Factions and PvP

Discussion in 'PvP Gameplay' started by LordSlack, Mar 22, 2013.

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  1. Mr Slack

    Mr Slack Avatar

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    Good Day and Compliments,

    Much of the discussion so far has been for or against open PvP and the rewards and consequences thereof. I am wondering if there will be something similar to the Order / Chaos factions system in place, and if so, how this could be fine tuned to give everybody a bit of what they want. Here are just a few ideas.

    When joining a faction, you are now enrolled in open PvP vs the other faction. Joining a faction is entirely optional and none need do so unless they want to sign up. Factions would not be strictly about PvP, but could offer a variety of bonuses or perks for joining. A crafting type character might choose to join a faction because as part of that faction, he may have access to a more powerful forge, or any other number of crafting boons. Crafters may get discounted prices on certain materials that the faction controls, and sell wares much easier to faction mates than being an independent merchant. The flip side is that he is intrinsically at war with the other factions and can be PK'd by them if caught unprepared. The crux here is to offer real incentives for all types of players to consider joining a faction who might not normally be interested in PvP.

    I'm sure there are hundreds of other examples that we could put together to make this work, but I believe a carefully molded faction system could result in engaging PvP, as well as the risk/reward angle that PKers are longing for. I know many crafters who are not interested in being on the front lines still want to feel like they are making real contributions to the war effort, and that they are needed. Factions may help band these play styles together on the same team with a goal in mind.

    You might almost think of a player's faction as a type of game driven Guild. Optional to join, you may never want to pick sides, but there are perks and risks when doing so. What do you all think?
  2. Jonathon_Blade

    Jonathon_Blade Avatar

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    I volunteer to head the Council of Mages ;)
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