Death Decay Poll

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by oplek, Jun 21, 2017.


What's your opinion on skill/death decay?

  1. It's way too punishing, and all loss should be removed from death.

  2. I'm generally fine with the system, but perhaps lighten up on the punishment.

  3. I'm fine with the level of loss, but would rather it be done differently.

  4. I'm fine with the system.

  5. It isn't punishing enough. The loss should be greater.

  6. Crank it up! I am death incarnate.

  7. NEW: Some loss is fine, but the current type and level is excessive

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  1. Lars vonDrachental

    Lars vonDrachental Avatar

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    Well because in every game there must or better should be limits no one can surpass…balancing is the keyword. Not just skills and skill trees must be balanced also the level of strength the player can achieve must be balanced to not destroy other game mechanics as we are all playing in the same game world and everyone is influencing it.
    Even if the rise of power is small beyond a specific point it is still a rise of power that can change a as difficult designed enemy into an easy one. Just as an example if there is somewhere a monster that is designed to be defeated by 4 to 8 avatars and these avatars gain summarized 40000 exp, 10000 gold and a slight chance to gain one epic item as reward (loot is divided among party members) and now a solo avatar can defeat the same enemy in the same time but alone and this could be a problem. The exp gain might be profitable or not but I would guess that the other rewards are a bigger problem regarding economy.
    Of course this is just a fictional example but if avatars are too strong they get the possibility to bypass regulating game mechanics. Making it more difficult for strong avatars will also make it more difficult for the larger group of less powerful avatars so either you ignore/accept the incredible strong avatars with their possibilities and all of its consequences or you limit everyone to stay within fixed/variable boundaries.
    Of course there are different ways to achieve this but at least to me it looks like decay is a try of the devs to implement such an regulation...but of course maybe I'm wrong. ;)

    On first sight a good idea…but thinking about it…who is dying the most in this game? I do not think this are the strong avatars, right?
    So it could be possible that with such a mechanic first of all the weaker avatars would be "punished" and slowed down in their progress. :(
    Snikorts likes this.
  2. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    If Death Panalty end up in a Debuff - i tend to logg out and if its a ingame time debuff, i go afk :confused:

    aleady damaged - and not just a little bit, but massively damaged imho
    watch them selling Artefacts like ice cream
    Watch them kill the dragon - get 25k XP - loot maybe an artefact - switch mode - kill a dragon.... and they do it while watching TV because there is no challenge but buff themself, stand in an appropriate range and fire - i saw people doing it, not loosing significantly HP or running out of Focus - not even 1/5 of there HP or Focus was used.

    totally damaged :(

    Again - if they debuff me because i died, it encourages me to logg off or to just go afk - that should not be the effect of a death, instead it should encourage me to get back, what i have lost.
    My Tomb, my XP...
  3. Merlota

    Merlota Avatar

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    Two different issues there. Death as a cap and death that is noticed.

    Death should have nothing to do with any soft or hard cap. The only way death can limit advancement is by taking all exp gain since the last death, days worth of play for the cautious. My idea for a cap & balancing players is here:

    Debuff on death to make a death noticed came to mind because it's been done to death. Common feature in other games. I don't think it is such a good idea and threw it out as a more balanced punishment that affects everyone the same. Death already has a meaning, you died, lost all your buffs, your rhythm, you have to run back, your gear took a durability hit. Does it really need more punishment?
    fonsvitae and Scraps MacMutt like this.
  4. Lord Ravnos

    Lord Ravnos Avatar

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    Can I extrapolate from that statement, Burzmali, that you would agree that makes specialists (folks with one or two GMs over 100) more rare?
  5. Burzmali

    Burzmali Avatar

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    Depends on how many players are playing to maximize their characters ability per XP gaied and how many are working to minimize XP on death per XP spent.

    In general? I think most archetypes gain enough benefit from a single GM or two that player will spend the XP and risk the decay to move those up to GM and then level every other skill that is remotely useful up to 60 or 80.
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