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[RP-Event]: Chapter VI: The Last Dire Portal

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Cerus, Oct 27, 2018.

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  1. Cerus

    Cerus Avatar

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    Chapter VI - The Last Dire Portal
    (Final Chapter)

    The all-deciding day was almost there.
    History will repeat itself for a last time.

    December 1st, 550PC the first Dire Portal appeared in Ardoris.
    December 1st, 551PC the last one will appear in Aerie, darker and more powerfull than ever before. And the Obsidian Messenger himself decided to attend this battle as he himself wanted to have a taste of the victory in Aerie.

    All cards were played, the dice have been cast. Nothing more needed to be said. Nothing more to be done. It was time to march. This night would reveal, whether Novia will prevail, or fall...



    • This is the final battle against the dark powers that have been terrorizing Novia for one New Brittannian year.
    • Creatures will appear in Aerie, on December 1st, 551 PC (Ingame time).
    • Creatures will be stronger than those from the attack in Ardoris.
    • The Avatars must defend Aerie and prevent the creature from killing the habitants of the city.
    • The Avatars must defend the Leader of Aerie (Hint: creatures will not reach the castle before the night between 1st and 2nd December):
    • Once, all creatures have been fought back, the Final Boss (Obsidian Messenger) will appear somewhere in Aerie.
    • Important: You can fight him only with the Oracle's protection turned off.


    • They protect Aerie's habitants and the leader
    • They defeat the Obsidian Messenger


    • Every citizen of Aerie dies (Excluded: Citizens inside houeses)
      (Note: If a citizen dies he/she counts as dead, even if he/she respawns).
    • The leader of Aerie dies.
    • Avatars can't defeat the Obsidian Messenger until December 3rd.

    Good luck in this final battle, Avatars
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2018
  2. Lesni

    Lesni Avatar

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    Ingame Time: Sunandai Decembre 1, Wentru 551 PC Midnight 00:00:00
    Central Time (NBT): Sunday October, 28, 2018 14:00:00 (2 PM Central Time)
    Rentier, Net, CatherineRose and 6 others like this.
  3. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    The stitches held his wounds together. Gashes and cuts over his entire body yet the pirate did not even wince once. Such was the hatred in every fiber of his body and soul that all he could think of was to destroy this threat once and for all.

    "Captain, the spy just gave me the information and today Aerie, its leader and all the inhabitants will be attacked."

    Boris looked at the majestic city from the "Dragon". Such a long path from the day he washed ashore in Pax Lair to this moment in which history will be shaped by the courage of all those willing to put their lives on the line.

    "Razulah, prepare the poisons as the obsidian scum will taste not just defeat but pain as they never imagined. Attend to the cauldrons as our primal magic must be strong against those that dare blaspheme it"

    Boris looked at the vials of poison, his thoughts were clear. The only way to defeat these Obsidians was to embrace an older darkness they came from and to turn it against them. Forget love he thought, This is about brutality and our deepest primal instinct to survive. After all the end justifies the means. As he looked at the Sea for what could be the last time Novians new freedom, he knew he was one man who had to inspire all those near him onto their potential death.

    The old sayings from the Naval Academy came to his mind "Ductus Exemplo", we must lead by example and be an inspiration for us to follow. Many other thoughts came to his mind as he seeked inspiration from all the spirits that guided this and all other worlds as we were just pawns in their game. He looked at Razulah and the crew as he stepped off the ship and shouted.

    "One Ship, One Path, One Truth"

    Sindariya, Aeryk, Rentier and 6 others like this.
  4. LiquidBlaze

    LiquidBlaze Avatar

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    NW Georgia
    You know, with no decay, I'd go to a event like this now, so I don't snap when I die as soon as I zone in. Thank you Port, Truly.
    Aeryk, Jaesun, Net and 5 others like this.
  5. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    ... MEANWHILE ...

    'The Outlanders fought brave!', Dupre said, while they entered the Ferry to Aerie from Etceter.
    'Yes, they did, that's true.', Ariel said.
    'Even if they are not from here, they show love for our beloved lands...', Fiona added.
    Jude nodded. 'Yes. So this last time we will fight together! All together. Side by side.'

    So they enjoyed the ride on the Boat to Aerie.

    'Ah, back home!', Ariel said, taking a deep breath, as they entered Aerie.
    'Yes, sea air, a bit too salty for me, but fine!', Dupre replied.
    Fiona smiled. 'So let's see, who is around! Look over there: Boris Mondragon, the friendly Pirate!', she told, smiling and waving at him.
    'He really is!', Jude told, 'Most coins of my life I got from him. A real brother!'

    Dupre turned around, recognizing another group entering Aerie. 'Ah, look, more brave fighters arriving over there! Engineer, Antrax Artek, Darius, Catherine Rose, Net, Sabrae No'quar, Sindariya, Arkah, and more are coming over there!'

    'And all Guards are at their posts.', Ariel told.
    'This time we are REALLY prepared!', Jude said satisfied.
    'It's like the good old times ...'

    At this moment another one came around the corner.
    'Greetings Michael!', they said together.
    'Greetings friends! Great to have you here! These are times, where storys and wonderful poem will be told by Bards ...'
    'That could be true, Michael!', Jude said.
    Michael turned around, facing the man in a wonderful, very special Armor of Love. 'And who are you, friend? Do we know each other?'
    Ariel, Dupre and Fiona smiled.
    'Well, everybody around has met each other for sure. If we know us? May be. But who really knows the other one?'
    Michael smiled, nodding. 'I think, that's not important, J', he paused, '... my friend. Most important is, that we know about the Virtues and that we live them - all of us!'

    ... to be continued ...
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2018
    Sindariya, Aeryk, Rentier and 5 others like this.
  6. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    (Brother, thank Cerus for this idea, I think he is showing @Chris what this game can become as it has added, drama, politics, betrayal. This is what an endgame is and what makes it great. R/Boris/El Pirata).
  7. Cerus

    Cerus Avatar

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    No credits to me for the idea of the decay removal ;) All credits to Portalarium. Hope it will encourage more people to engage in battles during RolePlay events.
    And this great event is 90% driven by all of you Avatars. Cheers for this!
  8. craftymethod

    craftymethod Avatar

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    *Many hurried souls run errands and quests all throughout the final days. before this impending battle. Final preparations are being made and in fact are reaching fever pitch.*

    *There are many virtue tests and tribulations afoot, but what groups shall be successful? Nothing is certain during these final hours...*
  9. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    Hello my sweet Snow. I see you are resting comfortably on my bed.

    I felt quite embarrassed when we finished the battle in Brittany Fields. Not only was I covered with burns and bleeding from head to toe but when I was finally able to go through my front door stumbling more than running I called to my Lady to help me. She took one look and gasped. Standing there in my bathing room covered in dirt and still oozing blood and caked in dried blood I looked in the mirror on the wall just when she gasped. What a sight for I did not have a stitch of armor on my body. I wonder how long I had been like that. No wonder on the way home avatars seemed to stare but I was too tired and wounded to ask what they were looking at. Hmmmm. Now I know!

    As I reclined on my bed after this great battle the thought came to my mind that we have one more battle. It will be even greater than any we have known before. It is our last chance to defeat Hemswald The Descendant and the Obsidian Messenger. The darkness that is taking over our beloved land and killing all our loved ones must be stopped.

    The tears could not be stopped as I remember Boris, the great Pirate who has risked his life over and over coming near death in order to provide supplies and food and giving all he is for his beloved ones, Michael, Arka, Dhanas, Antrax, Caelas, Sindariya, Net, craftymethod, Athanial and so many brave, courageous and loving Novians. We must fight to the death to save these as well as all the other loved ones.

    My husband, Dragomir told me before he died, that this day would come. We are to be prepared to die for all we love. He told me he had found a special sword that he hid in a safe place so that if that day came in our life time he would take it into battle. He wanted all to have peace and love restored. Dragomir, means Precious Peace and it will again be precious peace for all who live here and for all of Novia.
    "My Lady "please go to my secret closet and retrieve Dragomir's Obsidian Sword he put there for safe keeping. Today is the day he would use it if he were still alive. I will see to it that the greatest swordsman in our land will use it this day. I will also fight beside him and watch as we triumph over this evil Obsidian Messenger.
    Truth, Courage and Love will succeed. These lasting virtues will continue directing our lives in precious peace.

    Good night Snow, I must rest now and be ready for the last great battle.
  10. Synergy Blaize

    Synergy Blaize Avatar

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    Australia- The Land Down Under
    "Hopefully these "hurried souls" had help during their quests during the final days, before the impending battle...."

    Alas, no One Avatar, can strive to save the Realm on their own!

    Fortunately, some Lucky Avatars, have been able to call for assistance from their Friend & their Allies,
    in their quest to solve the riddles of this puzzle....

    This final Battle, will declare the Virtue, of ALL Avatars,
    who strive to assert their True Virtue!

    And so...
    It has been done & will be declared to All....
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2018
  11. Helvig Ingvildsdottir

    Helvig Ingvildsdottir Avatar

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    Helboer in Kahli
    What to do, Helvig thought, what to do. She had been staying out of this conflict, but people started to notice that neither she nor any of those close to her were seen participating in the battles. They started to ask questions. To urge her to fight by their sides.

    Helvig was not a woman to avoid a fight. Her upbringing in one of the roughest times and places in Earth’s history and the values and principles of her native society would not allow her to display cowardice in the face of an enemy. She certainly was not afraid of death, having served the very goddess of Death from her homelands all her life.

    But she was one of the few that had experienced the personality and abilities of the man, that had taken command of a small group of unvirtuous avatars, or so it seemed, if the reports she kept hearing held any truth. She had an idea of what he was capable of, and she knew he had several of her friends on toast, among them the man she loved and was promised to. What to do? If the Obsidians won, Novia would never be the same again. And while Helvig never thought of the Obsidians as the monsters that some would portray them as, while Helvig had studied their history and philosophy and found much admirable about it, she knew too little to risk this. But if she called her friends to fight against Hemswal and his people in this battle, and the Obsidians won nonetheless, she felt that Hemswal would consider this to be betrayal, and she and all that were close to her heart would suffer. Even just entertaining such thoughts could be dangerous, and she could only hope that the archmage was too busy with all the events and consider her and hers to be too unimportant to be watched.

    And as the hours progressed, and Helvig knew the time of the attack on Aerie was getting closer, she went to the sanctuary of Hel to pray. “Goddess, give me wisdom. How am I to proceed?”
  12. Net

    Net Avatar

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    September 6th
    I have arrived at Insulam de Nocte. I have tracked down @Vicious Malice here before but she left the scene quickly. At that time I followed her and eventually she led me to Festival, where I encountered @Hemswal The Descended, but that is old history now. Several avatars thought that we might need to find more about our enemy. Maybe they knew more than we did. That is why I am here today, I talk to the local town crier and learn that Malice lives in a small row house in here but Hemswal himself owns several properties. I need to check them all and time is running fast. It appears I am alone here, if I act quickly I will be unnoticed. I found a note in Hemswal's home, seems he has specific dietary needs.

    This did not seem relevant to task at hand though. I continued my search, visiting basements, opening every door and cabinet, but I saw nothing important. I stumbled open large Viking house owned by Hemswal. Strange, I thought to myself. Until now it seemed he prefers Obsidian architecture. I could not open the door. It was not locked, I just could not open it. I encountered this issue before, seemed some powerful magic wanted to keep me away. Nearby stood Obsidian Keep, so I climbed the nearest tower and run as fast as I could, I barely landed on the roof of the Viking home, made a roll and looked around. And I smelled decay and death. Hmm, this looks like Hemswal's home alright, I thought immediately. And this time I could open the door on the roof so I headed inside.

    Dark ritual took place here recently it would seem. Not ritual, rituals, this could not happen only once. I explored the house to see if I can reveal any more secrets but I searched in vain. Outside I spotted gardening patch with blue roses though. Seemed suspicious, is Hemswal gardener? Or does he use uneaten corpses as fertilizer?

    This mystery was resolved as soon as I visited Malice's home. It seemed almost cosy for an obsidian building if you have not been in the basement. The upper floor held more than one secret though.


    So there goes the mystery of the blue roses, who would have thought? I did not want to linger, seemed I was trespassing an intimate scene, and even though Malice appeared to be evil, there seemed to be love burning inside her. I also wonder whether she is going to become the next victim of the Hemswal's special dietary needs or another man-eater to plague Novia. However then I noticed a mysterious note on the chair, note written in Runic. It was not the note I expected, but it was a lead, and I am pretty sure Malice would not be pleased if she knew other avatars knew of its existence...

    - an excerpt from Net's diary
  13. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Anpu finished crafting a magnificent fine Spear. He had worked for weeks on a powerful weapon and the final masterworks on it. If they dare to attack Aerie, he thought angrily, they will find the tip of this Spear in their sides!

    The killing of innocents is something I will not allow. They must be stopped.

    May the Virtues prevail this day....

    Sadly I will be at work when this happens, but I will be with the Virtuous in spirit, rooting for you to destroy the Obsidian menace!

    Good luck Avatars!!
  14. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    ... MEANWHILE ...

    At last it was done ... the Obsidian Messenger was defeated!

    The inhabitants of Aerie stood side by side with Outlanders, defeating the enemies ...

    The Lord was safe through the courage, truth and love of the people around him ...

    'Let's go', Jude said, after they killed the last black dragon infront of Aerie gate ...
    'Somebody else has to clean it up, I am too old for this kind of work ...'

    Dupre, Ariel and Fiona laughed, happy about this happy end :)

    ... the end ...
    ... at least for now ...
  15. Net

    Net Avatar

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    December 1st
    The Aerie is already under attack, the enemy is at the gates now. I will not be fooled this time however, I know the Obsidians can open portals anywhere in the city. So, I let Dog II guard Lord Harcourt Drumplemouth, we need to protect the Lord at all costs as the Obsidians are after the rulers of the capitals of virtues.

    Soon, I am joined by @Sindariya and another avatar who plays music to keep us occupied in these troubled times. We hear the battle in the streets, moving closer.

    December 2nd
    The battle entered the castle. Suddenly a Lich Lord appears in the chambers as well as many virtuous avatars. I protect the Lord Drumplemouth with my body and suddenly I am torn apart and left in the spiritual realm. The battle is not over for me however, I am brought back to life in new form to protect the Lord until the Obsidian army is defeated. In my new shining cloth I do my best to convince the Lord to stay out of the harm's way, the previous rulers were too engaged but they were no fighters and Obsidian creatures were no match for them. Luckily many avatars are here to protect the Lord as well. Then we hear the shouts, the Obsidian Messenger is coming!

    The Battle rages on, the Obsidian Messenger summons another Dark Lich but the avatars are ready. The Lich is defeated and the Obsidian Messenger is no match to the group attacking him, he barely clings to life but eventually is slain by Dhanas Moonwhisper's Ice Arrow.

    December 3rd
    The battle is over, the avatars have won, the Obsidians are defeated... for now. There are reports of loose dragon at gates but the beast soon disappears. I celebrate the victory by fishing on the nearby island. What an adventure the past two years were, I wonder what the future holds...

    PS: It seems the large fish were scared away by the battle.

    - an excerpt from Net's diary
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2018
  16. craftymethod

    craftymethod Avatar

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    *Lets out an audible sigh as he awkwardly steps into a row boat, with something catching his eye he looks up toward the sky. He pulls a hip flask from his waist and takes a swig grimacing.*

    "What's next!" *wiping his mouth in frustration".. he loses his balance and falls back over and into the dark blue water. After a few cough's and splutters and helping himself back to the shore, He begins to curse the obsidians under his breath.*

    *throwing the empty flask to the ground, He stares off into the distance.*
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2018
  17. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Rubble fell from the ceiling and the earth shook as Arkah steadied himself against a stair railing near the bottom floor of Castle Arie. The room was on fire and the curses of the entire Obsidian Cabal plagued his senses. Another explosion shook the ground as Arkah stumbled over the railing. There were cries of battle all around. He pulled himself to his feet, he had already been felled a dozen or more times by Mangar and the obsidians. His constitution was at its limit. He had fought along Captain @Boris Mondragon and @Antrax Artek 's side, as well as Cathrine Rose and the Pax Guard, to whom he had entrusted Eevee Storm to.

    Another loud explosion flung open the castle gates just as Arkah approached them, and he was flung ablaze against a nearby column as the Obsidian Cabalists and thier Messenger, as well as the full force of Hemswal and his men entered the castle. Failing to maintain conciousness as he lay on the floor, he could make out Antrax, Captain Boris, and Danahs Moonwisperer engaging the obsidians as the room faded black.


    Arkah slowly opened his eyes and covered them again. THe light was bright and he felt lightheaded. he made out somone standing next to him, it was @CatherineRose . He sat up immediately and looked around in a stupor, "Where are we? Is this still Arie? What happened?"

    Catherine layed him back down on the hospital bed, "Shhh you're ok, you need to rest. You were badly hurt." Arkah stay layed down and covered his eyes from the lights again, "Was drumplemouth killed? Did we fail...?"

    Cathrine spoke reasurringly applying a wet cloth to his head, "No, the Obsidians were driven out. The city is safe for now."

    Arkah looked relieved and Catherine turned and stepped twards the other room asking, "Are you hungry? You must be starving."

    Arkah sat up slowly and dug through his pack, pulling out some dried wolf meat. "I think i have something." He took a large bit and chewed slowly. After finishing he stood up.

    "The Misty Sea is filled with injured. " She said sadly. Arkah dug aroudn in his backpack again and pulled out several full bottles of medicine strung together. "Here you go, this may help."

    "THank you, it will" She said. "You really should rest more before you go"

    "Oh i think im fine now," Arkah protested and began sprinting two steps before tripping over himself and fallign to the floor. "Maybe i should at least walk. A shame, i hate travelling so slowly." He grumbled as catherine helped him to his feet and escorted him outside. "I think i can manage slowly from here."

    They waved goodbye to each other as arkah walked across the field. he then stopped near a tree and turned, yelling,"Hey! I forgot i have these scrolls!" He waved a recall scroll at Catherine and promptly read the incantation off it, sneding himself straight home to the Blue memory in Ordinis Mortis.
  18. Hemswal The Descended

    Hemswal The Descended Avatar

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    @Net Not only are you a trespasser, but a presumptuous fool as well! If you must know the reason for the letter about the "ECSST", That was an other worldly creature that longer exists, which has nothing to do with any of this. There was never any cannibalism to speak of, either. That was all just The Jester of ToHS being, well, a jester. But, bravo, bravo, you found my Obsidian shrine while trespassing. Well done. *claps* Criminal..

    As for the Obsidian Messenger, you may have delayed his plans, but you did not defeat him. He will keep coming back. His protections from actual death are still very much intact.

    I would like to share something with all of you. I'd like to point out a few things...

    I've noticed many avatars mention things about virtues and how that's what will save us from the evil obsidians. *Makes a little gesture with his hands and makes a mocking sound at the same time* Oooo the evil Obsidians! Hahahaha!

    Many of you showed the world your true colors today. Many of you showed some very Obsidian traits as well! Even those of you that claim you want nothing to do with them!

    I saw many avatars of great Renown.

    I saw some avatars use actual Tactics in their decision making during the most recent battle.

    Most of you showed a true Desire for a specific outcome.

    A good amount of you actually used Strategy to deal with your obstacles, ahead of time!

    Even though you you kept losing, you were Persistent and kept trying again and again.

    A few of you were quite Fierce in battle!

    And lastly, the majority of you were present to accomplish a great Endeavor!

    So, go on! Run your mouths about how your false virtues saved the day! But, remember, that Obsidian aspects were what gave you your limited victory. Even in your short lived victories shall you feel the sting of defeat! Mwuahahahahaha!


    You think you're following a virtuous path. But, the truth is, you're just being trained to learn the correct path. The fact is, that Obsidian rule is the closest thing to enlightenment most of you will ever see.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2018
    Net, Sindariya, Gaelis and 8 others like this.
  19. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    Boris checked in briefly on Dragomir where the "Dragon" had been docked as a last stand had Aerie fallen which fortunately it did not. He noticed Lady Catherine tending to Arkah's battle wounds and smiled as he walked off quietly back to his ship. His armor dented, his swords damaged and his body bleeding yet he walked on until he arrived at his ship.

    He stepped aboard somewhat unsteadily yet with a smile. They had stopped the Obsidian attack and saved Aerie. Razulah reached him quickly and helped him stand as the crew lined up on the main deck to welcome their captain.

    "Razulah, I think we need to do a bit more stitching." He removed his chest armor to reveal two new puncture wounds. Razulah moved quickly yet Boris held him at bay. "Not yet, I must address the crew and send some messages to be posted in every city in Novia."

    He had the yeoman take note as he spoke to the crew.

    "Today was a special day for every citizen of Novia. Today we set aside our petty squabbles for the common good and realize that if we stand together in difficult times we can prevail against any force that threatens this new land which we call our home. Many stepped up and ked when leadership was required, many died and those we will honor. Many I asked at the last minute to join our cause such as Order of Chivalry and Pax. Many others came including many whom I had never had the pleasure to meet before. What we held up today was not as much virtues as much as freedom. I am far from a virtuous man. I am a Pirate, walk between light and darkness but most of all I am free. Let this freedom continue and our bonds deepen as this threat is far form over. To our opponents like Hemswal and House of Mangar, you fought with tenacity and cunning. We will meet again be assured and you will be defeated again and again if necessary. Signed. Captain Boris Mondragon/El Pirata"

    "Razulah, hurry and send this to our new friends as we now have one large alliance where we are all equal and with one objective".

    Boris looked at his crew and they all shouted in unison. The message was clear.


    The crew hoisted the mooring lines and the "Dragon" headed back home to Serenite. It was time for a brief rest and further preparation for a future filled with uncertainty.

    Paladin Michael, Net, Rentier and 6 others like this.
  20. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    I see you forgot the real virtues that will last forever. Virtue of Truth will guide your thoughts to an authentic understanding of what you see and hear. The virtue of Courage will give you strength to recognize when there is truth in all you do. Most of all the Virtue of Love lives on in and past your body and binds all Truth and Courage together.

    You are the one who can not see for you are blind in your understanding of Love. For it is not held in you by acting in Courage and actions are not held together in Truth. Your have not the binding of Love.

    You do have have your virtues as you stated and we also have these virtues. However, you Do Not Have the virtues of Truth, Courage nor of Love.

    These are the worthy and lasting virtues! Truth. Courage. Love
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