Scared to Flag? Everything is going to be OK.

Discussion in 'PvP Gameplay' started by Damian Killingsworth, Jul 4, 2017.

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  1. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Agian though.. why would you possibly be fighting players with 1000 gold ore on you?
    As for ransom amount.. no idea.. my guess would be 4k for 1k gold ore.
  2. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    I guess so.
    You wouldnt take 1k gold ore on a grinding push though... its not something thats just an ignorable weight lol.
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  3. Grave Dragon

    Grave Dragon Avatar

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    Lost in the Nether.
    I absolutely did do the bone wall in power hour, but theres a difference between tactics and exploits.. I'm far less concerned about how people got there, but I do know of several specific people who got their GMs through quest bug exploits or glitching the ghost corpion over and over for weeks on end with no repercussions. BUT... Not everyone who has mastered their character did it through illegal game play, I recognize that some folks are just that good, far better at the game than I.

    With that being said, I'm still of the opinion that there should have never been an opportunity to get over 10-15 active GMs in the game to start with. I'm not a proponent for skill caps but I am a proponent for some form of restrictions so we don't have players who can solo anything in the game.

    This is just a one off situation, but I actually had a guy come across a group of 3 other friends and I in Grundvald when we were 4 manning the dragon and laughed at us because it took 4 of us to kill it. I'm not thin skinned by any means and this guy was just being a douche, but it does represent the culture we have in game right now promoting a perception of haves and have nots.

    This restrictionless model has similar negtive effects on PvE and PvP for me and its the number one reason the game is so out of balance right now. Dragons should have never been soloable. Even with telegraphed skills, the Troll in Ravensmoor should have never been soloable. Mini bosses? Sure, a skilled player should have been able to take down the little bosses, but Portalarium should have maintained an element of group only content in the game and so far they have failed to do that.

    There should have been a top end soft cap to level the playing field for pvp, so it became less about how many GMs you had and more about your skill as a player. We dont have that balance here. 150 GMs (or even 30) is not a reasonable plateau/soft cap.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2017
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