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Decoration Wishlist - Items Already In-game

Discussion in 'Wishlist Requests' started by Vas Corp Por, Oct 12, 2018.

  1. Hemnu Lightbringer

    Hemnu Lightbringer Avatar

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    Saw this in Estgard and Was Like I Need One!!! COTO Store Item Please!!

    vulcanjedi and Koimiko like this.
  2. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    I wanted to eventually get back to this, so I've gone through the ones in this list that as far as I could tell haven't already been made available or mentioned elsewhere in the thread to get the /loc data. Also added other decorations discovered in the meantime.

    Forgive me if anything is redundant by mistake.

    Wooden trunk
    Area: Central Brittany (Novia_R3_City_Brittany) Loc: (358.893, 35.404, 392.373) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfQ2l0eV9Ccml0dGFueXx8KDM1OC44OTMsIDM1LjQwNCwgMzkyLjM3Myl8KDAsIDAuNDgxLCAwLCAwLjg3Nyl8MTIyMS4wODh8MzUuMDc3OTd8MS4yNQ==

    Folding chair
    Area: Central Brittany (Novia_R3_City_Brittany) Loc: (19.579, 29.356, -83.821) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfQ2l0eV9Ccml0dGFueXx8KDE5LjU3OSwgMjkuMzU2LCAtODMuODIxKXwoMCwgLTAuMTI4LCAwLCAwLjk5Mil8LTQxMS4xMjg0fDU3LjgzNjU4fDcuMjM5NTQ4

    Water planter/cistern
    (This can be made without the water lilies, which players can manually place, and the statue can also come separately, or it can be all baked together into one deco piece)
    Area: Central Brittany (Novia_R3_City_Brittany) Loc: (337.518, 31.08, 381.762) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfQ2l0eV9Ccml0dGFueXx8KDMzNy41MTgsIDMxLjA4LCAzODEuNzYyKXwoMCwgLTAuOTQxLCAwLCAwLjMzOCl8Mjc0My43NDl8MjEuNDE5NjN8MS4yNQ==

    Tan basket
    Area: Central Brittany (Novia_R3_City_Brittany) Loc: (428.335, 26.002, 257.138) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfQ2l0eV9Ccml0dGFueXx8KDQyOC4zMzUsIDI2LjAwMiwgMjU3LjEzOCl8KDAsIDAuOTEzLCAwLCAtMC40MDcpfDI3NDkuMTE1fDIzLjQwMTA5fDcuMjQyOTc2

    Area: Central Brittany (Novia_R3_City_Brittany) Loc: (447.102, 25.822, 257.294) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfQ2l0eV9Ccml0dGFueXx8KDQ0Ny4xMDIsIDI1LjgyMiwgMjU3LjI5NCl8KDAsIC0wLjQzNiwgMCwgLTAuOSl8NTA5MS42NTN8OS4zNDgzNjR8My4xNDg4MzE=

    Small cart
    Area: Soltown (Novia_R1_City_Soltown) Loc: (-33.74, 26.877, 18.46) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjFfQ2l0eV9Tb2x0b3dufHwoLTMzLjc0LCAyNi44NzcsIDE4LjQ2KXwoMCwgLTAuOTY3LCAwLCAwLjI1Myl8MjEyLjU0Mzd8MjMuNTk4NzJ8My42Mzk1NTE=

    Small rough cart
    Area: Owl's Head (OwlsHead) Loc: (144.676, 86.126, 185.8) DBG: T3dsc0hlYWR8fCgxNDQuNjc2LCA4Ni4xMjYsIDE4NS44KXwoMCwgLTAuOTI3LCAwLCAwLjM3Nil8MjUwLjMyMTZ8MjUuNTYwNTN8Mi42ODk5NTQ=

    Area: Kingsport (Kingsport) Loc: (97.729, 27.867, 50.087) DBG: S2luZ3Nwb3J0fHwoOTcuNzI5LCAyNy44NjcsIDUwLjA4Nyl8KDAsIDAuNDM1LCAwLCAwLjkpfDE3OS44MTN8MTcuMDU4NTR8Ny4wMzI3Mg==

    Chicken/rabbit pen
    Area: Soltown (Novia_R1_City_Soltown) Loc: (-49.369, 27.483, -10.134) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjFfQ2l0eV9Tb2x0b3dufHwoLTQ5LjM2OSwgMjcuNDgzLCAtMTAuMTM0KXwoMCwgMC45NjEsIDAsIC0wLjI3Nil8LTE0Ny43MDc4fDI1LjE5NTZ8My42Mzk1NTE=

    Cabinet/steamer trunk
    Area: Soltown (Novia_R1_City_Soltown) Loc: (39.925, 33.863, 166.473) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjFfQ2l0eV9Tb2x0b3dufHwoMzkuOTI1LCAzMy44NjMsIDE2Ni40NzMpfCgwLCAwLjYyNywgMCwgMC43NzkpfDQzNy45ODMzfDM5LjQ5NjkxfDQuNTk5NTQ5

    Wooden arch (some versions in the game have pennants on top, some without, ideally the pennants would be placeable).
    Area: Central Brittany (Novia_R3_City_Brittany) Loc: (413.375, 33.518, -8.294) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfQ2l0eV9Ccml0dGFueXx8KDQxMy4zNzUsIDMzLjUxOCwgLTguMjk0KXwoMCwgMC4yNjIsIDAsIDAuOTY1KXw3ODEuMzY4OHw4LjM5MzUyNXwxNy4yOA==
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2024
    Widsith [MGT] likes this.
  3. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    Tripod stand / Orb stand + Crystal ball
    Area: The Epitaph (Novia_R4_City_Desolis_Underground) Loc: (16.966, 4.981, 29.795) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjRfQ2l0eV9EZXNvbGlzX1VuZGVyZ3JvdW5kfHwoMTYuOTY2LCA0Ljk4MSwgMjkuNzk1KXwoMCwgMC43NjgsIDAsIDAuNjQxKXwyNjE0LjQwM3wyNC4zOTY1MnwxLjI1

    IMO, these need to be two items. The tripod stand could be a general stand for orbs in the game (we have many), or for other suitable items like large eggs (dragon, wyvern, etc), or alembics (an alembic would generally be heated over a burner like shown in the picture using a tripod stand, so it would transfer a condensate to a receiver). Not exactly sure why the crystal ball would be over a burner as pictured unless it was really a hermetically sealed container.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2023
    that_shawn_guy likes this.
  4. Eveara

    Eveara Avatar

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    Lots of untapped potential in Crooked Shank:

    I could see it being used as a coffee table a lot... and would love to be able to craft it.

    Pretty sure this chest is aesthetically part of the (infamous) dining set we can craft the bench for, but not the table (Isabel Ayin pointed that out in a previous post). At least its design is resembling the other pieces.

    If it can be re-textured without too much work, and allows for good scalability in-game, I can see variants being crafted, looted, and sold for COTOs.

    I can't decide if they're shields or cooking pots. I just love their weirdness.

    All these items can be found in a house that can be accessed here: Crooked Shank (Novia_R8_Hills01_Road) Loc: (114.558, 75.038, -117.969)

    I can't be 100% sure that it spells out 'Rhum' (Rum) but even if it doesn't, adding it would add more variety.
    (And if it does, everyone needs more rum anyway.)

    That would make a nice addition to the Crown store.

    I have no idea what's on it and how much does it 'fit in' the SotA world, but it's aesthetically gorgeous.

    As stated these assets can be found in the Mayor's house, accessible: Crooked Shank (Novia_R8_Hills01_Road) Loc: (143.647, 77.151, -68.795)

    As is or empty.
    Or empty but with the possibility to place decos on its bottom?
    Great addition to any farm.
    Can be found at: Crooked Shank (Novia_R8_Hills01_Road) Loc: (103.105, 67.948, -4.524)

    They'd be a really, really, really nice addition to the Crown store.
    Can be found here: Crooked Shank (Novia_R8_Hills01_Road) Loc: (114.708, 75.795, -88.605)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2024
    opTi, Isabel Ayin, Sentinel2 and 4 others like this.
  5. Isabel Ayin

    Isabel Ayin Avatar

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    Area: Brittany Fields (Novia_R3_City_Brittany_Fields) Loc: (275.334, 44.675, -178.853) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfQ2l0eV9Ccml0dGFueV9GaWVsZHN8fCgyNzUuMzM0LCA0NC42NzUsIC0xNzguODUzKXwoMCwgMC43NzgsIDAsIDAuNjI5KXw1NjUuMTExNnwyNy43MzkxOHwzLjg5NjMwMg==

    We have wooden partitions, could we also make these, please?
    And the barrels grouped together, the recipe is simple: five barrels and two coils of rope.
