Avatars! Join us on TWITCH and get ready to shrug off the winter blues and welcome back fun in the sun. Today, we’re announcing the Spring Telethon of the Avatar 2017!
At Midnight CST, March 9, 2017 (6:00 UTC, March 10, 2017), we are expiring the following content from the Add On Store (and the in-game Crown Merchants). This means that these items will no longer be available at all.
- Viking Village Home
- Wizard Tower Village Home
- Tower Village Home
- Windmill Village Home
- Druid Town Home
- Tower Town Home
- Brown Nomad Hat
- Red Fez Hat
- Brown Chaperon Hat
- Brown Pilgrim Hat
- Brown Pilgrim Bonnet
- Sigil Cloaks 3 Pack
- Lord British Cloak
- Ornate Flamberge
- Ornate Flamberge Pattern Pack
- NEW: 2017 Valentine Card 5-Pack
- NEW: 2017 Valentine Gift Boxes 3-Pack
- NEW: Replenishing 250-Piece Mystery Fireworks Box
Additionally Introductory Sale Pricing ends on the following items:
- Shogun Lighthouse Village Water Home
- Viking Village Water Home
- Rustic 3-Story Village Water Home
Help us to achieve the following goals during this next event!
As a special bonus, we are offering Telethon Funding Stretch Goal Rewards to any backer that pledges a minimum of $5 from the start of the telethon, until Midnight (Spending Store Credit to make $5 minimum purchase does not apply). The Spring Telethon of the Avatar 2017 Funding Stretch Goal Rewards are:
- $10,000: /flowerleap emote (leap into the air and throw flowers)
- $25,000: Butterfly Mask
- $35,000: Stained Glass Hand Lantern
- $50,000: Floral Pattern Stained Glass Oil Table Lamp (3 Pack)
- $65,000: White Flowered Topiary Creature Statues (3 Pack of Dragon, Bear, Satyr)
- $80,000: Leaf Shield and Leaf Spear
- $100,000: Large Spring Themed Fountain with Floating Candles
- $130,000: Thorn Bow and Thorn Sword
- and more to be revealed if we hit these goals…
Did you see what was unlocked in the last telethon? This one might be even bigger!
Cheer on the Devs!
For every $2,500 donated, all developers on camera have to either dance, sing, or drink a shot of alcohol.
Additionally, we will be spinning the Wheel of Fortune! The wheel will have 14 items at any given time, but dozens of sales ultimately will happen! Each time an item comes up it will go on sale for 20% off for 1 hour.
As the wheel is spun, what is selected will be replaced by something else. Items already selected will be removed for a time (some may not come back onto the wheel for the rest of the telethon). Keep in mind that some of these may never come up, so cross your fingers for your preferred item!
Wheel of Fortune Flash Sales:
- Pattern Packs
- Make A Difference Items (incl Blood Reliquaries)
- Kobold Bundles
- Viking Bundles
- Shogun Bundles
- Obsidian Bundles
- Elven Bundles
- All Lot Deeds
- Water Homes & Decorations
- Pattern Packs
- Greenhouses (incl Ornate Glass Roof Rowhouse)
- Music Items
- Emotes
- Fireplaces and Lamps
- Pavers, Fences, and Walls
- Trees & Statues
- Signs
- Row Homes
- Village Homes
- Town Homes
- City Homes
- Clothing, Armor, Weapons and Wings
- Pipes, Fans, Umbrella & Cane
- Hats & Masks
- Pets
- Aeronaut Items (Aeronaut Packs, Aeronaut Helmet, Hot Air Balloon, Star Citizen Bundle & Airship Homes)
- Games & Gustball Court
- Dyes
- Basements
Telethon Schedule**
- 12:00 PM: Welcome to the Spring Telethon of the Avatar 2017!
- 12:30 PM: R39 Postmortem (Chris, Richard, Starr)
- 2:00 PM: Player Housing & Player Owned Towns Deep Dive (Starr, Hutch, Bob Cooksey)
- 3:00 PM: World Building Tours (Esteben, C-Wolf, Keith, Dan)
- 4:30 PM: Story Deep Dive (Lum, Richard)
- 5:30 PM: ONBE Awards
- 6:00 PM: Community Hour
- 7:00 PM: Crafting & Economy Deep Dive (Chris, Starr, B, Richard)
- 8:00 PM: Boss Fight (Chris, Richard, Starr)
- 8:30 PM: Combat & PVP Deep Dive (Chris, Starr, B, Richard)
- 10:00 PM: Symbols: The Making of the Devotionals and Anti-Virtue Symbols (Scottie, Richard)
- 11:00 PM: Q&A / Wrap-up (Chris, Starr, Richard)
** Schedule subject to change, check back here before the telethon to for final schedule
Win These Great Prizes!
- Ornate Flamberge
- Ornate Flamberge Pattern Pack
- Viking Village Home
- Wizard Tower Village Home
- Tower Village Home
- Windmill Village Home
- Druid Town Home
- Tower Town Home
- Brown Nomad Hat
- Red Fez Hat
- Brown Chaperon Hat
- Brown Pilgrim Hat
- Brown Pilgrim Bonnet
- Sigil Cloaks 3 Pack
- Lord British Cloak
- Store Credit ($10)
- Plus more prizes from the Add On Store
- And several items courtesy of RelicsbyRild.com
We will be giving prizes away on an hourly basis with many being given away multiple times. If you wish to win prizes during the Telethon event, be in Discord chat! We will be active on Twitch and YouTube chats as well, but they will not be our portal for prize giveaways.
*There will be some really awesome prizes awarded during the telethon, but you have to be present in the Discord chatroom to qualify for each drawing.
Please keep in mind that questions and feedback related to each segment will be given priority and really verbose questions may be skipped, as they can be a challenge to shorten and summarize live on the air. In brief… please keep your questions… brief. When you submit your questions in the Comments section below, please keep it to 3 total questions max!
Keep an eye on @ShroudofAvatar for updates before, during, and after the telethon. See you on the livestream chat at Noon this coming March 9th!
Warning: Telethon is Rated PG-13 for Alcoholic Content
(might get upgraded to Rated-R depending on rate of pledges)
Q1: Why do the ingredients in food recipes not get consumed during the crafting process when you fail? It’s food, if you burn it all the stuff is gone! You can’t just undo the sugar in your cookie dough. It’s gone!
Q2: Could you please consider the following alternative to Stun and Mesmerize spells?
Make them work more like root, where the player can still fight but can’t move. Instead of freezing players so they can no longer cast or use skills (because players almost universally hate that), why not make it so stuns, mez, and root prevent players from using skills/spells centered around STR, INT, and DEX respectfully? It’s like a temporary “mind wipe” for all the skills or spells in your deck that focus on one of these areas.
Q3: It has been said multiple times that body parts would no longer be part of the ransom system. Could we please make this a priority so that when people win and lose it matters and we’re not just trading a handful of gold?
A1: You don’t have to buy a recipe to learn a new dish. And if you have 60% success chance, you’ll probably have a good food in 6 out of 10 cases and quickly get better.
Ummm we havent even really gotten into winter yet. LOL.
Q: can we get more resources in biomes that reflect where these resources should be?
Q: Will we ever have more than one place that we can bind at (2 different locations)
Q: For the shogun can we get a special combat tree based on martial arts? Possibly a samurai sword!!!! and skill tree to go with it.
Q: I would love to see a Ninja! Ninjas are shoguns natural enemy! If so a skill tree for them as well.
Q: can we knock half off of the price for crafting tables so new people can afford them. Most people want thier own crafting tables in thier own houses.
Q: Why cant someone that specializes in Healing tree, Cast good healing spells??? The new rule he heals better if he hasnt attacked sucks, and punishes somone that specializes in healing! Death spells the same. I feel like whatever i chose you all seem to kill it!!!! This makes me not like this game!
Do you count as two people, Blaquerogue?
He did the caos double spell!
why do people insist on propagating this falasy… the only time on record the the shinobi and samurai ever fought was when the emporor obanunga tried to remove them from togakure mountain in Iga prefecture..
and that was way AFTER the shogunate was long gone… P.S. even though most shoguns were samurai…. samurai were not shoguns….
Plus one on the Q about being able to bind in multiple locations. I just started playing, and I find having to traverse the entire overland map one coconut-clop at a time to be daunting. I would prefer being able to set a binding spot on each half of the map, at the least.
Q1: With the Shogun bundles online now, what are the next bundles planned? Since the Pirate Ship home has been announced, and places like Etceter and Blood Bay are online, Pirate-themed bundles would be a nice addition. However, I’m still holding out for Merchant bundles, for those of us who want to run shops!
Q2: Can we expect more of the Add-On Store exclusive items move to Crown Merchants in-game? I’d love to see the various hats and clothing items available from Adranus Silk in Ardoris, living pets available from a Master of the Stables in Aerie, or the instruments from an Iolo Cordova.
Q3: Some of the planned changes to Masterworking and Enchanting will help players make top-tier equipment, however it doesn’t seem to help fill in the middle tier between normal equipment and +7 or better. The entire reason this gap exists is because that gear “explodes” on failure when going for the higher tier. Can we remove the “explode” and make it take (a lot of) durability damage instead, down to 30 or so minimum where it can no longer be mwed/enchanted? This would help mid-level adventurers actually get usable gear (since it will be sold instead of exploded), and promote things like PVP where having decent mid-level gear that can be risked is needed.
The items being expired are confusing:
The Viking Village Home is available for Crowns in-game. Are you only expiring it from the Add-On Store? If so, does that mean other homes (like the Windmill Village Home and Druid Town Home, also expiring here) might be available for Crowns at some point? Those seem naturals for Aerie and Elven merchants.
Why are the brown, dyable hats expiring? It seems those, if nothing else, should be available somewhat permanently.
It seems like the Add-On Store is clearing out so it can be used only for “specials”, but everything will still be available for Crowns. Shouldn’t we add these to Crown merchants before expiring the items from the Store, so the transition is natural and there isnt this confusion?
They will be expiring from the store and the crown merchants. They will be going away completely. I’ve updated the post to make that more clear.
Q1: When will new sound effects for pets come in? [i.e. when might the “grunting owl” get a better sound]
Q2: Do you have any idea when additional carpet/rug recipes might be put into the game?
Q3: Could we please get recipes for small “end-table” type tables sooner rather than later?
**Needs mo’ deco**! lol.
“Keep an eye on @ShroudofAvatar for updates before, during, and after the telethon. See you on the livestream chat at Noon this coming November 28th!”
I believe you missed a date in your edit
Thanks, good catch!
Oopsy, fixed :). Thanks Rosemourne!
1) I bought the large ruin and it fit my keep lot when I had an air home and now it does not with the city Obsidian house. Could you please change these so I can place it in my PoT?
2) Is there any solution yet for the hit point bug (cannot heal hp up to full bar), I have reported this every release for the past 4 releases including producing and posting a video on the issue.
3) referring to a 4 page active post in general discussion. Can we have a serious look at resource nodes? I would ask a dev to start out at 8AM and go farm 1000 copper, smelt it into bronze and make some armor with it and watch how long this takers for yourselves. I would add, try enchanting and master-crafting them (aka blowing them up) to understand why people are so unhappy.
Starman the Ruins have been POT decos since the beginning.
“Large Stone Ruins” ==> I still cant place it in my PoT. I opened a bug report on this a while ago and dont think it was responded too.
I have the Large Stone Ruin Placed in my POT and had no issues, sure its not Deco limit or something?
on point 3 i like ress are more rare than before and new skills need alot more ingots for skilling….
so i know only real loving crafting players will raise it…. like me
Would love to see a leather dye that mimics the look of fresh shiny Blood. I ask this as I was looking at the Blood Red Water in the town I live in.
Q. 1 .Can Trophy Head &”Trophy fish” have weight assignments that carry over and are displayed on the mount (perhaps by hovering over) for the purpose of hunting and fishing tournaments, and general bragging rights?
Q. 2 Can we please get a clockwork owl in honor of the beloved Bubo from the original Clash of the Titans?
Q. 3 Are there plans to change the animation when swapping weapons? Would like to see animations for putting away one weapon and arming the secondary weapon.
+1 to Q1 would be fun to hint big game.
1, If you do implement loss of all materials on failure with cooking. Will you either A. Increase drop rate of gathered materials & lower price of purchased materials, and/or increase chance of success when cooking?
2. Since gathering water one bucket at a time is such a punishing grind now. Would you consider increasing the number of buckets we “Harvest” to say 5 or 10 buckets at a time?
Any possibility of seeing more fishing bubbles in player owned towns? I live in Silverston and we have None.
Q: when will under ground biomes have thier “new over world icon” that has population indicators like all the other biomes?
Q: many npc towns including prts are empty and many have large city or bigger lots not being used, what is the plan for those? Will they remain empty or possibly be broken down in to smaller lots? Any chance at retail deeds can be purchased from npc vendors for IGG?
Q: when is retail launch?
Is there a plan to future proof instanced content (solo/party)? It seems like/is a waste of development time to create content that players out level. Not only does it effective remove relevant content, it also cheapens gatherables and other farmed items.
Is there a plan to add a way for players to gather/craft the majority of NPC vendor items (examples: creosite, curing salt, wax, chest mechanisms, edged chisel, planting beds, molds (hint: clay and wood), empty flasks, empty glass jars, smelling salts, etc) and then removing them from the vendors (including reagents), basically letting the players create value, instead of NPC’s? This would include removing items like potions, scrolls as well. NPC vendors would be for basic tools, basic equipment, and recipes mostly?
More quests! while old school people might be fine with just doing stuff just to do it, masses will want to do things for a reason, quests are a big part of that, 1000’s of quests are needed, including repeatable ones (most of them should be).
With regard to my first question, I also meant to add future proofing by some sort of adventure level syncing of the mobs within the scenes.
One last thing, I know it is mentioned there will be a pass on the UI, does this include creating a more informative character sheet? It would be nice to see EVERY stat, maybe separated by tabs. A general tab, magic tab, gathering/crafting tab, etc.
It would be great to see every stat in the /stats chat log in the UI character sheet. Also including tools that are equipped and there status. Kind of a one stop stats and equipment character sheet system. Could probably even merge the skills sheet into it as well. http://res.cloudinary.com/ljwww4vyh/image/upload/v1487266402/rough_character_sheet_design_qwf28t.png
I agree with we need a lot more Quests. Grinding is boring ….
Q: For ‘Magic Movers’ – is a POT reset (due to a biome change) considered a the same scene? ie, can Magic Movers be used to help ease the pain of mass evictions due to POT changes? And if not, is there an ETA on this?
Q: Is there a possibility we could have a music book to store all of our sheet music to carry in our backpacks?
Q: do COTOs still drop? I did not get one in the last 2 releases.
Q: any plan for another way to get reasonable producer XP except from mining?
Q: when do you expect the release/shipping of physical goods/KS for EP2?
1) I got a few COTO’s recently. very very rare but they still drop.
For PoT’s
1) Can we finally get benches that are PoT placeable and the Yew tree in a mini version?
2) Can we get containers, such as the xmas stockings and gift boxes that have a toggle switch to make them deco only? It would help immensely with holiday lot deco.
3) Status on dock repairs for water home placement?
Q: Will we be able to grow more variety of reagents and if so, when?
Q: Will we be able to grow flowers for decoration and if so, when?
Q: I noticed I am able to occasionally get seeds from my plants when I harvest them (thanks!). Will you be expanding this option of getting seeds and/or resources from plants and if so, when?
+1 to all 3
Since many of my questions were already fixed lol here are some more.
1) When will we see decorations with default options in game? For example the Kobald generators are always turned off, I would like them to default to on. The DS/LB banner is always neutral, I would like it to default to DarkStarr.
2) …
2) I hit Lord British up about this when he was wildly into Pokemon go. It would be awesome to see rare roaming encounters pop up on the map that have value in different ways. Put the encounters in less traveled locations and rare. This may get more people out on the map exploring.
they kinda had those.. it’s how I got my beautiful gold horse with gold main, and my pure white horse
(I just wish I could ride them
3) Why do the devs hate melee so much?

4) Some of our master masons are running into deco limits on houses (in blocks alone), any word yet on increasing deco limits.
Can we make it where we can create recipes using the Printing Press?
An example of how I think it could work is if I have a recipe that is teachable I drag it from my recipe book and some paper to the printing press and and it makes a recipe that I can then in turn sell?
That would be great!
Q: Will chessboards/checkers ever be accessible to anyone to play in the game? Having to give someone permissions in your house to play and risk losing your pieces (and other things) is no fun. I was thinking make the pieces movable by anyone and make the board box a little wider than the actual board itself so people can drag captured pieces off to the side, but not in their bags.
Can you give an ETA for the virtue vs. anti-virtue system in PVP?
Maybe you could elaborate on how it is going to affect the players and the world ?
(e.g. lose access to certain towns etc, Dread Lords ;)?)
Will guilds be able to flag as virtuous or anti virtuous and be in permanent or one sided declared war with each other?
Question: Might the (Royal) Founder Plate Armor get a refresh?
Now that we have the Pattern system, there are people who might like to wear the Founder (and Royal Founder) gear for adventuring. The Cloth, Leather and Mail armors are fairly attractive (I’m personally fond of the Mail), but the Plate Armor is rather … not.
Question: When will Farming Supply (Seed) Vendors be available for Governors to place in their POTs?
This has been a long standing gap that’s needed to be filled.
Question: With the implementation of the Water Decoration Layer, might it be possible to create Bridges that could be placed across streams, rivers and other bodies of water by Governors in their POTs?
Obviously not a high priority item, but it’s something I would likely use if it were available.
If you already have a Town Tax Free size bundle and all the houses of the lower bundles, if you upgrade to the City Tax Free size bundle at this point will you retain all the houses of the lower tiers since you already posses them? Or will you loose them since we have passed the cut off?
You’ll retain everything that comes with the bundle as of the date of purchase even if you don’t claim the rewards in game until much later. Upgrading after items have expired entitles you to everything you currently have plus additional items from the new bundle except property lot deeds as they are automatically converted to the new size.
Q1: How close would you say episode 1 is to being “feature complete”?
Q2: What is the current word on multi-tier currency?
Q3: Will we be able to craft green cheese at some point? (Because I never got a proper answer last time
Question 1) Can there be a pass on some of the more expensive backer homes? The Duke Homes have really great interiors, but the LotM City Homes are in general rather awkward.
(The ground floor of the Chateau is pretty much entirely made up of various stairwells). It was at one time stated they’d get another pass through. One hesitancy I believe in making any change is that a change affects people’s decorations…. is it possible (and likely) to do a pass on these homes and implement the way Elven row homes are with alcove left, alcove right – and we call it Chateau (Old) and Chateau (new) in the housing UI with a selection of each?
2) Premium Pavers: Just wondering when/if we will see these timeline-wise. I and several governors would love to be to be able to combine existing giant pavers (Bone White for me!) into lengths of 4 or 8 so we can expand our towns and decorative ability.
3) How close is the ability to place water lots on the shore or docks that are not “perfectly” aligned and flat for placing water lots?
4) Update requests: Family crests, Mini-maps, In-game Mail.
5) Can we get time-based tickets to charge admission for interesting spaces for outlanders? (ie. Mazes, Museums, Brawls, Contests, Plays, Concerts, etc.).
Q1: Can we have key bindings for camera tilt up/down? Currently, we have for rotate left/right.
Q2: Any updated information regarding Static Towns?
Q3: What might we see with the upcoming fishing changes?
Question: Can we have patterns applicable to PoT NPCs ? This will make re-skinning of PoT NPCs relatively easy.
P.S.: We could use more straights in the “Cobblestone Walkway Pavers”.
I’m sorry… Which table would one use to Salvage an NPC? I’m assuming it would be the Butcher table… Ewwwe.
Question: What are you guys going to do to simmer down the current hate that seems to surround the game, SotA, in various gaming communities?
(My self-issued game contract mandates me to always ask the same question so the matter isn’t forgotten, until the answer will be satisfactory:)
Q: What news on translation volunteer effort?
Question 1: When will it be possible to lock items from being sold and/or salvaged? There is significant risk at the current time of selling the wrong items, particularly if one uses different gear for different decks. Also if one misses an artifact drop, etc. (See https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?threads/request-to-mark-items-as-non-sellable.80348/)
Question 2: Can you please explain why vendors have wildly different prices for different people when they go to sell items? (https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?threads/the-problem-with-combat-vendors.78539/)
Can we have a piblic vendor to place in pots?
I asked this a long time ago… The answer then was a rather definitive “No”
Big boo !
1) When will there be more wax cylinders available?
2) Any possibility of a decorative writable book set that can be placed flat, have fancy covers, of different sizes, etc?
3) Can you publish some information showing how many “special” items exist in the world, such as numbers for special fund raisers, telethons, stretch goal rewards, etc? Or at least, can you tell us more about these rare items? (Some of us find this a fascinating subject.)
Q1: Do you have an ETA for the Data Mining Interface (I understand it will be ELK or something like that)?
Q2: Will someone with a lot that is set as a Guild House be able to rent rooms in a house or basement
on that lot?
Q2: Will we be able to add “light source” as a modifier on an object (as some of the pledge items have)?
Can you explain a little more about multiple buffs and debuffs.
Q1. For example, if I am healing someone and cast a triple-stacked Healing Grace, I see the buff on their stat bar.
a. If I then cast a single-stacked Healing Grace, does that wipe out the effects (in terms of strength and time) of my triple-stacked Healing Grace?
b. If a friend casts a double-stacked Healing Grace, does that wipe out the effects of my triple-stacked Healing Grace?
Or is it cumulative?
Q2. I am fighting a fire elemental and cast a quadruple-stacked Evaporate.
a. If I then cast a single-stacked Evaporate, does that wipe out the effects of my quadruple-stacked Evaporate?
b. If a friend casts a double-stacked Evaporate, does that wipe out the effects of my quadruple-stacked Evaporate?
Q3: Now that magic resistances are strong, can you consider making Juxtapose work with more debuffs, like they already do with Evaporate? Reduce Earth Resistance, for example?
Here are some questions/suggestions I’ve submitted in the ‘Wishlist’ section of the forum, that would be nice to see some official commentary on:
– Can we get an item protection function from accidental discard/sale, buy-back from NPC vendor function, etc?
– Can we get an equipment/dye/housing item preview, so as to better see what an in-game purchased item will really look like when equipped/dyed/placed, etc?
– Can we get a /slash command list in-game, similar to typing: /? or /help
OK I’m at 3 – but I’ll try and sneak in a 4th ..
– Can we get a ‘decoration assist’ mode, that overlays a grid or otherwise makes it easier to more precisely line up decorations/items in housing, and possibly also the ability to view placed decorations in a no-clip sort of mode?
DarkStarr or Chris would you give any consideration to a slight modification to the length of a large planting bed,where it can be placed width ways in the rusted large greenhouse? I am uncertain what happened,but it is a little too long to be placed width ways, which I think would make a lot of sense.
As we start to grow in numbers and the game is maturing we find it harder an harder to maintain a fighting group of only 8 in Friends Only Mode. This means we either go into Multi-Player and separate into two parties or play “first come first serve” in Friends only mode. Playing in Multi-Player can frequently mean you compete with others for the same Bosses or you wait in line and the loot ends up going to the group who kills it first.
Q1: What are the plans for Friends Only, especially around Party Systems, and when will we start to see those changes?
Q2: Will the Targeting System for Healing, Resurrections and for MOBS be fixed at the same time to correct the uncontrollable loss of targets both for MOBS and Party Members.
I’m hoping these will be doe prior to any major release of the game, giving us time to test it thoroughly?
Any chance you will fix how slow the tamed pets are? Pets are nerfed enough already but they should at least be able to keep up to their master and the mobs they are fighting. Talked with lots of unhappy tamers they will not use pets now because they are so worthless on hunts / fights. actually any love for tamers would be great.
* Could you explain how resistances factor into spell damage – specifically how Spell Critical Hit Chance is calculated now that there are resistances (please include gear bonuses in the answer)?
* Will there ever be a “cooldown reduction” attribute? Possibly for masterworking staves/wands, a Focus tree innate and an artifact that has a negative side of increasing glyph focus cost.
* There have been a lot of changes recently that are perceived as nerfs, specifically: increasing the resistance to magic on every boss, adding cooldowns to unlocked glyphs, removing chaotic feedback’s ability to give health when gaining focus, and changing the way strength/dex contribute to earth/air. Could you please explain how these changes bring the game closer to how you want high level content to work upon release – or how do you envision ideal boss battles in sota?
Q1: Can we have the magic movers kick in automagicaly with tax repossession so we don’t have to redo ALL THAT DECO? I mean… OMG…..

Q2: if so Will you?
Q3: if so can we have an ETA?
DARNIT! Fishing revamp was scheduled for R37, pushed back 3 releases (!) to R40, and I have heard tell that the developer(s) responsible for fishing may be too busy STILL for the upcoming release! Can we have as much info on the progress of fishing as possible? Thank you and you guys are awesome.
Could we have more variation in the text colors for /whisper and /local chat? Those particular shades of blue and violet are hard to distinguish, depending on background, lighting, and opacity. It’s especially hard for old, tired eyes. Even better would be a color wheel or RGB chart of player-assigned text colors. Thanks.
Sorry. I didn’t phrase that carefully enough. What I mean is that it’s very hard to distinguish between those shades of blue and violet.
Is is on the road map at all to give us the ability to identify vendor items which have been altered, without opening the door to scammers who misleadingly rename items? For example, add a tooltip to a dyed item that lists the primary and secondary dye? Maybe a (much) larger thumbprint when the buyer hovers over the item, showing what it actually looks like?
Q1: Is there any way that we can have “safe items” – i.e. marked items that cannot be accidentally sold? Either we could tag them somehow so they can never be inadvertently sold or have an option to undo a sale?
Q2: In some cases when looting or harvesting, in the middle of the process, the item will disappear. Can this be changed so that if a player has actually started the looting/harvesting process, the time on the de-spawn stops?
Q3: Can you explain why it takes 2 loading screens to get into a basement and only 1 to get out?
Correction on Q3:
Two clicks to get into the basement and 1 click to get out…
Question: it is possible to place a special chest for donation to reward the owner of the pot
We appreciate and we would like a chance to do something .
Anonymous donations we can’t give golds for now but coto ressources artifacts…
for a work around I placed a chest on my fence that anyone can put stuff in but only co-owners can remove stuff…
and I named it “Mail Box”
it’s all about permissions
Any consideration to making crafting easier and faster? Id rather be able to craft more even if things break break faster?
1. Do you still plan to have regional economies? (Our current easy travel system makes the regional economy concept hard to envision.)
2. Could we have a companion system in offline mode that is more akin to Ultima 7’s? (Less battle pet and more management of companion skills, gear, and even multiple companions at once.)
3. Is there any chance we can eventually have humanoid NPC combat companions for Single-Player Online mode? (This would be for players that would like to play this like a single-player game and still be able to do high level content. Some individuals are not as interested in guilds and groups.)
1. Wouldn’t it be super cool to be able to make a pattern out of goggles?
as in a “hat” pattern out of goggles to clarify
1. When can we expect the agriculture overhaul/skill tree? And, specifically, what sort of skills/abilities and farming mechanism upgrades can we expect to make the experience meaningful/more enjoyable?
Why can’t we summon our pets on the world map? Why can’t we cast other non-travel spells (i.e., spells that do not give an “unfair” advantage) on the overworld map?
1) Will player vendors get a pass soon? Will players be able to purchase partial stacks?
2) If so, is it possible to make it so multiple listees can all add to the same stack?
3) Can we help with adding sidequests?
Are you going to allow payment plans for Bundles for those whom wish to upgrade besides a Full payment?
If so, could we get an Idea on when that could get implemented?
1.) Any planned changes to how meticulous collection will work?
Is there a list of telethon winners and what they won?
Hi bpatrick! We don’t normally put out a list, but we do have it for us to award the winners. COTOs, bank access device, homes, weapons, armor, and a bunch of newer items listed in the add-on store all were given out, including Last Chance exclusives and expiring items.