Companion of the Avatar

Discussion in 'Player Created Resources' started by Barugon, Sep 22, 2016.

  1. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    Fixed an issue where the deck order wasn't being respected as well as a number of other small issues.
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  2. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I just realized today that you can have multiple avatars in a save-game file, so I added code to load the current avatar. I also, moved the Healthy skill to the tactics tree where it belongs and removed the defunct Pick Locks skill.
    FrostII, Wilfred and Violet Ronso like this.
  3. AzazelReborn

    AzazelReborn Avatar

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    Hi, I just came across this, can you explain how to install it, where do we put it for it to work?
  4. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    Just unzip it wherever you want and double click the executable. On Windows, you might need to right click it and select some permission option first (this is a security measure on Windows to keep people from blindly running downloaded executables, which might be malware).

    If you're on Mac, I think you drop the zip file on a special applications folder (I don't know for sure because I don't have a Mac).
    FrostII likes this.
  5. AzazelReborn

    AzazelReborn Avatar

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    Hi, another question, when I add gold on the top right section of Offline mode, and then load the save file in shroud, i dont see the gold in my inventory, what am I doing wrong?
  6. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    It should be listed at the bottom of your inventory window and in your character window. If not, it might be a bug.
  7. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Are you saving the file after making changes?
    FrostII likes this.
  8. AzazelReborn

    AzazelReborn Avatar

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    Yes its not working.
  9. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I think I have this fixed. Please download the latest and give it a go.
    FrostII and Anpu like this.
  10. AzazelReborn

    AzazelReborn Avatar

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    Just tried it. Great job.
    FrostII, Barugon and Anpu like this.
  11. Warrior B'Patrick

    Warrior B'Patrick Avatar

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    Athens, Georgia, USA
    Greetings @Barugon
    I love the program but I do have 3 suggestions you could add if people think it would be beneficial. A couple of questions first though. When you start the App it requires you to pick a Chat Log File. Does this action clear any saved data you may have stored? If I choose another Avatar does this clear the saved data also? Having a saved info file for sequential uses of the same Avatar of your app and for separate Avatars as well would be great for long term use of the data.

    1. Virtue Status.
    It appears you have the ability to paste commands in the chat window so If you could paste /status and then parse the log to show a 3 line window that shows the status of each of you 3 Virtues? Maybe a set amount of time to re-paste the /stats so the status stays current or a button that could be clicked to update or reset. I know this would spam the complete /stats list in the chat log but it would allow users to see their Virtue Status. Here is the section of the /stats that shows virtue.
    VirtueCourage: -1 VirtueLove: -1 VirtueTruth: -1

    2. Where have I been
    The Chat logs list when you Enter a town or scene. You could create a Travel Log to keep track of your travels during the Day. Some way to archive that or just keep a long log for all days would be helpful as the date is embedded in the line. Here is what it looks like in the logs.
    [1/10/2021 1:12:58 PM] Entering Harvest from Belly of the Snake ( where you went and where you came from)

    And now for what I consider the most important suggestion. I am always visiting vendors in multiple towns to find the best price. Frequently I fine an item that I think is a great price but am not sure it is. I would love a way to make a note of what town, who owned the lot, what vendor, the item I am interested in and what the price was. You might think this is a difficult task but would be very easy for your app I think.

    3. Vendorinfo
    When you find a vendor, item, and price you want to note you would do this. Whisper to a user called vendorinfo with a message. The user name would not be found but the whisper still show the message in your Chat Logs. The message could be town, lot owner, vendor name, item, qty and price. Then this could be parsed from the logs in and displayed in a window in Companion of the Avatar. The list would update everytime you opened the window and you could possible save the contents of your VendorInfo window as a file for future use. Here is the Chat log lines that show me entering a town and sending a whisper to user vendorinfo with the item found on a vendor and the qty and the price. I did have to point to a lot stone/sign to get the lot owners name before I sent the whisper and it could be sent with out but it makes it easier to ask the town crier to point me to the lot. Here is the lines from the chat log.
    [1/10/2021 1:28:47 PM] Character name "vendorInfo" was not found.
    [1/10/2021 1:29:42 PM] DrMary WaterGoddess (To vendorInfo): harvest, El Istar, Jade Dragons Outlet, Crocodile Skewers, 20 for 995
    [1/10/2021 1:29:42 PM] Failed to send chat to player "vendorInfo", player name not found

    Thank for reading this and keep up the good work on a very usable app.
  12. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Player Owned Towns are not in the Offline game.
    FrostII likes this.
  13. Cora Cuz'avich

    Cora Cuz'avich Avatar

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    Veritas Sanctuary
    I don't think the game lets us see that.
    Anpu likes this.
  14. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    Hopefully, it should automatically find the chat log folder. If it doesn't then please let me know. If you're talking about the save-game file then yes, you need to select this because you can have any number of save-games.
    Whichever avatar is current when you save your game is the one that you will be editing.
    If you press ctrl+f (to filter the stats) and type in virtue then it will show you your virtue stats which are always output from SotA as -1. This is why the virtue stats are normally hidden on the stats tab. Also, if you type /stats in-game and want to see those stats in an already running session of CotA then just press F5 to refresh the stats tab.
    This is a pretty good idea. Maybe I could hack the map data in the SotA folder to display your position trail for a given period of time as well (provided Protnip is okay with that; @Laney, @Elgarion?).
    This is another good idea. I didn't know about the "vendorinfo" thing.
    FrostII likes this.
  15. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    Is this done through a Lua script. I tried it and got this as soon as I hit the comma key:
    [1/10/2021 2:09:39 PM] Failed to send chat to player "vendorinfo", player name not found
    [1/10/2021 2:10:21 PM] Character name "vendorinfo" was not found.
    FrostII likes this.
  16. Warrior B'Patrick

    Warrior B'Patrick Avatar

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    Athens, Georgia, USA
    When you type "/w vendorinfo," in the chat window you get the users name at the beginning and you can type a message to that user even if it is an unknown or invalid user. You will then get a message about vendorinfo was not found but it will still let you type a message to the unknown user which will then go into your chat logs. Lastly you will get a message that it failed to send, but since it has already been posted to your chat log it does not matter and can be ignored. I am hoping that the "," can be used to separate the different columns of data (town, lot owner, vendor name, item, and qty and price.) So all you have to search for is "(To vendorInfo): " and then parse the rest of the line as town, lot owner, vendor name, item, and qty and price. Even if some one creates a user called vendorinfo it would still work but you would not get any errors and that user would get slammed with hundred of messages.

    I tried the same whisper using the name of the Avatar I was using at the time and it gave me the same errors and sent the message anyway. Something universal would be a better choice so i choose vendorinfo but you could use anything.

    In short, ignore the 2 error messages and search for "(To vendorInfo): " and parse the rest of the line using "," to separate the fields into town, lot owner, vendor name, item, and qty and price. Hope that makes more sense.

    As for my first two questions: I am wondering if I have multiple avatars Companion of the Avatar app can store the data from multiple sessions of the same avatar or not delete the data from one avatar when I switch to another. In the Where have I been it would be great is a file could be create by the app that would add today's places to the list of the places I have been in the last week or so. Like a separate Travel Log of all the places each Avatars I have used the app with. Extra tracking within a town or scene would be cool but would make for a long list. I was only looking for a Travel log foe each Avatar.

    As for the Virtue list I was looking for a window in Companion of the Avatar so I didn't have to go find and open the chat log of the Avatar I was looking for and then search for Virtue. A small 3 line window in the App would be ideal if I wanted to check my Virtue but if Portnip always says it is -1 on all virtues it would not help.

    Thank for looking at this
    FrostII likes this.
  17. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I assume you open the vendor's window and then do that. Here's what I get:
    [1/10/2021 5:17:28 PM] Character name "vendorinfo" was not found.
    [1/10/2021 5:17:33 PM] Barugon (To vendorinfo): Hello
    [1/10/2021 5:17:33 PM] Failed to send chat to player "vendorinfo", player name not found

    No information about the vendor. I'm betting that you're using a Lua script that does this and you just don't remember. Try removing all Lua scripts and try it.
    FrostII likes this.
  18. Warrior B'Patrick

    Warrior B'Patrick Avatar

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    I apologize if this was interpreted to be automatic. You may be able to make it so but the entry into the chat logs are all manual. and definatly no LUA script. I am just hoping I can get this into a list that I can look at while playing. Here is the procedure.

    While wandering Novia looking for a great deal I enter the town of Harvest.

    I find a vendor that has a great price on Crocodile Skewers that is 20 for 995 coins. Is this a good price?

    I look at the Lot owners name so I know where to go back to in the town of Harvest.

    Then I enter chat and type "/w vendorinfo," The chat window tells me that the character name was not found but i do not care. I am now able to type my message to this unknown user as follows: "Harvest, El Istar, Jade Dragons Outlet, Crocodile Skewers, 20 for 995" and hit enter. This message means in the town of Harvest on the lot owned by El Istar there is a vendor named Jade Dragons Outlet that is selling 20 Crocodile Skewers for 995 coins. The chat screen then tells me it failed to send chat to player but copies this to my chat logs anyway.

    Hopefully it is then possible to search my Chat Log for this string "(To vendorinfo):" and parse the rest of the line and have it go into a list. As I check other vendors I can enter this same information and have that added to the window list in Companion of the Avatar.

    Searching for "(To vendorinfo):" wold give you the string "[1/10/2021 10:11:09 PM] Fuzzy Lark (To vendorinfo): Harvest, El Istar, Jade Dragons Outlet, Crocodilw Skewers, 20 for 995"

    Here is the information from the chat logs
    [1/10/2021 10:05:33 PM] Entering Harvest from Novia
    [1/10/2021 10:10:14 PM] Character name "vendorinfo" was not found.
    [1/10/2021 10:11:09 PM] Fuzzy Lark (To vendorinfo): Harvest, El Istar, Jade Dragons Outlet, Crocodilw Skewers, 20 for 995
    [1/10/2021 10:11:09 PM] Failed to send chat to player "vendorinfo", player name not found

    Even though this is a basically a manual entry, once it is listed in the app it could be looked at in chronological order to see which vendor had the best price and where to find it. Automating this more would be even better but is beyond my abilities.
    FrostII likes this.
  19. Cora Cuz'avich

    Cora Cuz'avich Avatar

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    Veritas Sanctuary
    So, if I understand correctly, "vendorinfo" is just a convenient term to search for in your chat log, and could just as easily be any name so long as it isn't an actual avatar's name. You're essentially exploiting a bug (in that it allows you to whisper to a non existent user) to create entries in your chat log you can find later, and you're hoping CotA can be made to parse these for you?
    Anpu likes this.
  20. Warrior B'Patrick

    Warrior B'Patrick Avatar

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    Greetings Cora Cuz'avich
    Yes vendorinfo is a unique searchable term that makes finding entries in chat logs easier. As for the bug part... I could also whisper using my name or one of my alts names but for a app that lots of people use it would not work to have something not unique. To me it is like making a note in a text document that resides on the internet and giving everyone the address. I am just looking for a way, and the skilled person, for us to find that note in the mix of all the things in our chat logs and display it in a way that helps us make comparisons and remember where I saw that great deal. How do you remember where the best price on an item is when you are searching lots of vendors?

    There is so much information in the chat logs, discarded mail, custom books, and sheet music folders that having an easy way to view it would be good. Since we are talking about things. Does anyone think that my idea of a travel log of where you have been lately was worth while?

    2. Where have I been
    The Chat logs list when you Enter a town or scene. You could create a Travel Log to keep track of your travels during the Day. Some way to archive that or just keep a long log for all days would be helpful as the date is embedded in the line. Here is what it looks like in the logs.

    Anyway just ideas that I thought would be a good addition to the Companion of the Avatar.
    FrostII likes this.