[From a forum post by Starr “Darkstarr” Long]
Please read this entire message, as well as the linked Player Guide and Known Issues.
Release 67 of Shroud of the Avatar goes live this Thursday, June 27, at 10:30 AM US Central Time (15:30 UTC).
Release 67 is the third and final release in which we were planning to focus on the current iteration of our Top 10 Priorities (from Q2 2019 Schedule Update), however we have deviated significantly from that strategy. While we made some progress on these priorities we are also working on a major overhaul to the New User Experience as part of a capture and recapture email campaign that has caused us to pause and/or delay some of the originally planned for R67 deliverables. Additionally we have been transitioning our development to a continuous integration model of development where we are pushing content out weekly, sometimes even daily. This of course disrupts the concept of a regular monthly update and is why you will see many items below with tags like “This was patched into Release 66.” or “We actually brought these back in Release 66 for extra evil!” Read more…