** $110,000 **
Telethon Funds Raised
Telethon Stretch Goal Rewards:
- ACHIEVED! $10K: /mosh (The ultimate chaotic dance!)
- ACHIEVED! $25K: Darkstarr Morningstar
- ACHIEVED! $35K: Darkstarr Pavers: pavers with Darkstarr symbol
- ACHIEVED! $50K: Darkstarr Throne
- ACHIEVED! $65K: Darkstarr Clocktower (Darkstarr loves watches!)
- ACHIEVED! $80K: Darkstarr Black Chain Armor: Special chain version of the custom armor in the Darkstarr Concept painting
- ACHIEVED! $90K: Darkstarr Coronated Chain Helm and Darkstarr Crossbow
- ACHIEVED! $100K: Darkstarr Symbol shaped Shield, Darkstarr 1h Spear, and Darkstarr Dagger
- ACHIEVED! $110K: 2h Darkstarr Black Flame Sword and Darkstarr Staff
- $125K: Darkstarr Statue
The R51 Postmortem Telethon is today! Starr’s birthday is also coming up (March 12), so we’re celebrating with some Darkstarr themed stretch goals! We are also expiring a bunch of items with major changes to the store immediately after the telethon including changes to crown pricing, bundle pricing, and available inventory. See the forum announcement on the details.
Telethons are livestreamed on Twitch and include answers to your gameplay questions, world building tours, prize giveaways, sales on items, and more! Here is the schedule:
- 3PM: Introductions and Postmortem Q&A
- 3:45PM: Deep Dive 1: Combat
- 4:30PM: World Building Tour: New Scenes & Side Quests
- 5:30PM: Deep Dive 2: Physical Goods
- 6:15PM: Postmortem Q&A Continues
- 7PM: Ending Announcements
- Main Expirations:
- Seasonal Recurring:
STRETCH GOALS (Darkstarr Themed!)
As a special bonus, we are offering funding rewards to any backer that pledges a minimum of $5 for twelve hours during the day of the telethon, on March 2 from 12:00 PM to 11:59 PM CT (Spending Store Credit to make $5 minimum purchase does not apply) .
NOTE: While the livestream ends at 7pm CT, everyone will have until 11:59 PM CT to spend $5 to get the stretch goals. We will announce the final total on the following day.
- $10K: /mosh (The ultimate chaotic dance!)
- $25K: Darkstarr Morningstar
- $35K: Darkstarr Pavers: pavers with Darkstarr symbol
- $50K: Darkstarr Throne
- $65K: Darkstarr Clocktower (Darkstarr loves watches!)
- $80K: Darkstarr Black Chain Armor: Special chain version of the custom armor in the Darkstarr Concept painting
- $90K: Darkstarr Coronated Chain Helm and Darkstarr Crossbow
- $100K: Darkstarr Symbol shaped shield, Darkstarr 1h Spear, and Darkstarr Dagger
- $110K: 2h Darkstarr Black Flame Sword and Darkstarr Staff
- $125K: Darkstarr Statue
*Please keep in mind that stretch goal rewards take time to develop and will most likely not be available in-game until Release 53 at the earliest. We will keep you updated!
For every $2,500 donated, all devs on camera have to dance, sing, or perform some other act of amazement.
Additionally, we will be spinning the Wheel of Fortune! The wheel will have 12 different categories of sales plus the Lord British and Darkstarr wildcards where they get to choose any category! Each time a category comes up it will go on sale at approx. 20% off for 1 hour.
- Viking Bundles
- Obsidian Bundles
- Kobold Bundles
- Elven Bundles
- Shogun Bundles
- Make a Difference
- Home Decorations
- Outdoor Decorations
- POT Upgrades, Homes and Basements
- Pets and Music
- Emotes and Fireworks
- Dyes, and Patterns
- In-game items!
- Bank Upgrades
- RelicsbyRild.com merchandise
- and a bunch of items we will announce on the livestream!
We will be giving prizes away on an hourly basis with many being given away multiple times. If you wish to win prizes during the event, be in Discord chat! We will be active on Twitch and YouTube chats as well, but they will not be our portal for prize giveaways.
We will be answering questions throughout the livestream, so submit them in the comments section below or on Discord chat during the event.
Please do NOT post questions containing:
- More than 3 questions in total
- Bugs or other problems best posted in the bug forums
- “When is this coming” or anything related to schedule (for those answers please refer to our quarterly updates or our post release plans)
- Questions with more than a couple of sentences. Please keep them brief! We will likely understand the context of your interest, so just ask the question and we’ll be able to respond.
For bug reports and extra idea suggestions, please use the forums for this purpose.
A Final Thought: We see a LOT of repeat questions and requests. Please consider reading one of the other missed question posts, watching one of the previous post mortems, reading one of the post mortem transcripts, and/or reading our Post Episode 1 plan post before posting a question. Your question might have already been answered.
Keep an eye on @ShroudofAvatar for updates before, during, and after the livestream. See you on Twitch at 3:00 PM CT on March 2!
I would like to suggest a single row 2,5, and 10 spot planting beds. I would use this for lot borders and plant roses or trees around my lot for decoration or privacy. I could use planting pot or barrels but a nice lined row starting at ground level would look better.
I second this question.
Questions in regards to the excellent SOTA API:
Is there any way, or are there plans, to more easily map the archaic item Archetypes that are visible in the item related API calls (like when you query what items were sold to NPC vendors) to the actual in-game item? As it stands, there are a lot of archetypes that are not readily mappable by just looking at the name (like “…/Rug01”).
Are there plans to add an event type in the API to make player listing items on a Vendor (like a commission free vendor, or a public vendor) visible/query-able? (My particular purpose for this would be to provide costing of crafted items (by average price) if someone wanted to buy components from vendors).
I’m also interested in a list of in-game names to API names, for items, scenes, etc. I’m hoping that I can use this to create forwarding entries on SotAwiki.
I’d love it if player vendors were available, even if they are delayed by ~24 hours so you can’t get a “live” view. The same sort of events (Added to Vendor, Sold from Vendor, etc) would be great.
In regards to #1, I’ve been mapping the archetypes manually. Some of the archetypes are not too bad (like the foods). But there are a LOT of items that I scratch my head on. So far, I’ve mapped about 33.6% of the archetypes to actual in-game items. But weapons and armor especially, those probably won’t be mapped under my manual system.
I’d even be happy with just a delayed “Sold from vendor” and forgo the “added to vendor.” For the stats I’m interested in, “Sold from” is pretty much equally useful.
When will Esteben finally be allowed to update the Brit Fields map ^^?
Hey, like Brittany Fields! It’s so pleasant. An update or four ago, I got new NPC neighbors (Abigael and Little Abby). She talks to herself, and Little Abby insults me. We fight over the cotton there, but they’re mostly nice.
LOL yeah those two kinda catched me by surprise as well.
But BF has a under construction sign. So I guess there is still more to do
Question 1: When the add-on store changes go into effect, will the Coto Vendors in the game still be listed on the website with what they carry?
Question 2: If the Coto Vendors will still be listed on the website, will they get updated to accurately reflect what they carry? (It is not up to date as of the writing of this question on February 15th.)
Will we ever see a one world system???, instead of loading screens between novia and the hidden vale…
No. The game was architected as instanced… This is the tech that allows the insertion/deletion/modification of individual scenes easily, makes instancing of individual scenes possible, and makes it possible for there to only be One server.
It is also a callback to the Original Ultima games which had an overland travel map, and adventure scenes.
Hello, I understand the individual scenes, all I’m saying is, it would be nice to have no loading between novia and the hidden vale…
OK, I did a search as commanded and couldn’t find this one:
When can we expect to be able to drop broke quests from our Journal? Not just hide them, but drop them once their done. I have the Witch quest which gave me the anti-virtue painting, but the journal keeps telling to go back to talk to the witch, and the witch tells me the quest is done.
I think this problem is so pervasive that it’s not bug reported and we all hope that a major overhaul of the journal will fix it. I hope that doesn’t mean that the devs are unaware of the issue.
I agree that dead quests should be removed, and I think it could be done via a special database maintenance script that does something like this database query: “If character has a shroud of the avatar cloak, remove all subquests that appear to be incomplete.”
Agree here …. I have quests that I have finished, and they are still in my quest book… Would really love the DELETE option from the quest menu …. I have no intentions on redoing the quests, so a quest wipe is not the answer for me and many others who do not plan on redoing them.
… Also would be nice if we could have the quest book sort the quests by what zone they come from … all quest from Ardoris for example would be listed under “Ardoris” etc would make finding them much easier… Thank you
+ + + + + + + + + + + + 100% + + + + + + + + + + + +
Q1: Will POT owners be able to place pets in the streets of their towns (and forested areas)?
Q2: Can all monies made on telethon days be added to the pool for the stretch goals?
Q3: Not a Question. Thank-you for creating great stretch goals for this telethon!
Cypher Black
I can understand the need to not be able to gain skill from wooden scraps under batching materials but couldn’t we be allowed to increase the batch size with the skill we have already earned. It makes sense to get no gain from a simple thing like scraps or leather straps but being able to increase the batch size as your skills go up would be a huge help.
Q1: Seeing some pets have dance can Mimic Pet have ability for Scare? ie. he sits looking like a chest soon as anyone stands in front it jumps out with a sound
Q2: Could POT owners be given the ability to move the transports (teleport) boats around? Would be nice to be able to pick which docks to have them at and or places.
Q3: For Town NPC’s some currently will go sit at benches, can we have NPC’s run around at night and day turning on/off street lights?
Q1: To prevent large amount of decay upon death, several players are recommending that skills be set to maintain at 80. While this gives you a fair amount of skill, it creates a large pool of xp that only functions to absorb death penalties. Would you consider adding functonality for spending xp into alternative methods of advancement (like I mention here: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?posts/946105/)?
Q2: Would you consider the ability to rework an item to replace materials, rather than making players go through the entire item creation/masterwork/enchanting process every time a new component is found (like I suggest here: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?threads/reworking-items.109923/)?
Q3: When shipping physical goods, how will the boxes be packaged? Nearly all of the Kickstarter-type projects I’ve backed have box damage due to shipping. The only ones that haven’t were double-packed in styrofoam (expensive), or shipped flat between cardboard with the contents outside the “box”.
Q1: Could you please explain how resistances vs. magic now work in R51? Does attunement count in, or only the resistance passives, potions etc.?
Q1: Will we get serious animation update and when?
Q2: Any plans to rework design/style of equipment, UI and landscape “structure”(especially in location with 1-2 high lvl of landscape)?
Update to what animations? It’s not clear what you mean.
We don’t have many “rustic” style large houses, simple halls (large single room), or large craftable houses.
1: Can we get some more rustic styles houses?
2: Can we get a town and city sized versions of the Log Cabin and other large single room houses?
3: Can we get at least 1 of each style and size of house that is craftable?
Can we get the option to be able to move around our windows, IE. names, icons, ect. With new screen tech coming out, like OLED screens, to help prevent Burn-in? I use OLED screen myself to play SOTA.
Could we get the ability to hide our helm? I really like seeing my characters hair and face. And I really hate the helmet hair!
This has been answered in the past. They’ve considered implementing this, but it would not work if you’re flagged for PvP. Other matters have been more pressing. I’m sure there is a JIRA Ticket on it.
The problem has always been having invisible armor. If you hide your helm you could effectively hide a strong piece of equipment from PVP. My Idea was to have it just like real world. If you take your helmet off you are forced to carry it in your hands. You would be able yo see your head and others would be able to see your helm in your hand. It would have to have some action to re-equip your helm before being attacked.
or.. it could still be counted in your character sheet but have a “Hidden” beside the item. I prefer the real world version but either one solved the problem.
I think the intent here is only to hide it from yourself, not everyone else. It would only be “invisible armor” for yourself.
Greetings @Elwyn, The comments I have seen were for others to be able to see your face. Although some users may be that vain.
+100 been asking for this for eons ….. every game i have played had this option, sure hope we get it here…. and I really don’t see how not wearing a helm in pvp would make it hard to identify what a char is…. the rest of his/her armor would tell that lol …
I just noticed I share a birthday with the great Darkstarr on the 12th! Happy Birthday! I got summoned for jury duty on mine, how about that for luck?
Couple questions/suggestions.
Q1: Any chance we could have a POT upgrade option to have our nested pots listed on menu the lot it’s nested in so we can go right to it? Not asking for it for free out of respect for the overworld POT owners. But if we could pay a small fee to have it listed, I think a lot of us would heavily consider it.
Q2: Down the road could we get a couple campsite lighting options? Like a bonfire with wood stacked on it, and a spit or cauldron over a fire?
Looking forward to the release! Great stretch goal items!
On Q1… What then would be the difference between the Overworld POT and the nested one?
An Overworld POT can literally be placed just about anywhere on the map and also always in plain sight for anyone to see as they run past. And will always be more desirable to anyone looking to populate their town or run a market.
Nested POTs are still limited to being tied to NPC towns or require permission from other POT owners to nest in. A list in the town the POT is nested in would still have to be looked for and more than likely overlooked by the majority until they learn it’s there.
Question: Many in our guild have noticed a *significant* drop in the amount of beetle carapace we get when we are out in the wild. Instead, we seem to be getting a lot more Black Cutworm. Is this intentional? This is a huge issue for crafters.
I have not noticed a difference. I still get a lot of beetles. perhaps its the scenes you are in.
Hi xee… any tips or even locations on where to get Beetle Carapaces? Thank you…
As we know, Beetle Carapace is … a kind of artifact – very rare … If we compare it with the possibility to gain suet …
+100% Raven Swiftbow
Question: The Lost Vale is looking amazing and I love the idea of new challenging group content. Are there any plans of possibly having some new artifacts or components exclusive to the Lost Vale? If not, what are your thoughts on having some?
Q1: last year, I noticed that our avatar’s heads would track the movement of the mouse. And example would be if I used my mouse to point my camera up into the sky, my avatar’s head would look up into the sky. I loved this feature. A few months ago, I noticed this isn’t happening any more. Are there plans to add that back in?
Can we see the percent chance to salavage a non-eternal pattern? New players may not even be aware that this is possible.
It seems most (all?) of the quest events are triggered by talking to an NPC and/or giving them an item. Does the tech exist to involve other systems like mail or emotes e.g. you receive a mysterious letter for help, you learn the secret emote/ritual that opens a secret door, you put on the uniform which lets you walk among the bandits unharmed, you acquire a recipe and teach an NPC how to craft something etc.?
We still get cure plague potions on drops but I haven’t gotten the plague from a zombies in a really long time. Are there any plans to add plague back maybe in a high level zombie areas?
The game open skills 200 ceiling, but the designers do not want you to achieve this goal, so the use of DECAY harsh penalties to punish any skilled players, in fact, is equivalent to encourage players as farmers, has been repeated every day at a relatively low Map to earn experience, we do not refuse to die, only afraid of DECAY, designers carefully designed scenes, most of the players do not want to go to adventure, at most will only go to the end of the task completely.
Q1. Do you think DECAY really helps game development? Is it really engaging new players?
Q2. How can I test the effectiveness of my skills with 200 levels you can not play on the game?
Q3. Some of the tested sites tried to design the total number of UO skills above the limit of 720, and the characters changed even more, without compromising the balance of the game. In addition, as long as the testers upgrade the ability of monsters, the game is still full of challenges. But SOTA insisted on choosing DECAY to punish players?
Do you realize that reaching level 200 on most skills would take at least 5 years if you worked on it 7/24/365 at 1M/hour? And that the other skills take up to 12 times that much? Also, the effectiveness of extra levels of most skills declines in addition to taking much more XP.
Also, I encourage you to see what your actual decay is, rather than having fear based on a wild guess. The next time you die, press K, notice what your pool is, then see what it is after you resurrect. (The decay isn’t applied until you resurrect.) With 3 non-crafting GMs, my first decay costs just over 16K. Decay is designed to hit the people with absurd numbers of GMs the most. I have seen at least one person with over 100 GMs. If you limit yourself to just a few GMs and beyond (you know, like in UO?), decay will be much less of a problem.
Player Owned Towns: (POT)
Question #1 In Player owned towns, when you click the sign to fast travel to another area of the town your options are, Side Dock 1, Side Dock 2, ect. Could you allow Governors the ability to rename the docks locations on the sign?
Question 2. Player owned towns, I know that increasing deco limits has been talked about in the past. But what about adding NPC buildings? Can we get an increase in the number of NPC buildings? The current limit, even in a metropolis, makes it difficult to really decorate a P.O.T. Devotionals take up NPC Building spots.
Question #3 Any plans to add new POT Deco and buildings to the add-on store and if so when?
Any plans to add grid view for inventory since bag mode is gone and update overall visuals of User Interface for launch?
+1 That was gonna be my question, any plans for a super secret Surprise Attack UI refresh for r52?
(A new dialogue interface would be great too!)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + 100% + + + + + + + + + + + +
2) As the new website is being developed, are we getting a revamp on the forms as well? If so, could we please have an option to flip it to light background with dark text?
Hi Rhiannon, yes!! And… maybe on the light/dark theme, that’s a good question. I’ll ask our web team :).
Thanks Berek! That white text on black background kills my eyes. When I look up from the screen, I can still see the images for a while. I know lots of folks like it this way but it would be great to have an option.
I made custom user CSS for a black on grey theme which is so much better. (except when people color their text) But the forum CSS is so complicated that I never could figure out how to change the color on the message entry field. Also, Discord’s color schemes are a disaster for those of us who don’t have 20-year-old eyes. Their dark grey on light grey is less bad than the default, but still bad, and I don’t think Port can do anything about that.
User selectable color on pages is a great idea. Some setting are better for low light conditions. Until this gets changed you can toggle the high contrast mode to see if it helps. On windows it is Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen. On the Mac it is Command + Option + F5.
Q1. Can Recipes be stacked like a Pattern ,food or bedroll etc….?
Q2. Players can only swim now, can not dive, and can not be like UO general sailing, so the route will be very simple, can run other than outside the function?
Q3. Q3. Can a player change the position of a door or window, or even change the color of the look? This will make everyone’s home look more personal. Moreover, it is also very much hoped to go straight into the basement, the system can be done, just add some restrictions will allow players to choose.
Q1 – Since the R50 damage smoothing, stacking glyphs and attacks from behind are no longer quite as useful, since they seem to be smoothed/normalized by this – perhaps there can be some adjustment?
Q2 – The Escape skill is still not helpful for damage dealers during big fights like dragons – Amy thoughts on making this more useful ?
Q3 – it’s been mentioned before but perhaps increase buff duration from stacking(not power), and a reminder to implement /? and /help for the chat window before release (Lord British endorsed)
Would it be possible that a person moving their property and belongings to another town simply pay the bank in the original town a fee to have the items shipped to a bank in another town instead of making many trips across Novia?
Hi Proteus, you can do that via magic movers already.
1) Can you please show a “Taxes Past Due” indicator, similar to the “Damaged Armor”, “Damaged Weapon”, “Damaged Tool”, “Low Ammo” icons. That way hopefully people will pay their property taxes before losing their lot.
2) If your lot gets unclaimed due to taxes past due – can the lot contents (House + items) be put into the Magic Mover (Property Manager), instead of going to the bank. This would save a lot of re-decoing.
3) The Bone Armor recipe currently only uses cotton thread. Can you adjust that to accept any type of thread (carapacian, fustian, etc.) – to allow more combinations for crafting?
On 1… Email notifications would also be a good idea.
On 2… I believe this is the plan already.
ok question I am a tamer as my main skill like many other tamers, I would like to know is something gonna be done with this skill base to make it worth while before release or was this skill never tended to be used for anything significant?
Hi all, I’m loving R51. Specializations are amazing as are the vendor customizations.
1) Can we please use alphanumeric characters to name player vendors and containers?
2) Can we please have an artifact that buffs enchanting like all the masterwork skills have (e.g. maple band, wayland loop, thimble of evelyn)? Currently the only artifact for the alchemy tree (ring of crysopoeia) buffs the base alchemy skill which isn’t used in enchanting.
3) Can masterwork and enchant please get a pass to incorporate specialization? I know Atos would have fun with it
On 1… I would appreciate a bit more flexibility… comma… ampersand… perhaps a few more punctuation marks… I can appreciate the reasons for not having them, though… People using many non-alpha characters to make their vendor name stand out, etc.
Q1: Will dexterity get any more love in terms of skills or weapons based on dexterity? We want dex based healing like bandages
Q2: Kor pointed out that high crit rate becomes less effective the higher it is. Can we change that a little so leather armor becomes more viable to use?
Q3: Could we get more masterworks for leather armor that increase crit chance, rate etc. for Archers or physical dmg dealers in general?
Q2: What do you mean Crit rate becomes less Effective the higher it is? just asking as I use spell crit and been stacking more into it to get more dmg. cheers.
Q – Can you please make it so that the house and decorations from a water keep or water castle lot that uses the optional land can be moved using the Property Manager to a non water lot? Keep in mind that the house is already a non-water home.
I would love this if we could. I have a water keep and really want to move it to a new town on land but decorating it again would be a nightmare lol.
Did my other question get deleted without a reason provided?
Can you restate it here please?
Q – Can you please make it so that vendors charge their commission when the items are sold. This would allow users to take down their vendors and apply a pattern without losing their fee. I know that you all have started that you don’t want people using their vendors as storage but why would this even matter? How many NPCs vs how many containers does a person get? If someone really really wants to use their vendor for storage then I say do it.
Without getting into debates about the validity of the argument or the reasons it might be invalid… the argument against this has always been that Vendors would then be used for Storage.
1) For Chris. Any chance to see “dropable items” (like bags) feature for this year? droped items for a limited time (like a few hours) would give so many great possibilities to the game.
2) I found some world items has been removed, an example; there was a lootable lute in Nightshade Pass for years, not anymore. Any design/tech reason for this? one of the most unique features of this game is the interaction with the world items (not many MMOs have this) and definitely the game needs more of this, not less.
3) For Bzus. Any plans to fix the carpentry masterworking skill trees? bludgeons has 4 type of weapons (staffs, wands, hammers and axes), while others only two. A new tree for wands/staffs is needed for the economy/crafting balance.
Rada Torment
Rada, I don’t want to see one for wands / staffs unless they allow me to move all my points to it. I specifically make those items and have spent all my time working on the tree.
for Q2 wish all items out there could be stolen or taken
even if it means long timers lol,
Sorry Xee but you have an advantage nobody has, so they need to move out the bludgeon mw or every crafter (my included) will level this one just to cover all the market (4 weapons for same tree is too much.
Ummm I think that lute is still there and lootable. Maybe someone had already picked it up?
1: With recent performance improvements, will you classify pets as non-NPCs so you can place them on a property and not count towards the NPC lot limit?
2: Moving Unity engine versions increased performance considerably for Windows, but admittedly, there’s still more work to be done. Quantifying your performance improvements, how much further away from your goal do you feel and is that achievable before launch?
3: If Darkstarr had to pick a cake to rival the Lord British Birthday Cake, what kind of cake would it be?
1. Will the flying dragon, as seen in the original Kickstarter promo vid, make it into the game for Episode 1 or ever? Please tell me it hasn’t been forgotten!
OFFLINE mode: Can we please claim our rewards on multiple different saved game files? I have many offline saved games files for different “classes” of characters that I want to play and have my pledge items with all of them.
That sounds like a Dup-Bug…
Dup-bug? You are going to share the pledge rewards with yourself? Offline mode allows multiple characters who are seperate from each other. LImiting the offline mode to just one save character is not a good thing as everything is available in offline mode anyway.
Since we have clocks in game, any plans to add a portable device to tell time like a pocket watch..err..i mean a kobold chronometer.
I have recipes to create gold ingots from gold scraps, and silver ingots from silver scraps. But i’ve never seen a gold scrap or silver scrap in the game. Where can i find them?
R51 was supposed to have the MiniMap for Linux users. However this was cancelled because of other work. When can Linux users expect to see this completed now? Seriously, we’ve been waiting many months already.
Once the tech is in game to put names on tombstones is it going to be “Set in Stone”? Will there be a way to rename the tombstone? Or better yet buy more tombstones with customer names to place in your graveyard or a POT graveyard?
If I buy someones account am I stuck with a tombstone of someone I don’t know?
Question The virtue gear we get from the quest lines since we are able to do them only once can we get them with salvageable eternal patterns?
Would love this
Sure would love this too
+ + + + + + + + + + + + 100% + + + + + + + + + + + +
1. can the now whimpy sounding wolves be made to howl like a real wolf ? they sound like puppies with asthma instead of attacking wolves . 2. will you ever go back to having 8 hr telethons after a new release and could they be scheduled for the weekend when players have time to attend more freely .
Agree about the wolves. Sound like a kicked puppy when they die.
Q: What is up with that big new rock in the sky?
Are there any plans or details on the physics system in SOTA being expanded upon?
Also, when will the wild boar meat recipe appear in game?
Hi Darkstarr and awesome Devs!
I understand there are animations to consider, however it would be nice to place one of these lovely copper pots on the stove
May we please deco the crafting stations, within reason?
Thank you!
Can you elaborate how the add-on store will change?
I mean the the idea that each month/weeks will be a different theme viking , elven …
(personally I suggest 2 weeks for each phase)
Are there still plans to upgrade the Daemon and add Control Daemon in the Chaos tree to help make the it more worthwhile?
When will a slot appear for my pipe…you guys put smoking in the game but I should have to disarm to do it…I should be able to fight and slaughter at will with me pipe in me teeth… Arrrr!!!!
Yes, this would be nice and also a holder for my bierkrug!
Can you please think again about adding narrative text? Most SP Ultima fans would love it. More about it in this thread https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?threads/feedback-narrative-text-and-storytelling.111503/
Please! This added so much to the Ultima 7 dialogue, which just can’t be replicated with in-game animations. Facial cues, finger twitching, voice inflection (unless you plan to add voice acting!), etc.
Question: Would Lords British and Darkstarr care to comment on the incoming asteroid heading towards Novia? Should we be worried? Are the Obsidians behind this? Will this affect the ore futures market?
How many towns will get catacombs/sewers?
QUESTION: (specifically related to the online maps) Is there any plan to add a feature allowing us to link to a specific location on “https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/map/”? I’d love to be able to pass something like “x=21.4,y=53.1,z=-1.32” and have it load up the map with a marker, and maybe let me pass in a name.
Question 1: Is it possible to see later new skills or spells which requires getting the mastery to a certain level like learning new skills?
Question 2: Is there possible to see in future an obsidian version of the Two Handed weapons and/or the chain mail armor?
Question 3: Do you have plans to input new metals alloys like Meteoric Iron or Constantan?
1. What are the top 3 POT template choices in use?
2. Who are the top 10 avatars to lead in visiting town criers for the $100
3. Can’t we get a Bass Mimic that only attacks @Winfield?
Question 1: Are we going live with current NPC/ Guard SFX? They really need some love.
Question 2: Any chance a non-magic healing type (i.e. Bandages) will make it in before launch?
Question 3: When will be seeing more heavy armor patterns?
When will the shipping of the items start and where will you ship first?
Q: You removed the beautiful large trees with the hanging pods from Aerie. Aerie is surrounded by swampland, so if those are swamp trees, there was no reason to remove them. The town is far less beautiful without them. There is one particular spot that desperately needs its tree back. It is the crossroads corner diagonally across from the Oracle’s entrance where the bridge is. Can this corner have its tree back, please? It used to be the most beautiful spot in town and now it is bleak and bare.
Q1: Is there any chance to get a pattern removal item? (i.e. dye remover but for patterns)
Q2: Is there any plans to get a skill to make special components slightly easier to get?
Q3: Chris talked about a reroll chance for masterworked and enchanted items,is this still on the table?
Thanks all for your postmortem questions! We have taken them and will answer as many as we can on the livestream today. You can also ask questions on our Discord channel during the livestream:
what explains the increase in meteorites and what are my chances of being killed by one? (what an honor that would be!)