
Q4 2018 Schedule Update


[From a forum post by Starr “Darkstarr” Long]

Greetings Avatars,

As 2018 comes to a close we can reflect on what an amazing year it has been! We moved out of Early Access in March and Collector’s Boxes shipped in Q3! As we have finished our Kickstarter promises we have been able to focus on polish and serious improvements to quality of life! The final quarter of 2018 is going to be amazing with Player Made Dungeons, Fishing Phase 2, Seasonal Content, and more polish!

PLEASE NOTE: The last two releases of the year (Nov/R60 and Dec/R61) will be very early in their respective months so that they are released well ahead of the US winter holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas).

Q4 is just a warmup for 2019 which will be an amazing year for Shroud of the Avatar players! Crafting specializations (choose your effects!), Grandmaster Craftsman only effects, more loot improvements, more expansions to the fishing system, better boss fights and more! 2019 will of course culminate with Episode 2 which will have a new story, new lands, a revamp of the Quest and Journal system, a Theater System, Treasure Hunting with treasure maps that show up as loot, Item Affinity, Taming system expansions, Customizable NPCs, and expanded permissions for containers and doors! Read more…

Release 58 Instructions

[From a forum post by Starr “Darkstarr” Long]


Please read this entire message, as well as the linked Player Guide and Known Issues.

Release 58 of Shroud of the Avatar goes live this Thursday, September 27, at 10:30 AM US Central Daylight Time (15:30 UTC).

Release 58 is the final release in which we focused on the current iteration of our Top 10 Priorities (from Q3 2018 post). The good news is we made some progress on fishing, we got tameable Wyverns in the game, performance has improved again, bugs were fixed, and more decorations are dyeable. Unfortunately we were not able to make as much progress as we hoped.

As many of you might have noticed via our standup notes, we have been coordinating moving to a new office for a couple of months now. We were going to originally move slowly over a two week period with internet and network overlapping at both offices but our internet provider at our old office decided to disable our internet 2.5 weeks early! This forced us to initiate our move quite suddenly, right before lockdown, and of course disrupted our plans considerably for R58 as you will see below.

But, be not dismayed, Avatars! Q4 will see us caught up on fishing and other delays! Stand fast with us and ye shall be rewarded yet!

Wyverns: These dragonkin are generally smaller than their full-size cousins and the smaller versions can be tamed. Rumors abound that the Dragon clan of the Norgard Barbarians has tamed some wyverns to help waylay travelers in the northwest, so beware if you encounter them! Read more…

Community Livestream – Taming (Sept 28)

Another content packed weekly Community Livestream is this Friday September 28 at 4 PM CDT on Twitch!

This week we are going to talk about Taming! Chris “Atos” Spears and Brandon “Bzus” Cotton will be showing you how to tame creatures in the game. We will show you how the system works from crafting taming collars, through taming a creature, to summoning the creature to fight for you. We will be using some of the latest high tier tameable creatures like the Wyverns and Obsidian Bears to demonstrate.

In exciting news this Friday is the first Friday where all purchases from noon to midnight count towards the Release 58 Stretch Goals (link to R58 livestream coming soon!) which are dragon themed in honor of the Wyverns which are going live in Release 58!

  • ACHIEVED $10K: Dragon Egg Decorations
  • $25K: /breathefirespiral
  • $35K: Dragon Skin Rugs (2 colors)
  • $50K: Dragon Dungeon Entrance Pattern
  • $65K: Dragon Bow & Dragon Plate Helm
  • $80K: Dragon Sword & Dragon Polearm
  • $90K: Dragon Mask Set (multiple color variants) with smoke VFX
  • $100K: Unique Dungeon Dragon Encounter Room

As usual we will be giving out prizes at 4:15 and 4:45! To be eligible all you need to do is either make any purchase in the store or log into the game and type “Light it up” in the chat window (no purchase necessary).

Watch on Twitch this Friday at 4 PM CDT!

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Avatar’s Update #298: Final Friday for R57 Stretch Goals, R58 on QA, & Player Books Livestream

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Game Development

News Announcements

Community Updates

Fishing Phase 2 Updates: Lava Fishing Rod

Fishing Phase 2 is going to include some amazing expansions to the fishing system and we outlined these during the Release 57 livestream. The wildest expansion we mentioned was the addition of Lava as a water type you can fish in! This week we are unveiling the first Lava fishing rod made by our very own Scott “Scottie” Jones! Lava fishing was invented by Kobolds to catch the rare flaming fish, lava eels and other hot trophies. Lava fishing rods are made out of materials that won’t melt in lava like high grade tempered steel, carbon, and diamond.

Here’s a list of some of what Fishing Phase 2 includes and will be appearing over the course of Q4 this year:

  • 4 Different Water Types: Fresh, Salt, Fetid (Swamp, Dungeon, Sewer), and LAVA!!!!
  • More Fish: New fish types to go with the new water types including more rare and fantastical fish (rainbow trout that have actual rainbow coloring).
  • More Loot: We will add more random loot to fishing.
  • Different Bait and Lure Types: Different lures/baits work better/worse with different water types and for catching different fish. Gems are the only lure that works in Lava.
  • Bait as Active Skill: To use all the different bait types this will now become an active skill, much like seeds are the active skill in Agriculture
  • Trophy Data: You will now have a chance to catch a “trophy fish” that will have extra data on it including information like Weight, Who Caught, When Caught, etc.
  • More Recipes: More recipes using the new fish introduced as well as new recipes using original fish.
  • Group and Social Bonuses: Randomly selected Player Owned Towns with water will get a short fishing bonus. We will also be introducing an experience bonus for fishing while grouped.

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Community Livestream – Player Made Books (Sept 21)

Last week we were unable to do our weekly livestream due to an internet outage but we will be back this week for another content packed weekly Community Livestream this Friday September 21 at 4 PM CDT on Twitch!

This week we are going to talk about Player Made Books! Joaquin “Wizardsmoke” Del Canto and Scott “Scottie” Jones will be showing you how to make and publish a player made book as well as how to make copies of it using the Printing Press. We will also show off other player customized writing items and uses for them like notes with mail, Bulletin Boards with Flyers, and more!

Remember every Friday of the release all purchases from noon to midnight count towards the Release 57 Stretch Goals which are dungeon themed in honor of the upcoming Player Made Dungeon feature which is previewing in Release 57 and going live in Q4! We have already hit four of them, and last week we were only $1000 short of hitting a fifth one!

  • ACHIEVED $10K: /rolldice
  • ACHIEVED $25K: Flame Trap Decorations (non-harmful)
  • ACHIEVED $35K: Candle Helm
  • ACHIEVED $50K: Spike Trap & Arrow Trap Decorations (non-harmful)
  • $65K: Unique Dungeon Entrance Eternal Pattern
  • $80K: Torture Set: Torture Chair, Torture Table, Rack
  • $90K: Key Themed Weapon Set: Sword, Mace, Polearm
  • $100K: Unique Dungeon Room Blueprint

As usual we will be giving out prizes at 4:15 and 4:45! To be eligible all you need to do is either make any purchase in the store or log into the game and type “Roll the dice” in the chat window (no purchase necessary).

Watch on Twitch this Friday at 4 PM CDT!

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Avatar’s Update #297: Collector’s Boxes Shipping Phase 2 & Weekend Music Sale

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Collector’s Boxes Shipping Phase 2 (and printed book update)

As of three weeks ago almost 4000 Collector’s Boxes shipped out to eligible backers (Explorer level and above) who supported us during the initial Kickstarter campaign or through our website prior to January 4, 2016! The good news is that these have been arriving as planned! The not so good news is about 700+ of you have yet to receive your boxes. We expect all of these initial 4000 boxes, or what we have been calling internally, Phase 1, to arrive no later than September 21, 2018. Read more…

Community Livestream – Player Made Books (Sept 14)

Another content packed weekly Community Livestream is this Friday September 14 at 4 PM CDT on Twitch!

This week we are going to talk about Player Made Books! Joaquin “Wizardsmoke” Del Canto and Scott “Scottie” Jones will be showing you how to make and publish a player made book as well as how to make copies of it using the Printing Press. We will also show off other player customized writing items and uses for them like notes with mail, Bulletin Boards with Flyers, and more!

Remember every Friday of the release all purchases from noon to midnight count towards the Release 57 Stretch Goals which are dungeon themed in honor of the upcoming Player Made Dungeon feature which is previewing in Release 57 and going live in Q4! We have already hit four of them!

  • ACHIEVED $10K: /rolldice
  • ACHIEVED $25K: Flame Trap Decorations (non-harmful)
  • ACHIEVED $35K: Candle Helm
  • ACHIEVED $50K: Spike Trap & Arrow Trap Decorations (non-harmful)
  • $65K: Unique Dungeon Entrance Eternal Pattern
  • $80K: Torture Set: Torture Chair, Torture Table, Rack
  • $90K: Key Themed Weapon Set: Sword, Mace, Polearm
  • $100K: Unique Dungeon Room Blueprint

As usual we will be giving out prizes at 4:15 and 4:45! To be eligible all you need to do is either make any purchase in the store or log into the game and type “Roll the dice” in the chat window (no purchase necessary).

Watch on Twitch this Friday at 4 PM CDT!

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Avatar’s Update #296: R57 Livestream Today, Commission Free Vendors & Expert Crafting Stations For Sale, & Spooky Items Return!

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Game Development

News Announcements

Community Updates

Release 55 Livestream(s) Items (cont.)

The Release 55 Livestream(s) items were all Lord British themed in honor of his birthday which falls on July 4th. In honor of his birthday the items either have the silver serpent or the Lord British full crest on them. They are also themed around things that Lord British loves like fireworks, space, and magic! Almost all of the items went live in Release 57. This week we are revealing the The Silver Serpent Wand made by our very own Scott “Scottie” Jones! This final R55 item will go live in Release 58.

Lord British Silver Serpent Wand:

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Avatar’s Update #295: Play R57 Now! Collector’s Boxes Shipping & Arriving!

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Game Development

News Announcements

Community Updates

Play Release 57 Now!

Release 57 successfully launched yesterday, August 30, with thousands of backers downloading, patching, and logging in to check out the changes! There’s lots of new content to explore, including:

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Release 57 Livestream – Sept 7, 2018 (Dungeon Themed)

The Release 57 Livestream is set for Friday September 7! All Avatars from around the world are welcome to join us in the livestream activities. We will be doing deep dives, answering questions, having sales, handing out prizes, and tracking towards stretch goals. In honor of the upcoming Player Made Dungeons feature the theme for this livestream is Dungeons which are previewing in Release 57 and will go live as soon as Q4!


Monthly livestreams are on Twitch and include answers to your gameplay questions, world building tours, prize giveaways, sales on items, and more! Here is the schedule:

  • 3PM: Introductions
  • 3:30PM: Deep Dive 1: Player Made Dungeons
  • 4:30PM: Q&A
  • 5:30PM: Deep Dive 2: Fishing
  • 6:30PM: Q&A
  • 7PM: Ending Announcements

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