A party leader can now add their party (aka “group”) to a public listing of open groups for others to join! Players who are looking for a group to play with can use this listing to find an open group.
Looking for Group is a separate window that is accessed via Alt-F. It can also be opened from the Social window Party tab by clicking the “Join Party” button (while not already in a party).

This is also a great tool for Hospitallers to let other players know they are available to provide help. Hospitallers can add listings for groups that want generalized help, or specific groups that teach crafting, or combat, or taming, etc.
For the first iteration in Release 53, the party leader can enter a simple description in a text entry field that includes whatever information they wish (Tier 1-5, PvP, Help, Roleplay, specific scene, etc) and then those looking for groups can filter by any term. Future iterations may include terms like these as pre-defined checkboxes.
You can read more about Looking For Group and discuss with the rest of the community other new R53 content in the Release 53 Instructions post.
This was a most welcome & awesomesauce addition.