** $80,000 **
Telethon Funds Raised
All Avatars from around the world in all territories are welcomed to join us in the livestream activities. We will be doing deep dives, answering questions, having sales, handing out prizes, and tracking towards stretch goals! In honor of the new Quel Shardfall and the unleashing of the new Obsidian Lich, our stretch goals for the R52 postmortem are Obsidian themed!
Monthly livestreams are on Twitch and include answers to your gameplay questions, world building tours, prize giveaways, sales on items, and more! Here is the schedule:
- 3PM: Introductions and Q&A
- 3:45PM: Deep Dive 1: Combat
- 4:30PM: World Building Tour: New Scenes
- 5:30PM: Deep Dive 2: Story
- 6:15PM: Q&A Continues
- 7PM: Ending Announcements
STRETCH GOALS (Obsidian Themed!)
As a special bonus, we are offering funding rewards to any player that makes a minimum purchase of $5 during a twelve hour window during the day of the livestream, on April 6 from 12:00 PM to 11:59 PM CT (Spending Store Credit to make $5 minimum purchase does not apply) .
NOTE: While the livestream ends at 7pm CT, everyone will have until 11:59 PM CT to spend $5 to get the stretch goals. We will announce the final total on the following day.
- $10K: /evileye
- $25K: Interior sized Obsidian Obelisk
- $35K: Obsidian Pavers
- $50K: Obsidian Throne
- $65K: Obsidian Wizard Robes
- $80K: Obsidian Plate Armor
*Please keep in mind that stretch goal rewards take time to develop and will most likely not be available in-game until Release 54 at the earliest. We will keep you updated!
For every $2,500 contributed, all devs on camera have to dance, sing, or perform some other act of amazement.
Additionally, we will be having flash sales during the livestream randomly chosen by the devs from 12 different categories! Each time a category comes up it will go on sale at approx. 20% off for 1 hour.
- Viking Bundles
- Obsidian Bundles
- Kobold Bundles
- Elven Bundles
- Shogun Bundles
- Make a Difference
- Home Decorations
- Outdoor Decorations
- POT Upgrades, Homes and Basements
- Pets and Music
- Emotes and Fireworks
- Dyes, and Patterns
- In-game items!
- Bank Upgrades
- RelicsbyRild.com merchandise
- and a bunch of items we will announce on the livestream!
We will be giving prizes away on an hourly basis with many being given away multiple times. If you wish to win prizes during the event, be in Discord chat! We will be active on Twitch and YouTube chats as well, but they will not be our portal for prize giveaways.
We will be answering questions throughout the livestream, so submit them in the comments section below or on Discord chat during the event.
Please do NOT post questions containing:
- More than 3 questions in total (post all three in a single reply)
- Bugs or other problems best posted in the bug forums
- “When is this coming” or anything related to schedule (for those answers please refer to our quarterly updates or our post release plans)
- Questions with more than a couple of sentences. Please keep them brief! We will likely understand the context of your interest, so just ask the question and we’ll be able to respond.
For bug reports and extra idea suggestions, please use the forums for this purpose.
A Final Thought: We see a LOT of repeat questions. Please consider reviewing one of the other missed question posts, previous monthly livestreams, livestream transcripts, and/or reading our Post Episode 1 plan post before posting a question. Your question might have already been answered.
Watch @ShroudofAvatar updates throughout the day of the livestream. See you on Twitch!
Congratulations to the entire Portalarium team for a phenomenal release!
1) Can we get Atos to sing or read a poem at the R52 livestream in his best falsetto?
2) Can we please have additional craftable bleacher sizes/shapes, similar to walls and pavers, including short, medium, long, corner, endcap, left, right, and wedge? This will enable POT owners to create 360 degree arenas. Something similar to what was done in R52 for Northwood.
I would love to have stone bleachers available. I might even support an “Ornate” set in the Add-On Store and Obsidian Merchants.
My 3rd question:
3) Now that heraldry is ingame, can you please put a rush on the mannequins for displaying armor? I have several sets of armor to display and it looks, well, not very good on wall shelves. Thanks!
Congratulations to all Portalarium staff, I am looking forward to this day.
Thanks Lendarius!
1. Can we get an emote only hotbar with hotkey option to turn it on off? Holds 10-20 emotes.
2. Can we get the twice promised and twice forgotten champ spawn added to the Crag Foothills? (All tier 5’s were supposed to get these)
3. Can we get POT tree removers that are larger than 32×32? I personally would like one that covers the entire POT to take down all trees and grass. Thanks!
Q1 any chance for dex based weaponry, that makes melee or ranged skills deal more damage with higher dex instead of str?
Q2 any chance some form of justice system can make it to the game? Bounty hunter rewards and perks and also perks for evil players of any form?
Q3 the new blessings combined with the already implemented places that require a specific virtue alignment to acesss… any chance we could get blessings that require a certain alignment to access it or change according to your alignment?
1) Will European/Travian players be able to participate in the funding/flash sales/prizes?
Question 1: Will Heraldic Banners be dyeable soon?
Question 2: Will we be able to apply Approved Devices to multiple items of the same type (Banners, Shields) or are we limited to the Patterns and Eternal Patterns that we have currently?
Question 3: Might we be able to copy Heraldic Patterns somehow, say perhaps with a Magic Printing Press, to make applying Heraldry to multiple copies of the same Heraldic Items possible?
Perhaps you could spend a few minutes in the Livestream to talk about the Heraldry System, how it’s intended to work, and what the future plans for it are.
We also received 5 patterns for each of the armor pieces of Heraldry. Why not 5 for each of the banners also? A bit frustrating having only 2 banners.
UI questions,
1) Can we get a lock on the combat bar? there have been times (when in a pinch) I use the mouse on the combat bar and if I move it when stacking a locked glyph, I loose the stacking and sometimes move the glyph to a new location. It would be nice to be able to have a switch to lock them so you only edit them in edit mode.
2) Can the group list of players including your self be unlocked so we can move it around the screen. I would like to pull that list into a better viewing location so I can see who needs what while staying in the fight visually.
PVP / More crafting opportunities question,
1) The PVP zones are mostly just used for the quests and those that like to grief players that do not pvp but like to quest. I would recommend adding a bit more depth. You have the chaos pollen that can be collected but the poison is not in that high of demand to make farming it a larger thing. How about adding some more PVP based weapons. By that I mean ones that go more in line with the chaos magic school. Have the chaos pollen also be used for creating chaos ingots. This could then be used for an interesting collection of armor for chaos defense and chaos metal and maybe wood for weapon stuff?
Are bundles going to be able to be purchased with COTOS and can you upgrade Bundles with COTOS?
So the final totals for the stretch goals will run to midnight again and not end at the end of the telethon like last time? That’s good news.
Oh, and congrats on launching! Things look pretty great!
Unless things have changed, that would be incorrect, Armaden… The Total for the purposes of achieving stretch goals has traditionally been from the beginning of the Postmortem through the end of the Telecast.
People can qualify to Receive whatever stretch goals are achieved by making a purchase any time from Noon to Midnight New Britannian Time (Currently Central Daylight Time), but only purchases made either before or after the broadcast do Not contribute to the Stretch Goal total.
I not sure that has always been the case. Earlier telethons didn’t post the achieved total until the next business day. I missed a few since 46 and looking back I can’t find where they state it either way unfortunately. Maybe my memory is faulty, always a possibility.
It used to be that the Telethons were Noon to Midnight… Since they went to the 4 hour Monthly format, the process has been as I described.
1) Now that COTO prices are high, do you expect that COTO drop rates will increases?
2) Are there any behind-the-scenes launch-days you’d like to share?
3) What was the most surprising aspect of launch day to you?
Could we get a addon store item that would allow you to port to another house you own with another item, id love quick travel from one of my houses to another, and im willing to pay for it.
Can we get more craftable body part items to decorate blood bay lots?
When will we see esp 2 kickstarter ideas and stuff start to circulate? All this money nothing to spend it on!!
Edit to #2 yes I know there are mugs and candels, lets talk spikes with heads etc.
Please!! perhaps a teleport pad like that of the wizard house could be installed as a house item allowing you to link the pads together? This would be most awesome especially for market folks who have a lot of vendors to travel around too refill. Id pay for this as well
1) will you do a zombie merchant pattern for Halloween
2)could you change commission vendors to have a non-refundable pool of gold to take from and if the pool is not big enough to cover the commission on the listings you cant list the items till you add more gold to the pool. this would fix many problems like having to pay another 10% when i want to change my house etc.
3)textiles and milling have not gotten new craftables in a long time could you add some new rugs, banners and wood coverings to the schedule please
I love the Game and I have so much respect for everyone working on this project. You have done such an amazing job. I have tested all the other SANDBOX (not themepark) MMORPGs out there and you have created the foundation of the game to bring all gamers together. my questions:
#1. Can we have the option to set recall and/or teleport to use an emote of our choosing?
#2. Can we have the option to divide guilds up into groups such as merchants, militia,etc? Allowing a guild to have a war and only effect its militia, or a trade war that kept other guilds merchants out of your guilds vendors?
#3. pickpocketing is really hard… even with GM and specialization in Subterfuge the cast time is so high the only people who get targeted are afk players, which feels bad. Can we please get a 2 second reduction in execution time to make pickpocketing possible? As a master pickpocket i would like to roleplay that i can land a successful pickpocket in at least 3 seconds, in real life people only need 1 or 2. Either way, love the game.
Thanks Grape-Ape!
Q: Is there a time frame for adding a raid system?
Congrats on the release! It’s amazing. I’ve played every day with the rare exception since August 2016, and I was really concerned that the final performance improvements wouldn’t be enough. The game has improved in polish drastically, and it’s been a pleasant surprise to have all of those doubts addressed!
1) Can buy orders have increased quantities? The current 1,000 item limit makes it tough to deal in things like farmed goods (mandrake, cotton, nightshade, etc), metal scrap, etc. Being able to make 10k and even 30k orders would be a real blessing.
2) Can we a batch sale and order creation system be created? I’d like to add a stack quantity field to the current form that allows you to enter how many items you are selling or buying, the price per stack and the number of stacks to be put on the vendor as a batch. Instead of creating 20 stacks of 1,000 nightshade for 3,000g one at a time, we could do it in one action. It can be nightmare to cover all of the bases as the system stands for those of us that maintain 100’s or 1000’s of sale items and orders continuously.
Thanks Titania!
Thanks for all your hard work! Love the game and will continue to suppport you however I can.
1. Do you plan to move toward a goal of being able to self-find without the use of telethons and post-mittens?
2. Is there a plan to make it so that you are able to bind items to hotbars for quick access, such as torches and quick equipping of weapons and armor, etc? I realize that it is possible to equip these items by use of decks.
3. Are there any plans in place to add features to the UI, particularly groups to buy/sell goods, as well as notification sounds, such as when someone receives a whisper? Would love to see these features.
On item number 1… The post mortems are now a well established tradition, they allow the community an opportunity to interact with the development team, get questions answered, and see previews of coming features and improvements. People enjoy them.
The stretch goals and the money raised to achieve them add to the fun of the events… the stretch goals themselves are purely cosmetic and in no way materially affect the play of the game. Contributing to the stretch goal total is purely voluntary. People enjoy both the process and the achieved stretch goal items.
Why should they change?
Why should they remove a purely voluntary activity that people enjoy?
Why should they forgo a revenue stream?
Totally agree with you Rufus!
Yes, I have changed my opinion on this since asking the question for the very reason you cite. At the end of the day, all I want is for the game to be successful so it will be around for a long time to come – and so that the devs can see their hard work last, too. I don’t mean to criticize them like many others probably do when they ask the question.
Thanks Ishel!
Edit: “fund”, not find:
Create different chat channels, not groups.
Sorry about the typos.
No worries Ishel, we got it!
Now that brewing is coming online, can you add a cooking recipe for pretzels?
Vallo already asked about one aspect to increase the value of dexterity. In addition to those ideas, what are your thoughts on dexterity possibly decreasing fizzle chance or fizzle chance while moving? Is there no possible way to make 220+ dexterity feel effective at SOMETHING? How about attack speed increase? 10% per 100 dexterity perhaps?
Thanks everyone for the hard work.
Q: Walls on lots are still not showing up until you run into them with your nose, this particularly makes POT Duke island “castle” look much less like a castle from the town docks (or even on the island, until you run into invisible walls with your nose and they finally appear. I think the walls were supposed to be drawn at the same time as the house on the same lot? Is this something to be fixed soon’ish, later’ish, or has it been abandoned? Thanks, and congratulations on getting through lauch (and with game in general improving every recent release).
Just one suggestion this time
Could we get craftable armour stands or mannequins so we can display suits of armour as if they were being worn? My Virtue armour doesn’t look so epic stuffed in a bag on the floor.
Q1) does high air resistance lower your chance to be stunned?
Q2) does air stuns and Ice arrow cc share the same diminishing returns for crowd controll?
Q3) will there be any softcore style pvp that you can play for fun without a cost i.e. Battlegrounds like capture the flag or hold a node etc.
Q: Several months ago it was promised that the rugs on the deco vendors would be converted to recipes. Can we please get an ETA on this.
Can we please have a training dummy that we can place in our POTs?
Does the Backstab skill in the Subterfuge tree work with ranged weapons?
Q: Now that Episode 2 is on the way, will there be an opportunity for nested POTs to upgrade to surface POTs? Will this be only possible in the Episode 2 lands?
Now that additional character slots are out for Backers, when will they be available for purchase for us lowly peasents?
1. Does the skill Backstab work with Ranged Combat?
2. Dex still feels super weak compared to STR and INT, ate there any planned changes?
Q: Could we get more Masterworks options for non combat school stuff? Like increased Stealth % on leather, or +Focus Regen on cloth?
Q: Could you talk a little about what your ideas are for castle siege scenarios in PVP and their impact on the world overall?
Q: Could we get perks based on quest decisions, like joining the warrior’s guild gives you permanent +10% Armor preservation etc. Maybe a first step towards factions in game
Q: Do you have plans to make merchant skills? ie. Lower listing fees, add colors to vendor name or have the vendor stand for longer than 7 days without revisiting.
1. Could you make a random treasure chest system where loot chests / bags or other spawn in various dungeons / scenes as a reward for people that like to explorer etc?
2. Could we have a deed merchant exchange where you can take lower deeds in numbers to upgrade into larger? example. 2 villages = a town , 2 towns = city etc? just a thought.
3. Can we get the Alchemy ring to work with Enchanting rather then Alchemy so its inline with the other crating perk items?
Also wanted to say the game is awesome and congrats on release! look forward to the next many chapters to come. Cheers!
Thanks Xee!
Q: Can we have tax free POT water lot bundles?
Q: Any chance for adding different guild structures so there are more groups levels or types, configurable permissions, elections or non-dictator structures?
holey shit !! Obsidian plate armor!!! Will this have the same fizzle stat as regular crafted obsidian plate armor??? Either way we need to get to 80k. Expect my financial support !!
It won’t have any significant stats on it own… It will be Starter Armor… The advantage of it is that it will be able to be Salvaged to produce Eternal Pattern that you can then use to make Any Plate Armor Look like the Stretch Goal Reward without affecting it’s stats.
Anything else would be Pay-to-Win.
Greetings All at Port. Congratz on a great release day. I hope that your energy and ideas continue to be as amazing as they have been for the last 5 years.
Q1:Will the Obsidian merchants be able to sell bundles like the viking row and village as well as the Kobold, vElven, Shogun, etc.?
Q2:Why is the Heraldry unlock token and the POT unlock token the same price? Seems like there is a lot less to do on the Heraldry.
Q3: Please do more Grand Tour Quest.
Thanks Warrior B’Patrick!
For the OFFLINE game: Could you please make the loot/chest tables more rich, and add some scattered random chests in the areas to promote exploring?
Q2: Can you please add a mechanic in an offline game to spawn a champion mob(s) after a few successful area cleanups (all mobs killed and area reset).
Q3: Can you please adjust gathering and crafting requirements according to the offline standards, since there is no online economy involved.
Q1: As a main Tamer, i would love to see my Drake pet. Where our Drake? =)
Q2:As a builder, i would love to play minecraft and build stuff easily with the blocks we can already craft in the game. There is a way that we can do that already but it takes gathering a lot of stones, pillars and removing the ones we dont want. Thats some busy work. Will we be able to build random houses with blocks soon?
Q3:As a Pokemon lover, i would like to breed my pets to get a chance to have a stronger one. Can this work within Sota?
– Can we get an ETA on: Pack animals / mounts being added to the game?
– Can we get: “building a campfire” added, as a means of resting during night time, maybe getting a buff for doing so, maybe getting attacked by special night only critters which yield special resources?
– IMO, players are charging way too much gold for resources, such as Tin ore: will resources ever be offered by NPC merchants, on a limited bases and have fluctuating pricing, based on demand? Similar to what fuels used to do, but based on zero stock, next shipment costing more…
Q1: Can we PIN recipes at a crafting station to the top of the list, so we see them first? (you know, the way threads are pinned/stickied to the top on chat forums) I have a few recipes I use all the time and don’t wish to have to go searching for them through the scroll wheel every single time.
Q2: Can we please STOP auto-attack from agro’ing a new target that isn’t attacking us? I was in Lost Vale fighting 200 hp skellies when my auto-attack agro’ed a 9,000 hp ghost dog by accident. I wasn’t trying to attack it, I was trying to run away from the endless skellies chasing me and the dog happened to be in my path.
Q3: Can we please get a REFRESH icon on the Map (M) window for the current zone? I once clicked the search (hourglass) icon on the Map window, got redirected to the SotA home page and could never get back to any map windows until I completely logged out. I have also had issues of getting other maps displaying other than the one I was currently on, with no way of refreshing.
Q: what’s the biggest thing coming for PvP this year?
Any plans to add more enchants/ masterworks ? Maybe even for mining, gathering etc ?
Can we please get a list of how many people achieved level 100 in any Specialization? I would like to know how many others who achieved 100 in a specalization like I did. Thank you.
The new vendor mechanic has the vendor sitting down after a ^period of time. Can we get more detail about how the mechanic works? What triggers a reset? Why 7 days? Any other information would be helpful.
Why can’t you turn skills a tier higher than the specialization skills to maintain? In particular the Train Intelligence, Train Dexterity, and Train Strength skills have to be L80 before you can set them to maintain. This means when you die, decay takes points directly from the skills instead of from your xp pool. This takes away from the ability to manage your skills the way you can with every other skill, taking control away from you.
My Train Int is only lvl 76 and is set to maintain…
Q1: Can we please kill watchers?
Q2: If so, can we kill watchers to lower our virtue? I want a black shroud!
/roleplay on
Every time I see those things, I am reminded that Big Brother is watching me and that little, mechanical watcher is scanning my brainwaves to see if I have been naughty or nice. STAY OUT OF MY BRAIN!!!
/roleplay off
Seriously though, when I am in a skeleton encounter and harvesting mandrake and nightshade around the skelly spawn point, I really don’t need that mechanical thing casting snare on me and scanning me every 30 seconds until I leave the zone.
I kill Watchers all the time, mostly for blocking my path. Annoying ,stupid things.
I do hope, at the end of all this, I can get to kill the Oracle!
1) Is there any schedule to relook cooking? (Didn’t see it in posts.) The better half of the existing recipes are seldom made due to their cost to make vs. time or amount of buff. Needs a rebalance.
2) How about making the canvas series of furniture dyeable? Wouldn’t require any new modeling and would provide more visual variety to crafted deco.
This question is for Chris:
Do mobs have attunement values? When you talk about attune and resist, that is all fine for PVP, but I’m wondering if attunement gives any PvE benefit with regards to defense?
1) Could you please elaborate on plans for the Cooking skill tree?
2) Could you discuss your roll out plan for new Cooking skills/enhancements?
3) Could you discuss any plans pertaining to feature enhancements pertaining to food/drink?
Question 1: Once we finish the main story line, would it be possible for us to get a title like: “Avatar” or even “Avatar of Order”/”Avatar of Chaos”?
Question 2: Would it be possible for us to keep a copy of the “Dire Prophecy” book once we finish the main quest? This is a really cool piece of lore and would be nice to be able to go back and re-read.
Would it be possible to show guild name of ppl when you target them. Its hard enough to see who is ennemy and who is allie…talking pvp here.
1) Please can you explain how crit works. With no visible value it makes it hard to build around.
2) Any plans for maybe a form of key queuing , some parts of combat if using a locked deck feel a little clunky, especially when using free attack. Half the time when i use a skill then hold left click to charge my free attack it doesnt register due to being a little fast, a small key queue or something would help make the combat feel a lot more fluid.
3) How do you feel about the current targeting, sometimes its quite hard to see which target is targeted due to such similarity in the nameplate.
Awesome launch.
Q1 Will there be a new icon coming for Valiant Warden. Right now its the same as Knight’s Grace.
Q2. Is the ‘cowbell’ a ultra rare drop. Seems that with the amount of reapers in game and folks hunting
not many are getting these.
Not a question but a Thank You to Sannio for reading my forum post about the Hidden Vale Stag encounters. We now have it and thanks. Purple Dragon is meanacing looking for sure.
He says, “You’re welcome!”
In the last Telethon, it was brought up about the ability to see the player vendor inventory with item prices via the API, is there any word on when this will be turned on and made available?
1) Does Rapid Fire really need to be on a 15 second CD?
2) Can we make dex more useful, bump up a bows native crit rate or at least give an archy skill to increase crit chance? Swapping str for dex is really painful as it is now.
3) Can you explain again how crit is calculated(both hit and damage)?
Q1: When you open a container like a chest or wardrobe can it have the same window like the bank or a vendor inventory. Right now there is no indicator and you do not know if the container is opening or the client has lost network.
Q2: Are there any numbers on how many new users signed up on the day of the release and then how many signed up for the week?
May we have a or multiple mannequin(s), or the ability to craft them so we may display our armor sets, weapons and other apparel as opposed to laying it on the floor?
Q1: Thoughts on adding a few in-game hotkeys? It would be helpful to assign a keyboard shortcut to trigger text, or an emote.
Q2: Thoughts on players being able to ‘set’ a default entrance to an NPC/PRT/POT – when entering via the worldmap or teleporting?
Q3: For consistency, consider extending the ctrl-key world map functionality for boat-accessed POTs to the other POT types and NPC towns -instead of mousing over the ‘i’ on the town name.
With EP1 success, will you consider adding voice to EP2? At least for the main storylines?
Retrofitting into EP1 is a lost cause I would assume.
Love the cowbell!
1) How many Cowbell of Reaping have dropped so far?
2) How many Reapers have been killed in R53?
3) Who has killed the most Reapers so far in R53?
The answer to your questions 2 and 3 are 0… as we’re in R52. R53 won’t begin until near the end of April.
Q1: Can we have more than 8000 characters in a book please? I know it takes up space but 8000 characters kinda restricts the creative spirit a wee bit!
Q2: Can we have the ability to rotate house decorations on more than one axis?
Q3: Can we have guild stones, or a menu for easy management?
Q1: When will we get more active skills in the Taming tree?
Q2: When will we get buffs on our gear for Taming?
Q3: When will we get higher level tamable pets?
Q1: Are there any plans to expand NPC merchants in towns? For example, I was trying to find a carpenter and all the nearby cities I tried (Northwood, Fortus End, Harvest, Estgard) did not seem to have one.
Q1- followup: If not – perhaps having a type of NPC in town that are specifically there to guide you to places?
Q1: Why the ‘Death by Fire’ character animation was created but never implemented in the game?
Q2: Any plans to make the Heraldry Blazons to be available in the Offline Mode?
Q3: Can we get banner stands for the Heraldry Banners?
Congratulations on the release!
Q1: Can we have rack / function for placing armor set as decoration so that armor set can be display like when an avatar is wearing it? It would look much better than putting the armor piece by piece.
Q2: Can we have “grass / soil pave” so that we can have grass land even it is stone floor originally?
For atos:
1 will poison skill goto a charge system? The delay on casting and short timer lowers its usefulness in pvp. I can 3 stack an attack in the cast time of the poison and the short duration makes id hard to justify vrs a regular attack.
2. With the.proposed skill changes do we get 100% refund on untrain8ng I here there are new chaos skills coming in?
3. Is your plan to have only 1 bloodbay type town? I think it works because there is only one but wanted to know what you think.
And gratz on the launch!!
Q: Whats the rational behind life magic not getting a pet? Death has a pet (which is the opposite spell class). Why not give us life mages a pet for our high attunment? Life has no attack spells for a reason so why not let the pet drop some simple heal spells on the life mage (plink, +15 hp instead of plink 15 damage)? It’s the only magic class that has no pet. How about a fairy or Pixie?
Q: Any Chance of a double Crafting Exp fortnight?
Q: Any chance on getting faster Charge rate for locked abilities when using the Spellbinder Stance/Chaotic Feedback and for Flurry(if specialized in light armor)? Some spells charge rate is soooo incredibly slow it’s just painful to watch that bar slowly climb in combat while melee land a half dozen 2-600 dmg crits in the meantime. If draw speed/cast speed is increased allowing faster combos it makes sense that charge speed (which is effectively the static deck form of combo/stacking) would be faster too. Also, any chance some spells base ‘charge’ speed will be increased? I have no idea why earthquake takes like 20 seconds to fully charge to begin with (as well as other similarly slow spells)
Congratulations on the launch!
My question is what will be the balance now regarding adding new content for this episode and development on episode 2?
Thanks everyone for your questions! Please ask any other questions on Twitch chat during the livestream.