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[RP + PvPvE - Event] Chapter 3: The Descended Avatar

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Cerus, Oct 18, 2018.

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  1. Cerus

    Cerus Avatar

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    Chapter III - The Descended Avatar

    Finally, the Avatars found the truth behind the attack in Ardoris. And only a few moments later it would be decided whether they will stand united or be torn apart. How would they proceed to handle this overwhelming enemy?

    Video made by Engineer aka @Datendrache

    • This is a PvP/RP event representing an important war/battle of the story. There will be many(!) deaths.
    • If you don't like PvP in general and you hate it if others kill you, do not join.
    • Looting will be active. If you join, it is recommended not to have your valuable things with you.

    • On May 4th (ingame time), Hemswal The Descended and the Obsidians will appear in the Dysborg Ruins.
    • Hemswal will receive overwhelming Power from the Obsidians to protect "the summoning of the next dire Portal".
      • Hemswal will not be looting any Avatar slain by him (Beware: if other Avatars kill you, they can loot you).
    • Avatars have to stop Hemswal. To do so, they will have to team up and battle him and his allies. His allies might be:
      • Monsters in the scene
      • Cabalists
      • Other Avatars, who decided to abandon the virtues and fight on Hemswal's side, or just slay anything in their way.
    • In addition, Aeddon the Arch Mage will be hiding somewhere in the scene. The second task of the Avatars is to find and slay Aeddon, before the ritual is concluded (end of the day May 4th)

    • Hemswal is defeated and there are no more Cabalist in the scene.
    • Arch Mage Aeddon is found and slain.

    • Hemswal survives until the end of the day (May 4th)
    • The Arch Mage Aeddon is not found until the End of the day

    • It is highly recommended to participate in full (and organized) groups/parties
    • If a group allies with one or more other groups, they should consider appropriate tactics to not stand in each others way and avoid friendly fire
    • Once you enter the scene you are in open PvP. However, if you don't want to miss out an essential RP scene, watch the opening without attacking each other. Once Hemswal is in your range, the battle can begin.

    Good luck, Avatars!
    Montaigne, Stella Moon, Sole and 17 others like this.
  2. Steevodeevo

    Steevodeevo Avatar

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    This is so cool. I don't PVP quite yet, so I'll watch this one with interest from the bleachers :)

    I'm only just starting to realise what these Forum advertised RP-PVP/PVE events are all about. I will definitely keep my eyes open going forward for others that come along, such as puzzles, exploration, object hunts and other such adventures including PVE events, if they are even possible in this format.
  3. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... MEANWHILE ...
    Back from Etceter in Ardoris

    As Jude and Fiona entered the Peladjar Inn, Kardan was very nervous.
    'Jude, Fiona! Good you're back! Now we know, who is responsible for the attack!'
    'What you're talking about?', asked Jude.
    'A woman, Zaleena, appeared just a moment ago. She is the sister of that other woman, who was killed.'
    'Calm down, Kardan.', Samael said and told what this woman explained ...

    'So now we know exactly. This wasn't a coincidence! This attack was planned to destroy the Virtue of Love and to kill the love in people's heart! We need to be fast to prevent they will fight each other!'
    'So what are you talking about, Jude?', Kardan wanted to know.
    'Listen: We know, that the parchment was hidden at a place, where the Oracle couldn't find it. Eris told us, but he didn't knew where exactly!'
    'After all what happened I assume it only can be Dysborg Ruins!', Fiona said excited.
    'Kardan, please inform as soon as possible our 4 Master Mages of the 4 elements!
    They have to appear!', Jude told him.
    Shouting 'On my way, starting with Griselda!', Kardan left the inn.

    Fiona got very serious: "Samael, please, find the ghosts from Lady Khasi and Lord Siranto and ask, for how long they will be around! Is there enough time, even if we find that parchment to have a try?'
    Samael smiled. 'They are still here. Around us. I talked to them since their bodies were slain. And I told them to stay as long as they can. As you know, mind and soul will not leave suddenly after dead. We have a few days, until they have to go on ...'

    Jude and Fiona sat down. 'Thank you, Samael! We must find that parchment! Our only chance to save them and to bring back the Love to this place, which was flooded with too much negative energy poisoning those Outlanders hearts ...'

    ... to be continued ...
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2018
  4. Sindariya

    Sindariya Avatar

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    Now I have a headache. This chaos at the meeting of the avatars was not enjoyable. Hearing them disputing and shouting over nonsense worn me out although I only listened silently. But the girl Zaleena gave us the answers we needed. Time for smaller and more constructive meeting with @Net and @Gaelis in PaxLair.

    I send a letter to Net in Serpant Watch's to join us tomorrow for a good drink and a little conversation. Now that we face an enemy that could not only harm but really kill us, I want to hear their opinions. On my home I will stop at Gaelis treehouse to invite her personally and perhaps snatch some of her delicious food.
  5. Hemswal The Descended

    Hemswal The Descended Avatar

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    Yes, please, you poor virtuous fools! Face me, if you dare!
  6. Sindariya

    Sindariya Avatar

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    The fool is always the one that follows someone and you follow Aeddon.
  7. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... MEANWHILE ...

    'Are you really sure?', Fiona sorrowful asked Jude.
    Jude turned around. 'Yes, I am.'
    'But what do you want at Shuttered Eye, Jude? You know, Dysborg Ruins is at the opposite side of the lands?'
    Jude smirked. 'Fiona, I am old, not demented!'
    He walked up the hill, while Fiona looked around. 'I don't like that red spiders!'
    'I know, be patient. It's up the hill.'
    'What is that? The entrance of an old mine?'
    'Something like that, Fiona. Look, here we are.'
    'An old shack?'
    'There were good days I had here. It may look old, but it provides safety!'
    'Saftey? With all that slimes, spiders and undead around?'
    Jude smiled. 'As the monastery was my home, ages ago, well, it was more comfortable. But as the Shuttered Eye rose and the hordes of undead and beasts destroyed that home, all had to leave.
    I used to live a while here, watching, what happened around with this former peaceful area ...'
    'Okay, Jude, is this a kind of sentimental meeting, before entering one of the most dangerous places?'
    Jude laughed. 'Well, you could say so. But we won't stay very long. So, sorry, I can't hand you a tea.'
    Suddenly Jude started to lift some boards. 'Here we are!', he said, while he pulled a small chest from under the boards.'
    'Let me guess: all that coins, you saved since those Outlanders came in our land?'
    'No, wrong guess. Be patient, Fiona!'
    Jude opened the chest carefully and revealed the content.
    Fiona smiled and nodded. 'I have to ask again, Jude. Do you really want to do this?'
    'I will', Jude said again. 'I know, I swore to never wear this and never ever someone should be harmed by my hand. All I wanted to learn and to teach others was love ...'
    'Jude, don't get me wrong. I have no sorrow about your age. I know who you are. I am only worried about your oath. Can you live with doing that?'
    'I have to, Fiona. What's more important? I am not trading one virtue against another. I just fulfill the virtue with more importance at this time!'
    'So it should be, Jude. I stay with you. Waiting outside ...', Fiona left.
    After a while Jude came out, wearing his old uniform.
    The leather Armor of Love.
    Fiona smiled. 'You're back, Jude! Good to see you again after all this time ...'
    'I am ready to go, Fiona. Let's find this parchment, for the sake of Love!'

    ... to be continued ...
    Obsidian Tempest, Net, Jaesun and 6 others like this.
  8. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Arkah hurries to the island of Caelestis Canton at full sprint, with a sweaty and furled brow. After the meeting of the avatars, having sat in the shadows and overheard the whole thing, He had a concern and dread forcing him to act quickly. Who could he trust? He saw how the avatar's were at each other's throats. He cracked a slight envious grin briefly after recalling a kobold mentioning to him that kobolds never fight amongst each other.

    "This is bad. almsot every single avatar i know is desperately power-hungry. This is REALLY bad.." he thought repeatedly, hieghtening his cconcern as he approached the docks on paxlair. Boarding the sailboat to Caelestis canton, he worried at the thought that the pax guard may literally be the only truely brave and compassionate avatars he was aware of. He recalled hearing mention of Antrax's army, and recalled an encounter with them once in the Fall. "If they will help take down Hemswald that would make thigns so much easier, but still.."

    *Arkah sets off to begin making plans for the dreaded day, struggling to keep hope in his heart"
  9. Hemswal The Descended

    Hemswal The Descended Avatar

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    @Sindariya You assume much... I have no reason to reveal my motives to you. Should you arrive on the fateful day and choose the wrong side, you'll face regret! You've been warned.
  10. Vicious Malice

    Vicious Malice Avatar

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    She had heard and seen enough. But nobody had seen her. A short woman, barely more than a girl, crouching on a nearby roof, where she had observed the chaos and rage of the avatars, and then Zaleena’s speech. Her heart was racing. The Master’s secret had been revealed. She reached out mentally, trying to find him, but she felt a barrier that was stronger than any she had ever felt before. It hurt. She instantly knew that the Master was aware that he has been exposed, and preparing for what was to come, which meant to shield himself from prying eyes and prying minds. She would fight by his side, but she would have to do so without his guidance. Perhaps this was, so she mused, perhaps this was the true reason why he had asked her if she would die for him, a few nights ago.

    Quietly she snuck away, towards Caelestis Canton, hoping to find the Master’s second apprentice. He had to be informed.
  11. Sindariya

    Sindariya Avatar

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    @Hemswal The Descended You are a fool when you think I would choose a side. Sure the oracle says I follow the paths of the virtues but they mean as much to me as your anti-virtues. I'm not interested in your motives at all, I'm only interested in your power.
  12. Sindariya

    Sindariya Avatar

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    Hmmm Gaelis is not in here treehouse. That's unusual, normally she works at this hour. I walk through PaxLair to my home in 4Boulevard. Net will arrive soon for our talk. At my front door I notice a lovely smell in the air. It comes right from next door. Could it be Gaelis that she is already at home? I knock at the door and enter. The backdoor is open and I hear laughter from there. I follow the snickering to the back garden. Net already arrived and is eating soup with Gaelis.
    "May I join the round?"
    "Sure, take a seat and I will bring you a bowl of pumpkinsoup as well."
    "I would rather take the applepie I smelled."
    "That's the dessert."

    We eat the soup and talk about our adventures since the Adoris incident. Net presents his newest trophy, the shroud. Gaelis tells us about her lot she just bought and her plan to start a farm there. At the end I inform them about the avatar meeting and our new enemy.

    "Truth to be told, I never fought against any other avatar and I don't intent to change this fact. Even when our enemy is an avatar this time. Furthermore I'm not sure if I could be any help in this fight. I'm weak compared to many avatars I know. I can only keep other creature away from those that will fight the obsidian assassin. But you guys are healers. You will be needed at that day and become the primary target. So you should be careful thinking about it."
    Gaelis leaves the table to get the applepie and Net plays with his pipe. When Gaelis returns she says "I don't like to fight but I will always defend my friends." Net adds "We are healers and we just help those in need."
    "Your life, your decision. Just be wise enough and stay with those who are strong enough to defend you guys. If I need your help I will come to you at the battle field." I lean back in the chair with a smile on the face. The applepie tastes fantastic, I think I will have second and thrid.

  13. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    Boris received the message from Catherine and the "Dragon" sailed towards the rendezvous point. The sun rose over the horizon and One eyed Jack shouted from the crow's next. "Black Sails Captain".

    He took the spyglass to verify the identity of the ship and indeed it was the "Misty Sea". Within an hour the "Dragon" docked next to the "Misty Sea" and Boris greeted Catherine. He noticed she still had an injury from the attack by Shimizu and caught her in his arms momentarily as she looked about to faint. The crew from the "Misty Sea" drew their swords for a moment until they noticed Boris helped her sit down on one of the two chairs set up for their conversation. "At ease men , I mean Lady Catherine no harm"

    Catherine's men sheathed their swords again and the initial tension subsided.

    "Milady this attack upon you will not go unanswered of that I assure you. I have notified the other pirate captains and will rendezvous with them within the next week to go over contingency plans. I want you to be aware of what Zaleena told me once I rescued her from the Fall. There will be chaos, there will be treachery and for now I must stay out at sea. Port Phoenix and Diamond Fields welcomed me on my return from the Fall but I will nay put them in danger of the Obsidian Lord's cronies nor that new alliance that I do not trust. Remember Scoffer and Griffler wanted me dead for a reason. I believe they have succumbed to the thirst for power the Obsidian Lord has offered and something big is brewing. Keep yourself safe and send Snow to me if you feel you are in danger. I will not take part of this upcoming battle as I do not trust any in the alliance after seeing their intentions and will not imperil the few friends I have left to back me up against what comes. Let them who think they are so virtous fight it out and sort out their lives. The Pirate departs on a long journey back to the old lands to which he was summoned that day in Alexandria. It is a family ritual I must attend."

    He stood up and gently ran his hand along her hair, smiled and walked back towards the "Dragon". Back on the "Dragon" he spoke briefly to Razulah. "Razulah, take us to the Vortex, we are heading back home for now". R/Boris/El Pirata

    Stella Moon, Rentier, Net and 6 others like this.
  14. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Arkah chewed on his botton lip as he sat, leg shaking, before @Sol Stormlin . "Now you understand my deep concerns. This is REALLY gonna suck" He muttered adjusting his hat to cover his eyes a bit more.

    "Why would they do this?" She looked at the table they were sitting at, propping her head up and rubbing her forehead. "I honestly think only the power hungry will go there. Most are too afraid to face other avatars."

    Arkah shifted nervously in his seat. "Yeah that is what I am afraid of. What if every evil in this world recieves this same "great power" that hemswald guy has obtained? And on top of that, If they arent stopped, Each city across the world may well be completely destroyed." He winced a bit as he unintentionally grit his teeth. "People SICKEN me sometimes."

    "Welp." Sol slapped both hand down on the table, "we got a BIG job to do then!" She said with wide eyes and stood from her seat, stretching. "I still dont understand why or how they could give him such immense power."

    "The obsidians delve into ancient magics. Im sure that...." Arkah stopped short, and suddenly lept up knocking his chair over and leapong over the guard railing of the pavillion. "Oh my god!!!!"

    "What?!" Sol shouted after him as he ran for the boats.

    "It's obsidian MAGIC! I'll be back later" His voice rapidly fading as he ran tward the docks.
    Stella Moon, Rentier, Net and 9 others like this.
  15. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... MEANWHILE ...

    Back from the Shuttered Eye Fiona and Jude again entered the Peladjar Inn, talking with their friends about the next steps.
    Every Master Mage was informed, even Eris, the Master of chaos magic ...
    They were having a good meal while listening to Kardan, who told them about the current rumors.
    Kardan also made compliments to Jude, how good he was looking with his Armor.
    Peladjar listened very amazed about what he saw and heard at this day.
    Of course, he liked Jude, but never would have believed that he wasn't just a simple beggar!
    Jude, one of the old fighters?! A new respect for him came up to his mind ...

    Later, upstairs a hot bath was prepared from Peladjar. After that Fiona and Jude got to bed very early. They wanted to leave very early ...


    Fiona and Jude left Ardoris very relaxed and again took the West Perennial Trail.
    At Etceter harbor they entered the boat to Elysium.
    From Xenos they went on their way and took the Ferry next to Port Phoenix.
    The fresh breeze was wonderful, like the sun which rose as they arrived at Aerie harbor ...
    'Let's visit good old Aerie', Jude said with a glimpse around.
    'Good idea, we can buy some provisions.'

    At the Market Plaza someone waved and shoutet at them very surprised!
    'Could it be true?!', Ariel said, as they stood infront of her.
    'It IS true, Ariel! Well, like every week when we meet for a talk.'
    'Not YOU, darling! I mean: HIM, Jude! He's back!'
    'How did you know, who is under the helmet?'
    She smiled. 'I would recognize this man, even he would wear Obsidian armor!
    Let me hug you, old friend! Come into my arms!'
    'We stopped to get provisions, we are on our way to Dysborg Ruins...', Fiona told her.
    'You're what?', Ariel cried out. 'What are you thinking? Too much time with all these young Outlanders around?'
    Jude took his helm off. 'Ariel, a pleasure to see you under this circumstances. I have to confess, I feel a bit younger, wearing this powerful armor ...'
    'Because it is not just an armor, Jude. It is THE armor of Love. Designed by Sequanna herself. It's the most powerful armor ever made!'
    Jude smiled. 'I know. Beside that: Let's sit for a while in the tavern to eat and drink and we will tell you the reason, why I am here with Fiona, ok?'

    ... to be continued ...
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2018
  16. Fruck

    Fruck Avatar

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    Love this!
    When is this in the real world so I can plan to attend?
  17. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
  18. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    ... MEANWHILE ...

    Inside the Laughing Owl Inn, Ariel told in her incomparable manner: 'Take a seat, please, I am with you in just a moment!'
    Ariel spoke a few words with Russel, than followed to the table at the rear side of the tavern.
    'When we leave, provisions will be arranged!', she told and sat down on a chair.

    'I know about the assault and what happened in Ardoris! But I don't know what happened to you, that you try to enter a place like Dysborg Ruins?'
    'Well, it's easy: we heard about a parchment, revealing how to build a new body to resurrect someone ...', Jude started to explain.
    'The Obsidians and their experiments! And you really believe you can use it to rescue the Lord and the Lady of Ardoris?'
    'We never know if we don't try. We know what is needed - beside that parchment - and we know where we have to search.', Fiona continued.

    Russel came over and brought pumpkin soup, bread, apple pie and tea.
    'Thank you, Russel! So let's eat, before it gets cold!'

    After a minute Ariel started to speak: 'I understand the reason, why you want to visit Dysborg Ruins. Well, everyone of us have seen those ruins before. But where exactly do you want to search?'
    Jude took a long breath. 'That's the weakest point of our knowledge, Ariel. We do not have a clue, where it is hidden - exactly...'
    Ariel nodded and looked very serious. 'So we have to dig over every stone?'
    'WE?", Jude asked.
    'Of course, my dearest friend. You won't believe I would let you go alone to such a dangerous place?'
    Fiona smiled. 'Why is this no surprise?'
    'Sure?', Jude looked deep in Ariel's eyes.
    'As sure as one can be. If you are sure about that, Jude, I am, too.'

    They ate calm for a while ...

    'This pie isn't as good as the Ardoris pie.', Jude said, drinking tea.
    'Because no apple pie is that fresh as that one in Peladjar Inn, my friend! But the pumpkin soup is the best around!', Ariel answered.
    'But there is no tea like the Perennial green tea.', Fiona added.
    'Ah, if we wouldn't have other problems as what tea or soup is the best?', Ariel said smiling, finishing her pie.

    At the counter they took three backpacks. 'Three of the best, as you ordered, Ariel!', Russel said smiling.
    'Thanks! See you Russel!'
    They walked outside, the sun shining and providing a deep impressing view, while people around were doing there daily business.
    'So your decision was made, as we entered the tavern?', Fiona asked.
    'No, Fiona.', Ariel replied, 'It was decided at the moment I saw Jude ...'
    Jude put on his helmet. 'I couldn't wish better companions. Let's go. We have a long way infront of us and another meeting before we arrive at Dysborg Ruins ...'

    ... to be continued ...
    Rentier, Net, Boris Mondragon and 6 others like this.
  19. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Arkah approached a large building in a town down the road with which he was unfamiliar. This was the right spot, but not the shop he had visted a good while back. A man muddled about outside doing this and that, it was clear he was just moving in. Near the entrance Arkah spotted the trader he came here to see. "I'd like to uh, see your wares please" He asked nervously, keeping an eye on the property's owner as he adjusted furniture inside. "They haven't been unpacked yet, ask the owner" The trader replied motioning to the property owner without taking his eyes off his papers.

    Arkah approached the owner from behind. "Excuse me" he said softly followed by a corrective clearing of the throat. "You used to sell items of a particular magical quality?" Arkah looked around nervously. "Are you still in business?"

    "Yes" the owner replied turning to greet him and popping his back. "I havent unpacked everything yet"

    "I need a few things and i need them quickly, it's urgent." Arkah showed him a note for 50,000 gold coins.

    "Hmmmmmm yes, i think i can help you!" The shop owner said with a huge grin. He rummaged through some things and pulled out a sheet of paper and a glowing bag heavier than everything arkah was already carrying. "I'll cut you a deal and part with these for 50,000 gold!" He said, beaming again.

    Arkah excitedly accepted the transaction and thanked the man excitedly. "Thanky ou! URGGH!!" he grunted loudly as he threw the bag over his shoulder and began making his way back to Caelestis Canton.


    Sol returned to Caelestis after delivering worms to a friend in Tortuga to find Arkah relaxing in the tavern playing piano. "Hi" She said with a bow. Arkah stopped abruptly "Hello! Here, i want to show you something." Arkah said pointing to a heavy bag resting in a chair near the piano. Opening the bag wide they both looked inside, the stench was ungodly.

    "What are these for?"
    Arkah explained his research and Sol looked at him skeptically. After a few tests she was convinced. "Oh! This might work!"

    Arkah looked her dead in the eye "Do not tell anyone. Not even your own men, until the battle is upon us."

    They nodded to each other, as arkah turned down the road to the docks on his way back to Ordinis. Back to the Blue Memory facility (His research lab in ordinis) to collect More obsidian chips in preparation
  20. Gaelis

    Gaelis Avatar

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    While meeting with Riya and Net:
    "It looks like the Avatars are prooved to stay with the Virtues, maybe it would be good to ask @Lord British to speak to his Avatars. I'm sure it would
    encourage all to be strong and defend Novia from whatever tries to destroy it."
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
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