Advanced PvP Magic

Discussion in 'PvP Gameplay' started by Proteus Tempest, Jan 22, 2019.

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  1. Proteus Tempest

    Proteus Tempest Avatar

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    One of the requests that players had made in the past to be added to the game was the ability to type in the magic words of power and have the spell effect happen.

    A neat little feature that will be used a few times by only some of the players and then never used again...


    I started thinking about a advanced magic system for PvP.

    Magic training happens by training and mastering each of the words of power.

    Do away with combos like in the locked decks and allow players to use the words to actually weave the magic and gain varied effects.

    The casting time is dependent on the number of power words used

    Reagents used is dependent on single target, area of effect, and possibly distance. The more power or distance called upon uses more reagent and focus.

    Specialization magic(fire, water, life etc.) can be picked in the beginning of training or the end. Whichever people like the best.

    SPELL CASTING would be a base skill and then would follow the words of power as individual skills for which we currently have 26 words of power.

    In this way the system would be far more complex and add more variety to spell casting which in turn would add more variety in the long run for PvP instead of static spells.

    Players would need to work through trial and error to figure out what would work.

    Given the 26 words of power and the current reagents there could be many combinations and more words could be made to accommodate new spell effects.

    I don't think we have a spell currently that deals out a poison cloud effect but as an example:

    Nox being the power word for Poison could be used in conjunction with many of the other words of power and including all of the components used to make poison potions.

    This creates a large amount of poison spells with varied effects.

    I would also add into this a chance for spell failure that could harm the caster. That would keep lower level casters from trying to use the top poison spells in the beginning or they poison themselves and die. That would be funny as well.

    Alchemy might also affect the ability of spell casting with the reagent use.

    We would need a way to make a spell icon to put on our combat bar after discovering a new spell.

    Just brainstorming here.
    Glory likes this.
  2. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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  3. Proteus Tempest

    Proteus Tempest Avatar

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    We are thinking in similar ways.

    I think a different approach to magic could be useful for PvP.

    It gives players a place to go to at that end game kinda thing to go even farther.
    Glory likes this.
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