The Spring Festival of the Avatar Telethon!

A heartfelt thank you, from the entire Dev Team, to all of you, our backers, that have contributed to the development funding of Shroud of the Avatar! Today’s Telethon was yet another example of your amazing support and contributions! We sign off for the night and will update this page tomorrow with the final numbers as of Midnight, May 2nd!

Again, thank you, and good night…

** $67,500 **

Current Telethon Funds Raised
(Dev Team shots/songs/dance every $2500 increment)

As a special bonus, we are offering Telethon Funding Stretch Goal Rewards to any backer that pledges a minimum of $5 from the start of the telethon, until Midnight May 2 (Spending Store Credit to make $5 minimum purchase does not apply). The Spring Festival Telethon Funding Stretch Goal Rewards are:

  • Achieved!  $10,000 – /Flowers Emote (rains flower petals)
  • Achieved!  $25,000 – Flower Crown (increases length of /flowers emote)
  • Achieved!  $50,000 – Giant Butterfly Pet
  • Achieved!  $60,000 – Giant Dragonfly Pet
  • $70,000 – Giant Ladybug Pet

We have decided to hold a 10 hour Spring Festival of the Avatar Telethon from 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM Central Time (5:00 PM UTC to 03:00 AM UTC) on May 2nd, and to extend our Spring 2016 Bonus and Pledge Expirations from 10:30 AM until the end of the telethon at 10:00 PM CT. As we march toward the Final Wipe and Lot Selection milestone in July, we are permanently expiring almost half of all 15PercentPledgeBonus_left_smallpledges during the Spring 2016 Pledge Expiration Event, at 10:30 AM 10:00 PM Central Time (5:00 PM UTC to 03:00 AM UTC), May 2, 2016.

If you were thinking of purchasing (or upgrading) a pledge before they expire, or purchasing an add-on item, player owned town, service voucher, or Make A Difference item, then now’s a great time to do it! Thru 10:30 AM 10:00 PM CT, May 2, 2016 we’ll add an additional 15% bonus to your Store Credit! (Read more…)

The Spring Festival of the Avatar Telethon will include deep dives, lots of prize giveaways* (like coins, t-shirts, store credits, even pledges!), and even some surprises, so you don’t want to miss a moment of it!



Warning: Telethon is Rated PG-13 for Alcoholic Content
(might get upgraded to Rated-R depending on rate of pledges)

StarrDancingDrinking / Dancing / Singing Rules:

  • For every $2500 spent (new money only) Chris, Richard, and Starr (and other Devs that choose to participate) have a choice of 1 of the following:
    • 1 Shot/Sip
    • 1 dance (audience suggestions considered)
    • 1 verse of a song (audience suggestions considered)


And as always we will be answering your questions during the telethon. You can pre-post your questions right here in the comments section or post them live in IRC during the Telethon

Here is the current schedule of events (times and content subject to change):

  • 12:00 pm CDT: R29 Post Mortem
  • 2:00 pm CDT: Story, NPCs, & Companions
  • 3:30 pm CDT: Player Housing and Player Owned Towns
  • 4:30 pm CDT: Crafting, Food, Agriculture & Economy
  • 6:00 pm CDT: Combat, Resistances, Targeting
  • 7:30 pm CDT: PVP
  • 8:30 pm CDT: Players vs. Devs PVP Deathmatch Brawl in Chaos Caverns
    • Every Virtue is Lasting is proud to present the Spring Telethon Duel With The Devs PVP Tournament. Have you ever wanted to do battle with Darkstarr, show Lord British who’s the boss or teach Atos a thing or two? Well now is your chance in this not to be missed team PVP challenge where anything goes! Upon arrival at the Chaos Caverns, Avatars will be assisted in the creation of a team to do battle with Lord British, Atos and Darkstarr. Be the talk of the town and receive developer crafted equipment stamped with their very own unique makers mark. Defeat more Devs to receive more loot! So don’t delay, make your way to the Chaos Caverns situated underneath Virtue Oasis on the Hidden Vale and become a legend! Transportation Avatars are Jar Laxle and EVL.
  • 10:00 pm CDT: Goodbyes and Thank Yous with everyone still standing!

* There will be some really awesome prizes awarded during the telethon, but you have to be present in the IRC chatroom to qualify for each drawing.

** This post will be opened for questions as soon as it is updated to include the segment schedules. Please keep in mind that questions and feedback related to each segment will be given priority and really verbose questions may be skipped, as they can be a challenge to shorten and summarize live on the air. In brief… please keep your questions… brief.


  1. Baron Drocis FondorlatosBaron Drocis Fondorlatos

    Questions for 3:30 pm CDT: Player Housing and Player Owned Towns
    Can wall and fence gates used as POT decorations have a permissions system? This would allow POT owners to segregate parts of their town.

    Can you please tell us more about the POT blessing system?

    Can you please add a way for POT owners to automatically collect taxes or share in the taxes that are collected by the game on taxable deeds?

    Question for 4:30 pm CDT: Crafting, Food, Agriculture & Economy
    When will we have more variations of poison? (i.e. sleep, stun, slow acting, poisons that can be added to food, etc..)

    Question for 6:00 pm CDT: Combat, Resistances, Targeting
    When will daggers have usefulness?

    Question for 7:30 pm CDT: PVP
    Can you please make PVP trophies (skulls, jawbones, hands) full loot? Players should not be able to pay gold for these items, they lost and that should be the penalty for losing, you can’t get your body part trophies back.

    1. CrazyPhilCrazyPhil

      I agree that trophies should not be available for buy-back, but I’d personally like to see them removed from the Oracle’s loot system entirely…

      Instead, why not require a high Skinning skill and a decent gather-time to leave murderers in a extremely vulnerable state if they wish to claim a trophy? ;)

      1. sake888sake888

        I like that idea. In the event of group PVP, if your guild member/friend goes down, you can play a role in preventing his killer from getting a trophy by interrupting the dismemberment. :)

        1. Baron Drocis FondorlatosBaron Drocis Fondorlatos

          I understand the appeal of the idea. But this gives people running in groups a huge advantage. Now as long as you run around in a large enough pack no one can take your head for a trophy. The true test of pvp should be if you win or you lose, not if you belong to a large guild. If you lose in pvp, you should give up something, trophies track who has bragging rights.

      2. PK UPK U

        I agree trophie buy back is dumb, item buy back needs to be expensive not a token thing either.

    2. Baron Drocis FondorlatosBaron Drocis Fondorlatos

      Question for 4:30 pm CDT: Crafting, Food, Agriculture & Economy
      When will we be able to craft more scrolls? I’d like the ability to craft scrolls for any spell in the game, and I’d like the power of the crafter casting the spell to help determine the power of the scroll(combined with the user of the scroll).

    3. Baron Drocis FondorlatosBaron Drocis Fondorlatos

      Questions for 3:30 pm CDT: Player Housing and Player Owned Towns
      When will we be able to upgrade POTs beyond a Metropolis?

    4. Baron Drocis FondorlatosBaron Drocis Fondorlatos

      Question for 4:30 pm CDT: Crafting, Food, Agriculture & Economy
      When can we get more Obsidian Assets in the add-on store, or in-game for crafting?

      1. Baron Drocis FondorlatosBaron Drocis Fondorlatos

        Question for 4:30 pm CDT: Crafting, Food, Agriculture & Economy
        Also, when can we get mirrors that show our reflections?

    5. Baron Drocis FondorlatosBaron Drocis Fondorlatos

      Question for post mortem:
      Can we please get more straight wall pieces in the add-on store.

    6. Andrew SilverstonAndrew Silverston

      I like all your Ideas, Drocis! I wanted to add another question/request to this, since we are talking about POTs.

      Can devs please allow POT owners to open the LOTs for buying and automate the buying process – POT owner sets up a price on the lot, buyer visits the POT and buys the LOT – money is automatically transferred into POT Owner’s bank account.

      1. Rufus D`AsperdiRufus D`Asperdi

        Do you also wish to charge your residents rent?

        They’ve already bought a deed. Now you want to charge an up-front cost to occupy the lot and an ongoing usage fee, above and beyond what the game imposes… And you want all of this funneled into your bank account.

        Good luck with that. Personally, I find it reprehensible.

  2. SeleneNoctuaSeleneNoctua

    Questions for 4:30 pm CDT: Crafting, Food, Agriculture & Economy:

    Will expert (or better) level crafting stations be placed in the public crafting areas of the major cities?

    What changes can we expect by July to make agriculture more interesting and engaging? Any planned changes beyond July?

    Will public gardens be instanced to a single player or will what you plant be visible to all players?

  3. Browncoat JaysonBrowncoat Jayson

    Dance suggestions:
    * Macarena
    * Gypsy Dance
    * Egyptian
    * Waltz

    Verse suggestions:
    * Queen “Its a Kind of Magic”
    * Iolo “Stones”
    * Guns ‘n Roses “Welcome to the Jungle”

    Questions for 2:00 pm CDT: Story, NPCs, & Companions
    * Now that we have a mostly working sky (ask Bowen if you need to know why its only mostly!), can you talk about the planets and constellations? What are their names, what do they signify, and what kind of effects are you considering tying to each for their future functionality?
    * Can you tell us more about the Companions? Where do they come from? Native Britannians or Outlanders? Potential for a Saduj among them? Favorite colors? Are there plans for more companions after release, or just hirelings?
    * Britanny just showed off some locations named for developers, and we’ve previously seen some in the Blade of the Avatar book (not to mention Mojito). Are there any other NPCs or locations that are nods toward Portalarium employees, their families, friends, or famous people. You know, the kind of things lore buffs want to know!
    * We got Headless masks for Halloween. Does this mean it might be easy to implement Blemmyes ( as monsters by simply using a player model, removing the head, and adding some body hair “clothes”? Headlesses were one of the iconic creatures to me in Ultima, so having them come back, even in another form, would be great!

  4. Daxxe DigglerDaxxe Diggler

    General Question: Are there any plans to allow any sort of UI customization either before or after final wipe?
    Can we expect to see any of the following:
    – Unlock element to move it
    – Resize element to better fit our screen size
    – Chat window background transparency
    – Chat tab separation to allow multiple chat windows on screen at once

  5. Ice QueenIce Queen

    Question: What is the time limit during lot selection to move from one lot to another if we change our minds and want a different spot?

    Reference from lot selection thread.
    (“You can change your mind and claim another lot at any time but there will be a time limit on how quickly you are able to do this”)

  6. Daxxe DigglerDaxxe Diggler

    Question for 4:30 PM CDT: Crafting, Food, Agriculture, & Economy

    With critical success in crafting changing to only awarding XP bonuses… How will the “6-More Pack of Prosperity” tools and the “4-Pack of Prosperity” tools give what was advertised ~~>
    “increase the quality of finished items produced by increasing critical success chance” ?

    1. Daxxe DigglerDaxxe Diggler

      Follow up Question:
      If there is no way to make a “crit” weapon or armor piece with added stat bonuses, why would anyone skill up a crafting profession other than Alchemy now?

      Besides having a higher chance of a successful combine, there is no real benefit to a high skill level when all that is lost is the “fuel” material on a failure.

    2. PK UPK U

      I need more clarification on this as well. Clear bonuses are needed when i bought these they were more than a exp bonus if theybhave been nerfed i need to know so i can melt them in 32.

      1. Olddog

        Im sadden to read this, when i bought these there increased the quality, now thats been changed? Please when you sell stuff for real money stop changing it to something else. But I thank you for the knight house, ive been laughing at the founder knights.

    3. Sara DreygonSara Dreygon

      I too would like to hear more about this… alchemy got a big boost with this decision however I’m much less a fan of blacksmithing as I’m not sure why anyone would GM a crafting skill anymore… for more XP??? I bought prosperity tools to get more XP? I bought XP?

      Can we please go back to the rewarding of crafting with more unique weapons due to more variety of crafting results? This saddens me and I’m wondering why I would want to smith the same exact bronze sword 50 times… That’s my actual question. Why?

  7. bwtdozerbwtdozer


    Q1: Is there a plan to make crafting failures more of a big deal? ie loss of craft mats not just fuels. Right now leveling crafting skills has little meaning when you can just spam the recipe and hit craft. If I fail, no biggie I only lost a few gold worth of fuel. I can usually craft any item in less than 5 attempts with even though I have a 20% or less chance of success.

    Q2: When will the decorations sold by the deco vendors get crafting recipes so players can make them instead of buying them?

    Q3: When you add new deco to the game each release can we get a bigger portion of them be craftable in game and not just in the Add-on store? Current R29 Instructions list about 30 new deco items and only 3 are listed as craftable. I know add-on store purchases are needed to sustain/push forward development. It just gets frustrating as someone who enjoys the crafting aspect of MMOs the most and wants to participate in the player crafting driven economy to see all these items be non-craftable.

    Q4: Going forward Would it be possible to sell the recipe for some of the deco items added to the add-on store instead of the item itself? This recipe is only learn-able by the purchased scroll or when taught by a player that has used the scroll and GM’d the required crafter skill.

  8. AlexanderAlexander

    Questions for 4:30 pm CDT: Crafting, Food, Agriculture & Economy:

    To expand on SeleneNoctua s question concerning crafting stations, will there be anything higher than an expert (level 2) crafting station(s) in the game?

  9. Violation ClauthViolation Clauth

    The “Zero Day” Question: The game isn’t finished and you guys are releasing it already?! What about all those bugs? What about all the missing features? Why aren’t you going to finish the game?! (before I get trolled: this is an intentionally loaded question that I want to see answered for new community members)

    Questions for early access/no-wipe timeframe:
    Understanding what connection demands people will need:
    1. What is the current data payload, for scene transition or initial loading, target in MB?
    2. What is the current packet quantity target for MMO capped scenes?

    Understanding what player content we can expect to create for groups of players:
    3. What is the current target for player # caps? I’d like to see 100+ in most scenes…
    4. What is the current target for changing instance matching? I’d like to see a dropdown selection like GW/NW have.

    Understanding what systems we can expect to need:
    5. What is the current dataset size we can expect to hold in our RAM (3+GB is frequent right now… target is to reduce that or optimize it so more can be added and keep it where it is currently???)
    6. What is the current dataset size we can expect to hold in our HDD (I’m currently 12.2GB)
    7. What is the current expectation on shaders and lighting (currently all GFX with shader 3.0 seem to work well based on feedback I’ve pulled from people… is that true? Is that a good target for SotA’s custom shaders/lighting?)

    Understanding input options and ease-of-access gameplay:
    8. Can we expect full support for custom macro mice and keyboards? If not, target release available yet?
    9. Can we expect an unlock on the keyboard mapping? If not, target release available yet?

    Understanding viewing options:
    10. What is the maximum resolution that you plan on supporting for Episode 1? (currently it’s around 4000 pixels before it gets stretched and the horizon looks goofy on the sides)

      1. Violation ClauthViolation Clauth

        p.p.s. I may have as many as 5 people in my house gaming at a single moment (hoping to get them all on SotA but right now it’s just 3 and so far only 1 or 2 at once… so I haven’t been able to test this personally yet) and with shared updates from other avatars and not just the server I can imagine packet load getting excessive so I’m curious if that’s something that’s been measured, thought about, addressed, etc…

  10. KuBaTRiZeSKuBaTRiZeS

    Question about the Overland Map (don’t know where to place this):
    – In the thread about the final wipe and lot selection it states that for the wipe we are going to have 12+ Random encounters. In my opinion those are too few. Can we get a DLMB estimation of how many Random encounters do you plan to have upon release? can you elaborate a bit about them? (are they going to give access to extra scenes? are they going to initiate quests? are they going to generate choices in the player?)
    – Once roving monsters are in, is there a chance that we can depopulate some of the absurdly overpopulated scenes since we’ll have plenty of monsters running around in the map?

    Questions for combat section:
    – Because of the way innates are handled, the removal of the penalty that attunement imposed on their opposite schools, and the lack of meaningful choices for progression players keep picking the best skills and using them which is the path to a complete lack of diversity. Are we going to see any kind of mechanics/changes to ensure build diversity and prevent best builds?
    – So long we don’t hear about Skill Decay! is the XP pool system going to experience some changes before reaching persistence?
    – It is planned to rework defensive skills/Healing skill tree? Maybe we are wrong but some of us are under the impression that having Healing you don’t need anything else…
    – Can we get hyped with a pre-talk (DLMB) of some other cool mechanics/changes that will be implemented in combat and haven’t been announced yet?

    Questions for PVP:
    – One of the scenarios UO PVPers want to reenact is the Red VS Blue experience (or defenders stopping evildoers while evildoing) Do you have thought about anything that could bring that into a consensual environment?
    – What do you have planned to balance non flagged PVP players being able to attack flagged PVP players? I kind of think that mechanic make [PVP] players being the good guys! extended flagging? bounty system? the less i expect is a Courage drop… :P
    – What are your plan for guild wars? it is just going to stay as a feature, or will it have any meaning? (i remember something about a big machine thingy?)

  11. John MarkusJohn Markus

    Questions for 3:30 pm CDT: Player Housing and Player Owned Towns

    The second lot placement unjustly penalizes PoT owners by forbidding them to use second (or third or fourth…) decorative lot deeds they may want to use to enrich the PoT. Can we lift the second lot placement window on PoTs on condition that the lot is reserved by the PoT owner ?

  12. BeaumarisBeaumaris

    Q: What is next for the spell weaving (combo) system? What can we expect by R32? Goals after?

  13. Carlin the Druid ArcherCarlin the Druid Archer

    Question: When will we start seeing the real NPC models? I’m kind of avoiding the story line until these are in.

  14. Rufus D`AsperdiRufus D`Asperdi

    Question: When are the rotated Dynamic Template varriants for Player Owned Towns going to be available?

    1. SolstarSolstar

      Seconded. Also…

      Question: Will you be making a Coastal Mountain template before final wipe?

  15. WombyWomby

    Question: When will I be able to place a skeleton and a nearby diary in a forest on my POT as the start of a quest. Currently I can only place the skeleton.

  16. Rufus D`AsperdiRufus D`Asperdi

    Doesn’t seem to fit in any category.

    Question: Can we get a Duck pet in the Add-On Store?

    I wanna buy a duck!

  17. OmniFusion1OmniFusion1

    QUESTION : since the idea was originally to have only one character (and I’ll likely focus on one character), can we have a sex change spell or have transformation chambers in big cities where we can swap our sex so we can wear the latest male or femail fashions depending upon our mood?

  18. AncevAncev

    Question: Can you talk about Ruined Keep in HV? Does it have any lore? I have some ideas for cool stuff.

    Question: If new POT’s are expiring this summer, will players with existing POT’s be able to upgrade the size of their towns? What if I want to expand my town by adding an underground area for the town in the future? Or…a sewer system…or a town jail!

    Question: I wish there was a way to “ctrl+z” or undo certain things in the game – for example, if I’m decorating a scene and mess up, it would be nice to undo the last step, and the object gets placed in it’s previous position. Or, if I accidentally close a Hint accidentally, would be nice if there was an undo feature. Or a Hints section in the Journal?

    Question: Any thoughts on making XP a commodity? Perhaps you could create a Book of Experience (producer, adventurer) by attaining a certain rank in the skill you could sell off some of your XP and other players could buy it for gold? My original thought was players who have no intention of using crafting end up with pools of XP they might not use…so I thought they could sell that XP to crafters or vice versa…but not sure how to make the logic work.

  19. DancingShadeDancingShade

    Question: can we possibly get hammocks in the future? (both craftable and fancier pledge ones)

    Question: are there plans for desert themed clothing & armor (prince of persia style)?

    Question: on the topic of themed armors, any chances of ragged loincloth conan the barbarian style armor? (I assume the actual protection it offers would be terrible)

  20. Browncoat JaysonBrowncoat Jayson

    Questions: Can we get some additional maps? Specifically:

    I’d love to see a map of Novia that shows regional boundaries (what is the division between North and South Paladis, for example).

    A map of political boundaries (the Ardoris Shogunate, for example, protects most of the Perennial Coast; what all does that encompass, and what areas are frontier).

    There are lots of homes on the Housing page ( that do not have floorplans. This really helps with trying to determine what your upgrade options are.

    I know scene maps are taking a hiatus until later, but can we please get the Novia map in the game to use on the Overland? This will help out navigation, especially at night.

    What is the timeline for the compass and/or sextant becoming separate items that are required for their functionality on maps?

  21. PhydraPhydra

    1. What is the “elevator speech” to new players and the wider market who:

    (a) have no idea who RG/LB is,
    (b) have on idea what an “Ultima” was, weren’t born when Ultima and UO were popular,
    (c) bring a host of very “new school” expectations for ease of use in a UI as well as intuitive interaction design that have not yet found their way into SOTA?

    2. Will there be a buddy key/referral/invite a friend system?

    3. Will there be a round of polish/refinement on pathfinding for NPCs and pets before land rush? If not, where thereafter might we expect this?

  22. Lord_DarkmoonLord_Darkmoon

    Question: With the game feeling and playing like an offline MMORPG right now how do you plan to make the offline mode a true single player experience that can match other SP games like Skyrim?

    Question: How will the game acknowledge that everyone does the same quests, kills the same bosses and finds the same unique items during quests?

    Question: When will we see roaming animals, monsters, NPCs and interesting Event on the overland map?

    Question: When will we see a new, atmospheric dialogue-window?

  23. Jarl AtogrimJarl Atogrim

    Just one question: when will we get language specific Sub Forums and language specific Community Manager?

  24. bwtdozerbwtdozer

    Q: In the last Hangout it was mentioned that regional properties will be added to crafted weapons/armor. Can you go into this more at this time? How will it work? Any crafting placed in a region gets these bonuses? Special style recipes/skills that need to be learned for a GM npc or a GM player and a unique look to the item? Static stats or crafter is given a choice of stats to choose from?

  25. Andrew SilverstonAndrew Silverston

    Question: Can POT owners please be given more freedom of POT customization? Increase decoration limit, increase NPC and NPC Building limit. If not directly, please add those bundles into the store.

    For comparison, 1 CentOS or Ubuntu VM with daily utilization at 100%, 4 CPUs and 4GB of RAM, costs about 100$ a month to rent. Considering the facts that devs probably use VmWare farms and that most of the POTs are hardly utilized at all, only during some peak hours, the price we pay for POTs would let us last for years, if we rented those VMs directly from some third party company to keep our POTs going. You have more than enough server side resources to increase customization options for POT owners, Especially for dynamic POTs, considering that you use templates for landscape creating etc.

  26. Grave GodsHammerGrave GodsHammer

    Could you please explain the option to forego a Twin Spire Manor in favor of a town home to earn a free city sized Kobold home? Do you have to forego the Twin Spire Manor completely or just on one of your City home options?

  27. Grave GodsHammerGrave GodsHammer

    Question: Many people feel that the variety of both beasts and monsters are lacking in Shroud. Are there plans to continue expanding on the number of attackable mobs and can you please provide some examples of what we can expect?

  28. Grave GodsHammerGrave GodsHammer

    Question: Could you kindly discuss if there are definite plans in the works to allow the placement of donation boxes so PoT residents can donate gold toward the ongoing taxes for public service lots?

  29. Grave GodsHammerGrave GodsHammer

    Question: Specific to character customization, will we have a variety of preset visual options for our characters facial appearance and a randomizer to cycle through the possibilities? On a scale from Black Desert to Mario Brothers, how robust will the final character customization UI be?

  30. 2112Starman2112Starman

    uhg lol! You know some of us have to work right :)

    Question: Are you considering raising the number of decorations in PoT’s to at least match PRT’s? I can put down a village lot/deed in my PoT and place 700 items on it. I can only put 40 in my entire PoT and half those go to surround a small lot with walls. This is leaving the entire scene (underground) look rather baron and flat since there is no brush / trees.

  31. NeiroNeiro

    Questions in order of priority

    1) Will the village size Obsidian Tower receive a proper interior? The current one is nearly useless due to the huge staircase and high ceilings.

    2) Have you solved the tech implementation issue so you don’t have to wipe our social data?

    3) Will the furniture sets be split up, so we can buy more chairs on their own?

  32. keldonlighthand[BEAR]keldonlighthand[BEAR]

    Question for PvP/crafting depending how you want to look at it.

    As with most mmo’s we have staffs but like most they are only for magic users. Will we ever get a quarterstaff? Always loved playing a wondering ranger with his walking staff and his bow.

  33. CordelayneCordelayne

    Question on Housing: Can you please make the walls on Keep/Castle lots optional? They take up WAY too much space. I mean lets be honest, dont you guys want me spending another $100 to wall it off on my own and then lord knows how much more on landscaping? Just sayin’… ;)

  34. Olddog

    Please anwser this before you all get to drunk :)

    Question: plans for diminishing max durability or breaking armour.

    When ot what is going to adress the circle economy approach in reguards to black smithing..

    Having things that done break and need replacing is bad for crafting

  35. enderandrewenderandrew

    Will we be able to play with companions in all single player scenes/modes and not just offline?

    It would seem like a waste to create awesome content and have players miss it because they can’t take their online characters offline and vice-versa. Likewise, if single player scenes are balanced for zero companions they will be imbalanced with 3 and vice-versa.

  36. VyrinVyrin

    What should we expect for the companions? Will there be dialogue triggers? Combat control? Any possible customization?

  37. Juzzie

    Firat post mortem question be gentle.

    Question: When will monster corpse looting come online. Im very excited for this thanks.

    1. Juzzie

      To clarify see i failed on my first question..

      When will they begin to loot player corpses, and if we kill a monster who does kill a player and procs a loot will we be able to keep that loot? Would be terrible if it ended up in the ransom system.

  38. KoldarKoldar

    Crafting question: will you be adding other furniture and plant recipes that are similar to the new items in the store? I know additional funding is important, but it would be nice to have a wide variety of furniture and plants to craft, too. Thanks!

  39. Duke GréagóirDuke Gréagóir

    Questions for 3:30 pm CDT: Player Housing and Player Owned Towns

    When can we place a marker on a dock as we can place water front homes on docks? Thank you.

    1. PK UPK U

      Feedback.. thanks for adding your pets to the overworld map, we need ways to show our pump stuff off..


      How about super rare skin versions of them in t2a you could find sick lizard mounts (forgpt the name). It would be cool if like 1 outta 1000 had a rare skin spawn.

  40. CageCage

    When playing in full screen mode it is easy to lose track of time, therefore is it possible to have an on screen clock showing local time and the amount of time one has been playing ?

  41. Phil ScottPhil Scott

    During the R29 wipe I found that the names on a account
    where reserved (I was going to shift the names on some
    of my accounts, no problem that I could not). How many
    names are stored per account. In other words if I destroy
    a avatar on a account and re-create him with a different
    name is the name I used before still reserved?

    Will it be possible to just change the name of a character
    without destroying and re-creating him?

    Will it be possible to change the look of a character after
    creating (in game, maybe a NPC Mage of Plastic Surgery)?

    In R29 going when entering Brittany you will appear at different
    gates, it appears based on exactly where on the overland map you
    clicked the “enter Brittany” button. I know that central Brittany
    will only be access via the suburbs. Will we be able to see
    different names on the buttons to tell which suburb we are going
    in to?

    On our lot permissions (once they are improved) will we be able to set it
    up to allow some specific person to place 1 vendor that they
    have exclusive control over. In other words can I allow “John Smith”
    to place a vendor on my lot but not be able to add or remove anything
    from any other container or vendor (or even enter the house)? It
    would be their vendor but on my lot.

    Will we be able to allow someone else the right to place a specific
    number of items on our vendor. So I could allow “John Smith” to
    place up to say 20 items on the vendor named “Scott’s Trading Soltown”?

    How close to the total number of needed lots does R29 come? Or
    How many of each type of lot in non POTs are in R29 (we have the
    needed number from the Final Lot Selection post)? In other words
    how many more lots need to be created before R32?

    In R29 you changed the layout of the city of Xenos a lot. Do you
    expect to change the layout of other city in R30, R31, or R32?

    Would it be possible to get a POI marker for at least one exit
    from a scene as soon as you enter the scene for the first time?
    If you enter a scene where entry location is not also an exit
    you might have a hard time exiting.

  42. Daxxe DigglerDaxxe Diggler

    Question for 3:30 pm CDT: Player Housing and Player Owned Towns:

    Currently, Village and City size lot deeds are “Sold Out” on the add-on store.

    If someone had purchased either of those at the “Full Price” before the POT-Only deeds were introduced… and they Convert these deeds to credit, would that lot deed be available again to repurchase in the add-on store (at the reduced price again)? Or, are they truly “sold out” and no longer available even if someone melts one?

  43. BalandarBalandar

    Will the issue of claiming rewards that causes your bank to overflow be fixed by release? As it stands, many people will be unable to use their bank on release until they can place a home (this could be weeks). Or they will need to purchase a mule account to hoard their add-on store items. Thanks!

  44. Daxxe DigglerDaxxe Diggler

    Not a question, just a comment…

    There is no link to the IRC Chatroom in the update announcement post above. Might want to add that so people know how to find it for the telethon today! ;-)

  45. SvahnSvahn

    Questions for – 2pm Story, NPCs, & Companions:
    When will we see bigger changes to npc dialogue system (presentation/immersion) ?
    Can you tell us anything about what you are considering?

  46. BalandarBalandar

    Will overland map travel speed be changed for release dependent on terrain? There is a tool-tip describing speed is slower when not on a road.

  47. Juzzie


    Q: i own a player ownes town and have a large world of war clan clan. Many of these folks will becoming over i will be able to save lots in my town for them?

    I just want to make sure they will beable to buy lots for in game gold and place them in the reserved lots i have avaible for them. Its my pot roght? I get to choose who can stay in it?

  48. amaasingamaasing

    Question for 3:30 pm CDT – Player Housing: Love the new housing decorations – particularly the furniture. Will there be additional styles available later?

  49. Sota BabeSota Babe

    Q: whats Richards down the road vision for the hard core adult players who may not want cookie cutter everyons friendly game play?

  50. Baron Drocis FondorlatosBaron Drocis Fondorlatos

    Question: 2:00 pm CDT: Story, NPCs, & Companions

    Can you talk about what it means to be Evil vs. Good? Also Order vs. Chaos?

  51. Duke Avery

    Q: Can you discuss the intended use of large lots and houses and if they will be manageable by solo players?

  52. DarkEvilHatredDarkEvilHatred

    Question: Will you be putting more super rare loot drops on certain mobs or anything to make loot drops from mobs more fun/rewarding?

  53. Braveheart

    Q: Will we be able to craft scrolls that allow us to set a recall or teleport point to any place have visited in the game?

  54. StevroStevro

    I got to the PvP event late as it took ages to find it from Soltown, but a big thank you to Darkstarr for the Obsidian Spear :)

Comments are closed.