
Special Friday (June 8) Livestream – R54 Stretch Goals Continue (Tropical Themed)!

Watch Release 54 Livestream – June 8 from shroudoftheavatar on www.twitch.tv

** $80,000 **

R54 Livestreams Funds Raised

Join us this Friday for a special 4-hour livestream event from 3-7pm CT (8pm GMT) that picks up where we left off from this Monday’s R54 Livestream! We will be answering missed questions, having sales, giving out prizes, and tracking towards stretch goals from the R54 Livestream!

LIVESTREAM AGENDA (Occurring roughly in the order listed below)

  • Introductions
  • R54 Missed Questions
  • Combat Deep Dive
  • Community Announcements
  • Q&A Continues
  • Ending Announcements


As a special bonus, we are offering funding rewards to any player that makes a minimum purchase of $5 during a twelve hour window during the day of the livestream, from 12:00 PM to 11:59 PM CDT (June 8 17:00 to June 9 05:00 UTC). We continue the R54 Livestream stretch goals, Tropical themed, in honor of the summer season starting!

Reference Image From:
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa

All purchases during the twelve hour window will count towards the stretch goals, not just the four hours of the livestream! We will pick up where we left off at $47,500:

  • ACHIEVED ON 6/4! $10K: /rainbow
  • ACHIEVED ON 6/4! $20K: /wardance & /hula
  • ACHIEVED ON 6/4! $30K: Leaf Backpack
  • ACHIEVED ON 6/4! $40K: Palapa
  • ACHIEVED ON 6/8! $50K: Polynesian Dress with Tropical Flower Crown
  • ACHIEVED ON 6/8! $65K: Polynesian Axe & Spear
  • ACHIEVED ON 6/8! $80K: Large Tiki Heads with Flames
  • $90K: Polynesian Bow plus two other Weapons
  • $100K: Polynesian Daemon Themed Armor with Full Helm

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Community Spotlight – Veritas Sanctuary

Welcome to another Community Spotlight! These spotlights are dedicated entirely to community content, usually about a player town and presented by a single individual or an entire guild.

For this week’s spotlight, we toured the player owned town of Veritas Sanctuary. It is a town in the forests along the coast of Longfall, just opposite of the Bay of Storms. The governor of Veritas Sanctuary, Dereck Visaard, was kind enough to provide a fascinating update on the bustling activities of the town.

As told by Dereck Visaard:

It’s been a while since we provided an update on the expansion of Veritas Sanctuary. Phase I of construction, referenced in this post, was completed shortly before the 2017 holidays when the town was a town-size POT. After the holidays, the town was upgraded to a city-size POT, and over the last few months residents have been hard at work building out the Phase 2 expansion.

I am pleased to report that Phase 2 is now complete and open for business! I’d like to thank all the town residents and benefactors who contributed RMT funds, gold, COTOs, crafting supplies, and precious time to build, test, and refine the new southern areas.

And for our German friends: Es haben sich einige aktive Spieler aus Deutschland in Veritas Sanctuary niedergelassen. Damit heißen wir jeden Spieler auch in deutscher Sprache herzlich willkommen und laden dazu ein sich in Veritas Sanctuary niederzulassen. Als Ansprechpartner dient Catweazle Waldschrath. (Anflüstern: /w Catweazle Waldschrath, oder eine private Nachricht an @CatweazleX hier im Forum)

What’s New?

Town historians explored the ruins south of Scholar’s Square further and confirmed that the elven refugees from Vertas settled near two ancient trees along the river. One of the trees still stands at the riverbank, while the other evidently fell sometime before the refugee’s arrival. The few records we found relate that the mighty stump was sprouting new leaves when the elves arrived, so they built a small shrine there to commemorate a new start and appropriately named the tree “Hope Tree” symbolizing their hope of starting a new life.

To honor their memory, we built the Hope Tree Market around its remains.

The market features a full set of expert crafting tables, NPC merchants, an Oracle and banker, several new row and village spots for player vendors, and an upgraded auction house named Veritas Coliseum on the south side. Yes, the Veritas Sanctuary Auctions will soon return! :)

[Read More…]

There are so many towns and historical landmarks to explore throughout New Britannia. Visit the Community Spotlight section of the website to read about more of these sprawling towns. If you are interested in sharing your tales of adventure, message community managers Berek or Cerus!

Royal Gardeners Wanted! New Decoration Contest

Once upon a time, somewhere in New Britannia, a mysterious Outlander arrived.
Nothing was known about his origin, a curious place today known as “The Otherworld”.
Nobody knew of his intentions and the reasons of his arrival.
Nobody, not even the outlander himself could have forboded the fateful consequences of his arrival. Consequences that were to change New Britannia forever.
He, who was the first Outlander of our lands, is today known as Lord British, the keeper of Virtues.

On July 2nd we want to gather with you in our beloved New Britannia and celebrate a very special event: Lord British’s Birthday! 

(See the program here). Inspired and amazed by the magnificent beauties, that the Community has built over the years in Novia, we want to ask you, the Community, to design the garden/plaza of Lord British’s Birthday Celebration during this contest.

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Release 54 Livestream – June 4, 2018 (Tropical Themed!)

** $47,500 **

R54 Livestream Funds Raised

  • ACHIEVED! $10K: /rainbow
  • ACHIEVED! $20K: /wardance & /hula
  • ACHIEVED! $30K: Leaf Backpack
  • ACHIEVED! $40K: Palapa

Another release livestream is upon us! The Release 54 Livestream is set for June 4, just a few days after Release 54 goes live on May 31 next week.

All Avatars from around the world are welcomed to join us in the livestream activities. We will be doing deep dives, answering questions, having sales, handing out prizes, and tracking towards stretch goals. In honor of spring time here in the north, this event’s stretch goals are entirely tropical themed!


Monthly livestreams are on Twitch and include answers to your gameplay questions, world building tours, prize giveaways, sales on items, and more! Here is the schedule:

  • 3PM: Introductions and Q&A
  • 3:45PM: Deep Dive 1: PVP
  • 4:30PM: World Building Tour: New Scenes & Quests
  • 5:30PM: Deep Dive 2: Heraldry
  • 6:15PM: Q&A Continues
  • 7PM: Ending Announcements

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Avatar’s Update #282: Play Release 54 Now!

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Game Development

News Announcements

Community Updates

Play Release 54 Now!

Release 54 successfully launched yesterday, May 31, with thousands of backers downloading, patching, and logging in to check out the changes! There’s lots of new content to explore, including:

  • Performance Improvements
  • Scene Rebuilds: Westend (town), Shaminian Hills, Upper Tears
  • Skeleton Plunderers
  • More Side Quests: Companion Gear, Soltown Sewers, Solania Catacombs
  • Combat Polish & New Weapons Audio
  • More Heraldry Items: Chest, Standing Banner, Gloves, Boots, Basement Hatch
  • More Adventure Scene Blessings
  • User Interface Polish: Containers in Containers, Containers in Mail
  • Companion AI Polish
  • New Recipes: Hot Tub, Bathtubs, Elven Lights, Crate, Barrel, Standing Banner
  • Increased Decoration Limits
  • New Homes & Basements: Shopfront Row Homes, Basement Inns, Basement Hatches
  • New Decorations: Globe Container, Large Telescope, Hourglasses, Perennial Coast Paintings
  • R52 Livestream Obsidian Order Items
  • R54 QA Testing Incentive Winners
  • R54 Lot Deed Raffle Winners

…and much more!

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Community Livestream – Celebrating Release 54

A new Community Livestream is set for this Friday and we’re celebrating Release 54 the entire time!

We will be kicking off the livestream with our usual round of news from Starr “Darkstarr” Long, and then he’ll be off to Lux Sanctuary in the game to DJ as “DJ Darkstarr” for the release dance party at 6pm CT! We’ll be following him along on the livestream as he cranks up the tunes for the crowd.

Click here for the details of the dance party, sponsored by the great folks of Lux Sanctuary and Avatars Radio!

Watch on Twitch this Friday at 5:30pm CT! Also join the community’s Discord chat to ask questions about what’s presented:



Are You a Livestreamer?

Get this exclusive in-game Streamer Camera for being a veteran of our Livestreamer Program!

Release 54 Instructions

[From a forum post by Starr “Darkstarr” Long]


Please read this entire message, as well as the linked Player Guide and Known Issues.

Release 54 is our second release since launching out of Early Access. As promised, we are continuing our cadence of monthly releases, just as before. Release 54 of Shroud of the Avatar goes live this Thursday, May 31, at 10:30 AM US Central Daylight Time (15:30 UTC).

Release 54 is the second release in which we focused on the current iteration of our Top 10 Priorities (from Q2 2018 post). We were able to address most of the items on that list in some fashion. We made strong progress on performance, physical goods, improved reward cycle, user interface polish, player direction and story polish. We will be spending more time on enemy behaviors and repeatable content in the next release and in Q3. Read more…

Join us in Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues!

Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues is a multiplayer fantasy role-playing game calling upon you to return to New Britannia as a fabled Avatar to fulfill the paths of Truth, Love, and Courage through a deep single-player storyline. Featuring a robust player housing and town system, Shroud of the Avatar is a perfect fit for players with a strong sense of community and teamwork. Embark on new adventures in the world of New Britannia and play alongside friends and family. Come join us to become a permanent resident in a persistent shared universe… (learn more)

Ravalox and other members of the Shroud of the Avatar development team go live very frequently on twitch.tv/shroudoftheavatar. Please also join us on Facebook, YouTubeTwitter for Catnip Games, Twitter for Shroud of the Avatar, and the official Shroud of the Avatar Discord Server. Like! Follow! Subscribe! For the latest news from the team, please read our monthly updates and watch our latest livestreams on Twitch:

Avatar’s Update #281: Release 54 Next Week, and Zombie Children in Release 55!

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Game Development

News Announcements

Community Updates

Zombie Children

When the undead rise the young will rise along with the old. While they might not have the reach of an adult zombie they make up for it in stealthiness and in making you hesitate before you strike, a hesitation that might cost you your life. Zombie Children will begin appearing in select locations in Release 55.

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Community Livestream – The Companions Revisited

A new Community Livestream is set for this Friday with several developers ready to show you the latest game content they’ve been working on!

We will be kicking off the livestream with Fletcher Kinnear and Brandon Cotton to show off the companion gear that will be made available to players via questing for it, and then Erik Touve and Brandon Cotton will dive deeper into the Companion abilities. And finally, we have some really cool new property decorations to show you!

Watch on Twitch this Friday at 4pm CT! Also join the community’s Discord chat to ask questions about what’s presented:



Are You a Livestreamer?

Get this exclusive in-game Streamer Camera for being a veteran of our Livestreamer Program!