The Black Sails Saga - Part II - Tenebris Harbor and Beyond

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Boris Mondragon, Jan 1, 2019.

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  1. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    Captain Trinity and I arrived silently and invisible at the Inn in Aerie without any incident. Trinity again cautioned me to be quiet and stay close even after arriving in Aerie as we headed to the Inn. Boris arrived soon afterwards .
    He was exhausted as were we after such a trying day.

    We sat at the farthest table and made some last minute plans before going to our rooms.


    Michael had gone onto Kingsport for the night and then headed to Braemar as he was anxious to get to Kahli to locate Adam Crow.

    Trinity and I headed to our room. I had to read a note and go over the map in order to make sure we knew the shortest route to Hidden Vale after which a much needed slumber came.


    Boris had some messages to write so he also went to his room for the night.


    I kept dreaming and waking up every few minutes. The dreams were about Trinity, Boris and I running and running. We were searching for something but I could not quite see what it was. We were being chased by very tall and large creatures with red eyes that pierced our very soul. We were very afraid as we ran. We were not fearful of our deaths because we knew we were capable of fighting anyone who attact us but we we afraid that if we did not succeed in hiding the treasure we were carrying to Kalhli that our entire beloved world would suffer a mighty an evil fate from the Obsidians. Their power would then not allow for our deaths but would send us into an eternal torture. So we ran and ran and ran.

    Good morning Captain Trinity and Captain Boris. It is so good to be awake and on our way to Hidden Vale now.
    We decided to meet in the morning at daylight so that we could arrive in Kahli before sunset. We wanted to make sure we did not get lost since we had never been in that area before. We were to meet Michael, Samael and Ariel at the entrance to Kahli. Captain Trinity was to continue her protection of us as we entered the Kahli graveyard by an obsidian tower.



    Boris what is that noise?! We must hurry. Boris nodded and found the first sarcophagus and opened it. He knew that because of all that happened recently that I wanted to place these items in the secure place so Boris held the lid and let me lay these items down into the sarcophagus. I jumped back because just as I placed the covered metal box which held the way for the Obsidians to use their power and evil to communicate to all the world the lid came crashing down closing with a foreboding and clanking sound. There we stared in awe as the sarcophagus began to glow with a dark blue light. We looked at each other and knew that the deities of this world had heard us and led us here. We knew the artifacts hidden in this spot would not be found or even opened easily.



    As we stood there we knew as well as all of us that we must leave this place as quickly and quietly as we had arrived.
    Boris turned to Captain Trinity, Michael and everyone and asked them to leave now but to wait at the entrance to Kahli in case we needed help.

    We heard a voice just as we were about to leave.

    Boris and I began to go farther into Kahli just in case we were being followed. We did not want to take a chance that the precious artifacts would be discovered. So, we continued deeper.

    Again we heard the voice. It was a female voice who sternly wanted to know what we were doing in Kahli. She questioned why we were in this land. When she asked our names she seemed to laugh at my title "The Pirate Queen" with a smirk she said it sounded very romantic. She then told us what her name was, Maluna. She did not waste any time in telling us that we did not belong there and that we should leave.

    We did so and returned, quickly at a running pace, to the entrance.

    We then continued on our return trip to Dragomir.
  2. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... Meanwhile on the road trip back to Dragomir Mori ...

    "Have I told you how wonderful this Ale tasted? What a pity we haven't got the time to go back to Kingsport Harbor and asking Harry for more", Kardan started.
    "Yes, you told us - more than I can imagine ...", Ariel told him eye rolling, while Fiona smiled and started to play another tune for us ...
    Kardan said, more to himself, "Well, what would I give for such another Ale from Harry! Unbelievable how fast it vanished from the counter. I assume, this Flynn tricked me by taking one while I was yawning ..."
    Samael and Dupre smiled to me behind his back and I remembered what happened before we left Braemar Tavern ...

    * * * * * * * * B R A E M A R, an hour before * * * * * * * *

    As we left, Innkeeper Flynn Gilson sighed. "Farewell, friends, I hope Harry's delivery is coming soon ..."
    Then I remembered that I still had the 4 bottles in my backpack.
    As Kardan glanced over his shoulder, I said, "I'll be with you right away, just want to pay!"
    Kardan and the others went outside and I put the bottles on the counter.
    Flynn's eyes widened. "Is that another attempt to drive me crazy? Ale torture á la Kardan?"
    I smirked. "Certainly not, friend, I just thought, after a day with good Kardan Marbane, you deserve it ..."

    The innkeeper grabbed the bottles and placed them behind the counter.
    Then he took a bottle, a nice glass and sat down at the table in the far corner.
    He toasted and said, "May your ways always be joyful - like mine, which I feel right now! I drink upon you and your companions!"
    I bowed and followed the others. If only it were always so easy to please someone ...
    I took a deep breath. Before us was a lot of unpleasant things and I was grateful that I was not alone on it, but knew those people around me, on whom I could completely rely.

    That was what pleased me :)

    [ to be continued ... ]
  3. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    Captain Trinity thank you for going back to Kingsport to get some medical supplies. We were getting very low and if we encounter anymore bandits or a full battle in and around


    Dragomir Mori we would not have enough to take care of more wounded in the hospital on the Misti Sea or on the Dragon.


    Captain Stu, please check with the captains to make sure there is enough food on each ship just in case we are unable to go to Kingsport for more food or rum. We will need enough for at least ten full days.


    Captain Monkeysmack please take Alpha Fishsticks with you to Aerie to pick up the extra boots for the crew s that were made. We may run short of boots and armor if there is another battle soon.

    Captain Boris has made arrangements to have extra swords forged and extra bows made for the possibility that they are needed as well.

    Please continue with extra men on watch these next few weeks especially. There is a sense of foreboding in the air now that I can not seem to shake. Do not let your guard down for even a second.

    I stand here and look out over my beloved Dragomir Mori and see all our ships in Port Dragomir. My deepest desire is stirred as I think that Dragomir must not fall!

  4. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    All the final preparations had been made, Dragomir was ready for war and as the fleet was about to embark towards open water and meet the enemy something happened. The Obsidian fleet dispersed and vanished as if something or someone had evaporated them. Boris heard her speak to him from the water.

    "The spell cast by many in that mysterious land called Kahli has hidden the artifacts well and the Obsidians know they are not hidden in Dragomir. They will risk their fleet without a reason. Do not let your guard down as they know in what land they are hidden and will begin to look soon". Boris knew it was the Sea Goddess that had granted Dragomir the answers it needed from Captain Stormcrow with her guidance. Boris knew he needed the open sea and turned to Lady Catherine and Captain Trinity.
    "Dragomir is safe for now and I must sail with my crew and collect my thoughts as to what may or may not come in the future. I shall return one day soon but for now I must visit my true love, The sea"

    He gave the signal to raise the anchor and led the "Dragon" and its crew onwards to the next destination. He had formed bonds here and knew he would be pulled back here someday.

  5. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    My feet felt the sand that was still warm from heat of the day's sun. Paladin Michael, Alpha Fishsticks, Captain Stu, Captain Monkeysmack. Captain Trinity and Capain Boris finally entered Port Dragomir late last night.


    Adam Crow had gone back to his compound in Kahli once he was sure that The evil artifacts had been safely hidden and we had been safely protected from any Obsidian attack.


    Standing on the sand as the sun was almost gone from this day I remembered the happenings of these past days. My father, along with two more ship captains, had been murdered. At the time we could not see any reason for such a horrible act of evil.


    Strong men from around Novia and Hidden Vale came in response to hearing of these murders. Mac brought his army from Serenite, Antrax came from New Heaven and Xee brought his airships fleet and surounded Dragomir Mori in protection of our city. Mandalair, Drya, Iron Fist Warhammer, Bril and Warfgar traveled across our land in preparation for a battle with the Obsidians. Captain Boris went to Tenebris Harbor searching for more Black Medallions which one had been found next to one of the murdered Captains. There was much mystery and so much unknown. As Boris was returning from Tenebris Harbor he was attact near New Heaven where he stayed until he was strong again. A battle was fought in New Heaven with Obsidians before his return trip to Dragomir.

    Captain Stormcrow led the way to learn the answers as to why the Obsidians were so bent on coming into Dragomir. If it had not been for him leading Captain Boris to the information of the importance of the Medallions a battle like we had never known in our land before would have ensued. We learned the the Obsidians were trying to locate and retrieve these black medallions for they could give them when placed in front of the crystal orb a way to communicate to the entire world. The power they would have would give them the ability to control and destroy at will. Yet, because of Captain Stormcrow, Captain Boris, Paladin Michael and Adam Crow we were spared this epic battle when these artifacts were hidden in Kahli. The place was prepared by Adam Crow. The location was designated by the Deities of the universe and the information for the place was hidden safely from the minds of these evil ones. These evil Obsidians.

    Now, I wade into the shallow water on the shore of Port Dragomir with so much gratitude to finally have the answers and to know that the residents of Dragomir Mori were spared this great battle. Tomorrow when we wake work on farms as planting is done will continue, fishermen will catch fish and sell it in the market, Children have returned to school while old men pass their knowledge of past experience on to the younger generation.

    While standing here with the soft breeze blowing across the land with the air filled with the perfume of roses I see in the distance the grace of the Sea Goddess raise her body from the water giving her blessing on this day.


    Dragomir Mori is at peace once more.

  6. Violet Green

    Violet Green Avatar

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    Last night. Dragomir Mori.

    Violet's ship, Țhe SeaByrd, neatly clipped into the harbour and dropped anchor at Port Dragomir early in the clear afternoon. Her Purser, Scallywag had cpaid the docking fees before her crew began unloading the rugs, barrels of rum, and salt fish. Violet sent word to Lady CatherineRose of her arrival at the dock before making herself useful on her deck.

    Repairs and maintenance were swiftly done and the ship's crew had her retrofitted and restocked before shore leave that evening. It was a practiced routine and soon the sounds changed from that of loading and unloading to those of bathing and grooming as the sun set. Then shortly after, jolly bursts of laughter from the men and women playing a dice game on the dock nearby floated around the port and other joyful sounds drifted clearly through the open window in Violet's quarters. She smiled to herself. After all the tension and uncertainty of the mystery surrounding those black discs on the ship, and the various storms, then the attacks. Her crew needed the night off.

    They had sailed hard and long to get back here from Kahli. The artifacts had been identified by those wiser that she and the decision to hide them made and done, so the whispers in her mind were just whispers tonight and not shreiks. Tomorrow she would know more but tonight was for peaceful thoughts.

    It had been a long journey from the far north and a good workout unloading the ship finally Violet was nearly done filling her copper tub with steaming hot fresh water. It took a great deal of water, and chopped wood in the oven to heat it, and several trips with the bucket so it wasn't a pleasure she enjoyed until docked, refitted, and the cargo was delivered and paid. Her first officer and purser Scallywag had that well in hand. Aslinne Gradh had outdone herself in the gallery and the fish stew tasted a great deal like chicken stew. Their bellies full, the bulk of her crew had shore leave and Jenny Hawkins was left on first watch. Violet heard her call out the alls well from the crows nest above her rooms. Violet had several hours to herself. She flung off her dirty work clothes and clambered into the tub sinking as low as she could in the warmth. She relaxed and sighed contentedly. Now she would wait.
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