
Plus 1
Question: Is there any hope of getting the Cavalier hat in the Add-On Store?
Question: Will POT owners be given the ability to freely place uninhabited, but partially internally decorated buildings in their towns? If so, what is a “Don’t Lawyer Me, Bro” (i.e. unpromised) estimate on when that will be implemented?
Question: Is Brittany planned for release any time soon? What are your current aspirations for pushing out that content?
Question: Will we be able to craft the wedding dress in game at some point? If the answer is ‘no’, will we be able to craft other types of dresses?
*Housing Question*
Since we’ve been assured no one with pledge deeds will be forced into Player Owned towns, and there will be enough Npc places available to us.
My question is.
Are PRT’s going to be where most people will end up placing lots, since there isn’t enough room in cities/towns/villages for thousands of pledge lots? Or will the Lunar Rifts become a portal area in cities/towns/villages for Housing areas that are surrounding cities/towns/villages as outskirt developments? Or will each town/city/village have zones attached to them that lead to more housing areas for players to enter from the cities/towns/villages? Or is there something else in the works that we’re not aware of yet? Thanks much.
Plus 1
Good question.
Are the PRT’s a permanent thing?
I was hoping they would be replaced by more fleshed out places similar to Soltown.
Questions: Which changes can we expect regarding Taming?
Thank you for all the work you do, Devs! Are there going to be any specials during this Telethon, like we had in the Summer?
Yes, like if we bring in enough money we get robes?!
Robes that fit in a robe slot and display over our armor and don’t replace our chest armor slot!! Woot woot!
I really like the idea of being able to conceal your armor under a robe or shroud. It adds a level of uncertainty to pvp and forces people to be prepared for any kind of fight rather than adjusting their deck to suit the opponent before the fight even starts.
That and the cinematic swoosh of the hooded robe/shroud coming off your shoulders as you draw your weapons is just iconic even if we have to use out imaginations on that part.
I think hooded robes/shrouds should conceal all armor except maybe just a hint of the gorget/chest piece, enough so that it requires a keen eye for identification of armor type.
I like the idea, but there are very real balance issues in PVP if you can’t see what kind of armor your opponent has. If we give players that wear robes that kind of an advantage, there has to be some kind of disadvantage to help even out the odds. PVP should always be about making choices, not just making the best build. (in this case, the best build would include wearing robes) We want variety of choices to be meaningful. Not saying I don’t want this, just saying that it’s important not to loose sight of the impact this would have without balanced implementation.
A wonderful excuse to take the day off work… to participate in the telethon!!!
Question 1: I saw that some of the POT features were being implemented in upcoming releases such as the music. I’d like to know when POT owners will receive the add-on store homes selected in our POT request forms?
Question 2: Does Portalarium have plans to improve monster loot to include rare crafting mats for specialty crafted weapons or armor such as +damage bane modifiers or +defence modifiers vs. specific types of mobs?
In the next Q plans The only mention about combat is that “balance passes will be made”… but at the moment combat feels a bit unfocused (mixing aiming and targeting for example). A lot has been said about it but it still seems to lack direction.
– In which way is combat going to be developed?
– Are levels and level gating mechanics here to stay?
– Do you have some kind of major improvement to be disclosed?
– On combat, will there be work done on the effects, like when swinging a sword, or drawing and firing a bow etc.
– Will you be working on the sound effects for combat? Right now it’s blah
– Can you make combat more fun? Which would include the sound effects and how combat looks and feels…. take ESO for ex, their combat skills for all their chars are so much fun .
Kuba, can I get a clarification on this question. By “mixed aiming and targeting” are you referring to how melee attacks are not targeted and area effect based and ranged attacks and spells are targeted?
What gating mechanics are you referring to? The rule that you need to get 10 in a skill before you can get the child skill?
I have answers for all of this and Chatele but I need to save the answer for the telethon or I won’t have anything to talk about for 12 hours!
~chuckles~ I doubt that you’re going to run out of questions to answer!
IF you manage to answer all the questions asked in this thread in the Teletron I’m going to purchase you Besiege from your Steam wishlist during the next Steam event :p
Question: Will we ever get a way to reflect specific spells back on the caster? For example, the Searing Ray spell does A LOT of direct damage. It would sure be nice if there were a way to reflect that back. It would also be nice if we could counter the counter in some way.
Question: Will you do anything to make weapons like daggers more useful?
Oh luckily i checked this! Hope it’s not too late… Thanks for your attention!
You nailed it regarding “mixed aiming and targeting”. What i’m trying to point at when talking about “level gating mechanics” are the way both players and monsters escalate through the progression… that’s what feels too gated.
I keep remembering how it was discussed that being “top level” shouldn’t be a requirement to enjoy the game and being competitive, but i haven’t felt any progression in that direction, and i was wondering if that is still a thing. That “level gating mechanics” stuff was me trying to shorten the question… and failed miserably at transmitting what i wanted
This is quite related with the Browncoat Jayson’s question, way below.
Last release i asked a question that didn’t came out well… let’s see if this time i get it right.
I think the overland map is a precious element of the game with so much potential to be exploited. I know Roving monsters and Random encounters are part of the plan, but so much more can be done with it…
Question: Is it possible or planned to have more mechanics that pulls players into a scene from the overland map, like treasure hunts, or PVP ambushes to other players?
+1 for treasure hunts, and could we find random loot drops that is a map to buried or hidden treasure? The rear of some of the bear dens look like a perfect spot to pick my way through, perhaps only if I have a treasure map
I’ve also seen a shovel now and then and I’d love to use one to dig up rare goodies!
+1 treasure hunting was awesome in uo but might require more skills and skill trees ?
PvP, pVp and PvP.
Question: I would like to know what is the planned “level of world interactivity”. We can already sit on chairs, turn lamps on and off, and grab a few items. Can we expect more? Will I be able to poison Lord British’s bread in his castle in Brittany?
Related question: at the moment there are no consequences for stealing items under the nose of an NPC. When the AI gets fleshed out, can we expect them to call the guards if they catch us “borrowing” their books and rummaging in their cupboards?
Question: What do you think of breeding animals in the game?
I think first implementation could be Chicken, Rabbit coops as buildings for the first step implementation. Animal Deed could be bought and put inside the coops. After a while we can havest them. Later on the coops self could spawn animals that than would be harvest / kill able.
Related Question: Do you think it is possible to get animal breeding in the game for episode 1 (like increasing stats of your combat pets or get cows that produce over time more milk or bigger pigs?
Second Question: Will Edward ever get a Club Sandwich recipe in the game? XD
+1 I love the idea of stat buffed or rare skinned/colored pets that are only attainable through breeding.
Question are there any plans for telethon goodies like last telethon. ie. Spend $5 during the telethon get …. stuff??
What can I say I like swag.
For the POT segment.
1.) Any timetable for the fix to placing water lots on docks?
2.) The team has stated town deco limits will be raised. Any recent thoughts or info you can give us on this?
3.) Any thoughts on having an option to making the lot a “POT owned” lot, where perhaps a donation chest can appear to pay the taxes or some type of similar system?
4.) More thoughts or decisions regarding “Blessings”, resource nodes and population indicators/bonuses in POT’s?
And most importantly….a big thanks to the whole team for their dedication. I know if every day I’m looking forward to getting in-game, then you guys are getting it done.
We have a town. We have a public crafting area. We have a nice fence around it. We want to allow access to only residents and guild members but EVERYONE can jump over the fence :)) Going to make unleapable? (if thats a word)
Can we have restriction on the number of LIGHT FIXTURES THAT ARE ON, instead of having restriction on the number of light fixtures?
Forum Feedback is located here: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?threads/when-in-game-an-indicator-that-lets-us-know-what-mode-we-are-in.43344/#post-481774
This has a lot of likes.
One thing that would help me is to have some kind of indicator, preferably next to my name/status bar, that would tell me whether I am in Multi-Player, Friends Only, Single Player Online, or Single Player Offline Mode. A small different color marker of some kind would be just fine, although I’ll probably end up forgetting what every color means, but I can easily write that down for reference. What are the chances of getting this?
When will Order and Chaos diverge? (At the moment it seems to be one big hug fest)
What changes will be made to Resource Gathering in the next release or two to eliminate the boredom and time wasting.
Questions raised in Release 25 Feedback Forum: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?threads/gathering-need-to-be-changed-before-i-go-stir-crazy.43257/#post-480769.
Has many likes.
Question: I would love to know who of the dev team played Ultima Online. Not to be confused with producing the game.
Best game ever created and the single reason why I’ve invested 000’s of $$.
Thanks for all of your hard work thus far.
Any possisbility of getting a “deposit only” public cache?
Withdraw privs only available to the lot owner? I like it!
It would be handy for a guild collection pool
What kinds of buffs / effects can we expect with the new cooking recipes coming up?
Also, will there be foods and beverages (where we are able to have 1 of each in use at a time) or is there only going to be foods?
Question: can we make dragon glass spears to protect us from undead? #WinterIsComing #YouKnowNothing … Sorry can’t finish it without dev response on dragon glass spears… It’s us vs them and we’re not ready Avatars… #WinterIsComing…
When do we get additional crafting recipes (especially for armor / weapons)?
Any recipes using gold ingots?
+1 I heard gold would be primarily for jewelery crafting by means of tinkering. That’s not confirmed but it sounds like a good plan to me. I’d also love to see boss mobs dropping rare mats for crafting bane and defense modifiers against specific types of mobs.
Durable Silver longsword of Undead Vanquishing.
Question: Can we expect math like the character sheet to remain visible, become more visible or less visible when we enter episode one? #MathNotEvenOnce
Will the current banking system ever be a banking network? So I can draw out items in one town that I deposit in another town?
Question: Can we get real mage weapons with a specific skill tree and the same performances (effectiveness) as all other weapons? (munitions could be like “charges”)
Question: Can we please get a marker over the corpse of our dead fighting pet, to be able to find them to resurrect them?
Background: Does the Oracle not watch the pets, too? A small dark pet is hard to find at night. Searching for any pet’s corpse in tall foliage or between rocks is an agony.
Question: Will there be a skill or combat tool coming that allows us to target the target of our Party member/Party leader?
also get that pet OFF the kill lol
[SPOILER]Are we going to see virtues influence equipment (and possibly skills) like with the ‘Blade of the Avatar’ in the ‘Blade of the Avatar’ Novel?[/SPOILER]
Could you talk a bit on how Elves would differ in stats and potentially training skills from ‘normal human Avatars’ if the Stretch goal is implemented, especially in relation to the ‘Elven armour bonus’?
Is crafting and refining going to add constant instead of diminishing experience with the conversion to the use based system? Problem: People have to gather to gain the experience to advance in crafting right now.
Are we going to see more (not PvP enforced) dedicated resource multiplayer scenes someday?
Every single mining scene is solo (Owl’s Nest MINE, Graff Gem MINE, Epitaph, Etceter MINE,…).
If you had to play this game (without developer powers/shortcuts) and get high enough level to be competitive in a one on one PvP fight, what time-frame would you have in mind to reach that state (1 month, 3, 6, 9, a year…)?
Is there going to be an incentive to ‘flag PvP’ from the very beginning (right as Level 1), instead of waiting, grinding up and then flagging when you’re in range of the highest ranked players? And if so, what would you have in mind to be such an incentive?
Question to Chris:
In one of your first videos ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQowuSParmA ) you mention both PvP flag and ‘level’ as important selectors for the relevance algorithm of the selective multiplayer mode. What happened to this idea?
(Explanation: If we have a unidirectional PvP segregation, as the algorithm suggests, what is the use of the newly implemented ‘temporal flagging’, given that you’d hardly ever see a PvP player spotting a PvP player who is not on PvE just to join and tag along with friends)?
Question to Chris:
When talking about Skill Decay you mention that it is the only alternative to a ‘hard cap’. However there is an easy mathematical alternative, namely having all skill-gain influence progression, instead of only the skill which is about to be gained. That is the reason why the ‘level based’ system we had required neither decay nor a hard cap. Is there a reason you’re not considering this?
How can the locked deck (‘Dallas mode’) be balanced without adding random glyphs to the deck when spellweaving/combos is impossible?
Explanation: Richard Garriott mentioned that SotA should be able to played with no GUI. While that is certainly possible with locked glyphs (soon as one gets a feeling for the cooldown there is no more need to watch the bar), that is not possible with random glyphs.
Question: is it still possible to goto a hardcap system or are we married to the current max all decay system?
Explanation part: thinking beyond the first character slot into 2&3 etc. I will probably play these rarely but put time into them to a specific point. Chasing that point over and over does not sound like much fun. For example I’d like to lock one in gm smithy craft occasionally with them under the current structure I’m not sure that will be viable.
I’d like to go to hard cap system myself.
Would very much like to buy things like wax, tomatos, flour, etc in MUCH larger quantities than currently offered on vendors. Can you up the amount the vendors hold please?
Wait… I see no response to cool swag for the telethon. I like swag! I think the robe and dragon spear combo and maybe some ice/snow coconuts would be a great combo… or maybe a skirt that I can use emotes with that don’t knock me out of my shoes LOL
I just want every Dev to introduce themselves at some point in the Telethon, and tell us 3 New Year’s Resolutions they’ve made regarding SotA &/or Portalarium. (I would say 1, but this is 12 hours.. there should be time for 3!)
Question: Re: Agriculture, what can we expect regarding changes to watering..will the naturally occurring rainfall in our weather system be taken into account?
Climates/Seasons While it made for a nice graphic image, seeing rows upon rows of mature cotton way up in some mountainous area in the dead of winter was…well pretty unrealistic. What change will we see with that?
Sub Question to that would be regarding indoor/basement growing. While we may not have running water.. we have electricity…how bout grow lights for the indoor farmer (or the aforementioned mountain dwellers)?
Question: Regarding Agriculture and watering, since we can craft a bucket, will those who purchased a Wishing Well be able to use the bucket on the well to fill it with water, then use it to water our plants?
Question: Have plans for a “Fog of War” been dropped?
Question: Can you go through the game subsystems and provide a rough percent completeness (for episode 1 launch)? Graphics, animations, sound, music, combat, locations, crafting, quests, weapons, armor, decorations, NPC dialog, NPC schedules, world interactivity, UI windows, creatures, character customization, over world map, housing, fishing, pets, etc.
Question: Is there anything to report on the extended Blade of the Avatar book?
Question: Can we please have a Keep size Arena Basement?
1) Npcs are allowed with POTS, how will NPC Guards work in relationship to POTS?
2) Will POTs have similar protections to prevent disruptive players/thieving/griefing, etc?
What are your thoughts about adding the ability to have selective permissions or lockable interior doors (to allow rental spaces or chests) on the flexible placement stretch goal, or as a completely separate goal?
I second the question
I 3rd it
Is it time to put some extra good things in the PvP areas to lure us innocent, easily victimized gathers to?
Housing permissions
At one point there was a discussion about room rentals and a very granular permission system.
Is this still on the table for episode 1
If the rental permissions have slipped to a future release, can we at least get permissions for specific objects like chests?
I don’t want to give what are now kindred access levels to people so they can move or take anything they want to. What I would like to do is have chests for specific guests to have deposit/withdraw rights to
I concur, I am trying to run an Inn and provide housing for people who do not have homes for themselves. Having at least chests with selective permissions might be a starting point.
Crafting Skill Trees
Are we going to see anything like the producer skill trees that DarkStarr diagrammed Nov 2013?
The combat and magic trees have all flourished, but crafting producer trees and branches are essentially non existent.
The crafting producer features that seem to be under development are recipes, ingredients, and polish – but no love for the skill trees.
What is the meaning of life?
Questions about Economy:
1. Will the offline mode get it’s own NPC driven economy, too in which NPCs really work? For example, miners mine ore, melt it, carry the metal to the smith, who then forges items out of it? Could this economy then be disrupted by monsters or me as the player, leading to starving citizens when the miller doesn’t get wheat anymore?
2. Will we be able to find hand-crafted, unique, legendary items in the offline world or just crafted items by the players of the online mode?
Question about scenes:
What will scenes offer in the final game? Will we meet NPCs who give us quests and hints, too? Will there be more “calm” scenes without combat in which we for example have to do some detecive work? Will we find secret, buried treasures etc.?
Of course I meant the wilderness scenes not the cities/villiages
1) Will you consider redesigning the interior of the Village size Obsidian Tower. Since inception, the interior has been somewhat useless and even includes a staircase that goes to a ladder.
2) Will arrow prices be lowered? I find it costs more money to purchase arrows, than what you make in income in the beginning, making marksman as fighting style hard to start (once you start actually hitting your target, it kinda works).
3) Will the user interface get some love before you hit alpha? Chat’s still lacking a lot for instance.
How about Pot owners being able to modify the NPC buildings? This would include the ability to lock doors and rent out space.
As it is…I can just place a vendor (and give them a tent if I’m in a good mood;
But seriously…when looking recently at the pot upgrade options the inability to make these mods kept the $ in my bank acct. I honestly don’t know that I even WANT a place that will have more residents than I can have in a holdfast… so to spend ~$500 for an extra NPC building I can’t really “use” made zero sense
What the next languages are going to come to the Localizing Project?
WIll 2byte-character be officially supported?
And I’m really excited to know when Japanese Localization getting start!
Question: Will we get an extra localization server without mobs so we can better translate and test translation?
I’m not sure what I am asking for so I will tell you what I want. I would like to be able to place several thingis in a bag. I would like to be able to place the bag in a chest. The idea would be to create “newbie kits” “crafting kits” etc. As of now we can not put containers that hold items into a container. Please help, did that make any sense?
How about in addition to spirits for each 2500, since we are no incorporating more food into the game, some type of food must also be downed as well
Question: Are there any new City sized homes in progress for the Add-On store? If so, can you give us a hint as to what it might be?
Question: Will we have extra time before the R26 WIPE to convert items to store credits? If so, what is the plan?
Question: Can you please make the 4x experience modifier active for all players in future releases (until launch)? When I get past the 4x modifier I just stop playing because it’s not fun.
Question: Will we ever be able to summon more stuff? Ghouls, Ghosts, Zombies? (as combos?)
Follow-up Question: Will we ever be able to add additional functionality to summoned pets? Like giving a Lich the ability to summon skeletons of his own.
I like this last one sounds fun, and a worthy skill
Not a Question, but wanted to say Congrats on the 8 mill achievement now.
From previous forum discussions, I thought the “You will log out in 20 seconds….” message when we Exit To Menu or Quit was needed for PVP reasons. Is it needed to save our game state? If not, can the log out time be reduced or removed for Solo players?
Will we have a Coal Mine and a Salt Mine for EP1?
Housing question:
In current npc towns, villages and prts there are very few city, keep and castle lots to play and test with.
Is it on the agenda to add a bunch more of these lots soon?
How will the moon dial work?
Question: Do you guys prefer New York style pizza or Chicago deep dish?
Neither, as I think authentic italian pizza beats them both.
Question: how many bdf questions will you anwser.
just kidding some good questions in there.
I have plenty more that I’ve refrained from asking. The number of questions I have is virtually limitless.
How about…
Can we goto an inscription system instead of trainers, for skills, recipes and many other things . (Scribe)
They can make and sell recipes and other things.
Can pvp kill loots allow you to loot a new pvp related only currency like silver used to purchase pvp related stuff.
Can we get the ability to jump on the over land map? I love jumping while I run.
Can we get rare random spawned skins version of tameables?
Can we see pets travel with us on the overland map?
Can we get a dual crafting system implimented like in uo where if you had x amount of smithy and x amout of tinker and x amount of lock picking you could make ____.
Can we get a make last button, if we have it and I’ve missed it sorry been a cpl releases since I’ve crafted.
Will recipe drops apear on mobs? Mabey human types.
Question :: why did you decided on taking diffrent paths when planning this game, I often wonder why people take a successful title and improve all the stuff people like out of it. I think of masters of orion 2 if anyone knows it. A fantastic game but the sequel was terrible they removed all the fun from the game however it looked better. My fear is the same thing will happen from up to sota, the original game was further away than it is now. I continue to hope this gap decreases.
Hope this help you fill the time. That inscription suggestion is a great one but a major rework.
From the beginning, you said skills were designed to provide a breadth of knowledge and not a increase in power. The more experience you earn, the more you can do, but everyone should be competitive. This has never been the case, especially after moving to a use-based skill system.
Will we ever see more done in this area, or have you moved to the typical “levels are power” mode that other MMOs use? Either way, what do you now expect to be the difference, stat-wise, between a character with 60s in their skills vs the Themo Locks of the world? How much grinding will someone need to expect to finish the storyline if they play SPO?
Question: When is the fancy new crafting architecture going to be finished and what’s keeping more items and materials from being added to crafting? I know it cannot be as easy as changing the color of an ore node to black, giving it a different ID#, and calling it obsidian but an explanation as to what it takes to make a variant of an already existing model would be amazing.
Question: Will gold a silver be able to be used to make beautiful (albeit not very useful) armor?
Question: What is the plan for producer XP and diminishing returns for refining and crafting? Will refining my 10000th ingot of iron ore give me less XP and if so, how is one to GM smelting? Can someone who specializes in plate armor GM plate armor even with diminishing returns?
Question: Any idea when some more skills will be added to refining and crafting?
Q: Have you considered having two separate economies for single player online and multiplayer online modes?
Q: With a dynamic PoT will it be possible to switch out biomes at will after launch?
Q: Can you elaborate on the craftable teleportation item(s) scheduled for R27?
Question: What are the future plans for fishing?
Question: I don’t know if this was addressed in any way, So I’m going to ask.
Can we implement the ability to move the player health an focus bar on the screen?
I want to move it above the hot bar as I often die before I realize it as its hard to focus on it in the upper corner.
Also for crafting, can we get the recipe book to rearrange the recipes in a different order like alphabetical or some way to rearrange them manually?
Will there ever be something like a global chat in game pls? Or maybe a zonewide chat?
Question: Are the present modern aniline dyes (coal tar dyes) recipes going to be changed to historical
natural dye recipes in the future?
Is creosote (wood or coal tar) a placeholder in woodworking for linseed oil, tung oil, beeswax, and shellac? (Since creosote is used mainly to waterproof ship hulls, telephone poles, and railroad ties.)
Besides cotton, will there be other fibers for cloth such as wool, linen, hemp, sisal, silk, alpaca (we could use llamas instead), angora (rabbit or cat), cashmere, & mohair?
Will the types of trees that we can log be expanded?
Question: Can you go into a bit of detail about the Cabalists, and how the events that come will them will work?
A big thank you to the Portalarium staff and supporters for the telethon chocked full of information goodness!
More notice next time for goodness sake