Player Created Dungeons Directory

Discussion in 'Player Created Dungeons & Quests' started by Elgarion, May 28, 2021.

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  1. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Greetings Avatars! The purpose of this post is to keep an active alphabetical directory of current player created dungeons in the game.

    I will insert the date of the entry and 1 year following its insertion, it will be removed unless someone bumps the thread asking their date be refreshed (claiming still active) or info be altered. Hopefully this concept can be replaced by tech at some point, but for now, I'm happy to provide. We'll also be using this list to provide short spotlights for dungeons throughout New Britannia -- hope you find this useful!

    Simply reply to this thread with the following information:
    This saves Elgarion lots of time

    Dungeon Image (Optional):
    1920x1080 JPG file, UI must be hidden from the image (F9), images that do not comply with these instructions will be replaced by a placeholder image for dungeons until an appropriate image is submitted.

    Dungeon Name:
    Please provide the name of the dungeon.

    Dungeon Description:
    Please limit to about 800 characters of text in a single paragraph. Input items such as lore and things players can expect from your dungeon.

    Link to Main Dungeon Forum Thread (Optional):
    Please provide a link to the primary forum thread you've created on the forums which can provide more details about your dungeon such as screenshots, lore, updates, links to outside info sources/sites etc.

    Link to Map Location (Optional):
    Please provide a link to the map location for your dungeon's town, such as this one: PaxLair

    Please tag up to 3 forum contacts for your town.

    Default Dungeon Image:
    This will be the default image utilized for your dungeon unless an appropriate screenshot is submitted:

    Player Created Dungeon Directory:
    Below is a listing of Player Created Dungeons that have been submitted using the process described above by posting the criteria in the thread below:

    The Harvest Moon Ball
    (updated 2021-6-07)
    The Harvest Moon Ball is the social event of the season. The ballroom is prepared for the festivities but an Outlander arrives to find Lady Owsley in the foyer, somewhat perplexed as to the whereabouts of her husband, Lord Owsley. She speaks of a laboratory and the faint sound of crying. What secrets lurk beneath the quiet town of Harvest? Only those with a sense of adventure will find out. || More Information || Map Location || Contact @Owsley

    The Ironhall Shaft
    (updated 2021-6-07)
    The Ironhall Shaft dungeon features The Rise Shaft room as it core. The challenge with this dungeon is the immense size of the shaft. It has multiple entrances on each side and its enormous vertical size makes this the most difficult room to map out, connect, and use in a design. The floor area connects to another massive room, the Troll Room, and takes a circuitous route through caverns, a fetid fishing area, and a few surprises. The upper areas feature Lich rooms, Kobold, and the Icy Cathedral, all ringing The Shaft at various elevations. To me however, the highlight is the Ravensmoor Crypt room, pictured above. I spent several hours getting the lighting just right. || More Information || Map Location || Contact @Owsley

    The Obsidian Order
    (updated 2021-6-07)
    Do you have what it takes to be the minion of a Lich Lord? Then the Ebon Dawn wants you! Come visit the friendliest cult this side of the Spectral Peaks. See the changing of the Kobold Praetorian Guard in the Rotunda of Thrones. Be awestruck at the sight of the magnificent Lich Lord Blue Room. Marvel at the Dragonbone Conference Room. Discover the hidden throne in the stained glass room. Take a tour of the underground caverns and sewer system. And what day would be complete without a burning on the sacrificial altar in the crypt? If your schedule permits, you may be able to see a public hanging or torture session in the prison complex. It's a full day of fun for the whole family! || More Information || Map Location || Contact @Owsley

    The Sword of Midras Library
    (updated 2021-6-07)
    Located in Aerie, the dungeon complex is divided into an Abbey and a Library. The Abbey Wing has spaces for devotion and meditation, including the Rose Cathedral, where the recently deceased Abbot lies in repose. In the Library Wing you'll encounter The Sword of Midras Library, the Rise Library, the Upper Library Annex, and the burial crypt of past abbots. The libraries house many books, maps and ancient scrolls. You will find scholars hard at work in the scribe room where the new Abbot will gladly answer any questions you might have. Due to a recent "incident" and for your safety, all visitors are requested to check in with the librarian in the foyer. She will offer you an overview of the facilities. || More Information || Map Location || Contact @Owsley
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2021
  2. Owsley

    Owsley Bug Hunter

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    Some questions:
    • The map link shown in the example uses a link that contains a popup ID for the town. How do we determine the popup ID number to use?
    • When you refer to a "Link to Main Dungeon" are you saying we should first create a post in this forum with details and use that posting's link?
    • How do we submit an image? Do we need it hosted somewhere first and link to it or is there a way to upload it to the forum?
    • Is the "Dungeon Name" anything, or should it be the lot name?
    Time Lord, Lily Byrd and Elgarion like this.
  3. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    If you're town isn't on the web map, it won't be possible. Hopefully we can get that web map squared away at some point. Lots of great work with maps has been coming in, so perhaps not too far off. If it is on the map, just click your town then the share button, then it'll give you a share link.

    Yes, that is ideal, to have a main entry in this dungeon forum about your dungeon where you can post new info about it etc., then in this small entry for this directory thread, basically a link to it for more information/screenshots, story, lore etc.

    Yes, if you submit an image, you will need to host an image. Folks have been using our discord server quite a bit to do this, simply by pasting an image into the screenshots section of Discord, then linking the image out from there.

    The name is up to you. It could be the same as what you have it listed as in your property manager window, or entirely different. We currently can't see what you call it in the propery manager window, so won't matter currently.
    Time Lord likes this.
  4. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Did some editing on the main post to make some things more clear, to include some indications for optional items.
    Time Lord and Anpu like this.
  5. Owsley

    Owsley Bug Hunter

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    The Sword of Midras Library & Abbey


    Located in Aerie, the dungeon complex is divided into an Abbey and a Library. The Abbey Wing has spaces for devotion and meditation, including the Rose Cathedral, where the recently deceased Abbot lies in repose. In the Library Wing you'll encounter The Sword of Midras Library, the Rise Library, the Upper Library Annex, and the burial crypt of past abbots. The libraries house many books, maps and ancient scrolls. You will find scholars hard at work in the scribe room where the new Abbot will gladly answer any questions you might have. Due to a recent "incident" and for your safety, all visitors are requested to check in with the librarian in the foyer. She will offer you an overview of the facilities.

    Forum Link
    Map Location
    Contact Owsley for more information
    Time Lord and Anpu like this.
  6. Owsley

    Owsley Bug Hunter

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    The Obsidian Order


    Do you have what it takes to be the minion of a Lich Lord?
    Then the Ebon Dawn wants you!
    Come visit the friendliest cult this side of the Spectral Peaks.
    See the changing of the Kobold Praetorian Guard in the Rotunda of Thrones.
    Be awestruck at the sight of the magnificent Lich Lord Blue Room.
    Marvel at the Dragonbone Conference Room.
    Discover the hidden throne in the stained glass room.
    Take a tour of the underground caverns and sewer system.
    And what day would be complete without a burning on the sacrificial altar in the crypt?
    If your schedule permits, you may be able to see a public hanging or torture session in the prison complex.
    It's a full day of fun for the whole family!

    The Obsidian Order dungeon is located in Silverdale Market
    Contact Owsley for more information
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2021
    Time Lord likes this.
  7. Owsley

    Owsley Bug Hunter

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    The Ironhall Shaft


    The Ironhall Shaft dungeon features The Rise Shaft room as it core.
    The challenge with this dungeon is the immense size of the shaft. It has multiple entrances on each side and its enormous vertical size makes this the most difficult room to map out, connect, and use in a design.
    The floor area connects to another massive room, the Troll Room, and takes a circuitous route through caverns, a fetid fishing area, and a few surprises.
    The upper areas feature Lich rooms, Kobold, and the Icy Cathedral, all ringing The Shaft at various elevations.
    To me however, the highlight is the Ravensmoor Crypt room, pictured above. I spent several hours getting the lighting just right.

    The Ironhall Shaft is located in Ironhall directly across from the Crafting Pavilion near the docks.

    Contact Owsley for additional information.
    Time Lord likes this.
  8. Owsley

    Owsley Bug Hunter

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    The Harvest Moon Ball


    The Harvest Moon Ball is the social event of the season. The ballroom is prepared for the festivities but an Outlander arrives to find Lady Owsley in the foyer, somewhat perplexed as to the whereabouts of her husband, Lord Owsley. She speaks of a laboratory and the faint sound of crying. What secrets lurk beneath the quiet town of Harvest? Only those with a sense of adventure will find out.

    The Harvest Moon Ball dungeon is located in Harvest
    Contact Owsley for more information
    Time Lord likes this.
  9. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Got them listed, thanks for the dungeon entries! :)
    Owsley and Time Lord like this.
  10. Isabel Ayin

    Isabel Ayin Avatar

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    Search and Destiny


    There were thirteen. They were, but they are no longer.
    The archaeological expedition, led by Giorgio, set out in search of the truth of the origin of the human being. Upon arrival, they found a huge grotto filled with mysterious artifacts and lights and, excited, they quickly camped out and began to investigate.

    The first thing they saw was what looked like a statue of a winged human, or was the sight misleading them?
    They advanced cautiously, and with each step they took, they grew more amazed. Beautiful tombs that seemed to be thousands of years old, exquisitely carved arches and columns, ancient ruins that held gold and silver goblets and weapons that glowed in the dark. And three strange spherical artifacts located atop three columns located throughout the central area. Thpse artifacts did not look like the work of human beings, who would have made them? And for what purpose?

    Spurred on by curiosity, they spun the spheres, and oh, horror and horror! From the side caves all kinds of hideous creatures began to emerge, each more hideous than the last. They tried to fight, but… they were thirteen and they are no longer. Or maybe yes, somehow they are still… something. The thirteen set out in search of the origin and what they found was their destination.
    Do you dare to seek your destiny? If you get lost, keep in mind that the dead show you the way.

    Location: Umbra Regnum - Ayin Mansion (next to Soltown)
    Contact: Isabel Ayin
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2022
    Owsley, Anpu, Alley Oop and 1 other person like this.
  11. Isabel Ayin

    Isabel Ayin Avatar

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    Blackstone Prison


    The walls of Blackstone Castle hold many dark mysteries. A nest of fearsome dragons, a laboratory where horrible experiments are carried out and, in the central courtyard, a small cell with a strange blue portal inside. On the other side of this portal is an ancient prison and its forgotten prisoners. And an execution yard as the centerpiece (with a double public address system to broadcast the executions!).
    After years of neglect, the prison has been taken over by a great lich, his right hand (the evil jailer) and his terrible minions, and the laments of the prisoners echo in the dark walls that give the prison its name.

    But not everything is darkness and death in Blackstone, there is also a place to relax. One of the doors leads to a luxurious swimming pool where seasoned adventurers can relax, recharge their batteries at the all-you-can-eat buffet or take a refreshing swim (the management asks that you leave your weapons and armor in the lockers set up for this purpose).

    If you get lost in this maze of cells, keep in mind that the dead show you the way.

    Location: Umbra Regnum - Blackstone Castle (next to Soltown)
    Contact: Isabel Ayin
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2022
    Elgarion, majoria70 and Rinaldi like this.
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