
Avatar’s Update #326: R64 Livestream Now April 12

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Release 64 Livestream: Now April 12

The Release 64 Livestream is now Friday April 12. We adjusted the date so we could focus today on addressing the ongoing graphical issues associated with our recent upgrade to the latest version of Unity. Thank you for your patience.

All Avatars from around the world are welcome to join us in the livestream activities. We will be doing deep dives, answering questions, handing out prizes, and tracking towards stretch goals. To celebrate Spring and the arrival of the Envy Angel our theme for Release 64 is Dark Spring!


Monthly livestreams are on Twitch and include answers to your gameplay questions, deep dives, prize giveaways, and more! Here is the schedule:

  • 3 PM: Introductions
  • 3:30 PM: Easter Egg Tour (tour of hidden things and pop culture references)
  • 4:15 PM: Easter Egg Hunt (see below)
  • 5 PM: Ending Announcements

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Avatar’s Update #325: Play R64 Now, Ask Us Anything Livestream Today, Q2 2019 Update

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Play Release 64 Now!

Release 64 successfully launched yesterday, March 28, with thousands of backers downloading, patching, and logging in to check out the changes! There’s lots of new content to explore, including:

  • Arch Lapin Returns with new loot!
  • Spring Equinox Items
  • Food Decoration Items (beyond just fruit and veggies)
  • Universal Trade Channel
  • Guild MOTD
  • More Pirate Items
  • More Player Dungeon Encounters & Totems
  • R60 & R61 Livestream Items
  • Performance Improvements
  • More Bug Fixes
  • and more!

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NEW DATE: Release 64 Livestream – April 12, 2019 (Dark Spring)

The Release 64 Livestream is now set for Friday April 12! All Avatars from around the world are welcome to join us in the livestream activities. We will be doing deep dives, answering questions, handing out prizes, and tracking towards stretch goals. To celebrate Spring and the arrival of the Envy Angel our theme for Release 64 is Dark Spring!


Monthly livestreams are on Twitch and include answers to your gameplay questions, deep dives, prize giveaways, and more! Here is the schedule:

  • 3 PM: Introductions
  • 3:30 PM: Easter Egg Tour (tour of hidden things and pop culture references)
  • 4:15 PM: Easter Egg Hunt (see below)
  • 5 PM: Ending Announcements

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Q2 2019 Update

[From a forum post by Starr “Darkstarr” Long]

Greetings Avatars,

The first quarter kicked off 2019 with a huge bang! We added the Envy Angel (another seasonal boss), more expansions to the Player Made Dungeons (including Encounters!), Back Slot Items, Pronged Weapons, Pirate Items, Massive Repricing, Fertilizer for Agriculture, Crown Store Polish, Baby Dragons and Tons of Quality of Life Improvements!

The second quarter is going to be just as amazing as Q1! We will have Crafting Specializations (choose your effect!), the ability to flag your Row Lots as empty (crops!), the return of the Atavists of Purity (seasonal boss/creature), Episode 2 areas, Raid groups (groups of groups) and more quality of life improvements.

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Release 64 Instructions

[From a forum post by Starr “Darkstarr” Long]


Please read this entire message, as well as the linked Player Guide and Known Issues.

Release 64 of Shroud of the Avatar goes live this Thursday, March 28, at 10:30 AM US Central Time (15:30 UTC).

Release 64 is the final release in which we focused on the current iteration of our Top 10 Priorities (from Q1 2019 Schedule Update). We made progress on many of these priorities including Quality of Life (Player-Owned Town Message of the Day, Guild Message of the Day, Universal Trade Channel), User Interface Polish (In-Game Crown Shop Improvements), Seasonal Content (Arch Lapin, Spring Items), bug fixes, and more work on Player-Made Dungeon Encounters!

Please note that Release 63 was our first release since moving to a distributed working model (no office). This meant a larger than normal number of post release patches and a larger than expected impact on Release 64 deliverables. Additionally, two of our engineers and one designer had vacations during Release 64 which greatly reduced our capacity.

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Community Livestream – Ask Us Anything (Mar 29)

Another content packed weekly Community Livestream is this Friday March 29 at 4 PM CT on Twitch!

This week we are focusing on answering your questions! So submit them in the comments section below or in Twitch chat during the event.

If we have time we will also show off some of the new Spring items Scottie has made.

You can earn Release 64 Dark Spring stretch goals by making a purchase or by participating in the Rewards program!

  • $15K: Flower Hairpiece
  • $30K: Dark Leaf Spear
  • $45K: Flower Bed
  • $60K: Dark Thorn Wand & Dark Thorn 1H Sword
  • $75K: Redthorn (Shardfall Plant) Decoration Pack
  • $90K: Dark Thorn Mace & Dark Leaf Shield
  • $105K: Cenote Player Dungeon Room (open to sky with water and plants)
  • $125K: Dark Thorn 2H Sword and Dark Thorn Staff

As usual we will be giving out prizes at 4:15 and 4:45! To be eligible all you need to do is either make any purchase in the store or log into the game and type “Dark Spring has Sprung” in the chat window (no purchase necessary).

Watch on Twitch this Friday at 4 PM CDT

Are You a Livestreamer?

Get this exclusive in-game Streamer Camera for being a veteran of our Livestreamer Program!

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Avatar’s Update #324: R64 on QA, Arch Lapin Livestream Today

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Release 64 on QA (Live next Thur)

An early version of R64 is on the QA server. R64 is full of new content and fixes, some of which is now on the QA server for early testing. An early version of the R64 Instructions are also available for review. We could really use everyone’s help to test all of this amazing content before it goes live next Thursday Mar 28!

  • Arch Lapin Returns with new loot!
  • Spring Equinox Items
  • Food Decoration Items (beyond just fruit and veggies)
  • Universal Trade Channel
  • More Pirate Items
  • Gothic Dungeon Set
  • More Player Dungeon Encounters
  • R60 & R61 Livestream Items
  • Performance Improvements
  • More Bug Fixes
  • and more!

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Community Livestream – Arch Lapin Returns (Mar 22)

Another content packed weekly Community Livestream is this Friday March 22 at 4 PM CT on Twitch!

Spring is in the air and brings with it the smell of death! The smell of Death Bunny that is! This week we are going to show off the return of the dreaded Arch Lapin! Rumors abound of the return of this nasty foul creature who can only be slain by the fabled Sacred Orb of Obliteration. The Arch Lapin was our first seasonal boss and was inspired by the Monty Python “death bunny”. This year we have added two new loot items to this side quest: Confection Bunnies and Confection Eggs!

If we have time we will also show off some of the new Spring items Scottie has made.

You can earn Release 63 Darkstarr stretch goals by making a purchase or by participating in the Rewards program!

  • ACHIEVED! $15K: Darkstarr Wand
  • ACHIEVED! $30K: Darkstarr Throne (Reverse Colors)
  • ACHIEVED! $45K: Darkstarr 1h Sword
  • $60K: Darkstarr Clock Tower (Reverse Colors)
  • $75K: Darkstarr Coronated Leather Helm and Darkstarr Longbow
  • $90K: Darkstarr Dungeon Room with Clock
  • $105K: Darkstarr Trident and Darkstarr 2h Axe
  • $125K: Darkstarr Black Leather Armor

As usual we will be giving out prizes at 4:15 and 4:45! To be eligible all you need to do is either make any purchase in the store or log into the game and type “Happy birthday Darkstarr” in the chat window (no purchase necessary).

Watch on Twitch this Friday at 4 PM CDT

Are You a Livestreamer?

Get this exclusive in-game Streamer Camera for being a veteran of our Livestreamer Program!

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Avatar’s Update #323: Spring Equinox Items, Row Homes Livestream Today

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Spring Equinox Items

Scott “Scottie” Jones has been busily creating all sorts of Spring goodies for our Avatars! The Confection Eggs and Confection Bunnies will be new loot on the Arch Lapin! A lot of this work was making placeable decorations for food items so some of these new items will tie to existing items like cupcakes for the Lord British Birthday Cakes or a placeable and dyeable Cake Slice to go with the existing Cake Slice Recipe. The whole dyeable cake will be available in the crown shop as a decoration for those looking to save on decoration limits (versus placing individual slices). Some of the new confections and dyeable cupcake will be part of the Spring Equinox Replenishing Platter which will be available on the Crown Shop. The new dyeable eggs will also go on the Crown Shop but there will be an in-game recipe for a plain dyeable egg as well. The Confection Platter will be available on the in-game decorations merchant for gold while the Confection Stand will be available in the Crown Shop. For more details on Scottie’s process read below:

[A Forum Post by Scott “Scottie” Jones]

Hello all!   Scottie here again!

Here’s another post to share what I’ve been working on over the last week and a half!

Well, it’s Spring again, and WOW has this year been flying by ….  It’s already mid-March!!!

And whether you call it Easter, or Ostara, or Eostre, or even just the Spring Equinox, it’s time for me to make stuff related to some kind of Springtime Festival!  That means cool stuff that I am hoping will be made available to you in some way as decorations in Shroud of the Avatar!  Of course, I say “hoping” because, as a standard disclaimer; I just make the art, and have no real say in how it gets sold or distributed in the game once it leaves my hot little hands…  Any of these items (or sets of items) may get offered as Livestream goals, or sold for CotOs in the store, or produced in the game when performing recipes, etcetera… It’s going to be up to those in charge to determine that… And, of course, sometimes it’s not always possible to incorporate some of the stuff I make in exactly the way I imagine (I don’t decide when things get released, how they get packaged up and offered or sold in the CotO store in-game,  added as some recipe, or whatever)…  However, what I WILL do here is show you everything I’ve made for this season, give you a little insight as to what inspired me to do so, and then describe the suggestions I’m offering to the “decision-makers” who will be determining how all this stuff gets incorporated!

So let’s begin!


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Community Livestream – Row Homes (Mar 15)

Another content packed weekly Community Livestream is this Friday March 15 at 4 PM CT on Twitch!

This week we are going to show off Row Homes! All players who complete the quest line in any of the Outskirts starting areas receive a row lot deed. In honor of this we are going to show off an assortment of Row Homes that are available including Storefronts, Greenhouses, and themed homes. We will also show off how they can be decorated.

You can earn Release 63 Darkstarr stretch goals by making a purchase or by participating in the Rewards program!

  • ACHIEVED! $15K: Darkstarr Wand
  • ACHIEVED! $30K: Darkstarr Throne (Reverse Colors)
  • $45K: Darkstarr 1h Sword
  • $60K: Darkstarr Clock Tower (Reverse Colors)
  • $75K: Darkstarr Coronated Leather Helm and Darkstarr Longbow
  • $90K: Darkstarr Dungeon Room with Clock
  • $105K: Darkstarr Trident and Darkstarr 2h Axe
  • $125K: Darkstarr Black Leather Armor

As usual we will be giving out prizes at 4:15 and 4:45! To be eligible all you need to do is either make any purchase in the store or log into the game and type “Happy birthday Darkstarr” in the chat window (no purchase necessary).

Watch on Twitch this Friday at 4 PM CDT

Are You a Livestreamer?

Get this exclusive in-game Streamer Camera for being a veteran of our Livestreamer Program!

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