Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:
News Announcements
- Shroud 2020 Vision
- 2020 Vision Livestream Today
- Winter Vault Round
- January Login Reward: Krampus Statue
- Release 73 Reward Program Items: Winter Holiday Theme
- Lord of the Isle Episode 2 Bundles
- Various Other Livestreams (YouTube)
- Upcoming Events Calendar
Community Updates
- Meretz: Win a Obsidian Tower Town Water Home
- Community Event: Calling all Pirates and Others all Across Novia!
- Community Event: Release 73 Dance Party with DJ Darkstarr
- Project to Support: Pantheon
- Project to Support: Crowfall
- Project to Support: Avatar Express
- Resources: Players Helping Players
Shroud 2020 Vision
[Forum Post by Chris “Atos” Spears]
Greetings Avatars!
As a team, we try to remain as flexible as possible to work on what feels most important at any given time. With that said, we wanted to give players some insight into what our focus will be as we head into 2020.
It is important to note that this is not intended to be some kind of binding contract where we promise we will hit each and every item mentioned. Rather this is just intended to be a vision of where we believe we are headed for the next year. Items will move around, sometimes slip, or sometimes move earlier in the schedule, In some cases we might decide that an item no longer makes sense once we start digging into to it and we might remove it.
The obvious elephant in the room that needs to be discussed first is Episode 2; what that means and when it will arrive. How to deliver it is the really big question. We have some people who are angry we are not currently creating content. At the same time we have other people who say they want us to hold all of Episode 2 until it is 100% done and not trickle it out to people. There is some logic to each of these views and where we will end up is likely somewhere in the middle.
Our goal will be to roll out some new content on a continuous basis, roughly one new scene per release. Simultaneously we want to keep the Episode 2 story held back until we have full confidence in our new quest system. The current plan is that once we have confidence in the new quest system we will start rolling out the main Episode 2 quest line on QA only. Additionally, at least once each release we will migrate data from Live to QA and effectively reset your progress on the main quest line on QA.
New Episode 2 content in the form of new maps, items, creatures, and skills will roll out monthly. Our goal will be to average roughly one new scene a release starting with the February release. Long term our goal would be to get to two scenes per month in the second half of the year. Read more…