
Avatar’s Update #272: Launch is Next Week!

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Game Development

News Announcements

Community Updates

The Making of Northwood (cont.)

The town of Northwood is located in the grasslands far to the north of Brittany near the western coast of Spindrift Bay in the North Paladis region. Rumors are spreading that the town boasts some remarkable similarities to locations on Earth known as Britannia Manor and Castleton but surely that must be coincidence?

Northwood is based on the Grasslands POT template and is being rebuilt for Release 52. As with other town rebuilds, the locations of player lots, merchants, and scene exits will not be changed.

[From a Dev+ Forum Post by Travis “Vas Corp Por” Koleski]

A few more shots of progress: Read more…

Community Livestream – Northwood and a Quest

In this week’s Community Livestream we’re going to be taking a stroll through the upcoming Northwood scene with Travis “Vas Corp Por” Koleski, and then taking on a noble quest in Brittany Graveyard (The Earth Rise quest) with Damien “Puuk” Foletto!

As always, we will be giving away some in-game prizes during the livestream, so be sure to join watch on Twitch this Friday at 4pm CT! Also join the community’s Discord chat to ask questions about what’s presented:


Community Spotlight – S Mart Factorium

Welcome to another Community Spotlight feature! These spotlights are dedicated entirely to community generated content. That content is usually in the form of a player town or gathering area, and can be featured by a single individual or an entire guild. It is up to the community to decide what we spotlight!

For this week’s spotlight we are taking a walk through the unique town and factory of S Mart Factorium.

By Vladamir Begemot: “Nestled on a mountain between Resolute and Highvale, the S Mart Factorium draws crafters and adventurers whose contributions are sold across all of Novia. Adventurers bring raw materials to the factory. There they are refined by crafters and made into furniture which can be seen on display in the large showroom.

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Avatar’s Update #271: The Making of South Boundless Forest and the New Observatory Home

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Game Development

News Announcements

Community Updates

The Making of South Boundless Forest

South Boundless Forest is a Tier 3 adventuring area in the North Paladis region far north of Yew, along the road to the Kas Ruins. This forest of ancient redwoods is the site of a major Kobold logging operation that is supplying lumber to Kobold locations as far away as K’rul. Stag clan barbarians have also taken up camp here in the ruins of an ancient colosseum from pre-cataclysm times.

[From a A Dev+ Forum Post by Chris “Sea Wolf” Wolf]

Hey folks, I have a few screenshots to share of South Boundless Forest. The forests are home to a group of native barbarians, who have made their home in the ruins of an ancient amphitheater. A kobold mining operation has moved in, and is slowly devouring the barbarian’s homes. The new look for this map is inspired by the giant redwood forests of California, The ruins of amphitheaters such as the Colosseum, and scenes from the movie, the 13th warrior.

This scene is still a work in progress, and you can expect a few more screenshots next week, showing off the underground “Halls of Eating,” and the Kobold logging camp.

The Forest

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Win a Game Key with Loot to Shroud of the Avatar!

The launch of Shroud of the Avatar is coming up on March 27 and we’re celebrating in a big way by giving away bundles of the game and in-game items at SXSW! Even those that can’t make it out to see us can participate in the fun!

Here’s what you need to know. There are two separate giveaways, one that starts now and ends on April 2 after SXSW and Launch. This is an All-Players Sweepstakes that anyone can sign up for. The second giveaway is exclusive for those who visit our booth at SXSW. Together these giveaways include a chance for you to win a free game key and some additional sweet in-game loot.

See below for all the details!


GIVEAWAY #1: All-Players Sweepstakes

To participate in this giveaway, all you need to do is have an account on the Meretz App. Users of the app will receive points that go toward one of the following prizes. Anyone can participate, though anyone at SXSW and completes the scavenger hunt portion will receive a bonus amount of entries toward the prizes below.

How to Get Entries:

  • Get 3,000 Meretz Points per day (worth 1 sweepstakes entry)
  • 10 bonus entries per Scavenger Hunt check-in at SXSW (details will be posted at our booth)
  • Keep an eye out for “Easter eggs” for extra bonus entries!
  • See the Meretz app for additional details

Digital Prizes:

  • Grand Prize: A Town Bundle of their choice (value: $1699)
  • 2nd Prize: A Village Tax Free Bundle of their choice (value: $574)
  • 3rd Prize: A 2-Story Row Bundle of their choice (value: $299)

The sweepstakes will conclude a couple of weeks after SXSW on April 2 with winners announced on that week’s Community Livestream.

Entries are confirmed by using the Meretz App, so be sure you are running the app when on the scavenger hunt or elsewhere! You can check your progress in the app.



GIVEAWAY #2: Daily Booth Giveaway

Visit the booth (#2516) each day to pick up a ticket for a chance to win a free game key! Participants must be present at 5:30pm CT back at the booth for the drawing. Winners are randomly selected with 5 entries given away each day. Tickets may be redeemed on other days while at SXSW, but can only be redeemed once.


For more information about our presence at SXSW, be sure to keep watch for future weekly update newsletters leading up to the event!

Avatar’s Update #270: The Companions of Truth, Love, and Courage

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Game Development

News Announcements

Community Updates

The Companions of Truth, Love, and Courage

[From a Dev+ Forum Post by Starr “Darkstarr”]

In Release 30 we introduced the first companion, Fiona Fitzowen, who was the archetype of the principle of Love. Our intent has always been to follow her up with at least two other companions to represent the two other principles of Truth and Courage. It has also been our intent to create unique art for these pivotal characters.

We are excited that in Release 52 not only will we finally be adding the companions of Truth and Courage but we will also be giving these characters unique art! The companions support avatars in the Offline mode by accompanying them along their adventures. They comment on where the player goes during the main quest and will even talk to each other on occasion.

Companion of Courage: Conrad Dupre, Knight of Norgard.

  • Conrad’s lineage is that of a soldier’s soldier. He has fought under the banner of Valhold for his entire life, from his childhood as a squire to a dissolute noble to the years of struggle against the Kobolds (a race which he both respects and despises). In addition to his mastery of swords, shields, and heavy armor, he has a veteran’s knowledge of Life magic, as well – not a great deal, but enough to keep himself and those around him fighting when others would fall.
  • Most who know him respect him, for he has little tolerance for cowardice or fear. But if he has any failing he also has little of a knight’s respect for those under his care. Norgard is at war, and he will brook no weakness in its time of greatest peril. Conrad knows much of the martial arts, but unlike his impeccably forged sword Silverthorn, the heart of his courage still requires tempering.
  • Avatars will meet him early on in their journey through the Path of Courage, in the fortified garrison of Resolute.

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Community Livestream – Meet the Companions

In this week’s Community Livestream, we’re going to be presenting the new companions of Truth and Courage! Afterward, we will also be observing the new observatory…

In Release 30 we introduced the first companion, Fiona Fitzowen, who was the archetype of the principle of Love. Our intent has always been to follow her up with at least two other companions to represent the other principles of Truth and Courage.

We are excited that in Release 52 not only will we finally be adding the companions of Truth and Courage but we will also be giving these characters unique art! The companions support avatars in the Offline mode by accompanying them along their adventures. They comment on where the player goes during the main quest and will even talk to each other on occasion.

As always, we will be giving away some in-game prizes during the livestream, so be sure to join watch on Twitch this Friday at 4pm CT! Also join the community’s Discord chat to ask questions about what’s presented:


Community Ambassadors Wanted

Dear Avatars,

To prepare for the growth of the Community after the official launch, we are looking for passionate Avatars, longtime citizens of Novia, to be volunteer Ambassadors of Shroud of the Avatar. We need those who exemplify the value of Avatars in the way they interact with the Community and help welcoming, onboarding, and supporting newcomers in their native language.

We are excited to initiate this project that empowers our Community to have even more impact and influence on its own expansion and evolution!

SotA Ambassadors will have a multifunctional role, being representatives and also caretakers of the Sub-Communities of a specific language. Their mission is to welcome and onboard the outlanders who are new to the Community, in their native language, and maintain the respective language forum as a fun and friendly place. In order to do so, the Ambassadors will have some moderation permissions for the section of the respective language, on the Forum as well as on Discord.

If you are one of those Avatars who can call New Britannia their home, uphold the Community Guidelines in an exemplary way, and are willing to actively help the Community Management team with this mission, keep reading to find out more about this role!

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Avatar’s Update #269: Trophy Room Contest Winners and R51 Postmortem Results

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Game Development

News Announcements

Community Updates

Spring 2018 Items (cont.)

We continue to build Spring 2018 items and this week we made the Sacred Orb of Obliteration a decoration item and the 2018 Easter Basket.

[From a Dev+ Forum Post by Starr “Darkstarr”]

Greetings Avatars,

For Spring 2018 we are once again creating two rare items to celebrate, a lepus mask and easter basket. Rumors also abound concerning the return of the dreaded Arch Lapin!

Sacred Orb of Obliteration

2018 Easter Basket

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Community Spotlight – The Library of Spiritual Knowledge

By Therdan Redwauld: “The Library of Spiritual Knowledge in Diamond Fields was created to provide a place to showcase player created content. The tremendous work which individuals undertake in building actively useful resources, great fiction, and quality music, continues to amaze me. I really wanted to build something which did those efforts justice and provide a great source of game knowledge and entertainment to everyone who plays Shroud of the Avatar.

The library provides players a significant volume of material covering everything from guides to fiction to musical scores. I also wanted to provide a number of ways people can get involved in evolving and building out the library content, and also naturally profit from their efforts and contribution.

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