** $100,000 **
Telethon Funds Raised
Telethon Stretch Goal Rewards:
- ACHIEVED! $10,000: Silver Fireworks
- ACHIEVED! $25,000: /flowerwandtrick: make a magic wand turn into flower bouquet
- ACHIEVED! $35,000: Lord British Helmet with Silver Serpent: includes light source
- ACHIEVED! $50,000: Lord British Throne (chair with Lord British symbol on it)
- ACHIEVED! $65,000: Tuxedo with tails + 2 Magic Emotes (/birdtrick & /endlessclothtrick)
- ACHIEVED! $80,000: Lord British Version of Moondial
- ACHIEVED! $100,000: Magical Pet Broom
Avatars, get ready for a birthday bash like no other! Today, we are announcing a special mini-telethon around Lord British’s birthday! Event begins on July 6th and runs from 3-9pm CT. Lord British’s birthday is on July 4th, a couple of days before the telethon.
Telethons are livestreamed on Twitch and include a complete schedule of developer Deep Dives, answers to your gameplay questions, community activities, prize giveaways, sales on items, and more!
Celebrate with the community as the telethon approaches in one of the many soon-to-be-announced party contest celebrations!
Expiring Items
In honor of Lord British’s birthday, at 9pm CT, July 6, 2017, we are expiring the following content from the Add On Store (and the in-game Crown Merchants). This means that these items will no longer be available in our store after this date.
Before the following items expire for good, we have put them on sale at approx. 20% off! Check out what’s currently on sale:
- Teletype: Plays D&D 1, Lord British’s first game!
- Telescope: Lord British loves astronomy
- Kobold Radiant Energy Coil
- Kobold Radiant Energy Capacitor
- Fireworks 45-Piece Assortment – Set 1
- Fireworks 45-Piece Assortment – Set 3
Help us to achieve the following goals during this next event!
As a special bonus, we are offering Telethon Funding Stretch Goal Rewards to any backer that pledges a minimum of $5 from the start of the telethon, until 9pm CT (Spending Store Credit to make $5 minimum purchase does not apply).
Also, there will be Golden versions of each of these that will get added to SeedInvest $500 perk level after the telethon has concluded!
Stretch Goal Rewards are:
- ACHIEVED! $10,000: Silver Fireworks
- ACHIEVED! $25,000: /flowerwandtrick: make a magic wand turn into flower bouquet
- ACHIEVED! $35,000: Lord British Helmet with Silver Serpent: includes light source
- ACHIEVED! $50,000: Lord British Throne (chair with Lord British symbol on it)
- ACHIEVED! $65,000: Tuxedo with tails + 2 Magic Emotes:
- /birdtrick: make a bird fly out of a top hat!
- /endlessclothtrick: pull a long string of colored cloths from your mouth!
- ACHIEVED! $80,000: Lord British Version of Moondial
- ACHIEVED! $100,000: Magical Pet Broom

Cheer on the Devs!
For every $2,500 donated, all developers on camera have to either dance, sing, or drink a shot of alcohol.
Additionally, we will be spinning the Wheel of Fortune! The wheel will have 14 items at any given time, but dozens of sales will happen! Each time an item comes up it will go on sale at approx. 20% off for 1 hour.
As the wheel is spun, what is selected will be replaced by something else. Items already selected will be removed for a time (some may not come back onto the wheel for the rest of the telethon). Keep in mind that some of these may never come up, so cross your fingers for your preferred item!
Wheel of Fortune Flash Sales:
- All Lot Deeds
- City Homes
- Clothing and Wings
- Dyes
- Elven Bundles
- Emotes
- Fireplaces and Lamps
- Furniture
Games & Gustball Court
- Greenhouses (incl Ornate Glass Roof Rowhouse)
- Hats & Masks
- Kobold Bundles
- Make A Difference (incl Blood Reliquaries)
- Music
- Obsidian Bundles
- Pattern Packs
- Pavers, Fences, and Walls
- Pipes, Fans, Umbrella & Cane
- Row Homes
- Shogun Bundles
- Signs
- Town Homes
- Trees & Statues
- Viking Bundles
- Village Homes
- Water Homes & Decorations
Telethon Schedule
- 3:00 PM: Introduction of the Telethon
- 3:20 PM: Party Contest winners announced!
- 3:30 PM: R43 Postmortem Q&A
- 5:30 PM: World Building Tour
- 7:00 PM: Community Roundtable
- 7:30 PM: Event More Q&A!
- 8:45 PM: Wrap-up
Schedule is subject to change. Check back here before the telethon begins!
Win These Great Prizes!
Fireworks 45-Piece Assortment – Set 1 (expiring)
- Fireworks 45-Piece Assortment – Set 3 (expiring)
- Teletype (expiring)
- Telescope (expiring)
- Kobold Radiant Energy Coil (expiring)
- Kobold Radiant Energy Capacitor (expiring)
- Lord British Fur Collared Cloak
- Lord British Shield
Lord British vs Darkstarr Battle Banner
- Remote Bank Access Device
- Bank Upgrades
- COTOs and Store Credit
- Several items that are expiring tonight
- Plus more prizes from the Add On Store
- And several items courtesy of RelicsbyRild.com
We will be giving prizes away on an hourly basis with many being given away multiple times. If you wish to win prizes during the Telethon event, be in Discord chat! We will be active on Twitch and YouTube chats as well, but they will not be our portal for prize giveaways.
Submit your questions!
We will be answering questions throughout the telethon so submit them in the comments section below or through Discord during the Telethon. Please keep in mind that questions and feedback related to each segment will be given priority and really verbose questions may be skipped, as they can be a challenge to shorten and summarize live on the air. Please keep it to 3 total questions in the comments section below!
Keep an eye on @ShroudofAvatar for updates before, during, and after the telethon. See you on Twitch at 3pm CT this coming July 6th!
Warning: Telethon is Rated PG-13 for Alcoholic Content
(might get upgraded to Rated-R depending on rate of pledges)
Question 1: What are your short term and long term goals for NPC Guard functionality?
Question 2: What are some examples of ways that control points will be more meaningful in the future? (i.e. how will they impact trade and travel)
Question 3: Can you please consider removing all of the NPC’s mobs in Verdantis Shardfall and watch to see if this increases the amount of traffic and pvp that occurs in the Shardfall? (I think it would be a great test case)
Looking forward to this. Happy Birthday, my liege!
Couple clarification questions: Are the Silver Fireworks a replenishing box or a one-time use bundle? Does the /flowerwandtrick emote come with a wand/flowers or require you to have one of your own? Does the tuxedo come with a top hat, or will the /birdtrick emote require you to have one of your own? The moondial image is the Keep size, what size will the Lord British Moondial be? (Just a note, but adding gold versions of these to the SeedInvest perks is a nice touch!)
Question 1: Any chance we could get a tabletop version of the Crypt of the Avatar sarcophagus as a deco item? Like a snuff box.
Question 2: The gold coin is the primary currency of the realm. Can you tell us about these? (i.e., Is their a mint that makes these? Regional or national currency? Do these have a names (crowns, sovereigns, etc)? How have they changed since the cataclysm? More lore!)
Question 3: For the winter holidays, since we already have gift boxes, stockings and snowmen galore, could we get packs of greeting cards like we have for the last couple Valentine’s Day? (Is it too early to start on Christmas wishlists?)
My original Question 3 was answered from the last telethon, where I had forgot I even asked it! So here is a new one.
Question 3: When will the Words of Power (first noted in the Postmortem for Release 19!) get attached to spells? Have there been any updates to these since Richard unveiled them all?
Oh, it looks like the SeedInvest perks already got updated with the gold versions. Shouldn’t this have waited until after the telethon?
Is there a “format” in place for asking questions here ? EI, should we precede a question with Q: ?
No real format, but the Q: does help, thank you!!
Event more questions!
No, seriously, good stuff!
Hail, my liege and happy birthday.
Q1: when will we get a real agriculture skill?
Q2: will there be a change/improvement/real impact for surveying/salvaging/refining skills?
(currently there is no real benefit to have them at GM level)
Q3: could you (@Chris) share some metrics? Like igg distribution, vendor sales, adv level numbers etc.
Do the Sigil Sets fall into any of those flash sale categories? If not, can they be added?
ok so assuming CT is Californian time, then that equates to 17:00 – 23:00 (5-11pm) on July 5 for me in Sydney Australia. Which is partially doable. I’ll be at work and travelling home for the first 2-3 hours of that.
CT is Central Time, where Austin is located. It is two hours ahead of Pacific Time (California), so this would start at 15:00.
Q1: Can focus please be implemented for enemies in PVE, particularly magic users? Their ability to spam heals, especially on each other when in pairs, can make them excessively difficult. For example, the 2 water elementals at the end of Kiln Cistern.
Q2: Can we get a “Teleport to Player” feature added to the right-click menu UI on the friends list, which will automatically use a teleport scroll from inventory (instead of having to find a teleport scroll and double click it?)
Q3: How about allowing stealth skills (add invisibility potions?) to be used on the world map, for people who want to sneak by random map encounters?
PS – Q4: Reminder about adding /help and/or /? – function to the chat console, to bring up the entire list of commands and descriptions. Suggested this a few telethons back and LB was surprised it wasn’t implemented yet and said to Jira it.
Re Q2 – Drop a teleport scroll (and recall scroll for that matter) in your utility bar and click on it, it will bring up the list of friends available to teleport to.
Damn, I think I assumed wrong. CT is Central Time which is 15 hours later than my time zone. which means 12.00am – 6.00am on Thursday 6th July for me in Sydney, that’s damn awful. I have a 5am start for work so unless I don’t sleep and miss the last hour this isn’t happening for me.
**As a helpful hint for the future, can you also put the times in GMT so there is no confusion for us non US folks when converting the times to our parts of the world.**
Have you considered adding another Lottery with a prize other than a land deed so people who already own land have something to spend their gold on?
any plans for vary resource intensive craftables for example town and city homes one of the things I loved in another mmo was when my guild had to working together to build something,
I understand some items are exclusive to backers but will you please do a alternative collectors box for people like me I only heard about sota less than a year ago and I love it.
Question: Why does the main storyline force players into PvP scenes? Isn’t that a bit unfair to those who don’t want to participate in PvP? Thank you.
The main storyline does not take place in any PvP scenes. However, the places it does take place in are most easily accessed from PvP scenes. For example, you must visit the Crypt of the Avatar, which lies beneath Midras; Midras Ruins is a PvP scene, however you can also access the Crypt from one of the underworld scenes, Spindrift Passive possibly (can’t honestly remember)?
So while you do NOT need to go to any PvP scene, I do wish that the game narrative would direct you to the alternative path should you not want (or be unable) to access it directly.
Agreed, I wish that was made a lot clearer because it took me forever to figure it out. I think it’s confusing in it’s current state. Thanks friend!
Q: Has progress been made on adding POTs to discounted telethon flash sales?
Question 1: Will the Ankh necklace ever have any in-game attributes? Currently you can’t see it, it gives no special bonus when equipped, so does it even really exist? The ankh is iconic and awesome let’s give it some love!
Question 2: This question has two parts. Is there a timetable for when you guys anticipate putting our “names” on the graves in Brittany Graveyards (re: pledge reward)? Sub-question: Does this job get relegated to the “naughtiest” dev?
Q: will there ever be a bundle for water houses ?
Q: when will silver and gold scraps come into the game?
Q: can we cancel quests from journal as some just sit there after it has been finished?
These did get answered in the Summer Telethon Missed Questions post (https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?threads/summer-telethon-2017-missed-questions.93992/), if you want to come up with new ones…
Question: The Maintain option on our skills seems to pull far more XP than is actually necessary to counter the effects of skill decay and is a big catalyst for frustration in the community specific to decay. Is there an ETA on when this will be fixed?
Question: Can you please provide some sneak peaks at what themes you have in the works for upcoming bundles?
Question: I know at least a dozen people who would buy high priced bundles if portalarium would bring back a 6 month layaway plan. Can this be reintroduced for bundles please? This is easy money in Portalarium’s pocket.
Comment: Happy Birthday RG!!!
Yes I would like to know more about how the Maintain mechanics work.
Chris Spears does a good job of explaining these things
So as a follow-up, I was educated on how/why the maintenance feature is supposed to work and I think I understand why I was having trouble with it previously, so please disregard my question about a bug fix date. An explanation of how it works for confirmation from Chris would be lovely though! Thank you!
Question: The intention of Control Points and Trade Routes has been effectively nullified with the carry capacity of players, and carry capacity bonuses from Obsidian Potions, Belt of the Ox and Brittle Brawn. Can we please restore these concepts by making those items ineffective specific to meeting the weight requirements for teleport and recall scrolls?
Question: I really liked that the remaining lunar rifts were added. With this addition to ease of travel, can e limit teleport scrolls to 3 uses per real world day?
Question: Water Elementals are seriously over powered in their ability to heal themselves endlessly for over 100 H.P. a heal. Is there talk of this being adjusted in the near future? Thanks!
Q1: Will second, third, etc. character slots that were part of pledges become available before release?
Q2: Will we be able to reuse containers for things like potions and jars of cooking oil in the future?
Q3: Are there any plans for Multi-Factor Authentication methods for player accounts?
***Question***: Are there any combo’s other than Hamstring that are currently present but are NOT shown under Glyph Combos ?
Q: Is it planned that all items from all pledges will be in the game working at release?
Q: Is the seedinvest geared towards players already here or new investors? With the bonus golden gear it sounds like your aim is players already in the game
1) Could the new Tenant system be adapted to allow players to place no-trade items for display, without it being used as a means of trading those items? (I.E. Crystal swords would be awesome to display!)
2) Could POT owners be given a training dummy NPC to be placed in their towns in the same fashion as they would other POT NPCs? Many players are guests in homes and can’t utilize training dummies on that property when the owner is offline. I would gladly sacrifice an NPC slot in my town for a training dummy for my residents that does not deactivate when I’m out of the scene.
3) Backers’ Ankh of Virtue necklace and the digital version of Lord British’s Silver Serpent Necklace from the addon store have been added in game, but currently only exist to waste bank space. Could they be made into a home decoration until they gain another use?
I Fully Support Item #2 on your list, Rosemourne. That is a fantastic idea.
Corp Por Needs High End PvP Content:
1) Are there any plans for an in game ELO , bulletin leaderboard or bounty board? We have had many made out of the game using Sota data. So the data is there, but we need it incorporated into the game. If so, when can we expect this?
2) I have yet to see a guild claim warefare on another. Are there any plans to create a reason for guilds to do this? Something worth guilds fighting over? A castle, additional loot, an artifact, fame? Something.. how about a boss (champion) put into some of the shardfalls or ruins and their loot is a skull and after you have 1 of each of the skulls you can summon a harrower for a cool artifact or XP Scroll! (I thought of this idea myself)
3) This one is going to be even more long winded. Everyone know how Chillbains or Solania Catacombs work? Private FO instance? K Good.. Its been clearly stated from Chris, 500k-600k exp is about the max they would like to see for EXP per hour.. How about a FO High Level instance where once you are strong enough as a group you can earn that amount of EXP per hour? It has to be done carefully so it’s not exploitable, meaning you hit an experience cap once you hit the max. This would increase people grouping up to play together and have fun. Picture control points but a max per group member capped. Lots of ways this could work..
Question for Starr:
IIRC, you once mentioned A Tale in the Desert was a game you drew inspiration from. I played it and loved the crafting and group projects. What parts of ATITD have influenced SotA and what parts would you like to see implemented?
As a followup:
Will we ever see crafting similar to ATITD? The crafting mechanism was unique for each skill and required both game-awarded skill and player skill, many requiring precision, practice, logic or experimentation.
I also played A Tale in the Desert! Some of the idea were fantastic.
Q: Why does the Kiln Altar give me a buff for agriculture if it is not in the game yet?
Could you tell us how many of each ticket was purchased after every raffle?
I think we have the information, will check and see if we can release it.
You do have the information, Berek, as it’s included in the Public API Data Stream.
Happy Birthday!
In such a decoration based based game, I want my house to look lived in. As it is, if you leave the area for a while, all shutters close and it looks deserted.
Are there any plans to be able to keep the shutters open? I don’t care about the door, just the windows open for people to look in.
Q1: Can we get a Music Book container like the Atlas to stuff music sheets into?
Q2: Can you make the sheet rack on the Harpsichord and Grand Piano decorationable so we can put music sheets(and music book from prev question) onto it?
Q3: Once you feel like the instruments have the right sound, can we possibly get the .ogg and tuning.config from them so we can make songs easier and better? (Possibly through an Asset Pack)
Happy Birthday, Lord British!
Question: Will there be Basements designed as the Inns were specifically to support Rental?
– The Inns (I’ve purchased 4 thus far for my town) are the best designed buildings you’ve produced to date. They’re perfect. Can we have specifically designed Basements to go under them? The Town Stone basements are a good example of a basement that might be perfect for Rental, but of course, they’re Town Lot size, and not Village Lot size.
Question: In the new Rental System, will it be possible for the Owner to set doors such that anyone might be able to claim them?
– This is one of the settings for Lots, and was curious if the same functionality were to be extended to rooms
Question: Will the new Mail System support Town Governors and Guild Leaders being able to use their town or guild name as the addressee and deliver a missive to all members of said organization?
– Ideally, the use of this would be something the Governor or Guild Master might be able to control. They should be able to specify if the name can be used as an address only by the leader themself, by any member or resident, or by the public at large.
Please add Player Owned Town Upgrades to the Wheel of Fortune.
Yes please add Discounts for Player Owned Town Upgrades to the Wheel.
Also can’t wait to try the Inn and Rental system when it is completed.
Regarding above Question #2, the new Rental System, yes, I too would like to set doors such that players can rent if I am not in the game and simply pay at the door for the desired number of days. I’d like to see rental payments exempt from the mail fees, so payments could be exempt, go to the bank, or give us another recipe for a Rent Drop-Off box, essentially another mailbox, but only for rent payments. Maybe they pay at the door, but it’s virtual, so we could pick up the money from the box as if they dropped off an envelope there, and no postal fee.
If POT upgrades were added to the wheel, I would likely purchase at least one level. Please add!
Q: Boreas was a great farming zone, since the utility of the zone has been diminished by the puzzle map can we get another good zone in that area?
Q: people love character progression, and thing to work for from a chatacter development perspective, what future plans do you have to continue to deliver this to us? After about 6 months of play I feel like ive hit a wall in that area.
Q: people like cool drops they find al all levels, obviously you cant flood the market with artifacts
People dont get excited about gem frags or pieces of wood as a lucky find. Will there be non crafted gear that we can find with unique properties or something that wr can find and masterwork?
Opps shoulda spell checked that before I submited.. oh well do your best.
Happy Bday!!!!
I like the redesign of Sequanna Colossus zone, very good layout.
Q1: Could we have a “No Sell” flag to apply to our prized possessions so we do accidentally sell them, or a “Buy Back” option.
Q2: It would be nice to have the current game mode (Friends Only Vs Multiplayer) and the Skull level of the current zone displayed on the top with the zone name.
Q3: Will there be any new creature types added to the game before launch?
A few questions regarding inventories.
Q1: Would it be possible to add the ability to LOCK items in your inventory so you don’t accidentally sell them or destroy them (like a quest item). You’d have to unlock it to move it out of your inventory
Q2: Any consideration to adding an option for an “Interact Verification” when opening chests IN TOWNS. This would avoid doing an accidentally “Take All” from your chest or someone else’s chest you have access to, by pressing the “E” key which is very easy to do out of habit? Perhaps the trigger could be based on # of items in the container, or whether the container is owned by another player.
Q3: Any thoughts about having an Inventory peek feature, where you can place a few (1 to 4) inventory items on the screen, which would show you the ongoing status of that item within your inventory (similar to the spell status). This would be helpful when grinding for a particular quantity of an item (I need 100 ore and I hate to keep having to open the Inventroy window to see how many I have).
Thanks for reading these.
And a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Lord British!
Clarification on Q2: The verification would only appear on a “TAKE ALL” interaction with a container.
Wolves, wolves, wolves. This infamous Land of Novia nd Hidden Vale is inundated with wolves. Enter a scene and you’ll find wolves.
Where is the other wildlife? Like bears. Or other kinds of animals.
There are some inb the Vale, but not so much elsewhere. But there is still an overpopulation of wolves and they should be culled.
Q: Does Esteben “SorcerousSteve” Zaldiva like Iron Maiden and can he shred it on his guitar?
Love all the new stuff. I think the Outskirts areas are a great addition for new players.
Still need some ways for crafters to make more gold and Experience besides just mining.
Q1: Can the Immolation Spell get a Dismiss function? It burns so long now and sometimes I just need to Dose the flames.
Q2: The Mail system is great but folders to organize it would make it more useful for keeping a Sales history, unless you are planning on adding some sort of Sales log, every business needs ledgers.
Q3: How has the Seed Invest been going? Are you reaching your goals?
Question: Why are Shoddy Long Bows so effective when held by Skeleton Archers? To have crappy equipment held by NPC’s do so much damage…
Question 1: It should be on the JIRA, but can we please get the option to disable the pop-up compare of our gear to every loot weapon in our inventory or trunk sooner rather than later? It’s even more annoying now that I have to pick through them to decide what to salvage and what to sell.
Question 2: Regarding the new rent system, Greenhouses have doors. Will we be able to rent out a Greenhouse? How would that work for the planter boxes inside? Would the tenant need to provide their own versus using mine?
+1 on Q1.
1. For offline mode, will I be able to buy other pledge wearables like the Duke or Lord of the Manor crowns?
2. Any update for different ammo types for ranged weapons?
Q1: Is there any reason that we cannot use our butterfly rewards in the overworld since we are able to do that with our tamed pets?
Q2: Will we ever have a date and timestamp in the game chat box?
Q3: Is there any way that we can keep our messages in the chat box even when we re-log? I have lost messages that I receive just as I am logging and when they are sent just as I am logging I don’t even get a chance to see who there from or what the message was and also, I like to keep and be able to see chat conversations from previous days.
And btw, thank you so much for the in-game email system!
Ignore Q1 – it seems that I can have my butterfly out in the over world – I swear it didn’t work before. lol
So now here is my replacement question:
Q1: Is it possible to have a global chat channel that connects to all players in the game and not just specific regions?
Q1: Any thought about de-cluttering NPC town entrances of multiple wagons and balloons by having a single object present a list of nested POTs to select from? How about a usage explanation for new players?
Q2: Any thoughts of weather or biomes affecting attunements slightly? I.e: water magic being slightly more powerful during a rainstorm, fire magic more effective in a desert or areas with lava/volcano, etc. How about constellations and non-elemental magics, like chaos/death/life?
Q3: Can we have the radius stats added to the descriptions for healing burst and purify burst? Any chance of dropping the casting time on purify burst, it seems a bit long?
Now that most of the money making drops have been removed, how is easy is it to make money? How do the current money making averages from mob drops compare to previous releases? Has there been a big drop? How much money (per hour) is the average player making (lets say a level 40 or 60 adventuring level)?
Q1: Can Items with Bases (Planting Pots / Hedge Spiral Tree / etc..) have the ability to be placed on top of Columns/Tables/etc. or is the item missing proper programming code that is not allowing this?
Q2: Duke Heads… Any update on this is welcomed!!!
Q3: Duke Walls… If they are to remain up (without option to remove) can they have the ability to place items on it for decorations?
Keep up the great work Team!!!!
Q1 Update: This also applies to the new Add-On “Potted Glowing Mushrooms “.
These also can not be placed on tables/Building Blocks.
1) Can we please get vendor sales back into the log file? Mail is nice but now there’s no way to scrape automatically.
2) I hear Vendor data will be in the API soon, but unless I can access my stats privately it’s not going to help if I don’t want to expose all my data publicly.
3) Can we flag a long term property (over one month remaining, tax free) as static to increase next months framerate?
can we have a way to place tamed creatures as deco pets? that way we can have yard sheep.
1) Does warding work in PVE right now because it does not seem like it does? Not sure if bug or not developed yet.
2) Would it be nice to concentrate on combos and just ditch stacking at this point? Stacking causes more problems than it helps in my opinion.
Question 1: Will there be additional style Inns other than the Wood and Plaster and Viking? If so, could we, or when could we, get a look at them?
Question 2: Will there be any Inns that we can craft?
Question 1: Would love to be able to select a category from the Recipe Vendors where I can only view the recipes from the Category I want i.e. Recipes for Housing or Crafting or Consumables, etc.
Question 2: Would also like to see a filter on the Recipe Vendor to show All, Owned, or Not Owned recipes where I can easily and quickly see which ones I don’t own and need to purchase.
Q1: With the release of Blood River Outskirts, and some updates to low level loot tables (eg, increased gold/weapons/armor), do you consider this your vision for loot tables moving forward?
Q2: Based on game data and how avatars are using buffs, how balanced do you think the new versions are and what additional updates do you anticipate?
Q3: I’ve been happy with finding “craft-like” weapons, bonuses and all, (eg, meteoric iron longsword) within the roving encounter bandit chests. Is there a timetable for when mobs/NPCs will be dropping similar type of crafted weapons?
Q1: Bucklers were recently added to the game. They are not craftable (at least I haven’t found the recipe), enchantable or masterworkable. Will this be added? If so, is there an ETA?
Q2: Thorn wands & staffs don’t give the reductions of a wand or staff; they are more like standard bludgeoning weapons. Is this by design? I really wanted a reward wand that acted like a wand…
Q3: Currently summoned critters HP goes up with the level of the summoning spell. However – it doesn’t look like their attacks or specials increase with level. A level 40 wisp does the same debuff as a level 1 wisp. Is this by design? It would be nice if my level 40 elemental hit for more damage than it did at level 1.
Thanks – Alaric Mondragon.
Q: Is it possible to have headless as a creature in SotA some day?
1) Which dev made the crafted grand piano so we can thank him or her? Is it Bob?
2) Any possibility that more light sources can be added to basements?
3) What do you guys think about creating more outdoor animated decorations for both home and POT?
Happy Birthday my Liege, I pledge my allegiance to you and all the world you govern. My first question concerns those worlds.
Q1: When the Seedinvest is successful and you are adding games to the publishing can we PLEASE add “Tabula Rasa”?
Q2: Can we make more place able items in POT usable by residents? I would love to be able to setup things like the remote bank device, training dummies, chest, and moon dials for residents of my town to use. Same way they can use the crafting stations now.
Q3: Not really a question but I echo the need for a mail drop for renting rooms or maybe a concierge to handle the taking of money. This would help when I am “adventuring” in other lands.
I’m wanting to develop a player created quest system.
A tool that I’d love to see ingame is a ten sided dice.
A basic 1 to 10 random number generator slash command would suffice, with hope of an animated ingame dice later.
Is this possible?
Q1: Are all of the towns with runic overworld nameplates (NPC towns) part of one of the main “Story Paths” (Truth, Courage, Love, Oracle) or are some just big towns?
Q2: Could we get the ability, when you place a house on a lot, to mirror the house left to right to allow houses to fit in the town better?
Q3: Do you have an ETA on getting the player/public vendor transactions
(I think that they are known as “Auctions”) into the Public Stats API?
Happy Birthday to our Lord British! Your birth is the reason we are all here!
Q1: The Summer Telethon said “Part 1”. Is there a part 2?
Q2: Shutters. *shudder* Can we please make them toggle so if we want them open they will stay open? My OCD is going nuts (but thanks for fixing the lamps so they stay on!!!)
Q4: Will the secret doors and stairs in the Gothic mansion have permissions for rent purposes?
Q1: What about selling some of the emotes from old telethons for $5 each? I think it’s a great way to generate more money, especially since the work is already done. People who donate $5 during the telethon get whatever emotes there were and all the items while new people coming in that still want some of those emotes have to pay $5 each per emote and no items. So still makes it worth donating during the telethons. (Not including rare emotes like the DarkStarr or LB emotes.)
Q1: Will we see barbers in the game allowing us to change our appearance? Or maybe a magic mirror?
Q2: Great job on the mail system! Will we see a “sent mail” tab in our mailboxes in the future?
Please: for all the next telethons, give us the time with an easy recognisable city, like 3pm Houston (10pm Berlin, ). I am always searching wikipedia to find out what the hell CT is meant to stand for. I think a lot of us miss out on the telethons because of that.
Great idea, will do Silberfarn!
I have a small problem with the Daily Exp login for each day, Is it to grant me the 10k Exp upon Logging in the game each day or after a few hours after I logged in??
Reason im asking is that after I log into another account, it takes an hour to two hours to get the Extra Experience; So don’t know if that’s a bug or not.
@Chris Does CaravaggiosWolf have any new paintings for sale? Nudge. Nudge.
In answer to GreyMouser’s question earlier, it was stated that the “warding” is working in PvE. Please explain how it works. For example if I have a total of +50 Fire Resistance from enchanted items my character is wearing, what does that mean to a attack by a wizard using fire?
I have been wondering. Do we have any news on Coat of Arms items ingame?
QUESTION: Will there ever be more spell scrolls added to the game with the current spells system and perhaps new & unique magic and/or ancient spells (similar in nature to old UO spells). They would certainly add to the loot system and could perhaps have special rules & uses, like: Only can cast these from scrolls (not learnable), can be used to add special enhancements to gear items, maybe even particle effects, etc.
Question: How about a Key to show the English item/location name when playing with another language?