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Imbued gem of bludgeoning combat doesn't increase skill damage

Discussion in 'Crafting, Harvesting, Salvage, & Agriculture' started by mystarr, Jan 29, 2022.

  1. mystarr

    mystarr Avatar

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    1. Title: Imbued gem of bludgeoning combat doesn't increase skill damage
    2. Reproducible? Yes
    3. Blocker? No
    4. Details: Comparing 2 brand new two handed Hammers (maple handle,torc dawl hammer head). One has been socked with two +10 bludgeoning gems. Comparing the tool tip of my skills (crushing blow, ground pound, etc) there is no change in damage between the hammer that has the gems socketed and the one that doesn't.
    5. Steps to Reproduce:
    6. User Specs: (RAM, CPU, GPU and Operating System only)
  2. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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  3. mystarr

    mystarr Avatar

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    Yes, but I see in several of those threads where people indicate they tested and did see a change in glyph damage. (It was working but now it isn't?)
    Also from the release 93 notes:
    "The base weapon skills in the Ranged Combat, Polearms, Bludgeon, and Blades skill trees were not being applied to special attack calculations for almost all active weapon skills. This has been fixed."​
    That makes it sounds like the intended design is that the weapon skills should be increasing when I slot the Imbued gem of bludgeoning, so it's a bug?
    Anpu and Coswald_Dirthmire like this.