Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:
Game Development
- Dyeable Decorations (starting in R57!)
- Release 55 Livestream Items
- Release 54 Livestream Items (cont.)
News Announcements
- Last Day for Release 56 Stretch Goals
- Release 57 on QA Server
- Shroud of the Avatar Rewards Program
- Cosmos Double XP Weekends
- Weekend Flash Sale: Weapons & Armor
- Upcoming Events Calendar
Community Updates
- Community Event: shawn’s “Sell and/or buy all the things” Challenge!!!
- Community Event: Bear Tavern Brawl Aug 25
- Meretz: Win a Topiary Town Dragon Statue
- Meretz: Win a Pair of SOTACON 2018 Tickets!
- Project to Support: Tortoise & Hare Creations Patreon
- Resources: Players Helping Players
Dyeable Decorations (starting in R57!)
We now have technology and user interface support to allow the use of dyes to change the colors of decorations including banners, beds, couches, sofas, and more! We have begun updating our game assets to accept dyes. This will take time as each asset has to be modified individually. Our plan is to maintain a careful balance between craftable items and store items in this effort. For now we are focusing on cloth items but we plan to expand to leather, and possibly wood as well. In Release 57 many Banners (including Heraldy Banners), Canvas Furniture, Fine Red Upholstered Furniture, and Fine White & Gold Upholstered Furniture will support dyes. Above you can see an assortment of the those furniture pieces dyed. Below is what the Fine Red Upholstered Long Couch looks like with a variety of dyes applied to it.
Release 55 Livestream(s) Items
The Release 55 Livestream(s) items were all Lord British themed in honor of his birthday which falls on July 4th. In honor of his birthday the items either have the silver serpent or the Lord British full crest on them. They are also themed around things that Lord British loves like fireworks, space, and magic! Reid Rollo has started work on these this release and the first few items will go live in Release 57. This week we are revealing the Lord British Pavers, Lord British Round Table, and Lord British Large Telescope.
Release 54 Livestream(s) Items (cont.)
The Release 54 Livestream(s) items were all Tropical and Polynesian themed in honor of the summer months. Damon “enalNomad” Waldrip, Reid Rollo and Scott “Scottie” Jones have been busily working on creating them this release and they are turning out amazing! This week we are revealing the Polynesian Axe and the Large Tiki Heads with Flames.
Polynesian Axe (Scott “Scottie” Jones):
Large Tiki Statue with Flames (Damon “enalNomad” Waldrip):
Last Day for Release 56 Stretch Goals
Today is the final day to make an eligible purchase for the Release 56 Stretch Goals (unless you enroll in the Rewards Program before R57 goes live). It is also the last day for us to achieve any further stretch goals! Last Friday we managed to achieve the Box of Replenishing Aether Dye, this Friday let’s see if we can hit the Aether Dragon Statue, or even the Aether Weapon Set (Aether Axe, Aether 1H Spear, Aether 2H Bludgeon)!
Reminder we have updated the way we track stretch goals so you have until midnight tonight for another chance to get us further along on the R56 stretch goals by purchasing something during our 12 hours of sales and stretch goal tracking which now happens every Friday of the release versus just once (or sometimes twice) as we have done in the past.
This means that each Friday of the Release at noon we will turn on the big mega “everything” sale and start tracking the stretch goals where we last left off from the previous Friday (plus any additional Rewards Program participants). We will then track the totals until midnight of that Friday and then repeat for each Friday of the Release. This will give us an entire Release to build up to the stretch goals! During the weekly one-hour Community Livestream we will remind everyone about the stretch goals but those livestreams will remain in the same format: 30 minutes of news and then 30 minutes on a topic (housing, new scene, new feature, etc.).
Here are the Release 56 stretch goals we are tracking towards this month:
- ACHIEVED $10K: Aether Lich Statue (Foyer Size)
- ACHIEVED $25K: Aether 1H Sword and Aether Shield
- ACHIEVED $35K: Double XP Every Weekend in August
- ACHIEVED $50K: Aether Bow & Aether Crossbow
- ACHIEVED $65K: Box of Replenishing Aether Dye
- $80K: Aether Dragon Statue (Village size)
- $90K: Aether Axe, Aether 1H Spear, Aether 2H Bludgeon
Release 57 on QA Server
An early version of R57 is on the QA server along with an early version of the R57 post for review and feedback. R57 is full of new content most of which is now on the QA server for early testing. We could really use everyone’s help to test all of this amazing content before it goes live!
- Player Made Dungeons Preview
- Dyeable Decorations
- Hide Helm Option
- Quality of Life Improvements: Siege & Control Point Skipping, Global Banks
- User Interface Polish: Health & Focus Bars, Vendor Button
- “Full Water” Lots
- Tons of Bug Fixes
- Combat Balance
- R54 Livestream Items: Tropical & Polynesian!
- R55 Livestream Items: Lord British!
- and more!
- Player Made Dungeons Preview
Testing on QA makes you eligible for Testing Incentive Rewards including gold crowns, the Ant Farm, Antennae, Bug Cloak and Paintings.
Shroud of the Avatar Rewards Program
We are excited to announce the launch of our Shroud of the Avatar Rewards Program! Earn the best rate on purchasing Gold Crowns, AND receive rare stretch-goal items from our monthly livestreams! This program automatically enrolls you in the monthly livestreams (counts as the $5 minimum purchase) along with other perks.
For the low price of $9 USD per month you will receive the following:
- 9 Gold Crowns of the Obsidians every month
- Automatic Participation in the Monthly Livestream Stretchgoals (counts as the $5 minimum purchase)
- Exclusive Title every 3 months
- Pick any Dye Pack every 6 months
- Pick any three of the 7 Obsidian Potions every month, including:
- Potion of Capacity: Increases carrying capacity
- Potion of Conservation: Reduces reagent use chance
- Potion of Expedience: Swift gathering on all gathering skills
- Potion of Precision: Increases Meticulous Collection to all gathering skills
- Potion of Preservation: Reduces armor and weapon damage
- Potion of Reclamation: Increases Salvage and Repair to all production skills
One of the successfully met Release 56 Livestream stretch goals was Double XP for the weekends in August to celebrate the closest approach of the comet!
Weekend Flash Sale: Weapons & Armor
After many releases of adding gear in the game as loot and quest rewards in Release 56 we added the Ornate Shogun Bow and Heavy Plate Armor to the store as purchasable items. To celebrate we have put all weapons and armor on sale this weekend!
- Heavy Plate Armor Set
- Heavy Plate Armor Pattern Pack
- Ornate Shogun Bow
- Ornate Shogun Bow Pattern Pack
- Obsidian Order Cloth Armor Set
- Obsidian Order Cloth Armor Pattern Set
- Ornate Elven Mage Staff (digital)
- Ornate Elven Mage Staff Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Dagger (digital)
- Ornate Dagger Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Basket Hilt Sword (digital)
- Ornate Basket Hilt Sword Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Vile Halberd (digital)
- Ornate Vile Halberd Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Chainsword (digital)
- Ornate Chainsword Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Satyr Bardiche (digital)
- Ornate Satyr Bardiche Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Glaive (digital)
- Ornate Glaive Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Bastard Sword (digital)
- Ornate Bastard Sword Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Viking Short Sword (digital)
- Ornate Viking Short Sword Pattern Pack (digital)
- Heraldry Rectangle Shield Eternal Pattern
- Heraldry Tabard Cloth Armor Eternal Pattern Set
- Heraldry Tabard Leather Armor Eternal Pattern Set
- Heraldry Tabard Chain Armor Eternal Pattern Set
- Heraldry Tabard Plate Armor Eternal Pattern Set
- Heraldry Eternal Pattern Mega Pack
- Viking Merchant Outfit (digital)
- Viking Guard Armor (digital)
- Ornate Doublet (digital)
- Ornate Buckled Cross Hatched Gambeson (digital)
- Arabella Leather Armor & Cloak (digital)
- Elven Elite Fighter Armor (digital)
- Elven Elite Archer Armor (digital)
- Elven Elite Mage Armor (digital)
- Short Assassin’s Armor (digital)
- Assassin’s Armor (digital)
- Leather Guard Armor (digital)
- Ornate Kimono (digital)
- Ornate Floral Kimono (digital)
- Steel Clockwork Armor (digital)
- Black Clockwork Armor (digital)
- Ardoris Shogun Armor (digital)
- Ornate Wealthy Merchant Outfit (digital)
- Ardoris Priestess Outfit (digital)
- Ardoris Guard Armor (digital)
- Satin Bodice Bundle (digital)
- Ornate Short Kilt (digital)
- Ornate Long Kilt (digital)
- Viking Wearable Bundle (digital)
- Fancy Riding Outfit (digital)
- Flechier Tapestry Formal Suit (digital)
- Wedding Dress (digital)
- Wedding Tuxedo (digital)
- Ornate Marching Band Shirt & Hat (digital)
- Ballet Outfit with Ballet Emotes (digital)
- Brown Plague Doctor Hat (digital)
- Brown Tricorn Hat (digital)
- Brown Top Hat (digital)
- Brown Bycocket Hat (digital)
- Brown Highwayman Hat (digital)
- Brown Bowler Hat (digital)
- Brown Plague Doctor Mask (digital)
- Ornate Buckled Cross Hatched Gambeson Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Doublet Pattern Pack (digital)
- Viking Merchant Outfit Pattern Pack (digital)
- Viking Guard Armor Pattern Pack (digital)
- Arabella Leather Armor Pattern Pack (digital)
- Elven Elite Mage Armor Pattern Pack (digital)
- Elven Elite Fighter Armor Pattern Pack (digital)
- Elven Elite Archer Armor Pattern Pack (digital)
- Assassin’s Armor Pattern Pack (digital)
- Leather Guard Armor Pattern Pack (digital)
- Short Assassin’s Armor Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ardoris Shogun Armor Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ardoris Guard Armor Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ardoris Priestess Outfit Pattern Pack (digital)
- Black Clockwork Armor Pattern Pack (digital)
- Steel Clockwork Armor Pattern Pack (digital)
- Viking Helm Pattern Pack (digital)
- Flechier Tapestry Formal Suit Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Wealthy Merchant Outfit Pattern Pack (digital)
- Wedding Dress Pattern Pack (digital)
- Wedding Tuxedo Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Short Kilt Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Long Kilt Pattern Pack (digital)
- Fancy Riding Outfit Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Kimono Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Floral Kimono Pattern Pack (digital)
- Satin Bodice Bundle Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Marching Band Shirt & Hat Pattern Pack (digital)
- Brown Plague Doctor Mask Pattern Pack (digital)
- Brown Plague Doctor Hat Pattern Pack (digital)
- Brown Tricorn Hat Pattern Pack (digital)
- Brown Top Hat Pattern Pack (digital)
- Brown Bycocket Hat Pattern Pack (digital)
- Brown Highwayman Hat Pattern Pack (digital)
- Brown Bowler Hat Pattern Pack (digital)
Follow the links to learn more about each item. Also, you’ll want to explore the game in detail for there are many more craftable items available!
Upcoming Events Calendar
Aug 30, 2018 – Release 57
Aug 30 – Sept 3 – Dragon Con
Sept 3, 2018 – Release 57 Dance Party
Sept 7, 2018 – Release 57 Livestream
Sept 27, 2018 – Release 58
Oct 5, 2018 – Release 58 Livestream
Oct 11-13, 2018 – SOTACON Austin 2018
Oct 25, 2018 – Release 59
Nov 2, 2018 – Release 59 Livestream
Nov 15, 2018 – Release 60
Nov 30 or Dec 7, 2018 – Release 60 Livestream
Dec 13, 2018 – Release 61
Dec 21 or Jan 4, 2018 – Release 61 Livestream
Visit the official Community Calendar to see the great lineup of activities our amazing community has planned for this weekend! And be sure to check out this month’s Release Events thread in the SotA forums for additional events.
Community Event: shawn’s “Sell and/or buy all the things” Challenge!!!
[From a Forum Post by that_shawn_guy“]
Thanks to the new receipt files in release 55 and some terrific work by @Titania Xylia on the new vendor tool at, we now have a great way to track our sales and find good prices for all the things. To celebrate this new tool I am running a merchant challenge during release 56.
shawn’s “Sell and/or buy all the things” Challenge!!!
Think your the best merchant in all of New Britannia?
Think you move more Iron Ore that anyone else?
Bet you can get the best price for that Unicorn recipe?
Well, now’s your chance to prove it and win some great prizes!
Don’t own a lot and only have access to guild or public vendors? You can win massive gold!!!!!
Got a spot in an NPC/PRT? One of these prizes could be your!!
Governors!!!! Help you’re residents get more traffic and you could win big too!!!!
Player Owned Town with the top Total Sales Rank (Governor’s Prize):
- 1st Place: 100 Gold COTOs
- 2nd Place 50 Gold COTOs
- 10th Place 10 Gold COTOs
Player with the Top Sales Rank in any Player Owned Town:
- 1st Place: 100 Gold COTOs
- 2nd Place 50 Gold COTOs
- 10th Place 10 Gold COTOs
Player with the Top Sales Rank in any PC/Player Run Town:
- 1st Place: 100 Gold COTOs
- 2nd Place 50 Gold COTOs
- 10th Place 10 Gold COTOs
Make a Random Avatar More Richerer:
- One lucky merchant will receive 333,333 gold
- The challenge runs from the 11:59pm NBT Friday July 27th until the 11:59pm NBT Friday August 31st.
- No cheating
- Your data and player name must be in the public reports
- You can only win one prize
- If there is a tie, the prize will be split
- Obviously, Titania Xylia and myself are disqualified
We will have a running leader board setup and the link will be here.
How many of you are up to the challenge?
You have more than a month. Now get out there and move some inventory!!!!
You can find the Scoreboard at
Community Event: Bear Tavern Brawl Aug 25
[From a Forum Post by “Duke Vallas [BEAR]“]
Where – The Bear Tavern Arena, Municipality of Beran’s Reach
When – 2pm CST, 2-3 hours
To all!
I’m in the process of getting The Bear Tavern Brawls underway, hopefully as part of a regular series of events. Beran’s Reach is built, the Tavern’s up and the arena below is looking pretty good. It makes sense to get it in use!
To combat the problem of organisation, I’m trying something new by using a tournament site to take some of the strain out of it. I’ll also be playing with twitch streaming to help with coverage.
What I need are people to help with a trial run currently scheduled for the 18th of August to give the new system a go. For anyone who has the time and who doesn’t mind getting in the arena, please sign up here. Expect things to go horribly wrong, but at least you’ll have fun taking part.…l-open-friendly/5b5c0ec9a0489003d67e4e74/info
All the best,
Meretz: Win a Topiary Town Dragon Statue
Whether you move a little or a lot, as a Meretz user you rack up valuable Meretz Points (MPs). The more MPs you have, the more stuff you can buy!
Think: in-game SotA goodies, Sweepstakes entries, Relics by Rild giveaways, and tons more.
With Meretz, we launch several sweepstakes every month. This month, we’re giving away a Topiary Town Dragon Statue – valued at $134!
You can also enter to win a Relics By Rild $50 Gift Card, SOTACon t-shirt, and SOTACon tickets. AND, use your MPs every day for in-game items like potions and emotes. What’re you waiting for? Download Meretz TODAY!
Meretz: Win a Pair of SOTACON 2018 Tickets!
SOTACON Austin 2018 is giving away a pair of tickets and t-shirts to SOTACON Austin 2018!
Enter daily to win! To enter, get the Meretz App:
Or watch Lunch with Laz & Jack Daily for additional entries, as well a chance to win a weekly prize of a Custom SOTACON t-shirt!
Project to Support – Tortoise & Hare Creations Patreon
Indi Martin of Tortoise & Hare Creations work includes the New Beginnings officially licensed Shroud of the Avatar comic book, a recently commissioned portrait of our very own Chris “Atos” Spears by Sir Frank, and The Art of Indi Martin – Adult Coloring Book! If like the work and want to support it while at the same time get sneak peaks of upcoming works then consider supporting the Tortoise & Hare Creations Patreon! And stay tuned next week for some exciting updates about the next issue of New Beginnings!
Resources – Players Helping Players
The official SotA New Player Welcome Forum and the Player Created Resources Forum have the best player created resources for Shroud of the Avatar, whether it’s a Player Written Guide, a Video Walk-through, or a Wiki-type Website.
Visit the official Community Resources page for a complete listing of all things community.
I approve.
*giggles like a 9 year old*
THC Patreon, here I come. Serious business for adult coloring books.
Backed THC! Great series of comics!