Greetings Fellow Avatars!
Release 126 goes live May 30th at 10:30 AM CDT.
Welcome! The Catnip Games development team marks this monthly release of Shroud of the Avatar with new content and improvements. For Release 126 (R126), we offer many-legged portraits, human and otherwise.
For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Player Guide and Known Issues for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes.
News Announcements
- New Britannian Film Stars
- More New Bug Brigade Rewards
- Notes on Game Balance
- Release 126 Patch Notes
- Latest News and Q&A in the May Livestream
- Remembrance Sale
- Release 126 Subscriber Login Rewards
- June Login Rewards
- Crown Store Updates
- Bug Brigade & Testing Directives
- Streaming Program
- Upcoming Release Dates
Community Updates
- Community Events & Resources
- Project to Support: Inside a Kid’s Mind
- Project to Support: Avatar Relics
- Project to Support: Shard RPG
- Project to Support: Embers Adrift
- Resources: Players Helping Players
New Britannian Film Stars
Way back in 2018, while Travian Games and Portalarium were still involved in the production of Shroud of the Avatar, a series of short promotional videos were created and published as part of the marketing campaign. One of those videos was called “Player Town Party” and was set in Darkshire Hills cast entirely by players, 28 in all.
Much effort was put into preparing and executing the event. Cerus of Travian Games worked with Ravalox to coordinate and record the event. There was crafting, dueling, and dancing; a group of players even formed a band and performed during the recording to show off the instrument synchronization feature.
At the end of the video the cast can be seen having an artist capture the event on canvas. Though the canvas was lost soon after the artist completed the work, it has been found and, with the help of Caravaggios Wolf, the canvas has been restored and made available to the folks at the Crown Mercantile shop and warehouse to be added into their extensive Crown Store catalog.
The cast members will be receiving the title of “Film Star” along with their own copy of the painting. If you see one of New Britannia’s Stars during your travels, don’t be shy about asking for an autograph!
The video can be seen here:
More New Bug Brigade Rewards
The Bug Brigade has gained four new rewards for distribution in future months: a pair of portrait-oriented insect paintings to intersperse with the three existing landscape ones and a pair of butterfly chairs in new colors to complement the original one. We’ve also made choose-one bags of existing rewards for those who’ve already received all the scheduled items in various categories. The official reward schedule in the forum post will be updated to include these soon.