Can we get a little tweak to the claim lot messaging?

Discussion in 'Player Owned Towns' started by Tahru, Jun 5, 2017.

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  1. Tahru

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    in a POT, the message you get contains the truth about evictions and the risks associated with claiming a lot in the town. That is appropriate; however, it should be accompanied with the governor's policies rather than saying it is a huge risk and leaving at that. If a governor has enabled open access to lot claims, they probably intend for someone unknown to them to claim it. The governor's should have the opportunity to specify intent and policy at the time of the claim.

    This is not different than specifying a return policy on shipped goods before purchase.

    The governors should just be given a free form text area to write their policies as there may be many variants. Some examples policies may be
    • Open to everyone, requires interview, join at web site, ...
    • Lots decoration/theme guidelines.
    • Use of language in the town.
    • Roll play rules.
    • Taxes
    • ...

    You get the idea. This does not have to be Russian Roulette which can be rather unwelcoming to new potential neighbors.
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