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Automoton conversation feedback

Discussion in 'Release 67 QA Feedback' started by Vladamir Begemot, Jun 21, 2019.

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  1. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    I think this is a good addition.


    Having them drag to the bar is a good thing, and all in one concise spot.

    Is making them use a skill from the bar necessary? Is anyone reaching that point without having activated any skills so far?

    The thing people don't get for ages is charging of skills.

    Copy editing:

    First text: I had to reread it a few times. The use a skill part, in particular, trips up comprehension.

    Consider instead breaking it into a few parts. I know players can click Root to find out where it is, but I would put that info in the first paragraph:

    "I am SB... To survive the threats beyond this gate, you must learn how to train and use skills. I will provide you the key to this gate upon completion. To begin I will teach you the Root skill, which can be found in the Earth Magic tree. Inform me when you are ready to train."

    (What happens if they don't have 100g? What if they trained other skills first, and then run out of gold?)

    They train.

    Drag text: Click-and-drag is probably less understandable than the universally accepted term drag. The rest is good.

    Combat text (if needed at all):

    Consider attacking should just be a command. Attack the skeleton by the tree.

    I highly doubt anyone would have not already clicked on a skill icon or pushed a hotkey by this point, why not teach them charged instead?

    ".... must be satisfied you can use your skills. Attack the skeleton by the nearby tree. Press and hold the 1 key to charge that skill until full. You can also use the mouse to do so. Afterward, return to me."

    You'll have to keep spawning enemies until they learn it, but this is literally something that I have had friends take 20+ hours to find out about.

    Overall this is really good, just getting them to understand the Skill menu and dragging skills is a win.
  2. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks for the feedback! This new trainer is still being worked on, so there are a few changes still to come. I've added your notes as issue #65075.

    Some responses:

    We felt that "learn a skill, slot a skill, use a skill" was important to teach, if for no other reason to stress that the player was now more powerful.

    When you get the task to learn a skill, you are simultaneously given 100 gold.

    Right now, that's a potential problem that we're working to fix.
    Astirian, Vladamir Begemot and Jaesun like this.
  3. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Dont mean to sound ngegative but this just goes back to changing the start for new players. The whole purpose of Analise in Isle of Storms was for this exact purpose. She taught you how to use bow, sword and magic. Taking that out the new players are now back to where they were before
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