¡Música Maestro!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jaanelle DeJure, Aug 8, 2016.

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  1. Jaanelle DeJure

    Jaanelle DeJure Avatar

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    Even though music is still bugged for me, I've been finding myself spending a fair amount of time on the piano.

    First off, many thanks to everybody in Soltown Inn that has tolerated a few less-than-stellar performances as I fumble my way through a new form of musical expression! Secondly, my apologies if anybody came up for a turn and I didn't acknowledge them. There are times where I might be clicking around in some of these music apps I've been learning to use while I am listening to how a song sounds in-game.

    From now on I will be practicing in more remote locations. :D

    In the meantime, I'd like to learn more about other players' experiences with music-making. Specifically, which apps have you been using... assuming we are allowed to discuss that here! (I didn't see anything in the rules suggesting otherwise.)

    Besides a few repositories for ABC files that I have come across, I have been using Maestro for MID--->ABC conversion.

    I've also been playing around with Audacity and WIDI, and I also just bought a license for a PDF--->MID converter. I'm thinking I can use this with MusicNotes, which allows for transposition before output using a PDF printer driver.

    Anyway, I've been attempting to play live over an ABC track with a bit of success. Unfortunately, due to a bug I can only play live in C/Am at the moment. If I get in a good zone on a relatively easy song, I can time my keystrokes pretty well enough to compensate for the time delay.
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