
Community Livestream – The Sounds of Music

Another content packed weekly Community Livestream is this Friday at 4pm CT on Twitch!

We are going to change things up a bit on tomorrow’s show by playing some music with in-game instruments. Travis “Vas Corp Por” Koleski will be on to play some instruments and walk you through how music can be acquired, as well as how to use the radios, phonographs, and emotes to dance along with the music!

Watch on Twitch this Friday at 4pm CT! Also join the community’s Discord chat to ask questions about what’s presented:



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Community Spotlight – Ordinis Mortis

Welcome to another Community Spotlight feature! These spotlights are dedicated entirely to community content, usually about a player town and presented by a single individual or an entire guild.

For this week’s spotlight, we toured the famous town of Ordinis Mortis. The town is located conveniently just south of Brittany and across the river from Novia Market. After a few days journey, we arrived safely on the island to be greeted by lady governor Minerva. We were eager for a tour of this famous town that’s hosted countless events for the citizens of New Britannia, including a relaxing inn along the riverside called ‘The Two Vikings Brewing Co and Inn’.

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Avatar’s Update #274: Monthly Livestream Rewards and a New Livestreamer Program

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Game Development

News Announcements

Community Updates

Monthly Livestream: R51 Rewards: Darkstarr Themed!

This week was incredibly productive for the Darkstarr items with Fletcher “Scathana” Kinnear producing seven new items including the chainmail, crossbow, dagger, staff, morningstar, and helm!

[From a Dev+ Forum Post by Starr “Darkstarr”]

As you might remember the Monthly Livestream for Release 51 was Darkstarr themed in honor of my birthday! As we wrapped work on Release 52 launch tasks we started working on the the Darkstarr stretch goal items with the Darkstarr chaos symbol on them. I hope that you are as excited about them as I am!!!!

Darkstarr Chainmail: Based on the original concept sketch by Stephen “Caravaggio’s Wolf” Daniele and implemented by Fletcher “Scathana” Kinnear this armor cleverly incorporates the chaos arrows in every piece.

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Stream with Us! Introducing the Shroud of the Avatar Livestreamer Program

Calling all livestreamers and livestream viewers across New Britannia! It is time we get the word out to new players and veteran Avatars about your channels. We’ve seen so many great in-game adventures being shown, we want to spotlight them for everyone else to experience!

We are announcing today a calendar program to make it easier for everyone to tune into their favorite streamer, and to support those who stream Shroud of the Avatar. Want to know when someone is on the air? Our calendar will have them listed!

See below for how you can be a part of this exciting new program.

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Community Spotlight – Insulam de Nocte

Welcome to another Community Spotlight feature! These spotlights are dedicated entirely to community content, usually about a player town and presented by a single individual or an entire guild.

For this week’s spotlight, we toured the town of Insulam de Nocte. The town is located conveniently just east of Brittany. After a few hours boat ride, our group arrived safely on the island to be greeted by a mysterious town guide. Our group is eager for a tour of what is rumored to be a place that has much to see, including an intense tournament series at the local arena.

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Avatar’s Update #273: Launch is Here!

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Game Development

News Announcements

Community Updates

Launch is Here!

Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues (Episode 1) (aka Release 52) successfully launched, leaving Early Access this past Tuesday, March 27, with thousands of players downloading, patching, and logging in to check out the launch version! There’s lots of new content to explore, including:

  • Framerate Improvements
  • Scene Rebuilds: South Boundless Forest, Northwood, Blood River Forest, Quel Shardfall
  • Companions
  • Multiple Characters
  • Heraldry
  • Offline Spawning Rules
  • Story Polish
  • More Side Quests
  • New Recipes & Patterns
  • More Virtue Banners
  • Combat Polish (New Skills, Dragon Wing Gust)
  • New Decorations (Wood & Stone Inn, Novia Globe, Ornate Planters)
  • More Emotes
  • Spring 2018 Items
  • R50 Telethon Items
  • R52 QA Testing Incentive Winners

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Community Livestream – Exploring Quel Shardfall

The first post-launch Community Livestream is this Friday at 4pm CT! On these livestreams we talk about all sorts of community-centric news, what’s coming up with the game’s continued development, and of course give away some cool in-game prizes!

For this week’s Community Livestream, we’re going to be taking a stroll through the Release 52 scene of Quel Shardfall with Esteben “SorcerousSteve” Zaldivar and Dan “PlagueOfLocust” Brennan, and perhaps find the Obsidian Lich deep within the scene!

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Q2 2018 Schedule Update


[From a forum post by Starr “Darkstarr” Long]

Greetings Avatars,

After several incredibly successful years of Early Access, we have launched into full Live mode! Now we will move fully into acquiring new users with a dedicated marketing campaign and a steady slate of press and public appearances.

As we have stated previously, we intend to publish quarterly schedule updates detailing our monthly releases and those monthly releases will continue just as before, on the last Thursday of each month. Even though the goals outlined in these schedules are likely to change somewhat as we react to feedback, we feel it is important to periodically provide you with an updated roadmap.

Our priority continues to be to deliver new content to our players regularly, so that you can give us feedback that will help us to iteratively improve Shroud of the Avatar. This collaborative process continues to benefit the game, and often results in sweeping changes such as the recent balance passes to combat. As you have seen in previous releases, the flexibility inherent to this process means that we sometimes push things out, but we also often pull new things in. Read more…

Impressions of New Britannia – Launch Screenshot Contest

Can you smell the thriving forests?
Can you taste the salty seas?
Can you sense the blazing deserts?
And the struggling fights for peace?

Can you hear the festive music
In the Taverns of PaxLair?
And the smell of burning cities
When the cabalists appear?

Hear the battlecries of Satyrs
As they come to take your soul
Feel the moments of pure glory
As the gustball hits its goal

Praise the beauty of each flower
Praise the crows above your head
Praise the sweet and too, the sour
Praise every tear that has been shed

Live the New Britannian moments
Praise the light, and too, the dark
For our hopes grow in the darkness
And stars are born from little sparks

New Britannia is full of wonderful impressions. We want to highlight all the moments of beauty, virtue, danger, and wondrous discoveries that inhabit the land. We invite you to capture your moments in New Britannia in this ‘Impressions of New Britannia’ – Launch Screenshot Contest!

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Monthly Livestream for Release 52 – April 6, 2018 (NEW DATE)

** $80,000 **

Telethon Funds Raised

Watch Monthly Livestream for Release 52 – Apr. 6, 2018 from shroudoftheavatar on www.twitch.tv

All Avatars from around the world in all territories are welcomed to join us in the livestream activities. We will be doing deep dives, answering questions, having sales, handing out prizes, and tracking towards stretch goals! In honor of the new Quel Shardfall and the unleashing of the new Obsidian Lich, our stretch goals for the R52 postmortem are Obsidian themed!


Monthly livestreams are on Twitch and include answers to your gameplay questions, world building tours, prize giveaways, sales on items, and more! Here is the schedule:

  • 3PM: Introductions and Q&A
  • 3:45PM: Deep Dive 1: Combat
  • 4:30PM: World Building Tour: New Scenes
  • 5:30PM: Deep Dive 2: Story
  • 6:15PM: Q&A Continues
  • 7PM: Ending Announcements

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