Happy Thanksgiving!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Adam Crow, Nov 23, 2023.

  1. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    Hope all of you that celebrate Thanksgiving had a great day!

    Today really got me thinking about family, life and the things I'm thankful for. When a video game can somehow make its way into your thoughts in a situation like that... well I just wanted to give thanks to all the players and developers that have made this game what it is. It really is incredible. The depth in this game is something I am so thankful for it just really deserved a post today.

    Thank you all for your part in creating an escape into a world of imagination and creation. I took a step back today from my normal game routine just to explore and enjoy the creations of others. In just a couple hours, I saw so many things I can't even begin to describe them here. This world we have is something I'm very proud to be a part of. I probably only looked at about 30-40 different properties/pots, but the ideas and just wow moments I had were uncountable. Things I never would have thought to do for deco, or just personal touches, sometimes just a decoration I didn't even know existed in the game...

    I love this game. I can't say that about any other game I've ever played in my life. This one has really stuck for me, and I don't think that will ever change. The interaction I've been able to have with the players and developers of this game has given me so many memories its priceless.

    Thank you all for your contributions to this incredible game world. I hope it never ends, and I can only guarantee one thing about this game - if I'm still breathing, I'll still be playing.
  2. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Pacific Northwest
    Amen, brother, amen :)
    Duke Gréagóir and Adam Crow like this.
  3. queenbee

    queenbee Avatar

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    Happy Thanksgiving! This community is definitely tight knit ... and I don't really hate you all.. not all of you anyway.
    Adam Crow and Duke Gréagóir like this.