1. Here you will find official announcements and updates. These announcements are also linked in the Official SotA Discord server.
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Game Server Access interruption May 19th circa Midnight CT: RCA

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Ravalox, May 20, 2023.

  1. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    There was a service interruption that began shortly after midnight server time Yesterday (Friday). This outage was caused by a software upgrade event being performed by the ISP we use through the DataCenter.

    Initial investigation shows that the ISP had notified the DataCenter of the impending work, but the DataCenter did not forward that notification to us. The SotA team acted and were on the line with the DataCenter performing triage, isolation the issue to the Internet connectivity. Thanks go out to Laney, Undone, Allium, and Devilcult for rallying and helping to determine the impact and cause in such a short time.

    We are taking action to prevent this in as much as we can for any future scheduled 3rd party events. Some changes for notifications need to be put in place as well as a few other items that need to be sorted out.

    Thank you for your patience and for the company in our Official Discord server while we dealt with the issue. Granted there was nothing that could have been done to recover game access sooner, but those folks in Discord got the blow by blow, and their support was most appreciated!